Classroom of the Elite

Book 7.5: Chapter 4

The Stormy Double Date Part 1

Christmas, the morning of the 25th had come. Up until now, this one day held no particular meaning, but that is not the case today. In my entire life for the first time, I'll be spending this Christmas with the opposite sex. I wonder what kind of day it seems for Satou. We don't know much about each other. In that sense, it would be great if this turns out to be a good day.

"......somehow, this is a mysterious feeling".

Up until now, I have never participated in an act that could be described as a 1-on1 date. That's why you could say I'm not feeling down to earth, or rather, there are parts that I don't understand.

Precisely because I am such a person that it could be said that today's date carries a significant meaning. However, whether it is a success or a failure, is something that is currently uncertain.

"Whatever happens, happens, huh".

In any case even if I think about it, there's no answer forthcoming. I left my room and descended down via elevator to the dorm's lobby. If I recall, we were going to watch a movie that starts screening from today huh..........

Unfortunately the weather today is cloudy and it seems thick clouds will cover the sky for the whole day. The promised time is 11:30. But let's act to arrive there slightly early.

Part 2

Having arrived at the meeting spot, I checked the time. It will be the promised time in about 10 minutes. Raising my head while thinking that, I saw Satou who was heading towards me. Perhaps she was looking for me but she was looking around at her surroundings, seemingly uneasy. Soon enough, our eyes met, and Satou narrowed her eyes happily.

"Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun!".

Saying that, she trotted over and closed the distance between us. As she came to a stop, along with that, a scent which moderately tickled my nose came.

"You're early".

"You too, Ayanokouji-kun......could it be, did I keep you waiting for long?".

"I just arrived a while ago".

It was a cliche line but since it was indeed the truth, I told her as it is.


I was overpowered by Satou who closed in on me with a predatory feeling. There are still a few minutes left to go until the scheduled time, but there should be no problem with making a move early. I had thought we would get a move on immediately but for some reason, Satou once again started looking around at her surroundings. Since she showed no signs of moving, I called out to her.

"Not going?".

"T-That's right, wait a minute".

Putting her hand inside the bag she was carrying, she began searching for something.

"Could it be I forgot........".

In a volume that was loud enough for me to hear, she whispered that.

"Did you forget something?".

"Ahh, no. I was just wondering what happened to my phone".

As I looked down towards her swaying feet, I could see a long and narrow box covered in wrapping paper sticking out, but since I felt like it would be in bad taste to stare, I averted my gaze.

"I don't mind calling your phone for you".

"Yeah, thanks. You're really kind, Ayanokouji-kun".

Merely helping someone look for their phone, not to mention calling it for them, isn't something that can really be considered kind.

Undoubtedly anyone would have offered a similar form of cooperation.

"If I recall, in the morning".

As Satou said something awkward like that.

"Ahh, found it, found it".

From Satou, I heard such good news. As I looked back, Satou laughed while holding her phone in her hands.

"I've kept you waiting, shall we go?".

Satou put her phone into her pocket but then.

"Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun".

Immediately afterwards, from behind me someone called out. As I looked back the one there was Hirata Yousuke. As ever, he was an invigorating young man. Good morning, I raised my hand slightly and replied as such to him.

By the way, beside Hirata was the figure of his lover, Karuizawa Kei. It seems on this day, Christmas, the two of them are also out on a date. I am aware that the relationship between those two is fake but perhaps in order to make their surroundings perceive it as being true, this action is being taken. If so, then the effect of it is instantaneous.

"Good morning, Karuizawa-san".

Calling out to her, Satou runs over to Karuizawa.

"Good morning".

Towards Satou, Karuizawa too, naturally smiles and initiates a conversation.

"This is a rather unusual combination".

Seeing me and Satou together, it couldn't be helped that Hirata would say something like that.

"Are you guys also on a date?".

Even if it's only as a formality, asking that would be good.

"Yeah. I also 'just in case' didn't make any prior plans for Christmas. Fortunately, nobody called me out either".

In anticipation for any and all situations, he seems to have left his plans for the day vacant for the sake of his fake lover Karuizawa. Hirata always places himself second and prioritizes taking action for the sake of those around him always. Even if I thought of emulating that, it's not something that's easily done.

"It seems like someone from your group of friends should have called you out though. No news?"

Not only classmates, it wouldn't be strange even if his seniors from the soccer club called him out.

"I wonder. I think they were just probably being considerate".

Answering like that, Hirata then looked at Karuizawa with a warm gaze. I see. By their surroundings, Hirata and Karuizawa are seen as the ideal couple pair. So in regards with someone like him with a girlfriend, right on the cusp of Christmas, they didn't do anything as uncouth as calling him out. This is proof that Hirata and Karuizawa are properly functioning as a couple. However, as long as their fake relationship remains established, it would be difficult for him to be intimate with another girl.

It's somewhat pitiable that he was unable to flippantly close the distance with the opposite sex. Even if he finds someone he's interested in, since it's Hirata, he's not the type to simply cut off the request from Karuizawa.

It's precisely because he could be trusted like this that Karuizawa too, found it easy to choose Hirata as her parasitic destination.

"From the start, Karuizawa-san's someone who's always been frank with the girls from the class but I never knew you were this close with Satou-san".

Hirata whispers that while looking at the two of them with a familial gaze as though he were looking at a younger sister or a daughter.

"I did have the image of them playing quite a bit together over the vacation. Is that not the case?".

"At the very least, playing together on the holidays, I don't think they were that close".

"Is that so?".

"Why did you think this was not uncommon?".

"Not really, just had a feeling".

In any case, there's no point in interfering with Hirata and Karuizawa any further than this. I checked the time on my phone. It's already 11:40. The screening time was fast approaching. It's about time I took Satou and headed over to the movie theater. I thought that but Satou and Karuizawa seemed to be chatting away happily. Since they were conversing quietly, I could not hear the contents of their conversation though. Even if I wait around like this, their conversation isn't showing any signs at all of ending. As I was lost on what to do, my eyes met Hirata's.

From just that alone, it seems he understood what I was thinking.

Hirata, who concluded that overstaying here would lead to getting in our way, called out to Karuizawa.

"Isn't it bad to get in their way any further, Karuizawa-san? Let's go, shall we?".

He interrupted the conversation of those two as if to break it up in his usual, gentle tone. As though pulled back to reality, Karuizawa and Satou approached us.

"By the way, since when have the two of you been going out?".

That question suddenly came forth from Karuizawa. No, perhaps even if this were the first thing out of her mouth it wouldn't be strange, it was a natural question to ask.

"Ehh, i-it's not like we're going out or anything! Right? Ayanokouji-kun".

Towards Satou's panicked gaze, I answered by nodding lightly. However, Karuizawa directed a blatantly suspicious gaze towards us.

"Ehh? I mean, you guys are having a date on Christmas, no matter how you look at it you're obviously going out, Hirata-kun thinks so too right?".

"That's right. It's probably not the case if the two of you are denying it but others may think you're going out with each other".

"That's, umm......I just invited Ayanokouji-kun out to play.....".

Satou then bashfully turned her gaze once again towards me.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun, is it fine? To be spending Christmas playing with me".

"If I didn't want to, I would've declined".


Satou scratches herself, looking embarrassed.

" don't seem all that dissatisfied with this. So this means Ayanokoujikun is interested in Satou-san?".

"S-Stop it, Karuizawa-sa~n".

Satou, while blushing, fanned her face with her hands. But Karuizawa continued on just like that.

"If so, why don't you guys just start dating right now? Then it'll become a date between lovers".

"Karuizawa-san, I really don't think it's our place to be telling them that".

Seeing me in trouble, Hirata gently stops Karuizawa.

"Sorry, sorry. I might have stuck my nose into this a bit too much. Sorry, Satousan".

"No, I really don't mind".

"Hey Yousuke-kun, I'm curious about these two as well so wouldn't a double date be good?".

For some reason, Karuizawa said something like that.

"Double date?".

Hirata and I shared a glance at the unexpected proposal.

"That's right, me and Hirata-kun. And Satou-san and Ayanokouji-kun will be having a date together. Doesn't it sound interesting? I thought it's not too bad for the four of us to have a date once in a while like this".

If we had set this up beforehand it would be a different matter, but on this day, at this stage, proposing a double date would inevitably leave me bewildered. Even the plan for the day I had set up would be massively changed, if not collapse outright.

It's not that simple to keep those together.

From Hirata's expression, too, I could see that he shared my concerns. On the other hand, towards that sudden proposal, Satou did not show any sign of being surprised.

"But won't that be difficult? I think the two of you might have different plans too".

Hirata gently told her of that fact but it didn't seem to have any effect on Karuizawa.

"Satou-san also told me it seemed interesting, right?".

"Yep, it seems interesting".

It seems that the two of them have already had a long, drawn-out talk earlier about the double date. But regardless of which one proposed the idea, this is a slightly aggressive idea.

"How about we save it for next time? I think it would be better to spend the day separately for today. If we're going to be having a double date, it would be better to have one after we've prepared appropriately, that way there should be no problems


A natural concern, or more like fear came from Hirata like that.

"That might be true but doesn't the fact that we don't know what might happen also sound interesting?".

Karuizawa already seems to be set on the double date as she replies like that tensely. Unlike the two of us who felt uneasy about the lack of planning of it all, Karuizawa already seems to be finding excitement in the as-of-yet unforeseen developments to come. Perhaps it's because her date with Hirata itself was like routine to her that she's seeking stimulation in this? I think I might have been able to honestly accept it if this had been an incident taking place completely unrelated to me, but I wonder now. If I, who knows everything about Karuizawa, were to take action alongside her, whether we'd be able to enjoy the uncertain situation awaiting us, is something that remains questionable.

But even so, other than that I still can't think of a reason she would propose a double date.

"For the record, it is Christmas".

Hirata who was looking at me as though he would be a problem, had a troubled look on his face. Looking at him, Karuizawa straight out asks him whether it would be a 'Yes' or a 'No'.

"Hirata-kun's against it?".

"I'm fine with it myself. Isn't it just up to Satou-san and Ayanokouji-kun?".

Not knowing what our opinions on it were, Hirata had no choice but to answer such. Towards Karuizawa who obtained Hirata's permission, Satou directed her

gaze towards her as if asking if that was too much trouble. I wonder how Satou, who's the important one here, is taking this matter of the double date.

"It might be a sudden thing but I'd like to try that".

Really, it was a sudden development. But Satou accepted this situation and voiced her consent.

Perhaps Satou simply could not refuse a proposal from Karuizawa, who stands at the top of the school caste of Class D. Or so I thought, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

"How about it, Ayanokouji-kun?".

From Hirata to Karuizawa, from Karuizawa to Satou and now from Satou to me.

The baton had been passed. It cannot carelessly drop it. I need to cautiously accept it.

"That's right.....".

Don't reply immediately, think. I'm already having enough trouble going out to play alone with a girl, a double date is something else. It's not that much but for an inexperienced amateur this is an event with far too much responsibility. However, simply telling them that I'd rather not have a double date so please stop is a hurdle too high for me.

