Classroom of the Elite

Book 8: Chapter 5

Ubiquitous Things Part 1

Sunday passed by in the blink of an eye and it's finally Monday, the fifth day of the exam. All four hours of the morning's lessons are dedicated to physical exercise. We're to walk and run 18 kilometers in total around the course that's going to be used for the long-distance relay race and be done with it in time for the afternoon lessons. The actual long-distance relay exam isn't that long, since each student would only be running a distance of about one or two kilometers but it's a winding mountain road. We continued walking for about five kilometers, exhausting ourselves. Up until the other day, we had only worked up a slight sweat here but the difference is astounding.

"How much further does this slope go? Isn't it ridiculous? It's too damn hard".

Past a sign that warned us of wild boars, Ishizaki continued to spit these words.

"Speaking of wild boars, are they big? Like this guy here".

Saying that, he turned his eyes displeasingly towards me.

"That was amazing. I misjudged you, Ayanokouji".

Hashimoto, followed by a bunch of other people, complimented me. But if you ask me, this is just uncomfortable.

I felt troubled, thinking this topic would be used to toy with me for a while. Albert even went as far as to clap his hands lightly in applause. But soon enough, teasing time ended. The winding road to the summit, although paved to allow cars access, is on an extreme incline. It's to the point where just walking up it would put on a strain on our legs.

Furthermore, since we're getting up early to cook breakfast too, we're wasting more of our stamina compared to the seniors. The break we got on Sunday is probably the school being considerate.

"How long is it going to take to go back......?".

"The average walking speed of a person is about four kilometers. The total distance is eighteen kilometers so if we're just going to walk the entire time then it'll take about four and a half hours".

"You've got to be kidding me. If so, we won't even have time to eat our lunch".

"Then that just means we've got to run, Ishizaki. The more we run, the less time it'll take".

Moriyama from Class B said so sharply. As a matter of fact, we started out as part of our large group but most of the 2nd years and 3rd years went ahead at a faster pace.

"Don't be ridiculous. Like I can run 18 kilometers".

"Don't tire yourselves out're all here because you agreed with my strategy right......?".

While panting heavily, Keisei warns Ishizaki and the others. Students who don't have a problem with their stamina and long distance running could have started running from the very start but running 18 kilometers certainly isn't the best of ideas.

Keisei's strategy is that we walk the first nine kilometers then reach the turnaround point and start running. The fact that we'd be going downhill if we turned back is also something he factored in when he proposed that.

"We haven't even started running yet. As if we'll be able to hold out until the turnaround point".

"Shut it......just pipe down and walk".

Keisei, who's never been good at physical exercise, seems to have already sustained damage in his legs since he's clearly losing his composure. It's not like it's impossible for us to traverse the remaining 13 kilometers within the time limit set for us. It's the natural course of action to keep the talking to a minimum and focus on walking.

Still, thanks to this lesson I feel like I'm starting to see who the runners are. There's no doubt that Yahiko and Keisei, both currently suffering, are unsuited for it though.

I feel like Kouenji, who's walking behind us, would be reliable but I heavily doubt he'll run seriously.

"Pipe down and walk? You sound pretty haughty for someone who's out of breath, Yukimura".

Ishizaki looks like he's going to keep going. It doesn't seem like we'll be able to cut down on the talking anytime soon.

"As the leader, I'm saying this with the group in mind.....please don't talk".

"'As the leader'? Don't fuck around".

Perhaps the reason Ishizaki is verbally attacking Keisei without end right now is because he's under an excessive amount of stress.

The students who could no longer let that pass, Moriyama and Tokitou, made their displeasure known to Ishizaki.

"Cut it out already, Ishizaki. Yukimura's right this time".

Feeling the sign behind us growing distant, I looked back. And when I did, I realized Kouenji who left the road and wandered into the forest. The other students don't seem to have noticed, only looking forward and walking ahead.

Ishizaki isn't the only problem child we have. This surely isn't a mere detour. I could no longer see him and there's no sign of him coming back anytime soon.

"No helping it.....".

I thought about quietly chasing after Kouenji but they'll end up thinking I left the road too.

"Kouenji went into that narrow path back there. I'll go and bring him back".

"Ahh? What the hell is that oddball doing!?".

Since there aren't that many students capable of stopping Ishizaki, he seems to be getting louder and louder.

"Don't be distracted too much by that, Ishizaki. It'll be your loss unless you treat Kouenji as something that's just not there".

Keisei's strategy is to treat Kouenji as an invisible presence. Even so, it'll be difficult to completely ignore him. While problems arose here and there, Keisei apologetically said this.

".....sorry, Kiyotaka. I'll leave this to you".

I could tell Keisei no longer has the energy to turn back and go looking for Kouenji. I replied to him immediately.

"If it's Kouenji, won't he be a problem for you? Do you want me to help?".

Hashimoto offered. But I politely turned it down.

"We may be unable to bring him back, no matter how many of us are there. In that case, keeping as many people as possible on the course would give the school a good impression. Doesn't seem like he's just lost either".

"I see. Maybe so. It's best if you come back the moment you feel you won't be able to bring him back with you".

I nodded at Hashimoto's advice and decided to follow Kouenji.

I hadn't planned on actively making a move here but there's also the fact that it's not exactly easy to get an opportunity to be alone with Kouenji. If I'm going to have a chat with him then this is about the only place I can do so.

Part 2

The narrow path, far from being paved, is nothing more than a dirt road. Despite the terrible terrain, I picked up my pace. If Kouenji's also on foot then I reckon I can catch up to him in about 1 or 2 minutes.

However, it looks like he's also picked up his pace since there's no sign of him.

"How troublesome.....".

Him picking up his pace on its own is one thing but it's just troublesome if he does it on a trackless path like this one.

