Hearing the footsteps behind her, it was a familiar sound she had heard before.

Jiang Yuan's face flushed. She didn't look back, nor did she dare to look back. She quickened her pace and hid in the bathroom!

Lin Senmu didn't feel like peeing, so he washed his hands and stayed outside the bathroom leisurely.

Since there were other people here, he pretended to take out a cigarette and lit it.

Suddenly, Lin Senmu looked at the fire escape next to the bathroom with a thoughtful look.

In the women's bathroom, Jiang Yuan finished peeing and lingered in the corner of the wall.

One minute, two minutes.

Jiang Yuan felt that hiding like this was not a good idea, so she rushed out with a fierce look.

She was not afraid of Lin Senmu!

But when she saw Lin Senmu, she was stunned, "Why are you smoking?"

As far as I can remember, from knowing Lin Senmu on the train to meeting Lin Senmu on the RV tour, I have never seen Lin Senmu smoking for several days.

"It's fun to smoke!"

Lin Senmu threw it away decisively. He had only smoked for a while and was no longer addicted to cigarettes.

He had been smoking this pack of cigarettes for almost a week.

"You're lying. You didn't smoke before!"

Jiang Yuan didn't believe it.

Lin Senmu looked at her, and a hint of affection gradually flowed in his eyes. "Last time you left without saying goodbye, I felt very uncomfortable, so I bought a pack of cigarettes to smoke!"

Jiang Yuan looked up at him and whispered, "Senmu, can you stop smoking in the future?"


Lin Senmu nodded in agreement.


Jiang Yuan smiled coquettishly and stretched out a white and tender little hand to him, "Then give me the cigarettes on you!"


Lin Senmu obediently took out the cigarette box from his pocket and put it in Jiang Yuan's little hand.

"Good boy, I'll keep it for you!"

Jiang Yuan wanted to throw it away directly, but thinking that it was Lin Senmu's belongings, she suddenly wanted to keep this half box of cigarettes!

If you are interested in a person, you are willing to keep any of his belongings as a souvenir.

Lin Senmu found an opportunity at this time to say, "Yuanyuan, what a coincidence, we actually went to the same wedding!"


Jiang Yuan also felt that this matter was extremely dreamy. She and Lin Senmu had too many encounters. Could it be destined by heaven?

"It must be a special fate, so I met a special person from the train!"

Lin Senmu, this guy, since learning about love in short videos, plus getting along with the sea king Nie Hao, now talks about love, it's easy to say.

Jiang Yuan's pretty face turned red like a small tomato, lowered her head and responded shyly: "Yeah!"

She wore a light blue lotus-edged floral dress today, her long hair was not tied into a ponytail, draped over her straight back, and a pair of rhinestone sandals on her feet.

Lin Senmu looked down and saw the less bulging part, and then down, there was the pair of beautiful little feet.

He was looking forward to the day when he would be the main guest!

Jiang Yuan shrank her little feet, and because she felt the burning gaze, she looked up with a red face, "Senmu, let's go back to the banquet hall!"

"No hurry, we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Lin Senmu asked as soon as he came out. It would take about ten minutes before the meal started. He wanted to stay with Jiang Yuan for a while. When they returned to the banquet hall, they couldn't talk freely.


Jiang Yuan didn't move. She actually wanted to stay with Lin Senmu for a while.

"Yuanyuan, it's not right to stay in the toilet. Let's go there?"

Lin Senmu pointed to the fire escape.


Jiang Yuan followed him to the fire escape obediently.


Lin Senmu closed the double-sided door of the fire escape.

The stairwell of the hotel is the fire escape, and also the safe escape route after the fire. After the door is half-closed, the entire stairwell is quiet and silent.

I am dizzy!!!

Jiang Yuan opened her mouth slightly, a little confused, why did Sen Sen close the door?

The girl's heartbeat speed suddenly accelerated.


In the quiet and deserted environment, Lin Senmu immediately changed the name.

"Sensen, this is in reality!"

Jiang Yuan didn't dare to look Lin Senmu in the eye.

Lin Senmu asked back: "You call it like this on the Internet, is it not okay in reality?"

"Whatever you want!"

To this day, Jiang Yuan has long recognized herself as Lin Senmu's baby!

At this moment, listening to the real "baby" in her ears, Jiang Yuan found that the feeling was different from when she heard it on the Internet.

It seems that now she is more intoxicated.

"Baby, I want to hug you!"

Lin Senmu took every step carefully. When he just smoked, he had imagined the current scene and was acting according to the plan.


Jiang Yuan was embarrassed. She had not made any preparations for physical contact in real life!

Although she had been played by him for a long time!

But that time, both of them were asleep!

"But you owe me a hug!"

Lin SenMu took out the account book and reminded Jiang Yuan that she owed him several hugs online!

"Senmu, how about next time?"

Jiang Yuan wanted to escape.


Lin Senmu disagreed, and the next time would have to wait until September.

As a teenager, he couldn't wait!

"I will definitely hug you next time!"

Jiang Yuan grabbed Lin Senmu's arm and started to negotiate.

Lin Senmu shook his head, and the empty arm blocked all of Jiang Yuan's escape routes.


Jiang Yuan tried to make another detour, but now she had her back against the wall and had nowhere to hide.


Lin Senmu approached step by step, his face close to Jiang Yuan's face.


Jiang Yuan stretched out her little hand in panic and covered Lin Senmu's mouth.


Lin Senmu smacked her palm, he was getting better and better!

"Lin Senmu, you are bad!"

Jiang Yuan retracted her hands as if she was electrocuted, hid behind her back, and her little face flushed red.

"Good baby!"

In this situation, Lin Senmu quietly opened his arms and gently hugged the girl.

"I was hugged by Sen Sen?"

Jiang Yuan's head became dizzy and she suddenly lost all resistance.

Because from the moment Lin Senmu hugged her without any signs, her nose was full of his hot breath.

The two of them hugged each other quietly in the stairwell.

Lin Senmu smelled the fragrance of her hair and the familiar jasmine scent on her body, as if he had returned to the happy time in the RV.

In a daze, Jiang Yuan unconsciously put her face against Lin Senmu's heart and felt the boy's heartbeat.

This was the first real hug between Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan!

For a long, long time.

The little girl finally came to her senses, put her little hand on Lin Senmu's chest, pulled away, and said shyly: "Okay, let me go!"

"Hold me for a while longer!"

Lin Senmu enjoyed the moment of owning the whole world.

Well, she was his whole world.

Lin Senmu actually wanted to kiss Jiang Yuan, but he was afraid that the one-time attack would be too fierce and cause the girl to resist.

He had to endure his greed!

Thinking of the scene at the banquet table just now, Lin Senmu lowered his head and teased the girl in his arms, "By the way, baby, your mother asked me to go to school to take care of you!"

"After school, as Yuanyuan's sister, you have to listen to Brother Senmu!"

Jiang Yuan raised her little face, stared at Lin Senmu, and said resentfully: "My mother asked you to take care of me like this?"

You coaxed me to the stairwell and held me in your arms to bully me, Lin Senmu, you call this taking care of me?

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