When everyone in one's surroundings are in perfect synchronization, to raise the sole objection is a most difficult task. If the one in the leading role today, Satou, is able to easily accept it, then neither am I going to object.

I suppose it's also fine to go along with the 'it's interesting because I don't know what's going to happen' thing that Karuizawa spoke of. It's just, there's still a problem even so.

In the first place, we were going to watch a movie from now, so I wonder if a double date all of a sudden will even be possible or not. That was an obvious

question. Even if we move to secure seats in a hurry, lining up for it now would be almost impossible. Or it could be that this too, is one of those 'interesting' things.

The impression that we have drifted off-course from the original purpose of the

'date', but looking at it from a different perspective, it cannot be said that a double date is only a bad thing. If I'm alone with Satou and engrossed in conversation, I can predict that there will be moments where an awkward atmosphere would come flowing in. But if Hirata and Karuizawa are there too, they'll be able to properly connect the topics of discussion well.

And besides, Haruka did say she would drag Airi along and have a walk about to make sure we don't run into each other but even so, unexpected incidents may still occur.

On such occasion, rather than seeing me playing together alone with Satou, it would naturally look better if she were to see the four of us acting together.

Anyways, if this atmosphere won't let me decline, I should be thinking that way instead.

"If the three of you are fine with that, I have no particular objections".

Not wanting to keep them waiting, as I answered with a 'Yes', Karuizawa immediately took action.

"Then it's decided. Where are the two of you headed from now?".

Easily having confirmed the date, Karuizawa begins forcefully pulling us along as she begins to proceed forward. Towards that, Satou seemed to be somewhat calm, giving off a relaxed feeling.

Could it be Satou was also nervous, and was anxious about being alone with just the two of us. Let's hope that this event that suddenly popped up will bear fruit.

"Umm you see, Ayanokouji-kun and I were planning on watching a movie from now".

Satou told them the contents of our date while using her phone and having a preparatory meeting with Karuizawa.

"The movie that starts screening today? If so, we're really lucky. We were also planning on going to see it. Uwa, on top of that even the screening time is the same.

Amazing, amazing!".

Towards this coincidence, the two of them looked excited.

However Satou's expression seems slightly rigid or rather awkward.

"What a coincidence right, Ayanokouji-kun?".

"Seems to be".

To be seeing the same movie at the same time also seemed to have come as a surprise to Hirata. Even though it is the first day of screening, to brilliantly overlap to this extent truly is lucky.

"Even if we're going to be seeing it together, since it's a movie, what do we do about the seats? We can't change them can we?".

I asked the two of them where their seats were going to be. Let's see whether coincidences continue to pile up or not. Karuizawa checks her phone to confirm.

"How is it, Karuizawa-san?".

Satou peeks at Karuizawa's phone and checked their seating positions.

"Our seats are separate, huh. Well, I guess that can't be helped---".

Karuizawa shows Hirata the seats. Our positions were completely different. It seems coincidences don't run this far, but the position of our seats were completely separate.

"Then, let's go already, Ayanokouji-kun!".

Satou seemed modest and nervous when met up but after having met up with Karuizawa and Hirata, she seems to have returned to her usual attitude as she sticks close to me and begins walking.

".....too close".

I whispered that without thinking in a voice too low for anyone to hear. Having become a double date, the four of us walked towards the movie theater. The four of us, having lined up side-by-side, walked towards the interior of the mall. From the edge it would be me, then Satou, and next to her is Karuizawa, and the one furthest out on the other end is Hirata.

" two are looking pretty good aren't you?".

Looking at the two of us walking intimately, Karuizawa whispered that.


"No matter how you look at it, you guys look like a couple affectionately spending Christmas together, that sort of feeling?".

"Hehehe. Isn't it embarrassing, Ayanokouji-kun? They're saying we look like a couple".

".....I suppose so".

I suppose I cannot deny that this is a situation which makes it seem to be the case.

As long as we're out on a date on Christmas, it can't be helped even if we are more or less told that.

"But still, the two of you seriously aren't going out with each other? Could it be the truth is you're already going out~".

"N-N-No. Not at all. We still aren't in that kind of relationship!".

"Really? If you're hiding something you'd better tell me right now, ok?".

Rather than asking just out of curiosity she's clearly poking fun at us. It's just, I couldn't see any sign of Satou disliking it from the bottom of her heart or being troubled by it. If I had to say, she even seems to be happy about being teased by Karuizawa like that. That seems strange, or rather, it was slightly incomprehensible and I ended up being confused by it.

However, upon immediately replacing it with myself, I managed to come to a certain understanding. For instance, even if I, by some accident, ended up going on a date with an idol-like girl from this school, if a friend happened to stumble onto the sight and asked whether she is my girlfriend? If I get teased like that, at the same time as I would feel embarrassed, I would also feel something akin to a superiority complex. It's just, in this case, there is the pride of having the clear status as the 'school's idol' and whether or not Satou feels something like that towards me or not is strongly questionable.

"Speaking of which, Satou-san, you don't have a boyfriend yet right?".


The persistent attacks from Karuizawa didn't end, rather they continued to come one after another. I half-listened to what she had to say while thinking about how to safely pull through the unexpected double date.

And for a little while longer, as I answered the questions coming from Karuizawa, the elusive time continued on.......

"We'll be enjoying this on our own so the two of you, don't mind us ok?".

Eventually, saying that, Karuizawa turned towards Hirata. So after saying everything she wanted to say she's leaving, huh. Karuizawa's goal here is relatively predictable but even so, there are still plenty of aspects I still don't understand.

In any case, in the double date from now on we'll be acting as a group but basically it still means we still have to carry on a conversation between the two of us. I did not understand that particular rule, or more like delineation, very well but let's just say I don't mind.

The problem starts here. I don't know what to talk with Satou about or what's the correct answer to that. Even as a classmate, I don't know much about Satou. During the nonexistent time I had, I did make a move to obtain more information on her but I barely received any useful clues from it. From the rooftop incident to the winter vacation, I did not have the opportunity to make contact with Satou either.

If I had more time until the date, I might have been able to slightly improve the situation. However, Satou should also be in this same, fumbling situation. She should also be nervous. Of course, up until the day before, I did more or less think of several ad-lib questions.

What foods do you like? What are your hobbies? Such cliche things. But when it really came down to it, they are rather hard to ask.

Uwa, this guy's doing exactly as the manual on the internet said, it's just I didn't want to be thought of like that.

As I was pondering over the topic, perhaps she realized my silence, but for a moment Karuizawa looked over at me. And our gazes met for just under a second.

"You're being rather quiet. Isn't it difficult to keep playing the quiet role?".

"It's not like I'm acting or anything. I'm not used to dates, I just don't understand the lifestyle of those with topics to discuss".

Such an interaction was exchanged between us just with our gazes alone. Naturally, I just imagined Karuizawa's words like that. And when I went on forever without saying a word........

"Satou-san, isn't it just that Ayanokouji-kun doesn't know what to talk about?".

As if to break up the silence, a single arrow released by Karuizawa flew at us. It seems almost everything I imagined earlier was accurate. Towards that, Satou showed a relaxed expression as she began the conversation.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun, do you happen to like idols?".

It seems Satou had also been thinking of various topics as well as she asked me that. A soaring ball, thrown, it flew towards an easy-to-catch position.

"Idol, I'm honestly not too familiar with those.....I don't have any I particularly like or dislike. Do you like them, Satou?".

"I quite like them myself, I do like the cool idols too but I guess the hot thing right now are those girl idol groups. Haven't you heard of them? There are about 50 of them".

"Yeah, I see them on the TV every day. The group with the striking song and dances right?".

"Yeah, yeah. I really like them, you see. They also have plenty of good songs too".


I was overwhelmed by Satou who was forcefully on the attack like that.

"I can especially recommend their debut song so try listening to it. Next time, I'll lend you the CD".


Upon answering with that, I realize I've made a mistake in the back-and-forths of our conversation. Our conversation had naturally run itself dry. If I only reply with a 'Aha!', that would be the equivalent of onesidedly having her throw me the ball.

The ball I receive, must naturally be returned by none other than me.

"What kind of songs do you usually listen to?".

Once again, regardless of whether she realizes my distress or not, Satou once again threw me the ball. Towards this ball that is known as the topic of discussion being thrown at me, I'll endeavour to properly return it to her this time. So what kind of songs I usually listen to, huh? It's surprisingly simple and an easy-to-answer topic.

Or I thought so. However, the song that had come to mind got stuck in my throat.

If I honestly opened up about my interests, what would happen? If I pull out Beethoven and Mozart here, then it's definitely an out. But even so, answering with healing music such as the sound of raindrops and the singing of birds, would also be a mistake.

In other words what my interests are, would be something to ignore in regards to this question. The answer she's expecting would probably be a famous musician or idol group's, basically a modern song. I need to answer with something towards Satou's expectant look.

".......this year, there was this popular movie, wasn't there? An anime".

"Ahh yeah, yeah. That romance movie right? I was really touched by it---".

"The group that performed its theme song, something like that, I've been listening to something like that recently".

Although I don't quite remember the name of the group, I've listened to that song countless times. Using that as a hint, I continued our conversation.

"Ahh---! I get it! I really get it! I really like it too!".

It seems I managed to properly return the ball, as Satou caught the ball as if in celebration. It's just, as this topic of discussion deepens, it starts coming apart at its seams.

I need to properly overcome that.

"You're very knowledgeable".

"Really? I think it's pretty normal though".

It seems the creatures known as girls, when it comes to matters like this, they are far more knowledgeable than I had expected. I did hear once that the distribution of roles between the male and female genders that had existed ever since the primitive ages had strongly permeated its way into the modern era but this might just be an example of that.

It seems females really have polished their communication skills.

"You aren't participating in any club activities right now, are you? Were you part of the track and field club before?".

The topic of discussion changed to clubs. Why did it end up like this, is quite an easy matter to understand. It likely is related to the relay I participated in during the sports festival.

"No, I've never been a part of any club before".

"Really? Even though that's the case, to think you're that fast, isn't that amazing? I mean, you were even faster than that student council president!".

As I told her that I had always been a part of the go-home club, for some reason Satou became excited as though she were impressed.

Perhaps Satou's gleefulness was too conspicuous but Karuizawa cast a side glance at us and cut in with a single phrase.

"Isn't it just that the student council president was too slow? Making us think he's really fast and the truth is it was just a battle between two slowpokes?".

"I really don't think that's the case, Karuizawa-san. Both of them were running extremely fast".

"Hmm, it's hard to believe all of a sudden though. Ayanokouji-kun seems like he'd be weak at fighting too. And besides, he surprisingly seems like a cold person, or rather, even if a person precious to him collapsed from a cold, he doesn't seem like the type to even pay them a visit~".

Bringing in the matter of fighting from a completely unrelated flow, I can feel sarcasm packed in there. And I realized that the primary cause of today's attack lied there.