While searching for any traces Kouenji might have left behind, I picked up my pace even further. And after another 100 meters, I spotted Kouenji's back. Looking at his back, I remembered how a similar situation unfolded back on the uninhabited island.

Of course, Airi had been with me back then and Kouenji ended up shaking us off his tail.


I called his name and closed the distance between us as though rushing him.

"Well, if it isn't Ayanokouji Boy. I don't believe this is the proper route".

"There's still the matter of joint responsibility, after all. Why did you decide to take a detour like this?".

"I caught a glimpse of a wild boar. That caught my interest and so I chased it".

That's quite the unexpected reason. I chose to refrain from asking him what he intended to do with it if he found it.

"You may relax. In time, I shall return. If it's me, it won't even take 30 minutes".

Looks like I'm just going to have to take his word for it.

"By the way, do you still have some business with me?".

Kouenji said.

Perhaps he's noticed that I still haven't said my piece since I haven't left yet.

"It's about the day of the exam. I want you to lend the group a hand".

"That's something I'm rather sick of hearing".

No doubt Keisei and the others have been trying to persuade him as well behind my back. Still, Kouenji probably didn't budge an inch.

"You don't have to get spectacular scores. Just go about it normally".

"You don't get to decide that. I do. You know that, don't you? If you'll excuse me then".

Kouenji said so and moved to leave, but I grabbed his arm and stopped him. Since he tried to take a step forward without acknowledging it, I had no other choice but to step up my game and hold my ground.

I expected him to resist more strongly but for some reason, Kouenji relaxed instead.

"Fufufu. I see. So that's how it is, Ayanokouji Boy".

Kouenji, with his arm still in my grip, laughed quietly.

"What do you mean by 'that's how it is'?".

"I'm talking about the identity of the person who tamed Dragon Boy".

"Dragon.....what are you talking about?".

"I'm talking about the naughty boy named Ryuuen".

"What do I have to do with that Ryuuen?".

"Seems like you're pretty good at playing dumb. You don't let anything slip through when you feign indifference".

"I don't really know how you got to that conclusion".

"Right now, you're touching my arm like this. I can tell from the heat transmitted from that contact".

I had figured he's far from ordinary, but it looks like Kouenji's even more of an oddball than I am. So he's telling me the grip I have on his arm is what led him to that conclusion, huh?

"Sorry but this is a huge misunderstanding".

"Really? From the way Delinquent-kun's been looking at you, acting towards you and the way his surroundings react to that, I think this is a fact beyond all doubt".

Kouenji doesn't have any solid evidence but he seems to have overwhelming confidence in his own observations. More smoke and mirrors probably won't help.

"Fufu. You may relax. I have no intention of revealing what you're trying to keep secret. Even if you happen to be 'relatively talented', you're still a childish existence as far as I'm concerned. Just one among many. In other words, whether this is the truth or a lie, it won't matter as long as I don't speak of it, right?".

"I do want to clear up this misunderstanding, but what would that do?".

"It's unfortunate but you'll just have to give up on that. Even if multiple third parties vouch for you, telling me Ayanokouji Boy had nothing to do with it, this answer won't change as long as I am certain of it".

"I see......then, shall we get back on topic?".

"I assume this is about trying to get me to work as part of the group?".

"Will you accept?".

"I've already said so over and over that I refuse".

His answer didn't change. He said so decisively.

"I will act however I please. That is my philosophy. Whether to take this exam or not, or what my score will be. All of these things will depend on my mood at that moment".

"....I see".

I had considered various means of persuasion, but clumsily trying them here could easily backfire on me. I'll have to leave this one to chance. But ultimately, there's a high possibility this could lead to the minimum amount of damage being sustained.

It's clear as day Kouenji wants to avoid the punishment known as expulsion. I'll just have to bet on that. All I could do was bid farewell to Kouenji as he left to hunt the wild boar.

"Doesn't seem like anyone can manipulate that man".

It doesn't matter if it's the older Horikita or Nagumo or his comrades.

That's my honest opinion of the classmate I've spent roughly one year with.

Part 3

Leaving Kouenji behind in the forest, I made my way back to the course. I've only been gone for less than 10 minutes but we're probably in last place right now. I didn't see any students from my group either in front of me or behind and so I decided to skip ahead and chase them down. After a while, I spotted Keisei and the others walking. Tokitou noticed me first with the rest turning to look at me after that.

"For the record, I did find him but.......".

"As I thought, it didn't work, did it?".

Hashimoto, who predicted this would happen, smiled bitterly. The other students too, didn't blame me but rather complained about the absent Kouenji. While insulting Kouenji the whole way, we somehow managed to reach the turnaround point where Chabashira is waiting for us with her arms crossed. I hadn't seen her in a few days but it looks like she's been helping out with various lessons here on the regular.

"The 2nd years and 3rd years have all turned back. Now's your turn".

"What time is it, sensei?".

"Approximately 11 o'clock".

This means there's still one hour left to go until our afternoon break.

If this had been a flat, even road then it wouldn't have been difficult. There'd be plenty of time left to spare. But this is a winding nine kilometers long road with a sudden and steep incline. We'll be exhausting ourselves quite a bit.

If we don't run at the proper pace, this is going to take a chunk out of our lunch break.

"I'm going ahead. I don't want to be late for my lunch".

"Wait. We already decided there's got to be a rollcall before you do that. Each person states their class and name".

A board was brought out. Students who have successfully made it to the turnaround point will probably be recorded on it. Once that's done, Ishizaki left the group behind and ran off.

Looks like this is going to be every man for himself rather than a group effort. Albert also followed him.

"Let's go, Kiyotaka".

"Please go ahead. I'd like to wait and see if Kouenji's coming back or not".

"That's fine but.....we only have one hour, you know?".

"I'm confident I'm fast enough. It'll be fine".

"Short distance running and long distance running are two different things, you know.....well, I guess it's not my place to say though".

