Website visitor views: 6.

Number of book reviews: 1.

Data refreshed in real time: 00;55.

The new book has been uploaded, (ajad) fifty-five seconds have passed, but the number of hits is only a mere 120, and the collection is only a single digit.

This data is actually not particularly ideal for Dashen's new book.


Herbal tea looked solemn and pushed up his glasses.

Click the mouse again to refresh the background.

Total plays: 220.

VP Member Collection: 14.

Ordinary tourists browse: 8

Number of book reviews: 3.

Real-time refresh: 01; 58 seconds

One minute of data, there are still only more than [*] hits.

The collection just broke ten.

what does this mean?

As an old editor's herbal tea, I know very well.

They have a data model in hand that can calculate the first day of click favorites.

The number of clicks within 11 hours and the data collected by members can further calculate the approximate number of clicks and various data of the novel on the first day.

For a moment, the herbal tea editor had a feeling of falling to the bottom.

Because of the explosion of Lin Shen's ghost blowing the lamp, the editors of the Shenwen website are very confident in Lin Shen's new book.

The pre-publicity of the website is well done. Through data model analysis, it is predicted that the conversion of clicks and collections on the first day should reach about [*].

That is to say, there will be 5 people who choose to collect after reading Lin Shen's new book.

There are 24 hours in a day, and it takes at least 2000 collections in one hour to reach the passing line.

The time is more than a minute now, but now there are only dozens of collections, which is too far from the goal.

It's not just the herbal tea editor who is following Lin Fan's new book on the shelves, there are also many authors who are also discussing in the group.

Some author groups have already begun to gloat.

"Isn't Lin Shen very arrogant?"

"Fuck, I took a look, why is the new book data so bad?"

"There are only a few dozen collections, so they won't be on the street, right? Haha!"


When a person is popular, he will definitely suffer more jealousy and strange eyes.

In particular, Lin Fan rose like a comet, relying on a ghost to blow a lantern and a book to consecrate the gods, sweeping the Shenwen website.

Many street writers are jealous and envious.

Jealousy makes people just like lemons, and jealousy makes people unrecognizable.

They just can't see Lin Fan's good, no one wants Lin Fan to go to the street more than them.


Five minutes passed.

The herbal tea editor took a few deep breaths and continued to click the mouse to refresh the background data.

The originally calm state of mind suddenly became a little more irritable.

Just then, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

"Boss, something happened."

"I know that the data in Lin Shen's new book is very poor."

Herbal Tea took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, feeling a little tired.

"What are you talking about, boss?"

"The server backend of our website has crashed."

"What!? The company's server crashed?"

The herbal tea editor is a little confused.

"Yes, boss, do you know the reason?"

"what's up?"

"I heard Xiao Zhou from the technical team say that Lin Shen's new book was on the shelves, just in time for server maintenance, and then there were too many rewards and too many comments, and it just collapsed... Now the company's programmers are working overtime for emergency repairs. Should be done soon..."


Herbal tea was in a dazed state until she hung up the phone.

Excited heart, trembling hands.

Click to refresh the data background again, the herbal tea editor's breathing almost stopped!


[Continue to update steadily, ask book friends to vote for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, evaluation tickets and other support...].

Chapter [*] A new book with data explosion!BGM for a single dog! 【Ask for a flower evaluation ticket】

The herbal tea editor persevered to refresh the website page.

The company's programmers are also very strong. After the repair is completed, the data is back to normal.

Total hits: 22340.

VIP Member Collection: 2030.

Site Visitors Collection: 5082.

Number of book reviews: 551.

Data refreshed in real time: 05;25.


The number of clicks displayed by the background data, ~ is not the real data.

However, the collection data displayed by the background data means that a living person is interested in this book and has added it to his bookshelf.

In just five minutes, the collection has exceeded the 5000 mark.

The most important thing is the collection of VIP members. These customers are paying users with certain economic ability, and they may directly become paid content subscription readers of novels in the future!

The herbal tea editor took a few deep breaths in succession.

Brush again, the data has risen again!

His hands are shaking | shaking, the ups and downs of life are just a few minutes.

Just now, he thought that Lin Shen's book had hit the street, but he didn't expect the two-level reversal, which made his mood ride a roller coaster, and he couldn't sleep all night with excitement.

This burst of data is not just the new book in this issue.

Even if it is placed in the entire history of the Divine Rune website, it can be regarded as the top group.


The popularity ranking of novels mainly includes data such as rewards for reading novels and monthly passes for flowers.

When Lin Fan uploaded Ghost Blowing Lanterns, the data was not eye-catching at first, but Wu Longtao, the boss of Shenwen, came over to give a reward.

With the development of the plot, the ghost blowing lanterns are getting better, flowers, monthly passes, and rewards and other data are also rising.

Mainly because of Lin Fan's great update, he was dubbed as a codeword robot by readers, and the thrilling and exciting plot of the ghost blowing the lamp brings people a good reading experience.

Before opening a new book, Lin Fan posted a link to the new book on Ghost Blowing Lamp.

In this way, many book fans who blew the lanterns were led to the Tomb Raiders Notes.

Many iron fans of tomb robbers generously donated their money, and Wu Longtao, the boss of Shenwen, gave tens of millions of divine writing coins at one time in the early morning, and directly secured the position of the new book golden general alliance.

Lin Fan also saw a familiar ID, and Queen Nana also gave a one-time reward of 100 million Divine Book Coins, which is [*] yuan, and became the Silver Alliance.

This ID Lin Fan is of course no stranger to it.

It was the royal sister Li Na, whom I met by chance on the plane, who sat down for dinner not long ago.

She is a senior partner of Shengjing Tianjing Law Firm, and her economic strength is quite strong. Rewarding a silver alliance leader is nothing to her.

Book fans have seen female fans spending a lot of money and stirring up another wave.

Li Na also left a message in the book review area, "Brother wrote very well, keep up the good work with the new book, and invite my sister to a big meal next time!"

Lin Fan smiled.

Shengjing Bai Fumei, who has good looks, good temperament and enchanting figure, seems to think that she is his god sister.

In addition to the Golden Alliance and the Silver Alliance, there are also other iron powders of ghost blowing lamps.

On the first day the new book was put on the shelves, thirty-eight readers rewarded more than [*] yuan.

This is the first time in history since the establishment of the Shenwen website, mainly because the target group of Lin Fan's novels are adults.

Such people have a certain financial capacity to support their favorite authors.

After Lin Fan uploaded the chapter, he slept beautifully until the next day.

Then I saw many messages from the editor of herbal tea, mainly reporting the explosion results of the tomb robbery notes.

"Middle-aged, still working so hard, didn't you miss your homework last night?"

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows and smiled, somewhat mockingly.

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