A large man walked into the arena and the gates closed behind him, he towered above all other alphas not even bothering to spear them a second glance. He nodded to Marcus to get started, he was not a man of much patience either he wanted to get this done and over with.

30 minutes had passed and there stood two alphas. Alpha Kalista scrutinized his opponent, claw marks and bites that caused for loss of chunks of his flesh covered his body, but not as much as would be expected for an alpha who just climbed ranks and defeated the preceding park.

'Alpha Vernof I see you are now second in ranks "

"make no mistake Kalista today your reign ends " Vernof slipped out a snarl on his face.

Gasps were heard throughout the crowd he dared to address an Alpha inappropriately.

a roar of laughter sounded in the air, as Kalista laughed at Vernof's futile attempt to get him off his game by enraging him.

Somewhere in the crowd, a red-haired beauty stood in awe of the man laughing, her father. Aliyah was the only child of Alpha Kalista, as her mother had died as soon as she was born, she was the apple of her father's eyes.

She looked up to her father, most times she cursed the fact that she was born a girl as it would be impossible to take over the pack when her father was gone. she shook such thoughts from her mind, it broke her heart to think that the man sho had nursed her, read stories to her at night and protected her all her life would one day be gone, she knew it would happen soon, that's why she worried anytime the period for such fights came near. Her eyes shone with pride as she gazed at her father standing in all his glory nothing but, a leather strap to cover his buttocks and front, with barely a scratch and the blood of other alphas on his skin. She was soon cut off from her thoughts by Vernof's next remark.

"Even if I can't defeat you, in a few moons your pack's reign would be over seeing your dead wife could not bear you anything of worth but this pathetic excuse for a daughter. Vernof strode towards Kalista who was now fighting for control, looking him in the eye he continued "When she is mated to an alpha what are the guarantees he would be as strong as the alphas from your bloodline "

Aliyah fought hard to keep her wolf at bay, she was more worried about her father who's eyes had changed color, showing his wolf wanted to come out and play, this has never happened in years, her father has always fought in human form.

an evil smirk made its way to vernof face, he got exactly what he wanted the crowd watched in anticipation and fear.

"father, don't listen to him, block him off don't let him get in your head" she desperately tried to link her father but she wasn't sure he heard her.

it happened in a flash, Vernof's arm was ripped off its sockets, blood splattering to the ground, his screams of anguish filled the air just as his leg was twisted backward in an awkward position. Kalista went for the kill...

"stop Alpha Kalista!, Marcus commanded but it was like pouring water on a stone. Kalista wrapped his hand around Vernof's neck squeezing the life out of him, an average wolf would be dead by now, Marcus command seemed to have no effect on Kalista.

"How?" vernof asked weakly, he had planned this all out, small needles coated with silver and dipped in the sap from the root of the mut flower were inserted under his nails, one touch of that can weaken the strongest of all alphas, how was it that Kalista was not affected.

As if reading his mind Kalista whispered, "I have one smarter than you". Vernof's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Father"! stop, please!" Alyiah shouted, after 10 painful seconds vernof hit the ground in an almost lifeless heap, Alyiah sighed in relief it was against the law to kill in the shadow pull, vernof would be okay after 6months since he was an alpha. Once his arm is attached to the rest of the body it would slowly realign, it was a painful process no different from torture.

Kalista let out an ear piercing howl to announce his victory, all present except the elders howled in response and got on one knee with heads bowed to show respect to the reigning champion.

Elder Marcus was relieved the night was not ruined by bloodshed, "let the run begin "

Alpha Kalista turned into his wolf, dominant, as the night, even in that form he towered over every wolf present as he led the run into the forest howls of victory echoed from the members of the Blood Born pack they were still undefeated.

Meanwhile behind the bushes, a dark-haired young man stood as he observed all that took place a smile on his face

"you're welcome alpha".

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