Karuizawa, whose body was repeatedly chilled on that rooftop by Ryuuen's actions and may have broken down in health, seems to be holding a grudge against me for not having been worried about her.

Could it be that the double date she proposed too, is her attempt to sabotage my actions and distract me.

"I don't see it that way though. I think Ayanokouji-kun is definitely a kind person".

"Ehh---? Really---?".

"I also think Ayanokouji-kun is a kind person".

"Uwa, it's almost like I'm the villain here".

Even though she says that dissatisfactorily, Karuizawa always stood out conspicuously as the center of the conversation at all times. I could see that she was following up for Satou while also bullying me.

And from the flow of that, I understood that her goal was to make me and Satou into a couple.

"U-Umm, you see? Umm, do......".

Before I realized it, Satou had lost her smile. I had thought she had been turned off by the lack of discussion coming from me but that doesn't seem to be the case. It felt more like she is attempting to say something yet was unable to put it to words.

Remaining silent for a while, I observed Satou's attitude but no words followed from her.

"Umm, hey. Is there anything you'd like to ask me?".

Saying that, she handed over the reins of the conversation to me. Indeed it is true that ever since a while ago, the topic of the conversation had revolved around only me. I should probably start a conversation revolving around Satou here.

"If you enroll in this school, you can't contact the outside right? Were you ever troubled by that?".

As I tried asking an unusual question like that, Satou began to think on it seriously.

"That's right......I feel like there were various such troubles.....".

After thinking, Satou voiced what might be considered a particular trouble from amongst many.

"During middle school, I bought a cat you see. Now I think my mom is taking care of it for me but not being able to see my cat might be the hardest thing for me".

Increasing distance with one's family, might indeed be a general answer to that.

Not being able to see a pet you loved might almost mentally be equivalent to a parent not being allowed to see their child.

"Not being able to see it for 3 years certainly sounds tough".

"Did Ayanokouji-kun also buy a pet or something?".

"Ahh, I wanted to buy a dog and was pretty interested in doing so but my parents forbade it".

It was true that I was interested in doing so, and so I simply answered like that.

"I see. Speaking of dogs, the other day I saw a little puppy on campus".

Satou said that.

"Ehh, really?".

Karuizawa, who said that she and Hirata would be enjoying themselves so don't mind them, for some reason once again joined in the conversation with Satou. It seems she's been properly listening in on our conversation.

"Yep, on top of that it looked like it was someone's pet dog. It was really cute---".

"Since students can't buy pets it probably belonged to an adult, I suppose. One of the employees or a teacher".

Since it couldn't have possibly wandered onto the campus on its own, Hirata said that. Indeed, if you think about it, he has a point.

"A pet sounds great. It'd be the best thing ever if we could keep one in the dorms".

"I agree too. It'd be great if we had a pet shop here---".

"More like why can't we have one in the first place?".

"Yeah, that's true---. Even though they're selling various stuff here, not including pets is somehow unacceptable right?".

The two girls showed excitement in talking about pets, while the two boys were left hanging.

Indeed pets are healing, but keeping one in the dorms would cause several problems to arise. If the premise is to let one person buy one pet each, there's the possibility that hundreds of animals would be kept in the dorms. And in leaving them for half a day when going to school, numerous problems would arise in all those rooms. Inevitably, one cannot help but accept the fact that pets cannot be kept but it doesn't seem as though it would lead to that idea. Logical reasons, such things wouldn't even enter their minds. Cute or uncute. Whether or not they want to keep it, that is the only conclusion their conversation led to.

".......what a trifling thought".

I am thinking of something terribly dull. Even I am keenly aware of that fact. Right now what's needed here isn't that realistic kind of talk. One will not be able to buy a pet. Even if I yammer on about that fact I would only end up spoiling this.

"I'd like to buy a rabbit. Breeding them is quite easy and they seem quite docile".

Honestly going along with the flow of the girls' conversation, Hirata said that. And both girls agreed with a smile. I'm sure a man who is capable of carrying a conversation like this will be popular. Before I realized it, the topic of pets ended and the time had come to search for a new topic of discussion.

As I thought about this and that wondering what to do, my gaze met Satou's.

"H-Hey Ayanokouji-kun. Umm you see.......".

Satou had regained her usual attitude up until now but it seems now, all of a sudden, the words were again stuck in her.

It seems whenever Satou has something she truly means to ask, her nervousness hits its peak. Whether this is something that only happens when the opposite sex is involved, or whether this is how she usually acts is unknown. However, she seemed to firm her resolve and spit out her words......but then closed her mouth again.

It's probably something that's harder to ask than her previous question.

"What type of girl does Ayanokouji-kun like?".

Before Satou's words came out, Karuizawa beside her asked me that question.

"I-I'd like to hear about that too".

Satou agreed too as if piggybacking off of it. Satou did not complain about having her question interrupted. I wonder if by any chance, she was going to throw the same question at me.

Could it be that this double date is not just a mere coincidence, it's starting to seem that way. I did vaguely sense it from the start but it seems I should interpret this as being a set up. In any case, I need to answer the question. My type of girl, huh?

"'s somewhat difficult to answer".

Satou, who was looking at me with glittering eyes and Karuizawa who was glaring at me. And Hirata, who was looking at me, seemingly entertained. Those were the looks of those three individuals.

"The genki type......someone like that?".

That was a word that I earnestly had to wring out of myself but hearing it now as my preference, it sounds dubious. Since there were many girls who could be considered the genki type, I chose that word with the intention of not causing any damage here but it didn't go as I had thought it would.

"Surprising. I didn't think Ayanokouji-kun would be into that kind of girl".

Could it be, Satou and Karuizawa aren't genki type girls? I can safely say they're not the Horikita type but Kushida and Ichinose too are the genki type......right?

"Could it be that Ayanokouji-kun thinks there are only two types of girls, the genki type and the quiet type?".

It can't be, such a sharp statement came from Karuizawa.

"Is that true?".

"No, that's not true. I'm a relatively quiet type so on the contrary, I thought I'd appreciate a girl who would tug me along better. If I've made a mistake in expressing it through words then I'll correct it".

I answered like that but I have a feeling it was not properly conveyed to Satou and the others.

"Then, what's between you and Horikita-san?".

Again all of a sudden, such a question came forth from Karuizawa. That's completely unrelated right? I wanted to say that but Satou's expression had clearly changed.

This too, is probably a question that Satou had wanted to ask. And towards Satou, who's finding it difficult to ask, I should take this to mean that Karuizawa is asking me this in her place.

There are not many students in our class who correctly understand the relationship between me and Horikita but among those students who understand it correctly is Karuizawa. The very fact that such a question came forth is unnatural. There's no doubt this is for Satou's sake. If Satou is serious in holding affections towards me as a member of the opposite sex then she would have opened up about that to Karuizawa and I can see the path that led to the double date. In other words, for that purpose, she requested Karuizawa to be her backup shooter. Probably they're attempting to fill up the outer moat through probing various things out.

I felt like Karuizawa, while invisible, is targeting me somewhere. I don't know who it was that came up with the double date we're having now but I can surmise that the one who's coming up with the fine details of the plan is Karuizawa.

"I don't have anything going on at all with Horikita. As a matter of fact, even on Christmas we're going about our own business".

The very fact that Horikita isn't here right now is above all else, proof of that. I tried to appeal to them like that.

"But, just because that's true doesn't mean there's really nothing between you two, right?".

That should have been enough, yet Karuizawa continued hounding me.

"Couldn't it be the pattern where Ayanokouji-kun is interested in Horikita-san, yet she wouldn't give you the time of day and you want to ask her out yet you don't have the courage to do so?".


If one considers it seriously, that would also be a possibility.

"S-So? Was it annoying that I asked you out?".

Anxiously, as though peering out, Satou looked at me.

"I told you earlier but if I really thought it was an annoyance, I would have declined beforehand".

"I see. That's a relief......!".

"But there's also that, isn't there? Since the girl you like won't give you the time of day, there are boys who like to keep insurance. A girl they keep in reserve in case they can't go out with the one they really like, something like that".

A spiteful question like that was thrown at me from Karuizawa. Does she really see a person capable of doing such a deft thing here? Even if I ask her that, it'll be over if she replies that she does. It might be that Karuizawa is hounding me like this for Satou's sake. It's like diving into the Nile river with a crocodile swimming about in it.

"Do I really look like someone who's capable of doing such a deft thing?".

"Yes you do?".


Even though I knew it, I tried diving in anyways and I got brilliantly chomped for it.

"Your true love is Horikita-san but you're keeping Satou-san as insurance and playing around with her, that possibility is also there right?".

She's no longer trying to uplift Satou, it seems Karuizawa's more so trying to drop me instead. Could it be that she's not trying to make things work out between me and Satou, but rather trying to show Satou that a person like me wouldn't be suitable for her.

"I don't think Ayanokouji-kun is the type of person who would do something like that".

Towards that harsh statement from Karuizawa, Satou objects.

"Right, Ayanokouji-kun?".

"I'm not that adept after all".

I managed to escape from Karuizawa's fierce attack. Just as I was thinking that, the third attack came.

"But you know, Ayanokouji-kun gets along well with Kushida-san too right?".

"Ehh, really?".

I didn't realize that, as though saying that Satou jumped up and down in surprise.

"In Kushida's case, I'd say she gets along with just about everybody though.....".

This is no longer just the crocodile chomping me, it's bursting forth from the water and soaring into the sky.

"Don't you think the majority of boys want to date Kushida-san?".

"Do you really think so? Hirata?".

In order to escape from that crocodile, I decided to seek help from Hirata. If he understands that I'm in trouble here, he should take action to properly help me out.

"Indeed I do think Kushida-san is very popular but I don't think everyone feels that way. And besides, I don't think Ayanokouji-kun has a special someone he feels that way about yet, wouldn't you say?".

You're exactly right, Hirata. You answered 100% in the way I had hoped for. At the same time as resolving this misunderstanding about Kushida, it will also resolve problems other than that too.

"If Yousuke-kun says so, I'm sure that must be the case then".

Even though she still seemed dissatisfied, Karuizawa stops. Hirata's words carry a mysterious weight to them and they are not something that's simply overruled. If it's Satou, she would feel this much more strongly.

Nice, Hirata. Amazing, Hirata. Go, go, Hirata.

"Hey, the four of you there. Do you have some time?".

As the four of us came close to the movie theater, a voice called out to us from behind. As we each turned back to look.

"You're Ayanokouji, aren't you?".

".......yes I am".

And who might you be? Those words retreated back down into my throat. A sharp glint in his eye, and with a freshness about him, I'm familiar with this man.

There's not a single student in this school who doesn't know him. 2nd year Class A Nagumo Miyabi. And beside Nagumo were several male and female students who are probably friends of his. And among those members were students from the student council as well. Secretaries Mizowaki and Tonokawa. And Vice President Kiriyama as well. And female members of the student council too.

And then, the only one from amongst the 1st years whose name made it to the student council. The figure of that girl was also there. 1st year Class B Ichinose Honami.