Laughing derisively at himself, Keisei started running awkwardly.

"Then I'm going ahead".


The last one left, Hashimoto, stretched and ran off too. Chabashira and I are the only ones left here now.

"I don't suppose you have something you'd like to discuss with me".

"I'm just waiting for Kouenji. And besides, it'll be problematic if I don't go soon since I'm already last in line".

"Problematic, you say?".

It's not a big deal. If a student as fit as Ishizaki went ahead and finishes it, the students who seem like they'd withdraw halfway through won't even notice it. We're not being timed. We just have to finish it within the time allocated to us. It doesn't matter whether we finish this in an hour or in four hours, we will still be evaluated the same way.

Keisei isn't the fittest person around but he pushes himself so as to not be a liability. And then, roughly 20 minutes later, that man came back.

"This looks like the turnaround point".

He's got leaves and dirt stuck to his jersey. Evidence that he had been moving around quite a bit.

"You're the last one, Kouenji. You've got 40 minutes left".

"That seems to be the case. I should've taken my time but my encounter with the wild boar ended sooner than I had expected, you see".

"Wild boar?".

Chabashira questioned that sudden, absurd word but Kouenji quickly turned around and ran off.

"Kouenji. Rollcall. You'll be disqualified otherwise".

As Chabashira called out to him, Kouenji named himself without looking back.

"My name is Kouenji Rokusuke. Make sure to remember it, Teacher".

A majestic laughter echoes through the hills.

"Are you fine with that, sensei? He didn't state his class though".

"Since he's named himself, let's just overlook the rest".

"Then I'll also be heading back".

Since I left late, I wonder how much time's passed.

I saw the signboard warning us of wild boars again and around that point, I saw the backs of two male students. One of them is Keisei, who's within the range of expectation.

Rather than having exhausted himself past his limits, he's walking while holding onto the student beside him with his left leg seemingly in pain.

And the other is Hashimoto, who I expected to have already overtaken Keisei from the start. As I ran over to them, the situation became clear.

"Did you sprain it?".

"Ayanokouji, huh? Yeah, looks like it. The turnaround point was the limit for his legs".

Hashimoto explained in place of Keisei.

It must be a burden on him having to hold up another person, but he showed no sign of minding it. He walked slowly while supporting him without any displeasure.

"This is pathetic......why can't I even do something like this.......?".

He seems frustrated, but he's already thinking differently from the old Keisei. I thought he found it difficult to understand sports and other miscellaneous exams since he believed academics to be the focus for a student.

Looks like his reason for stretching and running last is the same as mine.

"I'll help too".

Two's better than one. I went around to the other side opposite of Hashimoto and supported Keisei.

"...please wait. If you do something like this, both of you will be late for lunch".

"If we left you alone, you'd run recklessly, wouldn't you? You'd injure your legs even further and that's a problem for the rest of us in this exam. If we can lessen the extent of your injury by missing one lunch break then that's a cheap price to pay, isn't that right, Ayanokouji?".

"That's right, that might be true".


"It's a coincidence that the two of us ran behind, so don't hold back".

After I said that, Hashimoto corrected something.

"Make that three. That Kouenji's also descending insanely fast. That guy's a monster".

"I get the image he's got limitless physical strength. No doubt he's number one in our school year".

It's not like I'm flattering him. I'm just speaking honestly of Kouenji's potential.

"Maybe our Class A got spared from Kouenji because of his terrible attitude. Rather than making himself useful, this exam made it clear to me he's a hindrance for Class C".

Certainly, if Kouenji utilizes his potential to its fullest he'd be a menace. I can't say whether it's a good thing to count him as a secret weapon or not if we can't make use of him though.

Ultimately, we brought the injured Keisei back to the outdoor school at around 12:40. After that, Keisei received treatment in the infirmary.

Hashimoto and I waited in the corridor. After about 10 minutes, Keisei came back.

"How did it go?".

As Hashimoto asked him that, Keisei smiled bitterly and replied.

"It's just a light sprain. It wasn't a big deal, thanks to the two of you helping me".

He seems to be compensating for his left leg a bit but it does seem like he can walk normally.

"There's not much time left until the exam. You need to be careful to not let it get any worse".

Hashimoto said that and tapped Keisei lightly on the shoulder.

"I know you helped me and all but.....".

After hearing that, Hashimoto immediately got the message.

"Don't worry about it. I'll keep it a secret. That's more convenient for you, right?".

Hashimoto seems to have understood even without having to hear what he had to say and so Keisei patted himself on the chest.

Part 4

Since I missed out on lunch, I was more excited than usual about today's dinner. After securing my seat, I immediately began eating my meal.

"Kiyopon, is the seat beside you free?".

I heard Haruka's voice. When I turned to look, all the members of the Ayanokouji Group had assembled.

"Good grief, Kiyopon's been hard to find these past few days".

"...sorry. I didn't really know what to do in a cafeteria this spacious".

Since we're all supposed to be acting together in groups, it must have been difficult to assemble the usual members of the group. Since there aren't enough seats where I'm sitting, I moved to a place that could accomodate all five of us.

"I-It's been a while, Kiyotaka-kun".

Airi said bashfully. It certainly is unusual for us to not talk to one another at all for around a week. Because even during the long holidays, we'd call each other or meet up.

"More importantly, is Miyachi doing alright? You're with Ryuuen-kun, right?".

Haruka questioned Akito about that. Perhaps she heard about him from somewhere too.

"Well, somehow I guess. I am keeping my guard up around him but he doesn't really seem any different than usual. He's even taking our lessons very seriously".

"Even during Zazen and the long-distance relay?".

"Yeah. He's so normal it's almost scary. On the contrary, he's holding himself together far better than the clumsier ones. It's just, I tried talking to him a few times but he didn't seem like he wanted to hang out with anybody".

"Maybe the shock of losing a fight made him go nuts?".

