It was six in the morning.

Lin Senmu was still in his dream when he was awakened by Ye Qingyun's phone call.

"Mumu, get up, we have to catch a plane later!!"

Ye Qingyun had something to do at work and needed her to go back to deal with it, so she bought the ticket for the earliest flight.

Lin Senmu got up, and the boy washed his face and brushed his teeth in about five minutes.

Before packing up and leaving, he left a message on WeChat to the girl who had not woken up yet: "Good morning, baby, I'll kiss you while you're asleep!"

"I'm going back!"

Arriving at the airport to board the plane, Lin Senmu reported his itinerary again: "Little lazy pig, it's eight o'clock in the morning, you haven't woken up yet?"

At 08:15, a civil airliner took off from Qihu City.

Jiang Yuan woke up half an hour later, touched the phone under the pillow, and after seeing the message, her little face showed a confused look, "It's great, I wake up to Sen Sen's good morning!"

She also liked every day with him.

Liked the good morning and good night he said.

Next, Jiang Yuan replied: "I'm awake, Sen Sen, did you arrive in Xingcheng at 10 o'clock?"

"Have a safe trip!"

"Get up, kiss you, hee, I haven't brushed my teeth yet, don't be disgusted!"

Jiang Yuan is going back to the countryside with her parents today, her grandfather's birthday is tomorrow.

The older generation, even if their children are promising, even if they have a good life now, are reluctant to leave that piece of land.

Not long after, the three members of the Jiang family went out and drove from the community parking lot to the suburbs.

In the sky, the plane broke through the clouds.

Lin Senmu sat in the window seat. This time he didn't dare to write the name "Jiang Yuan" on the glass with his breath, nor did he dare to look at the mobile phone album to remind himself of his old mother who was sitting next to him reading a magazine.

Looking at the time, Lin Senmu guessed that Jiang Yuan should be awake at this moment, and his WeChat should have received her reply.

But he could only open the network after landing.

With nothing to do, Lin Senmu simply closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, imagining Jiang Yuan's appearance in his mind.

Two hours later, the plane arrived at the airport in Xingcheng.

Lin Senmu immediately removed the flight mode and replied to the message: "Baby, I'm here!"

Then it was a three-kill of affection.




If you like someone, you won't be perfunctory to him, even if the content sent by the other party is a little meaningless, you will respond seriously.

Jiang Yuan replied to Lin Senmu with a hug emoticon, followed by a stick emoticon, and finally a dynamic kitten from far to near Trojan horse!

"Sesen, I'm going back to the village soon!"

Jiang Yuan smiled.

"Wow, which village are you from? I'm from the village too. I've been determined to marry a village beauty since I was a child!"

Lin Senmu's daily teasing.

"Linjia Village!"

Jiang Yuan smiled with a sidelong glance.

"Oh my god, she's so good at flirting!"

Lin Senmu understood the meaning of the little girl's words.

Lin, the Lin of his Lin Senmu!

This is a love word!

In early July, Lin Senmu came to Qihu City and met Jiang Yuan by chance at a wedding banquet.

The two people who were in an ambiguous relationship suddenly met in reality. At first, they were not used to the relationship established on the Internet.

But after getting along, they are now inseparable.

Love is two hearts approaching and then sticking together.

Lin Senmu dragged a suitcase and talked while walking, "Baby, I miss you!"

"I miss you too!"

Jiang Yuan said emotionally. They were still together yesterday, and now they have crossed a thousand kilometers.

"Then I'll wait for you to come to Xingcheng!"

Lin Senmu meant this. He wanted to hint to Jiang Xiaoyuan every day to remember to keep his promise!


Jiang Yuan wanted to withdraw what she said just now that she missed him!

On this side, Ye Qingyun had already walked to the airport gate and looked back at her son who was playing with his mobile phone behind her. She felt helpless about the mobile phone-addicted children of the post-00s generation.

She said, "Mumu, Mom is going to work, let's each call a car!"


Lin Senmu took a car home.

It took more than an hour to get home from the airport. It was almost noon at that time. Lin Senmu always managed his life in an orderly manner. He ordered a takeaway on the way.

A few minutes after he got home, he heard the doorbell ring.

He stayed at home for a nap in the afternoon. When he woke up, he looked for his little baby in bed, "What are you doing?"

"Are you awake from your nap? Sensen, I'm picking peaches in the orchard!"

After Jiang Yuan returned to the village for dinner, he followed his uncle and cousins ​​to the orchard planted by his grandfather.

At this time, he was wearing a small straw hat to block the sun and carrying a small basket, picking peaches.

Peaches are seasonal fruits in July.

The peach tree is not very tall, and adults can pick the fruit with their hands.

Beep beep.

Lin Senmu flicked to the video.

Jiang Yuan did not refuse, but when answering the call, she put her index finger on her lips and typed, "My cousin and cousin are here, please don't talk, otherwise...I will definitely tell my parents!"


Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan were on video, but they communicated in text.

He kept looking at the girl in the picture, and saw beads of sweat on her cheeks and nose wings, and said distressedly: "Baby, I want to help you wipe the sweat!"


Jiang Yuan turned her little face to the camera, and she quietly wiped the sweat with her hands, but said: "Well, the sweat was wiped off by Sen Sen!"

Lin Senmu's heart was filled with sweetness, and he pouted his lips to kiss.

Jiang Yuan blushed, pouted slightly, and kissed him.

"Next time, kiss for real!"

Lin Senmu was so greedy that he began to be dissatisfied with this illusory kiss and wanted to taste the real taste!


Jiang Yuan glared at him in the video.

"Baby, I looked at the weather, it's so hot outside, how long will it take you to go back? "

One day, Lin Senmu's mobile phone weather forecast was no longer set to the city of 'Xingcheng', but also the city of 'Qihu'.

This way he knew the temperature of her city and whether it was sunny or rainy.

"Hee, pick this basket!"

Jiang Yuan pointed the camera at her small basket, which was already half full of fruits.

Then she said, "But we will go to the river to play in the water later. When I was a child, my cousins ​​and I caught fish and shrimp in the river!"

"Hehe, I have experienced these things too. My grandparents are also in the countryside of Xiangchu. I have also fished for frogs in the fields and touched loaches and eels!"

Lin Senmu also told his childhood stories.

"Brother Senmu is so awesome!"

Jiang Yuan praised him.

"Sister Yuanyuan is also awesome!"

Lin Senmu and his business were mutually flattering, and then he said with a covetous mouth, "I want to eat the peaches picked by my baby! "

Jiang Yuan was startled, then her eyes became lively, and she laughed: "Send me the address, I will mail it to you after I return to the city!"


Lin Senmu was very happy.

That afternoon, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan had a video call.

From the video screen, I saw the village where Jiang Yuan lived when she was a child, and saw her picking peaches in the orchard and catching fish and shrimp in the river.

I also saw my eldest brother-in-law and my little cousin!

That's right, Lin Senmu gave Jiang Yuan's cousin the identity of an eldest brother-in-law.

As for Jiang Yuan's little cousin, Lin Senmu also arranged for her to be her brother-in-law.

"Stinky Sensen, my relatives have become your relatives?"

Jiang Yuan widened her eyes and didn't know what to say. She felt that Lin Senmu would compete with her for her parents at that time!

Lin Senmu smiled, "Don't care about these details, you are all mine, let alone relatives?"

"Humph, you are mine too!"

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