She did not recklessly come forth from amongst the lineup, and when our gazes briefly met, she only smiled in response. The other student council members other than Ichinose did not pay any attention to me, and continued their conversations.

But, the eminent appearance of several senior students. The atmosphere of this place became heavy.

"You're 1st year right? Miyabi's friend?".

Most of the senior students did not pay any attention to us, but a single girl glanced towards us. A while ago, when I had passed by this senior student on the road, she had dropped her amulet. But even so, there's no way she could possibly know about me.

"I've never talked with him before. You don't remember? He was the student who fought against Horikita-senpai in the relay at the sports festival".

"Ahh---. I thought I remembered you from it was from that time".

"Shall we have a chat then? You have time don't you?".

I ended up being called out by Nagumo like that. Right now, it's obvious to anyone that the four of us were out playing. However, not only a senior student but also the new student council president, being invited out by someone like him, one

cannot just rudely decline. Towards this unexpected incident, Satou withered and Karuizawa also seemed slightly upset.

Seeing those two like that, Hirata immediately steps forward. Among us, he's probably the only one who can go face-to-face against Nagumo.

But even so, we're playing so we don't have time please leave it for next time, he can't simply say something like that either. I wonder how he's intending on resolving this.

"Good morning, Nagumo-senpai".

"Yo, Hirata. How's soccer going?".

Nagumo, before assuming the title of student council president, had been affiliated with the soccer club. It seems he's decided to take advantage of that fact to initiate the conversation.

"Everyone's doing their best. Next time, please join in our practice. Umm, senpai, did Ayanokouji-kun do something?".

Looking slightly anxious, Hirata cut in like that.

"Hmm? Ahh no, that's not the case. There's no way I'd bully my kouhai, right? This is just out of curiosity".

Nagumo said that while laughing, but that laughter did not reach his eyes at all. As long as I don't cut in, the flow here won't change at all.

"Do you have business with me?".

I answered him in a slightly rigid tone.

"Don't be so cautious. But that's an impossible task right? Please go on ahead".

Perhaps he thought that a large crowd would intimidate me, but Nagumo told his friends that.

"Hurry up and come ok~?".

"Got it".

It doesn't seem like he has any intention of letting us go, but Nagumo had his entourage go off ahead somewhere. Looking at their backs, I could infer something.

"We're going to the karaoke. After this, do you want to join us?".

"No thank you......".

"I was joking. If someone like you who's not even my friend joins us, the atmosphere there would get spoiled".

This time he derisively laughs at me.

"So you're the student Horikita-senpai's paying attention to......I'm just playing along with those rumors".

"Senpai, are you talking about that time during the relay?".

Hirata barged into the conversation to back me up.

"Yeah, you were watching too right?".

"Yes, because I already knew Ayanokouji-kun's really fast".

That was a lie made up by Hirata but Nagumo has no way to ascertain the truth.

"But other than that, Ayanokouji-kun shouldn't have anything that attracts the attention of senpai and the others".

"Indeed he only looks like an ordinary student. Except for that speed you spoke of.......huh".

Nagumo, with a sharp expression on his face, strongly gripped my arm.

Towards that abnormal sight, naturally the other three would be surprised. It was a dangerous situation, it must have looked as though a fight were about to break out.

Even Hirata, who was close to Nagumo, for a moment froze up.

"President Nagumo, your face is quite scary---".

So that the situation does not progress any further, Karuizawa laughed and approached Nagumo.

"Did I scare you? Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to".

Nagumo looked at Karuizawa with a serene expression.

But he did not let go of my arm. Then he returned his gaze towards me.

"Unfortunately, I know all about Horikita-senpai. If that man has seen something in you, then that something definitely exists".

"You sure know a lot about the student council president".

"The 'former' student council president, you mean. I'm looking forward to this, Ayanokouji. Once that man graduates, a boring one year awaits me. To fulfill my desires, become my opponent, ok?".

I knew that there were various things going on between the older Horikita and Nagumo, but for him to be obsessed to the point it overflows from the person in question and affect even me. That was slightly unexpected.

It was because I had thought Nagumo was the type who would be fine as long as he himself and his surroundings are having fun. But looking at this attitude, that doesn't seem to be the case.

He seems to place great importance on showing everyone just how strong he is, just how amazing he is.

"Then allow me to ask just one thing".

As I, who had been passive up until now, asked that, for the first time Nagumo slightly smiled.

"Back then, when you assumed the role of student council president, you said you would make this school more interesting, by having everything be decided by ability. Specifically, what are you intending on doing?".

Having come this far, even if I indulge in a bit of conversation, there's no loss to me in particular. Thinking that, I tried asking.

"I don't know what kind of exams you 1st years have done, but they should all have been boring, pompous ones. I'm fed up with such exams, you see. That's right, a special exam based on a popular virtual online game, don't you think that sounds interesting?".

"Virtual online game.......?".

I was reminded for a moment of those apps you play on your phone but immediately afterwards, Nagumo laughed and said this.

"Don't be so serious".

Letting go of my hand which he had been gripping the entire time, Nagumo laughs once again. But the laughter did not reach his eyes.

"I apologize for interrupting your date. See you around".

Saying that, Nagumo followed his friends and walked off towards the karaoke.

Before long, a silence fell upon us.

"Fuu---. That was quite a happening, wasn't it?".

Hirata, who pats his chest at the fact that nothing happened.

On the contrary, Satou, who had withered and had fallen silent until now, burst out.

"A-Amazing, Ayanokouji-kun! T-To think the student council president thinks so highly of you!".

"No, it's not really that impressive".

I replied like that while being pushed around by Satou, who's in high spirits.

"I'm not really convinced by this somehow. I mean, the only thing Ayanokouji-kun is good at is running right? Yousuke-kun's 100 times more amazing. He's really fast. He's good at studying too. If someone should be paid attention to, it's strange if that person isn't Yousuke-kun---?".

Right? As if asking that, Karuizawa speaks to Hirata with a smile.

"I do think Hirata-kun is amazing but.....but, but I don't think Ayanokouji-kun will lose to him!".

While I am happy that she proudly followed up for me like that, I didn't really ask for her to go that far. Evaluating me without making me out to be good or bad would be for the best. And more than anything, saying that made Karuizawa interject.

"She's saying he won't lose but, compared to Hirata-kun, isn't he completely useless at studying?".

"T-That is.......he's still smarter than me!".

Indeed, I won't deny that, but is that fine, Satou?

"Isn't it great, Ayanokouji-kun? That Satou-san thinks so highly of you? Even though it feels like you gained all that just by running fast?".


I accepted Karuizawa's awfully strong words that were praising me...........or not.

In any case, I understood that for the whole day today, Karuizawa plans to keep on belittling me.

Part 3

The movie theater at Keyaki Mall had been crowded with people ever since a few days ago. The impact that the newly released movie had and equipment troubles may have had something to do with that.

Of course, I could not see the figure of Ibuki anywhere here. Perhaps she simply has no interest in a 3D anime produced by an overseas film company, or perhaps she simply predicted this crowd and avoided it......she'll probably come and watch it later.

Having been issued the tickets we had all booked in advance, handing over the ticket's stub we entered.

"T-That's right, Karuizawa-san. I'd like you to accompany me to the toilet".

"That's right. The screening's going to start soon".

Saying that, Satou dragged Karuizawa slightly forcefully and headed off towards the toilet.

Only me and Hirata were left.

" should I put it, good job".

The first word that came out was an honest one like that. Hirata is letting his precious Christmas go to waste just to accompany Karuizawa, who he's only in a fake relationship with. I honestly respect him for that. Or could it be he also holds some genuine feelings towards Karuizawa, could something like that also be possible?

"Karuizawa-san's the classmate I first thought I had to save no matter what, you see".

From the look in his eyes, I could tell that he did not see Karuizawa as a romantic partner. It was the eyes of Hirata Yousuke, who puts in an effort daily for the sake of his classmates.

"I'm really grateful to you, Ayanokouji-kun. Regarding the matter with Karuizawasan".

"I don't recall having done anything be thanked for though".

"I'm really thankful for the fact that during the shipboard test, you and Karuizawasan happened to be placed in the same group. She's now able to walk on her own without my existence beside her".

Hirata then sighed a sigh of relief, almost as though he had slowly put down a baggage he'd been carrying.

"That hasn't happened yet, has it?".

"Is it because I'm still acting out the role of her boyfriend?".


Mentally speaking, Karuizawa has become stronger. She's grown. Hirata could sense it too. However, growth in the truest sense of the word lies there.

"That's only a matter of time, is what I think. Recently, communication between us has been dialed down to a bare minimum. Leaving aside exceptional patterns like today, I don't think I'm necessary to her anymore".

Certainly, as Hirata had sensed, it seems Karuizawa is already walking forward on her own. If it's not just something I've noticed but something a third party has also sensed then there's no mistaking it.

"I may be asking something uncouth here, but was this fine for Christmas?".

"Yeah. I am Karuizawa-san's boyfriend after all. At the very least up until now, I didn't have anything going on with any other girl. Probably, from now on as well".

"From now on as well?".

In regards to the future he has no way of knowing for certain, Hirata said that as though he were prophesizing it.

"You know, Ayanokouji-kun. As long as everybody around me is getting along with each other, I'm satisfied with just that".

"So that's why you're saying you don't need any romance?".

"That's right, I suppose. At the very least right now I feel that way".

He's blessed with such looks, such a personality and such skills and yet, it's such a shame.

"How about you, Ayanokouji-kun? Are you intending on going out with Satousan?".


I don't intend on doing such a thing, but if I deny it like that it would be the same as denying the very act of going on this date itself and so I stopped short.

"I wonder. I don't think anything of it right now".

I could not do anything else except answer with that.

"It may not be my place to say this after saying I'm not into romance myself but it may do you some good to try going out with someone, Ayanokouji-kun".

"You've never had a girlfriend before, right? Is that what you're trying to interject with here?".

"Hahaha, that's not it. Certainly I did think that you've never been in a relationship before but that's not because Ayanokouji-kun isn't popular right? Isn't it just because you've never found yourself a girl who could be your romantic partner, right?".

"Honestly if I had to say it's both. I had never been particularly popular and there was never a romantic partner for me either".

That is why romance can't possibly develop. In the White Room, there wasn't any rule expressly forbidding romance like there is for idols but things that would allow a romance to successfully be established absolutely didn't exist there.

Playtime, holidays, such things didn't exist there. Other than toilet breaks and bath times, we were constantly monitored. A romantic development cannot conceivably occur.

"Isn't that way of living tiring? Always putting yourself second, to spend your school life for the sake of your class only?".

I tried throwing such an obvious question like that at him.

"Tiring? No such thing. On the contrary, for me, a class lacking in cohesion is far tougher. Honestly, the anxiety I had felt after enrolling has mostly abated".

That's because almost immediately after arriving at this school, Hirata had taken action to bring the class together as one.

