
The evening wind blows the white hair from your temples

Heal the scars left by memories

In your eyes ~ light and dark mixed ~ a smile blooms

Twilight covers you~ staggering steps

A painting hidden by the bedside

You in the painting speak with your head down

I still marvel at how big the world is

Also addicted to childhood love stories

There is no truth left and no struggle

I finally gave her back my youth


A song is very short.

But time is wasted, and the clouds are full of clouds.

How many hours has the sun risen from the east, and how many rounds of amber twilight have gone.

Under the shade of this lush phoenix tree, they once buried their youth.

Once upon a time, they also sat under the stage and fell asleep listening to the leader's speech.

The unbridled laughter and slapstick swayed sweat on this piece of land.

Returning to the hometown today, it is inevitable that there will be some feelings of right and wrong in my heart.

The middle-aged man who was said to be the deputy director of Jiangzhou TV Station quietly wiped away the sparkling tears from the corners of his eyes.

The song just now seemed to suddenly touch the softest part of his heart.

He will always remember such a picture.

It was one evening in the late autumn, and there was a cool breeze blowing.

The plane trees of Southern University rustled and dropped their yellow leaves.

A leaf happened to fall on the tip of the shoulders of the smiling girl, and it also fell on his heart.

When the last song ended, there was thunderous applause from the audience, which lasted for a long time.

Obviously, this light-hearted song has already captured the hearts of countless teenagers.

The deputy director also stood up and applauded vigorously.

The honorary alumni in the audience on the stage, including the leaders, all stood up one after another to cheer for the song.

There were about thousands of teachers and students present at the scene, and Liang Shuang stood on the stage and looked down|go.

A dark crowd of people.

She searched for a long time before she found the location of the photography class.

At a glance, he saw Lin Fan in the crowd.

He also seemed to be very satisfied with the song he sang, and a dazzling bright smile appeared on that handsome face.

"President, thank you for writing this song for me, and thank you for giving me the opportunity."

"This is what I sang for you, and the applause is also for you."

Liang Shuang immediately responded with a sweet smile.

She seems to be born for the stage, and she behaves calmly and calmly.

But the applause from everyone else couldn't compare to Lin Fan's affirmative smile.

This high school girl inadvertently smiled like a flower, and the beauty she showed made the boys in the audience boil.

"Liang Shuang, the most beautiful school flower of NTU!"

Especially the boys from the Conservatory of Music, they shouted loudly.

Liang Shuang is the pride of their conservatory of music. She sang on stage in front of so many people, and even the teachers stood up to cheer for her.

"Southern University is really talented."

Guo Yang also stood up, smiled and applauded, and said to the people around him, "I heard that this little girl from the Conservatory of Music has been spotted by Phoenix Entertainment and signed a singer contract."

"Mr. Zhu, you are also engaged in entertainment. How about her singing?"

"That's right, Lao Zhu, comment on one or two."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Guo, don't hold me."

President Zhu waved his hands and smiled, "Then I will take the liberty to express my opinion."

"In terms of timbre and vocal range, this girl has reached the professional entry level. She is a piece of jade. If she is guided by a famous teacher, she will have a bright future if she can teach her some singing skills."

"The key is that her looks are also very high. Young people nowadays are very specific, and they like good-looking girls."

These words are rough but not rough, Guo Yang can't help but laugh when he hears it ......

"Old Zhu, this girl is in such a good condition, hurry up and take good care of her."

"Hey, you don't understand that."

President Zhu shook his head and said with a wry smile, "After signing the contract, if Phoenix Entertainment wants to rob people, they will have to pay sky-high liquidated damages."

"How many veteran singers are there in the Daxia music scene now? There are quite a few newcomers emerging every year. There are several potential newcomers in our company. Maybe the appearance is less interesting than this girl, but the voice is not inferior to her."

"The most important thing is the songwriter, especially the songwriter who can write good songs. That's the key."

"It makes sense. A good song can be sung for many years."

"I think the song this girl sings today is very good."

"There is no problem with the lyrics and music, and it is very resonant."

Everyone agreed.

Someone asked with a smile, "By the way, Lao Zhu, isn't your Jiangnan Entertainment the old enemy of Phoenix Entertainment?"

President Zhu shook his head and sighed, "Lao Zhou, don't mention this, I'll get angry when you mention it."

"I recently found a great songwriter over there and wrote a new song called The Ordinary Road. That momentum, but... it's too powerful. Several teachers in the circle all gave full marks to me, overwhelming me. I can't lift my head up."

"What did you say...that song's name is Ordinary Road!?"

Guo Yang, who had been listening to their chat, suddenly sat up straight and asked seriously.

Zhu Tao turned his head and asked in surprise, "That's right, it's called the Ordinary Road. Currently, it's only being promoted on a few music evaluation programs. Has Teacher Guo also heard it?"

"I haven't watched the music evaluation program, but... the song you mentioned should be inseparable from a student of our NTU."

Guo Yang shook his head and laughed.

"A student at NTU?"

Zhu Tao opened his mouth, and his brain was full of question marks.

There was no way he could connect the two.


Guo Yang narrowed his eyes and smiled.

He suddenly remembered.

During the military training for freshmen some time ago, there was such a video on the Southern University Forum that was on the top for several weeks.

Even the teachers in his office like it very much.

Play it on a loop every day in the office.

Lao Guo, who has never been interested in music, can hum a few sentences along.

in that video.

Lin Fan held the microphone and sang alone on the stage.

There were tens of thousands of people in the audience cheering and applauding for him.

Turn on the flash on your phone.

And only for him.

Interweave the gentle white light into an ocean.

And the song he sang.

It's called The Ordinary Way.



At this time, Lin 0.3 Fan had only one feeling in his heart.

Liang Shuang sang this song on stage.

The atmosphere under the stage was also boiling.

The speed of the system worship value is rising like a rocket.

The centennial celebration of NTU has aroused the attention of all levels of society, and several media are doing live broadcasts.

This is only a song time, and the worship value directly hits 98020!

And it's not the end, it's still going up.

Lin Fan looked at the number of worship values ​​that kept beating, and his thoughts were incomparably smooth.

After waiting for a long time, finally today.

"Liang Shuang belongs to our entertainment club!"

"The entertainment club is mighty!"

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