Clear and Muddy Loss of Love

Chapter 90: Insurmountable divide

Nangong looked at Qi Yan's plan for killing, and raised his palm and admired: "My brother-in-law is crowning the world, and this palace can get my brother-in-law to help, like Zhang Liang and Xiao He. Why worry about a big deal?"

"His Highness is too good. This is just the duty of a courtier."

Qi Yan's words of Yueyue heard more than ten thousand words of praise in Nangongwang's ears.

But the joy lasted only a moment, hesitantly said, "The brother-in-law's plan, if the father Emperor Dragon body Kangtai can naturally make the old 20,000 robbed, but if the father Emperor fails to survive, wouldn't he make a wedding dress for others?"

Qi Yan sneered: How did the Wei people pass such an indifferent relationship to the flesh for the throne?

"What does Your Highness mean?"

Nangong looked at his heart and said, "The second child is so fatal that he didn't hit him at the bottom of such a big event. He is older than the main palace and has won the hearts of the people. Brother-in-law may have The solution will not only make this palace doubted by the father, but also completely dismiss the second child? "

Qi Yan thought for a moment: "Yes, I'm afraid that His Highness feels that his heart is poisonous and alienated from me."

Nangongwang's expression was a bit unnatural: "Don't mention the old brother-in-law, you and I will work together to make a great cause."

"Dare to ask His Royal Highness, how is the situation of the Grand Prince?"

"He was the son of the uncle who was born by himself. The emperor arranged a mansion for him in Gyeonggi, and rewarded five hundred households with food. He must not enter the palace."

"How is the alert in Fuchu?"

"This one, we have to check it before we know it. Why do you suddenly ask this?"

"What is the reason why His Royal Highness does not dare to move the second prince?"

"Naturally ..."

Nangong Wang understood: Qi Yan asked him to find a way to assassinate Nangong Ping, and then put all the blame on the second prince Nangong Wei.

Nangong looked a little hesitant. On the one hand, he was worried that things would be unbearable, but on the other hand, he still had a trace of conscience.

After seeing Nangongwang ’s thoughts, Qi Yan said coldly, "Which ancient emperor has ascended to the throne cleanly? If his Royal Highness is really unrelenting, he would advise his Royal Highness to take the initiative before he and the second prince have committed evil. . Until the second prince ascends to the throne, His Royal Highness may be a laid-back prince, and he has passed away. "

A word touched the deep taboo of Nangong Wang. Seeing the hesitation in his eyes dispersed, Qi Yan took the initiative to resign.


She boarded the carriage back to her house, leaned slowly against the carriage and closed her eyes.

Trying to recall the appearance of Nangong Ping, they only saw two sides in total, the other was a dumb, middle-aged man sitting in the corner consciously every time the palace feast.

According to common sense, Nangong Ping, who comes from a humble origin and is far from the political center, is the prince who is most likely to get a good death. Unfortunately, all Nangong people have original sin.

Qi Yan opened his eyes sharply, his eyes were grim: For eleven years, the Nangong royal family should also pay a little interest for the blood debt of that year ...


Ganquan Palace, Nangong Jingnv is accompanying Nangong to make a speech.

A voice from the housekeeper outside the dormitory sang and drank: "Mother-in-law, please!"

Giya entered the main hall and bowed down to worship: "See your Majesty."

Nangong let out a smile and stretched out his hand to Giya: "Ya Fei come and sit."

Ji Ya took the opportunity to sit on the dragon bed and took something out of her arms: "Your Majesty, look!"

Nangong let him look at the cracked tortoiseshell: "What is this?"

"This is the way of praying in our prairie. Throw the tortoise shell into the brazier and pray to the gods with the desire in your heart. If the tortoise shell cracks are even, the gods agree."

There was a tenderness in Nangong's eyes that should not belong to the emperor: "What wish did you make?"

"I hope Your Majesty will recover soon ..."

Nangong Jingnv looked at the scene in front of her, and the taste of her heart was unclear.

She has forgotten the look of her mother, but the tender scene is extremely vivid and clear.

Watching his father take the tortoise shell over, count the lines on it, and then smile. I also saw Ji Ya's eyes staring at his father.

Suddenly she missed Qi Yan, and it was time to retire.

"Father, it's getting late, sons and daughters go back home first."

Nangong let a little hold, and let Nangong Jingnv leave.

Nangong Jingnv looked at the sky outside, because the father had not seen Qi Yan on the first day of the illness, and she had not seen her for more than 20 days.

I don't know if he's living well? Is it still boring in the study as before, staying for a whole day?

Nangong Jingnv returned to the house, and ordered the kitchen to prepare a dinner and ordered Qiu Ju: "You have to go to Luoma House in person and ask him to come over."


Nangong Jingnv is a bit shy, this is the first time she has taken the initiative to invite Qi Yan into the house.

In the past she lived freely and everything was free to choose.

But later she saw that the second sister fell into endless troubles because she had handed over white silk, and the father and the emperor also told him that the pen knife in the hands of the officials was the most terrible thing in the world.

Under the guidance and influence of Qi Yan, he read a lot of books and learned what awesomeness is.

If you know more, you have scruples.

I later understood that why the second sister was frowning and why Qi Yan was so obedient to the palace rules.

But today, she watched the tender interaction between Jiya and her father, and that thought spread silently in her heart.

With Qi Yan's temperament, it is impossible to take the initiative, so change yourself to be brave.

