Close Combat Mage

Chapter 10: Business is booming

With the departure of the girl in red, Boumanet regained silence, and no one came in for a long time. For the emerging things, the public basically maintained a distrust attitude. They all thought it was a scam. How can there be such a good thing? Gold coins can be used to perform moisturizing. Even if it is a viewing fee for watching a show, it is not possible to do so?

Although no one came, Soga was still very excited. Looking at the seven gold coins in his hand, Soga was very satisfied. Her mother worked hard for seven days to get so much money, but now, she is just one Young came, and for a time, Soga had an unreal feeling.

"Flip-flop-flop-flop ..." Soga was jealous of playing with the gold coins in his hand, and Bouman suddenly sounded a messy and hurried footsteps, and the voice came clearly towards Bouman.

Just wondering, Bouman was kicked off suddenly, and then ... under the leadership of the red-haired girl, a group of girls swarmed in, and instantly turned the thin Bouman into a crooked one, struggling with a little pain. Yes, the white Bouman fell to the ground in pain, was trampled by countless small feet, and disappeared.

Looking at the aggressive red-haired girl and her sisters, Soga intuitively thought that she was giving the wrong money and came back for money. Now she didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly passed the extra six gold coins to the red girl. "You were too hurry just now. I don't charge so much money, I only charge one gold coin!"

He shook his head pantingly, the girl in red was trying to talk, but the other girl did not give her a chance, and suddenly she pulled the girl in aside, and said impatiently: "Don't worry about those, I ask you, you just gave Is she a moisturizer? "

"Eh!" Looking at the **** the opposite side, he asked himself fiercely, asking for the other party to find his own account. He spit his throat nervously and looked around subconsciously. Sure enough, this uproar has attracted people around. Everyone's attention, there are four or five hundred people, three layers inside and three layers outside, and there is no water around here. More people are rushing from a distance.

In fear, Soga's voice trembled. Although she was reluctant, she still passed the six gold coins in her hand to the other side: "I only receive one gold coin, these six are here. I just called her just now, she didn't stop, This doesn't blame me. "

Impatiently frowned, the **** the opposite side grabbed Soga's money and dropped it into the red girl's hand, saying anxiously: "Well, the money is up, now I ask you, Did you give her a moisturizer? "

"Eh!" Soga looked puzzled at the **** the opposite side. Soga didn't understand. Now that the money was paid, what else would they do? Is there a problem with the spell? But look at the girl in red, isn't she nice? Thinking, Soga nodded subconsciously.

Seeing Soga nodded, the girl opposite was sitting opposite Soga excitedly, and couldn't wait to say, "Well, let's hurry ... I can't wait anymore!"

"Well?" Soga looked down, looking at the girl in doubt, "Hurry up? Do you want to hit me?"

"Go ..." The girl shrugged her lips dismissively: "I have nothing to do with you? I want you to give me a moisturizing operation, aren't you obliged to moisturize the majority of ladies? Hurry up, my skin will dry out and die Now. "

After listening to the girl's words, Soga finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was so anxious that she just wanted to give her some moisture, really. Is it necessary to be so hot?

However, after thinking about it, now that the business is coming, it still has to be done. Looking around in embarrassment, Soga smiled bitterly and said, "I want to start too, but it's too noisy around, you've knocked down Bouman. , I can't concentrate on casting spells. "

At the words of Soga, all the girls were stunned, and then they did not use human organization. They consciously moved, and the wooden bars supporting Bouman were broken, but it doesn't matter. The four girls held the cloth corners with their hands and held them high. As soon as he got up, Bouman stood up again in an instant, but on the white Bouman, at this moment, he had artistically filled some gray footprints.

After Bouman established, the other girls automatically formed a long line at the door. Everyone was a disciplined and cultural student. This discipline is still necessary.

For a while, everyone passing here was attracted by this scene. Four flowers-like girls raised their right hands and pulled a very “artistic” Burman. Then in front of Burman, there were thirty or forty people. Miaoling girls line up with anticipation. How can this scene not cause everyone's curiosity?

Bumane, after stabilizing his mind, Soga began to cast the moisturizing spell again. At a speed of ten seconds, each girl with a bleak face turned into a beautiful lady with a water spirit. These girls cheered and screamed, which made the pedestrians on the road even more curious. What were they doing?

More and more pedestrians stopped silently and surrounded the small Bouman. Under everyone's attention, the girls who were not so good entered the Bouman one by one, and then one by one The big beautiful girl came out from Bouman, the flowery and bright red face, exuding a moisturizing radiance, touching.

Finally, under the careful observation of careful people, the blurred handwriting on Buman was finally identified one by one, and everyone finally understood that the girls were attracted to it, which turned out to be the legendary moisturizer. Surgery!

Moisturizing is a sacred spell. It cures and saves people. It is a great test. Although everyone knows that moisturizing has a magical effect on beauty, but not many people have the opportunity to try the taste of being moisturized. It is already a luxury, magic is not juggling, no one will show you nothing.

But now, this opportunity is in front of everyone, watching every girl with a boring face go in, and every beautiful lady who comes out of the water comes out. As long as she is a woman, it is impossible to stay indifferent, gradually, more and more Many girls and women have joined the growing team.

Bumane, Soga has been dizzy. When casting the spell, the spirit is extremely concentrated, extremely focused, a little unnoticed, the line is drawn by one millimeter, and the entire spell fails.

After ten consecutive moisturizing operations, Soga was helpless to find that his mental strength could no longer be concentrated. It would take three or four times to achieve success, and the probability continued to decline.

Although the body is very uncomfortable, looking at the gold coins in front of them one by one, Soga is still very satisfied. However, the manpower sometimes runs out, although I really want to continue, but when Soga reluctantly performed the 20th After moisturizing, it turned out to be completely confusing and unable to concentrate at all. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn't cast a spell.

Looking at the unseen team of Foreign Minister Bauman, Soga couldn't help but grin. Although not very good, Soga was very satisfied. You must know that besides Soga, the most powerful girls in the class are only You can perform moisturizing operations ten times in a row, and you can perform twenty times yourself. You should definitely be satisfied. But having said that, but looking at the long and long lines outside the door, Soga had a hard time. How should I end this time?

After thinking about it for a long time, Suga finally reluctantly told everyone that he needs to rest for a while and cultivate his spirit before he can continue to perform moisturization for everyone.

Originally, Suo Jia would be dissatisfied because of this news, but Hu Huojia expected that not only did everyone not be dissatisfied, but they all showed their respectful and admired expressions. This ...

In fact, whether it is magic or not, as long as it is a person, you all know one of the magician's signature skills-meditation, the so-called meditation, is to enter the state of no one and no self, so that the mental strength is quickly restored, and quickly increase.

In the eyes of outsiders, meditation is a sign of a magician, and mysterious can be a god, but in fact, the so-called meditation is deep sleep, the highest level of meditation, five minutes of sleep, which is comparable to ordinary people's five hours of sleep. .

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