"I don't know about that. He's not really the type of person who dwells on the past".

Akito braced himself, as though saying he can't afford to let his guard down.

"More importantly, what about you? Are you getting along well with the others?".

"Me? Nothing much going on with me. I'm not really close with anyone and I'm not really quarrelling with anyone either. Airi and I are in the same group so that suits me just fine".

"I'm glad Haruka-chan's there for me".

Apparently the two of them are in the same group. It must be very reassuring to have even one intimate friend there with you.

"Looks like our group's the biggest problem, Kiyotaka".

"Maybe so".

"Ehh, really?".

Haruka and Airi looked at each other, as though saying they haven't heard any rumors in particular.

"There's Kouenji, who doesn't listen to anyone, and Ishizaki, who snaps at just about anyone, there after all. We can't control him either. Maybe that's because Albert's there with him. They really are a pain".

"So Kouenji-kun's with you too.....are you ok, Kiyotaka-kun?".

"He's not exactly directly harmful".

"If anything, Ishizaki's the problem, right? Maybe he's acting all high and mighty because Ryuuen-kun got beaten? Up until a while ago, he was nothing more than a lackey".

As for Ishizaki, I feel like him being put in the same group with me is the main cause for this. Feeling anger and frustration without any outlet, he may be taking it out on anyone who isn't me.

"In any case, I need to work hard too as the leader......".

Keisei, with a bomb strapped onto him, is desperately trying to unite the group somehow.

"You boys have it rough too~".

"S-Somehow I feel like we're the ones out of place here".

"Isn't that just fine? If you guys are doing fine, then that also puts our minds at ease. Right?".

What Akito says is correct.

Even though I'm getting information from Kei, there are still parts of the girls' situation I cannot see. If Haruka and Airi are in the same group, advancing steadily without any problems whatsoever, then that just means we can afford to focus more on ourselves.

It's finally Tuesday, the 6th day of our training camp. And as such, I began to hear some rather strange complaints coming from the boys. That they're starting to miss the opposite sex. Complaints like that. Somehow, I feel like the number of boys looking forward to dinner has increased.

Being surrounded by boys like yourself certainly is calming but it's not exactly glamorous.

"Ahh, shit. I feel like I'm starting to lose my mind surrounded by guys".

"I'd already be dead if this were a boys' school".

That opinion was expressed equally by everyone in the group.

"Anyways, it's starting to stink with only the guys around".

It's inevitable that in time, he'd get the image of us being a sweaty bunch. But the truth is, there aren't many students who are even sweating here. I'm just grateful it's not summer.

But personally, I feel rather at ease being with the guys. It bears repeating since it's important.

"Ahh, my hips......".

While we were in the middle of cleaning, Keisei screamed and crouched down right there and then. Every day, no matter what lessons are held, we are to clean and prepare breakfast.

Students who aren't very fit are reaching their limit. Keisei, who has admitted to not having much confidence in his own physical abilities, complains about the pain. The area we're to clean is a large one and therefore our group, which is already a small one, must work harder than the others since even losing one man would hurt us.

"What do you mean your hips hurt? Do it properly".

Ishizaki approached Keisei and forcibly pulled him up by the arm.

"I-I know that. I'll do it properly so please let go of me".

"Then do it properly".

Ishizaki spat that out and went back to his own job.

Keisei immediately tried to resume cleaning, but his body wouldn't move properly. In particular, it was clear that he can't move the leg he sprained too well.


Keisei softly moaned. He seems to be enduring the pain but if he pushes himself too far, it'll have an effect on tomorrow.

"Take a break, I can take your place".

Since there's no helping it, I decided to clean the spot Keisei's cleaning in his stead.

"Sorry about this, Kiyotaka".

"We help each other out when one's in trouble".

And this should solve the problem. However...

"You just said you'd do it yourself, didn't you?".

Perhaps he didn't like the fact that I was lending a helping hand, Ishizaki interrupted like that. But without making eye contact with me.

"I can handle it here".

I replied. But Ishizaki doesn't seem to be satisfied with that answer. He continues speaking harshly towards Keisei while determinedly ignoring me.

"You're the leader, aren't you? Don't complain about something like cleaning".

"...I know that".

Keisei's feeling responsible. It's inevitable he'd answer like that when pressed.

"You don't get it. Right now you're trying to push it onto someone else. I don't like it that you're doing that. Say you'll do it yourself".

"...I get it. I'll do it".

"That's what I'm talking about. Whatever you do, don't lend him a hand, Ayanokouji".

Ishizaki spoke to me for the first time. And then immediately distanced himself from me as though in escape.

"Even if it means Keisei will injure himself in the process?".

"If he gets injured enough that he can't keep going then that's it for him".

Apparently Ishizaki won't acknowledge any attempt to help Keisei out even if it comes at the expense of the group.

Albert silently went up to Ishizaki and tried to say something but it doesn't look like he's willing to listen.

"Sorry, Kiyotaka. Looks like I'll just have to hang in there".

Probably because he felt that the group's mood would worsen if he didn't do so. Over the past few days, Ishizaki probably hasn't been too happy about Keisei's attitude.

Perhaps he couldn't let the fact that Keisei came here only to rely on someone else slide. And Keisei also understood that, which is why he took the warning to heart and decided to do it himself.

Still, pushing himself too far here may have consequences later down the line.

Even if he holds out for today, there's no telling what will happen tomorrow. The actual exam itself includes physically taxing assessments such as Zazen and the long-distance relay.

When that time comes, he may suffer even more than he's suffering right now. I'd like to inform Ishizaki of that somehow but it doesn't look like it's going to be that simple.

"Oi, Ishizaki. That's taking it too far".

Yahiko, having seen the situation play out, rebuked Ishizaki.

"It's his fault for not even being able to clean properly, right?".

"I know that. But in that case, what about him? Go warn him too".