If the officials want to write, just write yourself ...

Figured out here, Nangong Jingnv relaxed a lot.

She looked down at the palace dress on her body, counting the time when Qi Yan entered the house, and turned to Tang Quandian ...

Qi Yan is writing in the study, and Xia Hebao reported: "Master Ma, Your Royal Highness invites you to dinner at Princess Mansion."

The walking pen stroked his head: "If you know, come."

Qi Yan put down his writing brush, pulled out two books from a stack of books in front of the desk case, and left the study.

Nangong Jingnv put on a clean palace dress, two girls have entered the palace one after another: dinner is ready, Qi Yanzheng is waiting outside the door, everything is just right, Nangong Jingnv's mood is bright.

After entering the Imperial Dining Hall, Nangong Jingnv ordered: "Let's all step back and leave no one to serve."


Obviously there was something to say, Qi Yan was sitting in front of her, but Nangong Jingnv didn't know where to start.

Or Qi Yan opened his mouth first: "Is Your Majesty's Dragon Body Kangtai?"

Nangong Jingnv replied: "The doctor said that she would raise her for a few more days, and then she could go up. Sorry ... On the first day, I went into the palace to visit the father."

"My minister knows."

Qi Yan keenly noticed that the other party ’s emotions were a little wrong, and put a chicken leg on the dish of Nangong Jingnv: "Have you been thinking about your highness?"

Nangong Jingnv nodded and shook her head first: "There have been too many recent incidents, and I don't know where to start."

For the first time, Qi Yan read the word "sorrow" from the other person's face, and suddenly realized that the 15-year-old girl seemed to have grown up.

"Can you stay tonight?" Nangong Jingnu asked softly.

"it is good."


After dinner, the two walked around the garden first, returned to the dorm room, and ordered Qiuju to move the chessboard. It was still the fourth son that Qi Yan made the white move first.

Lao Zi's voice came from time to time, and both were quiet.

Qi Yan found that Nangong Jingnv's chess ability has improved again. She wanted to praise two words and saw that the other's serious expression stopped again.

Nangong Jingnv's descending is very slow, every step is being considered, until the sky outside is completely dark, the two pieces are covered with chessboard, black and white are entangled after a fight.

Nangong Jingnv looked at the chessboard for a long time, and put the sunspot at her fingertips back into the chess box: "The main palace lost."

"His Highness ...?"

Nangong Jingnu smiled with a soothing smile: "It's early, go to bed."


Qi Yan wore a blouse and blew out the candles on the table, and the hall fell into darkness.

Turning around but seeing a shadow of a shadow behind her, the gentle voice of Nangong Jingnv came: "Hangong hold you, slow down."

"Thank Your Highness."

Lying on the bed, the atmosphere fell into a short period of stasis. Qi Yan didn't know whether this was the punishment of God or the illusion of guilty conscience.

Every time she did a "bad thing", Nangong Jingnv appeared, and she seemed to be testing her ability.

Nangong Ping is just the beginning. In the future, the Nangong royal family will continue to bleed.

Although the next one is Qi Yan who hasn't figured out yet, it will finally be the family of Nangong Jingnv's beloved.

They were close enough to hear each other's breathing.

Near to Qi Yan, I dare not let my expression show any looseness ...

Obviously, she deliberately provoked Nangong Jingnu, but when the other party responded, Qi Yan only wanted to escape.

Nangong Jingnu, who is lying beside Qi Yan, is engaged in a "conflict between heaven and man."

She always felt that there was something separated from Qi Yanzhi, and she didn't understand until she saw the relationship between Father Emperor and Jiya.

Qi Yan is very happy with himself, and can even be said to be respectful, but ... This doesn't seem to be what a couple should be.

Feeling his sleeves torn, Qi Yan called: "His Royal Highness?"

"Can you ... lie down?"

Qi Yan's heart rose with anxiety, and today's Nangong Jingnu is too abnormal.

Nangong Jingnu bit her lip, her hesitation hurt her heart.

Slowly loosened Qi Yan's sleeves, holding back the soreness and pain in his heart, turning away in silence.

In the end carrying a woman's hold and the pride of the royal family, even if she felt Qi Yan's "exclusion", she did not pierce.

Qi Yan knew that he hurt the other side, and raised his hand subconsciously, but finally controlled and retracted it.

At this moment, the stepping bed seemed extremely spacious, and an insurmountable gulf ran between the two.

Qi Yan knows the reason.

Two years after marriage, the relationship between them has reached a critical point that is about to overflow. As long as she takes the initiative to gather a few words of courage and whisper, she can ease the anxiety in her heart as easily as before.

But then ...?

A moment of calm can only be exchanged for endless scourges. After all, he is his daughter, and the disguise cannot change the facts.

Even if Qi Yan felt guilty, she would not dare to coax Nangong Jingnu this time.

Her shoulders carried too much, the fall of the grassland, the scars on the top of Bayin, and the concealment that Ding Ye helped her.

She also turned around, and the two were lying back to back on the bed.

At night, it was getting deeper. Only the red light hanging in front of the gate of the dwelling house penetrated into the red light.

Qi Yan slows her breathing, but her eyes lose focus: If the premise of protecting her identity is to make Nangong Jingnv sad, then she has no choice.

Nangong Jingnv held her arms, her tears overflowed silently, and the orange brocade on the jade pillow was wet.


The next time Qi Yan and Jing Nu sleep together, it is time to break through this relationship.

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