On the uninhabited island, the class cohesion broke down majorly, and temporarily, a shadow had loomed over Hirata's mental state. However, recently to the point it was obvious even to me, Class D had begun to show off its cohesion. I could not see any sort of underhanded bullying going on in class too. Leaving aside the external factor that is Class C, however. Hirata Yousuke is an extremely important central figure for Class D. If Hirata had not been there, undoubtedly Class D would still be alone at the very bottom. However, Hirata also has a fragile.........somewhat uncertain side to him.

The uninhabited island test had ended without any incident but should the collapse of the class go beyond what happened that time, there's no telling what would become of Hirata.

The reason I am thinking about this now is because the existence of Kushida is on my mind. Back during middle school, there had been a case where Kushida had caused the collapse of a class. And even now, in regards to Horikita, she's showing signs of doing the same.

In other words what it means is that if it becomes necessary for her, she may even airdrop a bomb like that onto our class. If such a thing were to occur, the burden it would place on Hirata's heart would be quite substantial.

If the central figure stops functioning, there's no telling what might happen to the currently united Class D. Having checked that those two have not yet returned, I decided to talk about something slightly different.

"How much do you know about President Nagumo, Hirata?".

Since they belonged to the same club, even amongst the 1st years, he should be the one to know something about Nagumo. I had judged that with this timing, it would be easy to ask him.

"I wonder. I only met him as one of my seniors in the club, I don't usually meet him you see. And what's more, when he assumed the office of student council president, most of that only involved exchanging greetings".

"Then whatever impressions and such you have of him is fine too".

I changed my angle slightly like that and tried asking again.

"As for my first impression of him, an interesting senpai, I suppose. Even during soccer practice, he progressively adopted novel ideas, that sort of person. Naturally, it's not like everything went well all the time but ultimately, he was interesting, was how I thought of him. Even though practice was supposed to be a harsh and brutal affair".

Hirata then laughed as though remembering the scene of that practice.

"In the end, he always produces results or rather, levels up. Even before we enrolled, it seems Nagumo-senpai's been producing results even in tournaments".

"I see. So it means he's a perfect senpai".

"That is, once again a slightly different matter".

I had thought he would have affirmed it, but Hirata shook his head.

"In the shadow of that glory, there are also hardships accompanying it. It seems there are plenty of people who have quit the club".

"But there haven't been any bad rumors, have there?".

"Isn't that because they are no longer in this school? The 2nd year seniors who came into conflict with Nagumo-senpai all ended up quitting the club, and soon afterwards, dropping out of school as well it seems".

"So it's not just the club they quit, but they also dropped out of school?".

"I don't know the details either. I don't know how much Nagumo-senpai was involved in it".

It may just be that Nagumo was only part of a long chain of events. It is also highly possible that those students dropped out of school for personal reasons.

However, it is also a fact that this makes me uneasy. That's because the older Horikita had also said something similar. That Nagumo thoroughly eliminates any existence that's an obstacle to him.

That as a result, the 2nd years have become monolithic. If Nagumo is the light, then anyone who opposes him would be the darkness. He did thoroughly crush said darkness, but the world is not that simple. At the end of a light, there is always a shadow. No matter how much one attempts to eliminate it, it would only result in new shadows forming.

"Could it be, Ayanokouji-kun is intending on joining the student council?".

From the flow of the conversation thus far, it couldn't be helped even if that is Hirata's inference.

"No, I have no such intention".

I made that clear to him. Even if the end result was Horikita declining to join the student council, me entering the student council would absolutely not happen. But there is a need to think of countermeasures. Unlike simply asking for a small favor, joining the student council would have a massive impact on one's daily life as well.

If it's Karuizawa, she would definitely obey such an order, but looking at it in terms of pros and cons, it's obvious that she's not suitable for that. Following my orders, and on top of that, being someone who could join the student council of their own merits without it coming off as strange. There's barely anyone who could overcome all three of those hurdles.

"I see, I do think if it's Ayanokouji-kun, you'll be able to pull it off though".

"That's my line, Hirata. You yourself are a good fit for the student council, you know".

"I'm not a good fit, and besides, I don't want to quit my club activities".

It seems until graduation, Hirata has no intention of quitting soccer. If Hirata would have joined the student council, there was the possibility that the cards available to me would have increased by one, though.

But I won't hound him on that matter here.

Because I have no intention of changing from my outfield position.

"Leaving aside the student council business, starting from next month, we'll probably be in a difficult position".

"That is, you mean to say, because we'll be ascending to Class C?".

"Yeah, the upper classes will be cautious of us and the lower class will pursue us too. Not to mention the difference between the class points is being bridged. If we mess it up, once February comes around, we may drop back down to Class D".

It's natural to have such misgivings.

Class points change almost on a monthly basis. If even a trivial mistake were to be made, a development like the one Hirata predicted might even come to pass.

"Should such a time come to pass, the problem is whether or not we can put in the effort".

"I do think everyone does want to ascend all the way up to Class A, though".

"Even if a colossal amount of effort and luck would be required for that to happen, do you think those feelings of theirs would remain unchanged?".

"That's the problem isn't it? Ultimately to aim for the upper classes would mean exposing the class to a massive burden".

If one can choose freely, then naturally everyone would choose Class A.

That is something even someone completely uninterested in the conflict between classes like Kouenji would choose. However, there is a difference in the conditions that are required for Class A and the other classes.


Just as Hirata was about to continue, a voice called out to us.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Ayanokouji-kun!".

Although we were still in the middle of our conversation, Satou and Karuizawa had returned. Since the screening of the movie is about to begin, we cut our conversation off and together, the four of us headed inside the theater.

Part 4

I don't usually watch 3D anime but it was interesting enough to betray my expectations. Expertly recreating the various movements and expressions of the

animals, and a story that is capable of passionately moving you. Even though it was a simple approach, by pursuing that simple approach it becomes like this, that is how I'd describe this craftsmanship.

Carrying the juice we had brought into the hall in both my eyes, I leave the theater with Satou.

"That was interesting!".

Towards Satou, who was speaking excitedly like that, I could not do anything except agree. I was just getting hungry too. Slightly behind us, Hirata and Karuizawa also returned from the theater.

In order to have our pre-reserved lunch, the four of us start moving. In the meantime, my conversation with Satou, between the two of us, started up once again.

"Hey, you mind if I ask you something slightly thoughtless?".

Perhaps watching a movie together has closed the distance between us a bit, but compared to earlier, Satou was closer to me. Rather than physical closeness, it would be more precise to say that the distance between our hearts had closed by half a step.

"If there's something you'd like to ask, please ask away".

It wasn't like I would answer just about anything, but if there's anything I could afford to answer, I intend on doing so.

"Ahh, I want to ask to~o".

Even though she herself said that we should have separate conversations, once again Karuizawa barged in. From Hirata, who was watching this situation unfold, an opinion came forth.

"This looks like a good opportunity, why don't we ask each other questions we've been thinking about asking?".

I felt this was not such a bad proposal. I could also use this occasion to ask Hirata the questions I've been wanting to ask him yet could not.

"Agreed~ Then I'll go first".

Upon expressing her agreement, Karuizawa immediately turned her gaze towards me.

"Did Ayanokouji-kun ever go out with someone before?".

I was asked that question just earlier by Hirata. No, to be precise, rather than ask me that he saw through me. I never thought that in one day, I would receive a similar question twice. Basically, I've don't have a girlfriend = pathetic. As a boy, such a prevailing view is pretty sad.

It's not something I could answer pleasantly, but Karuizawa and Satou's gazes were passionately concentrated on me. Leaving aside Satou, Karuizawa's attitude seemed like she was just completely playing around with me.

"I don't have one right now".

Even as I answered honestly like that, I tried including an implication into it. If I express it that way 'I had one in the past' it could also be interpreted that way.

"Alright. Your age equals the number of years without a girlfriend, I got it".

I was intending on answering ambiguously, but as though that clinched it, Karuizawa said that.

"You know, Ayanokouji-kun. That's an excuse unpopular men use, I think it'll serve you well to remember that? 'Right now', including that makes it suspicious".

"Really? Even if I had a girlfriend in the past, if I don't have one right now, I think I'd include the 'right now' though".

"Then you had one in the past?".

"No......I didn't".

"See? As I thought!".

Karuizawa happily frolics about. More or less, Satou also seems happy.

I had a feeling Karuizawa's theory was flawed but I did not have the material to deny her with either.

"I don't think not having had a girlfriend is something you should mind, though.

Like, if you're blatantly unpopular like Yamauchi-kun or Onizuka-kun then in that case, that's a minus for you but searching for someone you want to go out with, or more like you're just not in a rush. That's it right, Ayanokouji-kun?".

Saying that, Satou followed up for me.

"Satou-san understands Ayanokouji-kun pretty well".

"It'd be great......if I could understand him. But, I still don't know anything about him. Let me ask you too, ok? So, Ayanokouji-kun. Between a girl with long hair and a girl with short hair, which do you prefer?".

Yet another question comes flying at me. The question that's thrown at me this time, too, is pretty straightforward. The presence or absence of a girlfriend, the type of girl I like and now my preference in hairstyles. Combining all these questions and it feels like a female image is appearing.

"I've never really minded long as it fits that person, whether it be long hair or short hair, it doesn't matter right?".

"Somehow that sounds like a model response---".

Indeed, thanks to me giving a model response like that, I received a pointing out from Karuizawa.

"I feel the same way. Whether it be boy or girl, as long as it suits that person, things like hairstyle aren't a problem".

Hirata's assist came at a superb timing. Perhaps seeing the unfavorable situation, Karuizawa gave a full smile towards Hirata.

"As I thought? Truthfully, I feel the same too. There are girls who change the length of their hair based on the preference of their partners but it's meaningless unless you prioritize whether or not it suits you, right?".

From the start, Karuizawa had endorsed Hirata and in front of people, sticks to Hirata-ism but as always, brilliant. Her headstrong personality and forcefulness are brilliantly showing up in her attitude.

If Karuizawa's goal here is to push me and Satou together, I don't know about planting a bad impression of me, sometimes predictions can be greatly off the mark.

"Not having any restraints on hairstyle and the such, I think that's a great thing!".

Far from having a negative impression of me, I could almost feel Satou's eyes slightly glittering. For some reason, Karuizawa too, was unexpectedly looking at Satou with eyes that seem to be saying 'Not bad Satou-san'.

In response to that statement that was meant to push me down, Satou saved and pushed me back up.

"Hey, Hirata, are you conscious of the fact that you're popular?".

Here I should seek the opinion of the peerless, great Hirata-sensei. Or so I thought, but for some reason, Karuizawa glares at me.

Satou, too, had a similar expression.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun. Rather than asking Yousuke-kun questions, shouldn't you be asking Satou-san?".

"That's right. Like this, it almost feels like Ayanokouji-kun and Hirata-kun are having a formal marriage interview?".

"......even if you say that".