Yahiko said that and pointed at Kouenji, who had yet to show any sign of cleaning since the very first day.

"I can't communicate with that guy in Japanese. I don't have time to persuade a gorilla".

It's not like he hadn't even warned him once since Ishizaki's already warned Kouenji many times over. Despite all that, he's showing no sign of doing anything and so Ishizaki gave up.

In that sense, the difference between Keisei and Kouenji would be that you could communicate with one of them.

"If you've got a problem with that then you go and persuade him yourself. It'll just be a waste of your time though".

"That's......alright, I just have to go for it, right?".

Yahiko grabbed a nearby broom and walked towards Kouenji.

"It's pointless. Just wait and see".

Ishizaki laughed mockingly. Yahiko pushed the broom onto Kouenji and tried persuading him to clean too. But after a few minutes of doing so, he fled while looking completely exhausted.

Even though we've been part of the same group for a few days now, in the end we're still enemies. There's no way it would go well. The majority of students probably want to disband this group as soon as possible. However, the important thing here is that not every group is like ours. Even if it's only superficial, it's also true that there are groups that are deepening ties between themselves to the point they're almost like actual classmates.

This isn't limited to just the 1st years but rather, the same phenomenon can be observed in the senior students who have stabilized interclass relations. It's because they all probably understand that cooperating here is also for their own sakes.

Students who are able to think ahead and students who act solely out of malevolence.

Unless there's an overwhelming difference in ability, it's not that hard to predict the outcome.

"Ahh, I can't do this. This is way too stupid. Why do I have to play friends with the guys from the other classes? Right, Albert?".

Albert did not agree with or deny that but Ishizaki continued to speak alone.

"I hate this group from the bottom of my heart. That gorilla Kouenji and also that mouthy Yukimura who can't even do marathon training properly. That silly Class B and the Class A that doesn't do anything at all. So damn idiotic".

Slam. Ishizaki kicks the broom.

"You're free to badmouth us all you want but please do the cleaning".

"Shut it. Kouenji's not doing it so why should I?".

"Then you don't have any right to warn Yukimura in the first place, do you?".

Hashimoto tried to explain that but Ishizaki is no longer listening. He abandoned cleaning altogether. 'Toilet' was all he said before he left. Unable to stop him, Keisei bit his lips in frustration.

"Keisei, it's best if you stop trying to shoulder everything. You can't change anything in the one or two days left. You may come to regret it later if you make a mistake in your judgement right now".

I gave him that piece of advice. No, I tried to confirm that again with him.

"I get that, but there's no other way, is there? If I rely on someone else, Ishizaki will alienate himself more and more from the group. But if I don't do anything then the probability of our group being in last place is high. In that case, I have to do it regardless of whether it's reckless or not, right?".

If there's no other way except what Keisei just said then the option of recklessly going at it certainly would be the best one out of the options available. If there are no available options then one must somehow forge a new path.

However, right now it doesn't seem like Keisei's up to the task of forging that new path or in other words, creating an option.

Someone who is capable of understanding this group and taking action for the sake of others. I looked at Hashimoto, the man quietly cleaning away. Stopping Ishizaki from going after Kouenji on the second day, he gives me the impression of someone who's making sure to bring the group together from an appropriate distance. He also acted perfectly during marathon training.

I don't know how highly Sakayanagi and Katsuragi value him but I believe he's a highly capable man. This is based on the assumption that I'd be fighting him as an enemy but even more than the aggressive Sakayanagi and the conservative Katsuragi, he's someone who's hard to read and therefore, hard to fight against.

"For the record, don't forget that I'm here too. If there's anything troubling you, I'll help out as much as I can".

"Thank you, Kiyotaka. Hearing that puts me at ease a bit".

If these words can put Keisei at ease then it's nothing much for me to say them.

Part 5

After that, I cannot say that my group is doing well, even as flattery. Despite feeling responsible, Keisei was unable to properly issue his orders as our leader and Ishizaki stopped talking to everyone else except Albert. Even during mealtime, which is the one and only opportunity we have to reconcile with each other, our group did not assemble.

I suppose I'll put the boys aside for now.

Because there's nothing I can do for this group anyway. Because even if I am to give advice to the struggling Keisei and the antagonistic Ishizaki, I have no intention of acting directly to save them after all.

As my first step towards leaving the stage, getting deeply involved here would be against my interests. I then remembered Haruka and Airi and decided to investigate the movements of the girls once again.

However, it's not easy to make contact with Kei again. She probably have matters to attend to as well and suspicion may be cast on our relationship if we repeatedly make contact like that.

Besides, the information I want to get my hands on isn't information on the 1st year girls but rather, the 2nd and 3rd year seniors. The true intentions of Nagumo, who challenged the older Horikita to a match. I'd like to confirm it.

In that case, the number of people I can approach becomes even more limited. For that reason, I tried making contact with Kiriyama by leaving behind a trace he could get a hint from but Kiriyama is still part of Nagumo's group. Even if he resents the man deep down inside, he probably won't give any advice this time.

I'd like to attack from a different direction, from beyond the scope of Nagumo's expectations. And that led me to realize the existence of a certain person. I had Kei investigate a certain 2nd year girl.

That person is 'Asahina Nazuna'.

A person who happens to belong to the same class as Nagumo Miyabi and who is also personally close to Nagumo. I've seen Asahina eating her meals in this large cafeteria with her friends many times.

And today, I closely observed Asahina's movements from a slight distance away. She's not part of the student council but she's considerably influential in her class and apparently she's even a big influence on Nagumo.

There are several other boys and girls who are close to Nagumo but there are two reasons why I chose Asahina as my source of information.

The first reason is that despite her rough appearance and mannerisms, she's very dutiful and never forgets a debt owed. And also that she does not worship Nagumo.

And the other reason is that the two of us have had a 'coincidental' meeting.

