When the exam week ends, the winter vacation officially begins, and the students go home, the number of takeaway orders will plummet.

He simply held a short meeting at the base for the management staff of the Aidian food delivery platform, summed up the phased experience and made arrangements for various matters during the winter vacation.

"I won't go home for the winter vacation. I'm going to live in the dormitory and be on duty for the last shift."


Xie Xun was the first to raise his hand.

"Brother Xun, are you not going home?"

"If I don't go back, there's no point in going home. I'll go back to accompany my family on New Year's Eve."

Xie Xun grinned.

Since the last time he had an argument with his girlfriend, all his energy has been devoted to the Aidian takeout platform.


Everyone admired his serious work attitude.

If Lin Fan was a well-deserved pillar of the team, then Xie Xun was his number one general in charge of the charge.

Xie Xun, who has had a lot of social experience, is diligent and practical.

He was also a manager, and he had to deliver forty or fifty orders a night. When he returned to the dormitory, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Lin Fan explained the arrangement of some follow-up matters, tapped the table with his fingers, and said without delay,

"I came here today to hold this meeting, mainly to give everyone year-end bonuses."

"Long live the boss!"

As soon as they heard that there was a bonus, everyone was excited | moved.

After all, everyone has put in a lot of hard work for it. Watching the growth of the Aidian food delivery platform with your own eyes, and now you can still get rewards, this feeling is very refreshing.

Stab it!

Lin Fan opened his backpack and took out a bunch of new red bills.

Everyone looked straight, and even took a breather.

[Continue to update steadily, ask book friends to vote for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, evaluation tickets and other support...] [*].

Chapter [*] Boss atmosphere!Lost Zhong Bai! 【Ask for a flower evaluation ticket】

Withdrawing money from the bank is all in one bundle.

This bundle is ten thousand bucks.

Three hundred thousand piled together is a hill.

This may not be a lot of money, but after all, everyone here is an ordinary student.

Most of them are from poor families, so they come out to work part-time to make money.

It was quite a visual impact for them to see so much money piled up in front of them all at once.

"Everyone has."

Lin Fan squinted and smiled, watching everyone's reactions with satisfaction.

He could have transferred money directly from his mobile phone.

But mobile phone transfers are just numbers, so where can there be such a heart-wrenching banknote?

"Everyone here is management. Everyone gets the five-thousand-year bonus, Xie Xun and Gu Yixin get eight thousand."

"Ordinary takeaways are 500 per person, and they will help send "Seven Eight Seven" later."

Lin Fan said with an indifferent smile, "If you have any opinions, you can put them up."

"I took...is it too much?"

Xie Xun was the first to raise his hand.

"It's not much at all, you still have to stay for the last shift!"

Lin Fan said with a smile.

There is no objection to this.

Xie Xun's dedication is seen by everyone.

"Fuck you, boss!"

The monkey had a thick neck and blushed. He used the simplest language to express his inner excitement, and then he applauded.


The managers present also burst into laughter and applauded.

Five thousand yuan is basically equivalent to their salary for more than a month, and it may even be almost the salary of their working-class parents.

All of a sudden so much money, of course happy.

More importantly, they felt that following a bold and generous boss like Lin Fan, they would have a bright future in the future, and they would have a greater sense of belonging to love takeaways.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do, so let's go. I wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance."

Lin Fan stood up, put his hands on the table and said, "I'm going back to the dormitory to review."

In the humble office, there was another burst of cheerful laughter.

"Hmph, unscrupulous master!"

"I just knew that such a cute little apprentice would be a coolie."

Gu Yixin rolled his eyes.

However, the movements in the hands are not slow, and the number of people is counted carefully and carefully, and the bonuses are distributed.


Girls' dormitory.

Li Anran's cell phone rang suddenly.

Li Anran, who was still reading just now, put down the book instantly and answered the phone.

"Hello, ma'am, you sent an intra-city courier from the video game city this afternoon, and it has arrived downstairs in your dormitory. Is it convenient for you to come down and pick it up now?"

"Well, okay, come down now!"

Li Anran's beautiful eyes lit up, and she trotted down.

Li Shuci in the dormitory looked up and felt that the atmosphere was weird.

Zhong Bai was just doing his own thing.

But the moment Li Anran answered the phone, the obvious movement|movement froze for a while.

An Ran was so happy.

Wasn't it Lin Fan's call?

Li Shu Ci was thinking wildly, but he didn't have the time to memorize the words anymore.

There is an elevator in the girls' dormitory, Li Anran went down | it only took a few minutes, and he came back soon.

She also held a panda doll about the same height as her in her arms.

It looks round, naive, and really cute.

"Wow, where did this baby come from!"

Lin Luoxue seemed to ask inadvertently, "An Ran, it wasn't Lin Fan who gave it to you, right?"

The relationship between Li Anran and Lin Fan was not a secret either.


Li Anran brows|browsed her eyes and said with a smile, "This afternoon, I went to the video game city with Lin Fan to participate in an event and won the prize. It's too big to get it back, so I had to express it in the same city."


Lin Luoxue smiled casually and said, "I really envy you, you have such a good boyfriend, this panda doll looks really cute, what do you think, Zhong Bai?"

"I think...the smaller dolls are cuter."

Zhong Bai quickly flipped through the book, and said casually, "It's not good if it's too big, it's better to be smaller."

She felt a little aggrieved for no reason.

She grew up with Lin Fan, and Lin Fan had never given him such a big doll!

But today, I actually gave Li Anran a panda doll!

Zhong Bai also knew in his heart that Lin Fan and Li Anran were in a couple relationship, which was normal, but it was just uncontrollable and uncomfortable.  …

"Zhong Bai!"

In the bedroom, Lin Luoxue and Li Anran were chatting with each other, when Li Shuci suddenly shouted.


Zhong Bai lowered his head and responded with a sound.

"Let's... let's go to the playground to memorize words together! The English grading test is coming soon!"

"Memorizing words on the playground can improve memory!"

Li Shuci had already felt that his girlfriend's mood was a little down.

But in her little head, she really couldn't think of anything | Love could make Zhong Bai happy, so she said this casually.

Probably walking aimlessly on the playground, and then memorizing English words, is the best way to reduce stress she can think of.


Zhong Bai nodded slightly, and went down with Li Shuci wearing headphones.

Walking on the empty playground, listening to the standard English words coming from the earphones, Zhong Bai looked up at the bright moonlight, as if remembering a certain night before, and it seemed that he once walked with Lin Fan under the moonlight.

Thinking of this, Zhong Bai felt even more aggrieved.

In the originally bright eyes, there was a sparkling water light.

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