In front of Satou, since Karuizawa and I have made it out to seem like we don't have much interaction with each other, we cannot switch onto a strange subject like that. But on the flip side, it's also hard to switch the subject towards Satou, who's a newcomer.

In that case, it can't be helped even if I feel like escaping towards Hirata, who's the easiest one to talk to. No matter what kind of sensitive topic I throw towards him, Hirata would properly handle it well. And besides, personally speaking, I do have something I'd like to ask Hirata so it can't be helped.

"Ask me anything, Ayanokouji-kun".

".......let's see........".

As I searched for any clue that would allow me to escape, we reached the family restaurant where we would be having lunch. The conversation was once again suspended with a natural flow.

As Satou seems to have made a reservation beforehand, she smoothly guides us to our seats. At the seats she guided us to were towels and splittable chopsticks prepared for four people.

"It's for four".

The reservation was for two. On the table, only the ones prepared for me and Satou should have been there.

"Ahh, I heard about this place from Satou-san earlier when we went to the toilet.

So we reserved more seats, right Satou-san?".


"Is that so? You're rather tactful".

"I guess so. When it comes to things like this, I'm a veteran you see".

Towards Karuizawa, who puffed out her chest in pride, I directed my gaze.

"You liar".

And. A gaze came back from Karuizawa.

"I don't want to hear that from Kiyotaka who's never even gone out with anyone before---".

Something like that.

"Don't you have anything you'd like to ask Satou-san, Ayanokouji-kun?".

Perhaps this is the cost of having gazed at her, but even after arriving at our seats I still could not escape from a topic like that. Karuizawa once again returned to that topic.

".....what do you usually do over the holidays?".

It was a topic I had brought forth since I was in trouble but towards that, Karuizawa blatantly showed a 'Wow' face.

"What is that? Is that a question you squeezed out?".

Ever since a while ago, Karuizawa's been showing a level of irritation that even Hirata could not comprehend. Why are you not making use of the information about Satou you procured beforehand? She should be wondering. However, it's not like I procured that information only to make this date successful in the first place.

I had gathered that information because I had wanted to know more about the person known as Satou. The difference there is a large one.

"It's fine, Karuizawa-san. I'm happy that Ayanokouji-kun asked me something".

As she answered like that with a smile, Satou showed a slightly thoughtful gesture.

"Hmm. Basically I just play with my friends, I guess. It's boring if I'm alone".

Probably, with the group of girls that Satou gets along with. Somewhat, I could picture that in my head.

"But, sometimes, I might also look up various things on my own. Like fashion design for one".

Fashion design. A word I don't usually hear came forth from Satou.

"You see, I think becoming a designer might not be too bad either".

"Heh~that's a first. So Satou-san's like 'that'".

I don't know which 'that' that is, but it seems girls can have a conversation that only they can understand. Satou nodded over and over.

"If I can graduate from Class A, I was thinking I could get into a good place".

Saying that, Satou happily expands on her delusions. It's not a bad thing to expect the privileges that come with graduating from Class A, but it's best if she also considers something so that if she graduates from Class B or lower, it would still go well for her.

"So, does Ayanokouji-kun also have thoughts about what you'll do in the future?".

The ball I had thrown was gently returned to me from Satou.

", I guess".

Not yet having thought of future occupations, I gave a safe answer.

"Uwa, I'd hate it. I won't be able to stand having to study even after graduating from high school, absolutely".

Having heard about going onto university, Satou gave a reaction that was of rejection.

"They say compulsory education is over with middle school but really, compulsory education lasts until high school, right? If I'm just a middle school graduate I'd be made fun of".

Leaving aside whether or not she'd be made fun of, it goes without saying that you'd need to at least come out of high school, such a current exists. Essentially, the expression compulsory education itself might not be an exaggeration.

"I might also be going onto university. Circles seem like they'd be really fun".

On the other hand, surprisingly enough, rather than reject the prospect of going onto university, Karuizawa answered like that while imagining university life. It was all still vague, but each and every one seems to be thinking about the future.

So with this and that, it was a meal that allowed me to enjoy a different group from the usual. It's just, if this happens every day it would be extremely tiring, there was also such a weariness.

Part 5

After finishing our meals, it was just before 5 o'clock when we were done gallivanting about Keyaki Mall. A double date that had lasted almost 5 hours was also nearing its end. Looking back in hindsight, it might have been a day that could be described as being unexpectedly interesting. It's just, including Karuizawa into it causes various problems so I'd like to decline next time.

"So what'll we do?".

I asked to check whether or not we'll disband. It could be that we might be going somewhere in addition, I included such a possibility in my field of vision but......

"Then should we......go back, Yousuke-kun?".

Karuizawa, who had been happily bullying me thoroughly up until just now, suddenly declared we go our separate ways. From here on out we'll only be a disturbance, suddenly she showed such a consideration.

It seems from this point onwards, to leave just the two of us alone with each other, there should be something she's aiming for. I could see Satou and Karuizawa sending signals to each other through eye contact. It's not hard to expand on that on my own with my imagination.

In any case, as if to agree with her, Hirata nods.

"It's getting late. Shall we go back, Karuizawa-san? Playing with you today was fun, Ayanokouji-kun. See you later too, Satou-san".

I spent the whole day today with Hirata, and indeed, his actions befit those of a saint or a sage. Hirata, who could interact well with all sorts of people. For someone unfamiliar with double dates, all the merits have come from none other than this man.

"Both of you, thanks for today".

It seems without taking any detours, Hirata and Karuizawa will be returning straight to the dorms. The two of them walk off quickly.

Satou saw them off warmly.

"So, what'll we do now?".

"Ummm, well. Shall we take a detour before going back?".

Satou proposed as such. Since I had no particular reason to decline, I gave my consent.

"That's right......then, shall we go back from there?".

Having decided to take a little detour, we settled to head back with a delay. Satou, who had been talking at a machine gun pace up until a while ago, had become rather quiet now.

"Sorry, for having it turn into a double date".

"I was surprised at first".

"Those two really are amazing, huh? Their aura as a couple is completely different".

At all times, Karuizawa is moving to make sure Hirata, who is playing the role of her boyfriend, stands out conspicuously. That was conveyed to Satou too, and naturally, it also makes Karuizawa's existence seem larger.

"I really admire them~".


Even though we were walking at a close distance, our hands never touched. The boldness she had shown when we were with Karuizawa and Hirata, not a single fragment of it could be seen now. By no means was it awkward but the atmosphere had changed into something out of the ordinary.

"Thank you for inviting me out today. I had fun".

I said that to break the silence but Satou's face remained uneasy.

"Hey didn't have fun today, did you?".

I heard such a thing.

"No such thing".

I denied it because I honestly enjoyed it, but for some reason it didn't seem to have been conveyed to Satou.


"Why did you think something like that?".

Since I did not understand the reasoning, I tried asking.

"I mean, today Ayanokouji-kun didn't even laugh once........".

"I didn't laugh, huh?".

Before I could give her an explanation regarding that, Satou continued speaking.

"I thought I would be able to see a smile from you at least once, but".

It seems Satou, even when she was together with me, was worried about such a thing.

In regards to the contents of the double date, I truly have no complaints though. As I pondered over how to explain that to her, Satou opened her mouth heavily.

"After all, does the fact that I said let's bully Horikita-san a while ago......have something to do with this?".

She had anxious eyes. And a face that seemed like it was about to cry.

"Speaking of which, something like that did happen, huh?".

Soon after our enrollment, Horikita became isolated and she had a strong tendency to mock her classmates. That sort of thing was obvious and could not be helped, but Satou too, did not hold any goodwill towards Horikita and that is also a fact.

As a matter of fact, she had proposed once in our group chat to bully Horikita. I had knocked down that proposal but it seems the person in question herself has remembered that.

"I don't care about that. Or more like, up until now, I had almost forgotten that happened".


"In the first place, it couldn't be helped even if Horikita were to be alienated at that point. And besides, just by having that as the topic of discussion on a chat where the person in question isn't even there, it's not like you took any actual actions. I won't judge someone based on something stupid like that".

Gossip is something every human voices universally. As long as one doesn't voice that in front of the person in question or take action in actuality, it won't become a significant problem. However, 'even if one gets gossiped about in return you can't complain about that', as long as you understand that aspect that is.


"Yeah, really".

"But, you didn't have fun did you? You didn't laugh".

"The reason I didn't laugh should I put it, I'm bad at laughing is why".

I followed up on that part I denied earlier. How much of this is conveyed to Satou, I honestly don't know. In all likelihood, she probably interpreted it as me saying this to console her. Truthfully, there are many ways to follow up on this. In regards to Karuizawa's questions during the day too, I'm confident I could have answered in a better way. However, I intentionally chose not to do so.

"She's not a partner I need to go that far for".

It was because I had made that judgement.

In that sense, the 'Did you not find it fun?' question from Satou would not necessarily be wrong either. I did find it fun as far as playing around goes, but it is certain that it was not the way Satou had been hoping for. It'll only be troublesome even if she likes me any further than this, I made such a decision.

"The reason I wasn't laughing, are you not convinced?".

"No........that's not the case but".

A heavy silence fell upon us. Today, the whole day, not to overestimate myself but from Satou, I had received a considerably amount of goodwill. However, if at all possible, I'd like her to give up on that goodwill here.

That was why I acted like a man who could not keep a conversation going, and continued to act out a subtle behaviour. However, turning her back on me once, Satou brought something out of her bag and hid that something behind her.

"Umm, hey----".

And then she turns back to me. Looking as though she had firmed her resolve, Satou caught me with her strong gaze.

It seems like my wish won't be granted after all.

"Umm.....hey......p-please go out with me! Ayanokouji-kun!!!".

Fuu~, a gust of wind blew.

The first ever genuine confession I had received in my life.

In the meantime, I'm going to ignore the person hiding in the bushes beyond my gaze.

Idly considering this at length here would only cause Satou to suffer. I immediately choose my words and deliver my judgement.

"I'm sorry, Satou. I cannot answer your expectations".


Towards Satou who had plucked up her courage and confessed, I answered with honesty like that. No, it's not like I hated Satou. It's not like I had any problems with her personality or looks either.

"I-I see. As I thought, it's impossible, huh?".

Showing me an expression that I'm not quite sure is a bitter smile, Satou desperately tried to keep up appearances so as to not let her smile crumble.

Throughout the date, Satou should have slightly felt it too.

The fact that I appeared to not hold any sort of strong interest towards Satou.

"I-If you wouldn't mind, for future reference......could you please tell me your reason, I wonder? Is it because you have someone else you like?".

"That's not the case. It's just, at this stage I can't go out with you. It's genuinely a problem with my own feelings".

In a situation where one is not in love with their partner, to choose to go out with them nevertheless would be insulting.

That is my reason on the front.

It is a respectable reason I should be confronting Satou with.

"It doesn't matter if it's Satou, or the one who unrelatedly came up in the conversation before, Horikita, or whether it's Kushida, the answer to all of them is the same. Even though I don't like you, going out with you regardless is something I cannot do".