The problem with acquiring information about Nagumo is that the entirety of the 2nd years are all subservient to Nagumo. If I clumsily make contact, I run the risk of giving away information on myself.

In regards to that, I need to narrow down someone least likely to leak information. That is why our 'coincidental' meeting will become a powerful weapon.

Information that I alone could possibly know. Information that only Asahina could possibly understand. I thought I'd use the products of that coincidence.

Coincidence. By that, I mean the 'amulet'. It's something she dropped a while back that I coincidentally happened to pick up. At the time I didn't think much of it before handing it over but apparently it's something unexpectedly precious to her.

The evidence supporting that claim is the fact that she brought that item along with her even to this training camp. I was also able to confirm that she carefully keeps it on her body at all times.

Occasionally a connection that's formed through coincidence can prove to be stronger than a connection deliberately forged.

Using that coincidence, I should at least ascertain whether or not she can become an existence that I can draw information regarding Nagumo out of. It's also precisely because we're in the middle of the training camp that making contact with her is easy.

Now the only remaining problem is how to turn this indirect meeting into a direct one. If I openly approach Asahina, she or someone around her may report it back to Nagumo.

I'd like to avoid that. I've been looking for an opening the entire time but during dinner, Asahina almost always spends her time with someone else. I couldn't find an opening to be alone with her.

And today, that golden opportunity arose.

"I'm going to the toilet".

Just like that, Asahina stopped in the middle of eating her dinner. Strangely enough for a girl, no one else went along with her and so I immediately followed Asahina. It wouldn't do to get in the way of her toilet break and so I decided to patiently wait for her to return. In all likelihood, I only have around five minutes at most to talk to her.

More importantly than that, Asahina herself may be reluctant.

I don't know how close I can get to her in that five minutes. There's an absolute need to emphasize the 'coincidental' part. Not too long after that, Asahina came back.

As usual, she's wearing her amulet on her left wrist. I pretended to be casually passing her by.


I whispered in a way that made it seem as though I could either be walking to myself or calling out to Asahina. And when I did, Asahina unexpectedly stopped and turned around.

If I don't respond to that, Asahina will probably assume I was only talking to myself and leave. In this short window, I took action.

"Ahh, I'm sorry. I just thought I've seen that amulet before a while back. Please don't mind me".

I said so and moved to leave. If she doesn't respond to that, I'm also prepared to start the conversation myself.

"This amulet isn't in stock at the school anymore though".

Since she properly replied to me, I'll continue without hesitating.

"Is that so? By any chance, did you happen to drop this amulet somewhere a while back?".

If I say that, Asahina should immediately understand.

"Could it're the one who picked up my amulet?".

"I wonder. I picked it up on my way back during the winter vacation though.....when exactly was it again.......?".

I didn't exactly say 'when' it was in detail. I pretended not to remember.

"I don't believe I'm mistaken. I see, so it was you".

Asahina happily laughed and approached me.

"Thank you. After I realized I dropped it somewhere, it's really been troubling me. Ever since then I've been feeling scared so I started wearing it always like this, you see".

She bashfully looked at her wrist.

"This amulet is something I bought in this school. So it's not like I have any strong attachment in particular to it. It's just, how should I put it, it's like my mental support? When I have this in hand I feel really at peace. That's why when I lose it, it feels like an omen that bad things are going to happen and that makes me anxious. That's why I was really happy knowing someone picked it up and handed it over".

The purpose of an amulet, in the first place, is to do exactly that.

"To think the person who picked it up would be you".

"Do you know me?".

"You drew a lot of attention during that relay against Horikita-senpai. A while ago, Miyabi. No, President Nagumo also spoke with you right?".

"Could it be that you were there?".

Of course, I knew that already. Ichinose was also there that day.

"Well, I suppose".

I'll make it look like I didn't notice Asahina until today. Because if I mess it up and let her know I already noticed her from a while back, she seems like the type to become more guarded towards me.

Since picking up the amulet is nothing more than a coincidence, this meeting too, must be a coincidence.

"I'm rather confident in my speed but to tell you the truth, that's about the only thing I'm good at. Perhaps I've caught President Nagumo's eye due to some misunderstanding".

I said so as though that's troubling me and Asahina nodded repeatedly as though in understanding.

"That guy respects Horikita-senpai. Or rather, he's made that a goal of his so when he wasn't taken seriously at that relay, he must've gotten jealous of you".

I couldn't sense any ulterior motive behind Asahina's words.

For better or for worse, she's got an honest personality. I decided to step it up a bit.

"How can I get Nagumo-senpai's attention off my back?".

"How about you beat him then? Like taking that arrogant Miyabi down a peg or two. I'd personally like Miyabi to lose a bit too".

She said so while laughing. Of course, it's probably just a joke without any serious intent behind it. However, I boldly picked up on that.

"I see, that might also be an option".

When I replied like that, Asahina immediately looked dumbfounded and looked at me. After a few seconds, she burst out in laughter.

"Ahahaha! Come on, I was just joking. Couldn't you tell?".

Asahina laughed herself almost to tears and hit me on the shoulder.

"If Nagumo falls, would that trouble you after all then?".

Since Asahina still thinks I'm joking, I decided to take a stronger tone with her.

If Asahina is the type of person to report this to Nagumo then either way, that's it for me. Even if she reports it to him right now, it'll end with her thinking I'm just a cheeky 1st year.

"Are you serious?".

"You were joking, weren't you, senpai?".

"Look here, this isn't something a 1st year can do anything about".

She said that and apologized for joking. But I continued with that exact same tone.

"Among all the 2nd years I've seen up until now, Asahina-senpai looks like the most straightforward one".

".....the most straightforward one?".

"Because it's very difficult to acquire information from the 2nd years that 'Nagumo Miyabi' rules over, you see".

"You're saying something rather outrageous. I'm also a 2nd year. Miyabi and I actually have a 'deep relationship', you know?".

"It's not about shallow or deep, it's about how much you've been influenced by him. That's the important part".

Either way, since they're in the same class there's no way they could possibly be enemies. No matter what she thinks about Nagumo, she probably wouldn't want her class to be disadvantaged.

"I think they're similar though".

"Well, please just think of it as a 1st year's nonsense".

And with that I bowed my head.

"Please excuse me".

"Ahh, wait a minute. Somehow, this makes me feel like I'm the villain here".

She breathes out and then smiled.

"I understand you're not joking. That's why as an apology, please let me repay you for picking up my amulet. If there's anything you'd like to ask me, I'll answer".

"Are you fine with that? I may point an arrow at Nagumo-senpai, you know".

"To be completely honest with you, I don't really think the situation will change any just because I talk to you".

She seems to be certain that even if she gives me information on some of the 2nd years, it won't have a major influence.

In other words, it's information that would be pointless even if known. If that's how she sees this, then I'm extremely grateful for that.

"Among the 2nd year girls, how many are particularly intimate with Nagumo-senpai?".

"Girls who are intimate with him? Like all of them. Because they trust Miyabi more than any other boy, you see---".

I do know that he's not the sort of enemy ordinary methods will work against but he's got a really wide range.

"What about the people most likely to act as Nagumo-senpai's pawns?".

"Do you think I'll tell you that much?".

"As a senpai, you wouldn't mind giving the 1st years a little credit, would you?".

"You're saying that? You're a cheeky one".

She said so and laughed. But she didn't seem against it.

"Well, it's not like it's my place to say that or anything though. The 2nd years have a strong sense of camaraderie. Honestly, we 2nd years split up into groups way faster than both the 1st and 3rd years, didn't we? After we received the explanation on the bus, we immediately shared information between classes on Miyabi's command".

They should technically be enemies but as I suspected, they seem to be in a state of cooperation.

Asahina told me the names of each class's representative. Maintaining contact between the four buses, they were able to decide on their small groups to a certain degree. It appears the girls also did something similar.

"What about when you linked up with the 1st year and 3rd year groups? Did you randomly decide on those as well?".

Nagumo's proposal for the boys was a draft-based system performed by the 1st years.

"Ehh? Pretty much".

"Pretty much? Does that mean there's an exception?".

Asahina seemed deep in thought while she crossed her arms.

"....why exactly?".

I could tell that Asahina's now harboring doubts. Perhaps she didn't find a resolution immediately, since the silence continued.

"Are you not going to tell me?".

"No, that's not it. There was a request made by the 2nd year girls when forming the large groups. Or rather, they made some adjustments. That small group consisted of people that Nagumo could count on".

If the groups are formed based on Nagumo's orders, then there's the possibility that they were entrusted with a special role. It's a conclusion you wouldn't be able to draw unless you know about the internal affairs of the 2nd years.

From the perspective of the 1st and 3rd years, it'll only appear to be friends flocking to each other.

"Are there any prominent 1st year or 3rd year students from that large group that those girls belong to?".

"Even if you ask me that, I don't really know much about the 1st years. But I guess from the 3rd years, there's Tachibana-senpai who used to be Horikita-senpai's secretary. Ahh, but the leader is someone else. So nothing strange's going to happen, I'm telling you. In the first place, Miyabi already said he wants to fight fair-and-square, didn't he?".

"You have quite a lot of faith in Nagumo-senpai".

The older Horikita too, seemed to have some measure of faith in Nagumo's words. If I am to believe the older Horikita and Asahina's words, then this whole chain of suspicion would be labelled 'fake'. That he's trying to use the suspicion that he'll use some other method while promising to fight fair-and-square to throw us off and ruin our focus.

"He always keeps his promises. That's why he won't fight dirty. In the first place, even if the girls' group springs some sort of trap, it won't have any effect on Horikita-senpai and Miyabi's fight, will it?".

"That's right. That is, without a doubt, irrelevant".

Asahina's doubts are quite right. Nagumo's proposal was that his group and the older Horikita's group have a match. It has nothing to do with the girls. That's why even if the girls who are especially intimate with Nagumo happen to be in the same group as Tachibana, it would still be irrelevant.

It means pretending to fight openly while planning something underhanded yet having it turn out to be an open fight in the end.

So that would mean that the seemingly meaningful words he spoke when making contact with Ishikura-senpai of the 3rd years was also a fake out. If we're talking about normally sounding someone out, it would be something like having several pieces appear before they fall away and disappear. A rather interesting way of doing it.

Unlike Sakayanagi or Ryuuen, this is a strategy with its own unique style to it.

"Now then, if there's anything I have in particular to say it's that it's your loss if you care about that".

"You were a great help".

I should thank Asahina for listening to my unreasonable request and telling me about their internal affairs. Of course, looking at it from Asahina's perspective, she doesn't think what she did here would get in Miyabi's way at all.

Because she probably doesn't think someone like me could possibly become an enemy.

"Well, do your best and go scare the hell out of Miyabi. I'll be rooting for you, just a bit".

"Ahh, and also there's just one more thing".


Combining this with the information I got from Kei, the accuracy increases even further.

I decided to step it up a bit more.

Part 6

The night of the sixth day fell with the group in a foul mood. If we let this day end like this, the group probably won't even form up tomorrow. I expect this terrible relationship to drag on.

And if so, it will prove difficult to obtain a high score in the exam that awaits us in two days time. Even after I returned to the room after bathing, the mood in here is as foul as ever.

Ishizaki's putting up a wall around himself, not talking to anyone else. Keisei's also severely blaming himself and trapped in his own shell, he's not even speaking. The Class B students, in an attempt to liven us up, continued to excitedly chat repeatedly but no longer able to stand the oppressive atmosphere around them, they eventually fell silent too.