Of course, even if it's Airi, who is probably thinking that internally as well, I would have given the same answer. It's only a matter of whether or not she decides to directly confront me with her feelings.

"It may be a pathetic story but I've never even once seriously fallen in love with a member of the opposite sex yet. That is why, it's not a matter of dumping you or anything, it just means I haven't matured enough to be capable of romance yet".

"......I see".

I cannot do anything else but have her accept that fact.

"I may have rushed it too much. That's right, with just one date, you still won't know anything about your partner".

Even as she furrowed, as though attempting to convince herself Satou nodded over and over.

The confession, and the reply to it too, both of them must have required a tremendous amount of courage.

"I may have missed an opportunity".

I have just rejected the girl who eagerly told me of her feelings. Even I think this was a stupid choice. I want to find myself a girlfriend and live an average school life. I properly have those feelings in me.

If Satou would be my partner, there should be no complaints. Even now, telling her I've changed my mind please go out with me is still the correct judgement. But even so, my mouth has been sealed shut and would no longer open. The phone in my pocket vibrates. I don't know who it is, but it was an incoming call. Of course, I cannot answer it in this situation and so I ignored it.

During that time, Satou had been trying to return the wrapped box she held in her hands back into her bag.

Then, Satou raised her head and said this.

"Thank you for today, Ayanokouji-kun".

It was an expression that already knew that my reply and its contents would not change.

Even if in this moment, Satou tells me she likes me, there's no guarantee that this would still be the case tomorrow.

From now on, I don't know whether or not she'll continue to like me or whether she will find a new love for herself. However the fact that Satou was the one who confessed to me for the first time in my life, is something I will never forget for the rest of my life.

"Is it.......ok if I invite you out to play again?".

Probably these are the farewell words that Satou gave it her best to squeeze out of her.

"Of course, I also do enjoy playing together with Satou, I also think I'd like to invite you out sometime too".

That is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, my real feelings.


A small nod came back in response.

I don't know to what extent I've conveyed this to Satou but the time of confession has now passed. Even though the heavy atmosphere had remained behind, our daily lives rapidly returned to us.

The cold winter wind blows, and pierces through our freezing bodies.

"It's getting cold. Shall we go back?".

Regardless of whether we wish for this or not, time is passing us by. We cannot afford to stand around here forever, just the two of us.

As I started to move, Satou remained in her spot without moving.


As I thought that was strange and looked back, in Satou's eyes, large teardrops had been building up.

Before they could fall, she used her hands to wipe them away, and Satou laughed once.

"Sorry. I think I'll run back!".

Saying that, Satou stamped her feet on the snow, and leaving me behind, ran back towards the dorms. I could not call out to that back, all I could do was quietly see her off.

"I don't even need to think about it, huh".

There's no need for her to worry about being rejected by a person like me, looking at it from her perspective, it was something that occurred after she had plucked forth all of her courage.

As long as that feeling is not properly conveyed, she cannot naturally walk beside me and go back, huh? So that we don't run into each other later at the dorm, I saw her off until I could no longer see her back.

If the matter with the student council and the matter with my father did not exist, perhaps my answer might have been different. For a genuine 1st year schoolboy, I would have probably taken the hand of the girl who had given me her affections.

'If', was the premise of this thought. If this confession had taken place before the relay at the sports festival, I felt I would have accepted Satou. However, ironically, it was at that very relay that Satou had fallen for me. I objectively understand that my thought process is different from what's normal. I always act while prioritizing the prevention of calamities for myself.


Before I go back, I should probably clean up the remaining problem.

Thinking that, just as I was about to call out towards the bushes. Beneath me, my phone once again rang. On the screen of the phone were the characters

'Unidentified Caller'.

I did think for a moment about ignoring it but I don't feel like this is simply a prank call.

I pushed the 'Call' button and pressed it to my ears. Even though I had wanted to at least determine the way the caller whose gender I don't even know would answer, even though I waited for a few seconds, the silence continued.


I tried calling out from my side once.

However, no reply came.

That is why I immediately decided to make my decision.

"I'm cutting the call".

"Can I trust you?".

Those were the words that came back from the broken silence.

They were words that didn't make any sense.

"This is rather sudden. I don't quite understand what exactly is this trust you're asking of me".

I returned the question while seeking an explanation.

"The anti-Nagumo campaign that Horikita-senpai speaks of. I was asking if you would become a cooperator".

It seems the older Horikita has told 'that' 2nd year student about me. To go out of their way to call me with an unidentified number, how cautious.

But the fact that they called me, probably means they intend on meeting me afterwards.

Even if they hide their phone number, they're letting me hear their voice. If not, it would be very strange.

"Just in case I want to ask. What's your name?".

Even though the older Horikita had told them my number, it seems he didn't tell them my identity.

Well, they did let me hear their voice and they know my number too anyways. If they were to investigate it further, it wouldn't be too difficult for them to trace it back to me.

"I don't think I'm obliged to answer".

Even though they understood too, I declined.

"I suppose that's fine. I remember that voice. I more or less have a rough idea now".

So they have an idea, huh. Since it's like that, I too feel like I generally have a mark on them. There are not many 2nd years who are also familiar with my voice.

"This may be a sudden thing to say but I want to meet you right now".

As expected, they cut in with that.

However, there's no need for me to tell them I had already expected that I suppose.

"That is also indeed a sudden thing. Is it fine for you to not be more cautious?".

It's almost dusk, soon the sun will set.

"There's no problem on my end. If you have the desire to, that is. Can you meet up immediately?".

I glanced at the bushes.

"Yeah. You're in luck too".

"Luck, you say?".

"Honestly if it's not right now I was about to refuse".

On the other side of the phone, the other person is probably feeling a sense of mystery. If it's right now it's fine, they're probably contemplating the meaning of the words I had just said.

Such things, even if they contemplate there's no way they'd reach an understanding.

I told them via my mouth of my current location.

"Beside the school building near it, in a place where it's hard for others to see us, I want to meet you there in 10 minutes".

Such a short reply came back.

"Sorry but I have some business to take care of right now. Is 20 minutes fine?".


The call ended. It won't take longer than 5 minutes to reach the designated meeting spot but I had postponed it.

For now, in the 15 minutes I have in between I should finish the business I still have left.

Underneath the winter sky, there's someone waiting for me while freezing away.

"If you keep on hiding there, you'll catch a cold".

I called out to the person hiding behind the trees and the bushes.

However, no reply was forthcoming.

"I have something to do afterwards. Is it ok if I leave you behind?".

I called out again.

When I did, perhaps she had a half-hearted idea, but without showing herself, only her voice reached me.

".......since when did you notice?".

"From the very beginning, you heard Satou was going to confess here right, Karuizawa?".

"N-not really, just a bit".

Even as she tried to deceive me subtly, Karuizawa stood up.

Since she had been hiding in the bushes, some snow had accumulated on her shoulder.

"It's cold".

"What happened to Hirata?".

"I don't know. He probably went back?".

After answering disinterestedly like that, she came out of the dirt and brushed off the dirt and snow on her body. Perhaps it's because she had been lurking the entire time so as to not make a sound, her nose was also red.

"It was cold, wasn't it?".

"Just a bit".

Karuizawa acts tough in a situation where there was no need to act tough. For Karuizawa, there seems to be something she's more worried about than her own freezing self.

"Speaking of which, why did you turn down Satou-san's confession?".

"What do you mean? You said so yourself, going out with someone you don't even like is the lowest".

"That's true needs to eat the meal set before them is what they say right?".

What is that? Even though she's attempting to use knowledge she'd heard before, she's got it all wrong.

"It's 'rejecting the advances of a woman is a man's shame', isn't it?".

A meal set before one, is used to describe a meal that is ready to be eaten at a moment's notice. And not grasping that for oneself is a man's shame, so that's it's used to describe love affairs.

Of course in Karuizawa's case, she's not saying this with a sexual meaning, she probably means it's strange for me to not go out when the opportunity to do so presented itself.

"For better or for worse, Satou is a normal girl. She would naturally want a normal romance. But, looking at it objectively, do you really think I'm capable of such a normal romance?".

"That is......slightly difficult to imagine".

It is only because it is Karuizawa, who understands me better than anyone else, that she is able to understand this too.

I, too, long for a normal romance. Being confessed to by a cute girl and leading a bittersweet school life was something I had thought about more than once or twice.

However, as expected, it really won't end up being the same romantic pattern that

Satou had envisioned. Even if I forced myself into going out with her here, I would only be wasting her time in vain. If she becomes disillusioned with me later, the school life that's been lost won't ever come back.

"Hey, you~. It's not really my place to say but you might have been a bit too mean".


"Indeed, Kiyotaka's different from the normal boys. And besides, the 'you' that others see normally is just a lie, right?".

"Lie, or rather, it is a fact that I'm not showing them everything".

"That's why you're correct in thinking when you show them your true self, there are girls who would be disillusioned with you. But you know, once you've fallen in love, there are also times when you no longer care about such things. It's just my onesided prediction, but, I think Satou-san would have accepted Kiyotaka".

"So that's what you mean?".

"That is what I mean. Well, since you've rejected her already, it's all over though.

Even though I had just released the Arrow of Cupid. To think it's going to coming back shortly".

"The Arrow of Cupid?".

"Don't mind it. It's no longer relevant anymore".

She grinned and laughed like a little devil.

"Girls get over their feelings quickly so Satou-san will probably fall in love with another boy, right?".

"That is something that can't be helped. Isn't that right?".

"Some~how I can also hear some regret too though".

"Please leave it be. That's my choice".

I did say that, but, there seemed to have been some unconvincing aspects of it left behind in Karuizawa.

"It's too late already but couldn't you have tried going out with her as a test? No?".

That point is correct.

Even if there happened to be a problem at the very end landing point, there was more than enough possibility that things could have gone well. Even if I myself right now don't like Satou as a member of the opposite sex, if I considered her precious to me, I might have come around to liking her.

"Besides, if it's you, you must have realized Satou-san's feelings, right? Inviting you out on a date on Christmas, this is something normal friends would absolutely never do. Giving her your OK for that, didn't you have it in your head that you'd go out with her?".

"As a result of having had the date, I realized I'm not compatible with Satou, can't you interpret it that way?".

"That........might be the case. But from what I could see today, things went well.

You seemed to be enjoying yourself too".

"If I have to be honest with you, it's not like I didn't think about going out with Satou at all".

"S-See? As I thought".

"By going out with Satou, I might have been able to experience various things".

Perhaps she felt uncomfortable with those words of mine, but she showed me a slightly angry expression.

"What do you mean, various?".

"It's the destination that lovers would end up arriving at. That's what it means".

I tried to tell her as mildly as I could. Naturally, Karuizawa also understands the meaning of it.

"Huh!? You, you were intending on going out with her for such a scummy reason!?".

"Haven't you ever thought about wanting to do it?".

"I-I don't know! It's also a completely unknown world for me too!".

"Then, haven't you ever thought about jumping out into that unknown world?".