Eventually, after confirming that it's almost lights out time, Yahiko turned the power off in our room. In order to quickly put an end to this day.

"Hey, Ishizaki. Can I have some of your time?".

In the darkness, it was Hashimoto who broke that long silence.

"No you can't".

Hashimoto called out to him from atop his bunk but Ishizaki rejected him. Judging from the sound of the sheets shuffling, I suppose he's turned his back towards us.

"If we keep this up, our group's probably in big trouble. We may possess some advantages because there's only a few of us but in exchange, we bear several disadvantages when it comes to the contents of the exam. In the worst case scenario, Yukimura and someone else may be expelled".

If so, wouldn't Ishizaki be the one to get dragged down? Is the implication of that remark.

"Shut it. I don't care whether it's expulsion or whatever".

"Good grief.....".

It appeared that although Hashimoto extended a helping hand, Ishizaki rejected it. Hashimoto sighed as though giving up.


I couldn't see Hashimoto's face in the dark. Does this mean our group can no longer return to a functional state? It was about time we gave up.

"I played soccer during elementary and middle school. It was a prestigious school so every year our team would play in the nationals. We weren't aces by any measure but we played matches on the regular and we did relatively well for ourselves".

Hashimoto said those words not to any person in particular, but to everyone in the room.

"You aren't in the soccer club, are you? You don't seem injured to me either".

Yahiko pointed that out in the dark.

"Yeah. I know it isn't all that popular nowadays but there was a time when I used to smoke".

"So you were kicked out when they found out?".

"No. I made sure to smoke in secret. Only my family knew about it".

"Even if smoking's no good, it's not a reason to quit playing soccer".

Yahiko's doubts are spot on. If it isn't revealed to anyone, then there'd be no problem.

"I felt alienated. While everyone was united in their goal of winning the nationals, I alone observed that coldly. I felt like I didn't belong there. And also, I probably didn't like soccer all that much either. That's why I could easily quit soccer and study. I was quite capable in the first place so it wasn't really that difficult for me to keep up with my studies".

"Are you bragging? I can't listen to this".

Ishizaki disagreeably interjected.

"For better or for worse, all I could manage was to do passably well. But sometimes I do feel regret. When I see Hirata and Shibata, practicing hard on the grounds, I end up thinking that it could have been me there. Even though I didn't like it all that much. Isn't it strange?". Hashimoto laughed self-deprecatingly. "What about you? What was your childhood like, Ishizaki?".

"Huh? Why are you asking me?".

"For no particular reason".

"Hah.....I have nothing to say".

He refused to talk by saying he had nothing to talk about. Keisei then opened his mouth to join in the conversation happening in the dark.

"Ever since I was little, studying was all I did. Maybe I was influenced by my older sister who aspired to be a teacher, I always acted the role of the model student. Ever since elementary, she'd give me problems that are almost absurdly difficult to solve. She's a pretty unreasonable sister".

"So that's how you became so good at studying?".

Hashimoto, as though drawing out the conversation, asked that of Keisei.

"Yeah. And also, I'm no good at sports. No matter what I did I could only barely pass most of the time. I decided not to overcome my weakness and instead improve on my strengths. Because I thought that with the exception of those aiming to become professional athletes, improving your physical abilities is pointless. After enrolling in this school, I was faced with several doubts. I never once doubted that someone like me who could study better than anyone else was most suited for Class A".

As though reminiscing, Keisei stopped speaking and thought for a little while. The class Keisei was assigned to was Class D. The despair he must have felt at the time must have been immeasurable.

"After that, things I couldn't accept happeed one after another. I couldn't accept the joint responsibility system of the class and I couldn't comprehend the lifestyle we had to live on the uninhabited our class, Sudou was my polar opposite. Even though he excelled at sports, he couldn't study. At first I thought I had been given an absurd burden to bear. But on the uninhabited island and during the sports festival, Sudou was far more useful than I was. I saw that shining figure of his beside me".

There was some frustration in his words.

"To be honest, there are still some things I can't accept. But I'm slowly starting to realize too. That if studying's the only thing you can do or if sports is the only thing you're good at, that's no good. This applies to this exam as well. If we can't do both those things, we won't be able to obtain a good score. Am I wrong, Ishizaki?".

Keisei then turned the conversation towards Ishizaki.

"Then why did you---".

"Just like during the sports festival and back on the uninhabited island, I'm filled with feelings of humiliation. I'm being a liability to the group. I hurt myself and end up increasing the burden on someone else. Most importantly, I ended up lowering our morale. I wasn't able to show anything to Ishizaki, who contributed to the group more than the average person despite his complaints".

Ishizaki, who was about to mock him, stopped himself. You cannot see anything. It's precisely because we're in the dark where we cannot see the other person's face that we are able to expose things like this.

"I'm sorry, Ishizaki...that the leader who should be setting the example is in a condition like this".

He tried to choke it back but I could tell that Keisei is crying. But nobody's uncouth enough to interject. It's not like he's crying because he wants to, these are tears of frustration.

"Don't screw around, why are you apologizing.......I mean, I'm the one who blamed you......".

Ishizaki scornfully laughed at himself and continued.

"In the first place, you accepted the role of leader when nobody else would".

Even if it were pushed onto him, he could've refused. As a matter of fact, Ishizaki himself refused it.

Ishizaki probably realized Keisei's goodwill in accepting it.

"I didn't like taking orders from you but without those orders, the group would probably be even worse off. Both when it comes to making breakfast and the marathon training".

"No doubt about that". Hashimoto said so while laughing.

Students who excel in academics, students who don't excel in academics. Students who excel at sports and students who don't excel at sports. All different sorts of students gather to form one class or one group.

There are problems to be found there too like enemies and allies. Here and there, Yahiko and the other students began chatting.

On this day and this night, for the first time, our group started acting like a proper group. That is what I felt.

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