"That is------that is, I mean, ultimately doesn't it depend on your companion?".

".......well, I don't imagine just anyone would do".

I tried imagining it but of course, one would want a companion that's as good as possible.


"But I had no complaints in particular if it was Satou".

"Muu.....t-then why did you reject Satou-san's confession? You could have experienced that unknown world you spoke of!".

"Don't torture me so angrily".

"I'm not angry!".

If you ask 100 people, 100 people would answer that right now, Karuizawa is angry.

Of course, I don't even have to think about why she's angry.

"If I had chosen to go out with Satou.......would you have been beside me right now?".


"That is the main reason why I did not choose Satou".

Not having comprehended it, Karuizawa thinks about the meaning behind those words. Indeed, during that confession choosing to go out with Satou would have led greatly to an enjoyable school life for me. I would've made a lover, and I would have shared happy moments and difficult moments together with her. And I would have deepened my relationship with her. Students all around the world should have imagined such a sweet future at least once.

However, this is only if me going out with Satou would not impact Karuizawa's mental state at all. To choose your special partner, is in other words, to make a choice. If I chose Satou here, it would have become extremely difficult for me to make use of Karuizawa in the future. That is no mere prediction, as a matter of fact, just like this Karuizawa is drawing closer to me. If I had chosen Satou, Karuizawa would have become more wary of me.

The incident on the rooftop was certainly a massive turning point for Karuizawa.

The trust Karuizawa has in me soared, and it's no longer an exaggeration to say that she will never betray me from now on. Ryuuen or Sakayanagi, or even if an existence like Nagumo were to draw close to her, Karuizawa won't crumble anymore. However, the only exception to that would be a case like this one.

'A replacement for me'. An existence like that. Perhaps I'm no longer needed, such anxieties would be born in her. As a result, she'd claim she could do things she couldn't do, she'd become fearful and the fear that the things she could do would no longer be possible would also be born. At such a time, it would suitable to say that Karuizawa's charm would drop by half. I had misgivings about that.

Of course, if Satou had possessed such outstanding talent that she could've been a replacement for Karuizawa, it would have been a different matter. Setting Satou as my main, and using Karuizawa as my sub. That option would have been available.

But thanks to our contact today, I have this conviction once again.

Satou cannot possibly replace Karuizawa.

In regards to fundamental thinking and mental aspects, I can safely say she is far from reaching Karuizawa. Miraculously enough, that fact was strongly exposed on the very first date.

Disguising the double date they had set up as a coincidence, and compared to Karuizawa who is still calmly continuing to hide that fact, on a great many occasions Satou had been restless, and in contrast, there were times when she was also too calm. And the decisive blow occurred when Nagumo and I confronted each other. Karuizawa took action immediately while Satou was divided on it and unable to even join in.

In case of an emergency, that aspect of hers could make a huge difference. From now on, there are 3 problems I will be unable to avoid. The problem with the student council can ultimately be ignored but I cannot do the same against Sakayanagi and my father.

If those two go on a rampage, my position would easily make a complete change once or twice over proportionately. Until I can eliminate that threat completely, I need to make Karuizawa work smoothly for me. Besides, I'm also worried about the movements of Chabashira and Chairman Sakayanagi. I doubt the teachers' side would do something careless like that but now that I can see the background, they are also targets of my surveillance now.

In that sense too, the existence known as Karuizawa Kei is indispensable to me.

Even the Chairman, who is seen as being overwhelmingly powerful by the students, can be socially destroyed through the use of Karuizawa as a honey trap. Well, suitability and unsuitability will also play a role but Karuizawa probably won't be able to cope with sexual matters like that. In any case, Karuizawa is highly versatile.

"I've been thinking it might be like that vaguely but Kiyotaka only sees people as tools, right?".

"That's not my intention".

I answered with that but that could not possibly reach Karuizawa, who I've used many times over and over as a tool until now.

"Hey---, this is a simple question but have you ever come to love someone before?".

"Up until now, never".

I do think that I'd like to love someone. It's just that sort of opportunity won't occur by pure chance.


It's just in my heart, there was no such thing as an 'awakening of love' in the first place. Boys and girls, I do understand the biological difference between them but everything beyond that is pitch black for me.

In the White Room, that was a matter of common sense.



"No, nothing".

Ultimately, even after leaving the White Room, perhaps I'm still stuck in the White Room. We never fail to make preparations to defend ourselves at all times in there.

Even though in a proper student's life, such things are unnecessary.

Enjoying the date honestly and going out with Satou, that should have been an obvious future too. But I cannot draw such a future on a canvas. In response to the traps from various different opponents, I have been moving to secure various insurances for that off chance.

No matter what happens to someone else, as long as in the end, you win, that's fine.......this sort of fundamental mindset is something I won't be able to throw away until the day I die.

As I started walking, Karuizawa started walking too with a delay. Never lining up beside me, yet still keeping a distance where we could hold a conversation. Even if someone were to see us, it was at a miraculous distance where we could dress it up as a coincidence.

"Ahh. Even though I put in effort the whole day for Satou-san's sake, it turned out to be useless---".

It was a behavior that makes it hard to believe that just a few days ago, she was put through something horrible on that rooftop.

"Even though something like that happened just a while ago, you sure got back up on your feet, Karuizawa".

".....I haven't been flashily bullied like that in many years".

"Should I say the experience was different? Indeed, ever since I reached elementary school, was it?"

Long-term bullying. She was finally released from that. To have become this nimble, enjoying high school life like this could be said to be a natural gift.

However, Karuizawa made a slightly mysterious face as she listened to me talk now.

But perhaps she was able to understand immediately, she became convinced as she opened her mouth.

"Ahh....I see. It's like that right? Sorry, Kiyotaka, I may have lied a bit".

Fuu, as though she were convinced about something, Karuizawa nodded.


"That thing I told Yousuke-kun about having been bullied for 9 years. That was a lie. You know, rather than just say I was only bullied during middle school, telling him I was bullied ever since elementary school makes it easier for me to get him to save me, I thought that. Even though the environment changed, the bullying continued, if he were to learn about that, perhaps he might think the same thing might happen at high school too, right?".

Lightly laughing, she stuck out her tongue.

So that's how it is. A lie so that she could properly make use of Hirata. To think that far when using someone, it showed Karuizawa's determination.

"More like........for having incited Manabe and the others. Are you not going to apologize again?".

"Now that you put it that way, that's right. Thanks to the date, I had thoroughly forgotten all about that".

"Also, that. Even though you told me you won't be contacting me anymore, you contacted me and relied on me. That too, I feel like you haven't followed up enough on that?".

"I withdraw the thing I said about not contacting you anymore. The obstacles have been removed, after all. If it's ok with you, please let me apologize next time".

"It doesn't feel like your heart is in it at all, though. I won't be expecting anything beforehand so apologize now"

"Now? How?".

"I've told you quite a lot of things, so let me hear something in return too Kiyotaka".

"About what?".

"Today in the afternoon, President Nagumo called out to you, didn't he? What's up with that?".

For Karuizawa, she may have been as worried about this as she was about the matter with Satou.

To think what she requested for an apology would be about the student council.

"You have it tough too. I don't know for what reason you ran seriously in the relay at the sports festival but I feel like more and more people are catching onto the truth".

"I'll put an end to that too. Fortunately, compared to how we started out, the unity of the class has grown stronger. Even if I don't do something, there should be no problems now".

"That's true but, that sort of thinking isn't like you. If we're talking about unity, Class B is far superior to us. I don't think we can beat them in that regard though?".

Saying that, Karuizawa continued.

"Leaving aside the strengthening of unity, it's just you want to get away from all this right?".

"As expected, you've answered correctly".

Class D is still under development. It would lose to both Class A and Class B.

However, I have no intention at all of babysitting them until they can win.

"But during the sports festival, just because you stood out a bit, you attracted that much attention? Isn't it unnatural?".

It seems she wishes to say it's strange for me to have attracted the attention of Nagumo Miyabi just because I happened to be fast. If it's Karuizawa, even if I explained to her right now, there would be no problem.

No, on the contrary, I should speak to her about this. It was something I had wanted to cut in with so it saves me time and effort.

"What about the fact that Horikita from our class and the former student council president are siblings?".

"Some~how I think I've grasped it. Isn't it like that? I'm just on that sort of level though. Speaking of which during the relay, the student council, it's hard to understand unless I add former.....and you started at the same time right?

Kiyotaka's an acquaintance, right?".

"Yeah. Through my connection with his sister. And I've been drawing various sorts of attention from the brother's side".

"So that means he knows your real face under that mask you're hiding behind?".

"Behind the mask, huh? What he knows is only the surface. In this school, there is no other person who knows me as deeply as you do".

"....hmmm. It doesn't really make me feel happy or anything though".

That was how Karuizawa answered, but it didn't seem to me as though she was as dissatisfied as she said. To know the secrets of others, is a heavy case for the person in question too but it's not uncommon for people to think of themselves as

being special too. Looking at it from Karuizawa's perspective, the fact that she knows both the secret she herself holds and my secret would be stuck in her heart.

"The title of former student council president can be useful in various ways, after all. I'm slightly indebted to him too in the rooftop matter".

When I had sent Karuizawa down from the rooftop ahead of me, she should have met the former student council president who was standing by.

"Speaking of which.......yeah, I met him back then".

"In a similar way, I'm being pushed by the other party too to return the favor".

"So does that have something to do with the fact that you're drawing attention from President Nagumo?".

"The older Horikita and Nagumo have a confrontational relationship with each other. If I have to put it mildly, a rivalry. The fact that the older Horikita had been talking to me is probably something Nagumo didn't like. It seemed like he was raring for a fight during the relay too".

"Some~how this is complicated. So it means you barged in between those two's fight?".

Now with this, the reason why Nagumo's been getting involved with me should have been conveyed to her.

But the real question is from now on.

"Because of that too, I was asked by the older Horikita to lend him a hand. It seems like he wants to drag Nagumo down from the throne of student council president".

".....could it be, he entrusted that role to Kiyotaka?".

"Isn't it troublesome?".

"But, you're about the only one who could do something against that amazing student council president".

"So you think I can do something?".

"If you can't do it, then no one else is capable of stopping him too right?".

Before I had realized, her evaluation of me had gone up quite a bit.

No matter how humbly I try to say it, Karuizawa won't even buy it one bit.

"By the way, since it's already part of the conversation's flow I'll say it but I'm going to be meeting a 2nd year now".

"A 2nd year? Who?".

"I wonder. The identity is still a mystery. The other side too, was unable to confirm that it's me. It's just, the only thing that's confirmed is that they're a student from amongst the 2nd years who doesn't think too highly of Nagumo".

" I getting in your way?".

"If you want to be present, I don't particularly mind if you're there too. What'll you do?".

I'll at least try and confirm whether or not she'll be tagging along.

".....I'll come".

After hesitating for a bit, Karuizawa answered as such. Hearing that word from her, I switched off my phone. Then, the two of us moved towards the school building that was told over the phone.

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