Close Combat Mage

Chapter 137: Take over the dawn

Soga knows that now is the most dangerous situation, he must make a quick decision, otherwise, once he is entangled in close proximity, coupled with the projectile from the periphery, even if there is a Poseidon, he cannot support it for a few seconds!

Although the current Poseidon Shield is enough to withstand fifteen US swords, we must know that now there are thirty samurai around Soga, and there are hundreds of archers in the distance. Such a powerful attack, It is enough to dissolve the Aegis of Water in two seconds, and the shield of space has a cooling time of ten minutes. That is to say, if it cannot be determined quickly, Soga will have to fight against 130 without protection. Many enemies were killed on the spot by 100%.

Thinking about it, facing the twenty or thirty warriors swarming, Soga suddenly stepped out of his right foot, and in the dull sound, the diamond shock instantly launched, circle by circle, row by row, row by row of diamond shocks, crazy with Soga was at the center, spreading towards the outer circle, and people passing by turned around wherever they passed.

Obviously, these guys are still a bit of strength. At least they are not ordinary soldiers. After landing, the ice layer around them shattered, but their bodies are still intact, but they are a bit slow. This is freezing. Effect.

Seeing this, Suga could not help frowning slightly. Originally, he thought so, and the diamonds were impacted everywhere. These guys would surely shatter. But I never expected that these guys would have some strength. They entered a frozen effect and did not cause effective killing!

Between thoughts, Suga didn't dare to neglect, and her hands were slightly twitched. The nine-meter-long ice stream with a thick arm burst out instantly. Holding the tail of the ice stream with her right hand, Suga slammed her arms, a stout ice stream. It twisted and twisted in an instant, forcing the samurai trying to approach it back again, and sweeping away many arrows.

However, Soga's ice stream whip is not completely defensive after all. Through the gap of the ice stream, dozens of sharp arrows hit Soga accurately, was blocked by the Aegis of Water, and suffered an arrow attack. The intensity of the moment weakened a lot and almost collapsed on the spot!

"Cut ..." With a low curse, Soga cast the ice flow whip with one hand, and a whirling water vortex whistled between her left hand and a ring. Then, under the effect of spinning frozen air, it condensed into an ice wall. Soga was firmly protected. For the time being, it may not be possible to resist the samurai, but it has a good effect on those arrows.

The right hand manipulated the ice flow whip, and the left hand slightly protruded. At the next moment ... at the flash of blue light, a sharp ice arrow shot instantly, penetrated a samurai's throat, and shot into the samurai's shoulder behind him. One injury.

At the same time, the ice stream whip accurately caught one of the warriors. In the sound of a bang and crisp sound, Suo Jia's instant frozen touch finally succeeded in freezing his opponent into ice cubes. , Broken into a corpse of the sky.

However, despite this, Soga's situation has not improved, and the total number of samurai in the house has basically not fallen, and the archers hidden outside the house continue to shoot wildly.

At this moment, Soga finally realized that no matter how much personal strength, in front of the collective, it seemed so small, nothing could be counted on, and exerted his whole body strength, but still surrounded by danger, with one person's strength, Dealing with more than a hundred people at the same time, that is totally two concepts of fighting alone.

Soga has to face not only attacks but also defensive issues. Soga has no right to evade and can only choose certain attacks to resist defense. Most attacks can only be accepted helplessly!

Moreover, in terms of attack, Soga cannot attack everyone at the same time, at least not yet, and even if it can, Soga's attack will inevitably reduce the attack power of a single person due to the increase in the number of enemies.

This is the magic. The larger the attack range, the smaller the damage and damage to the single unit. The more concentrated the single unit attack, the more powerful it is. When attacking ten people at the same time, your power is bound to be divided into ten. It is inevitable.

As far as defense is concerned, you don't have to deal with only one person's attack, but you have to face an attack of ten people, one hundred people, and you want to block everything, but it's not impossible, but one attack of one hundred people is equivalent to one One hundred attacks of a person, the energy consumption of the shield is simply destructive. Even a Holy Magister cannot withstand the arrow rain of thousands of people. If it is to be blocked, the result is that the magic shield is instantly broken!

No matter who it is, even if he is invincible in the single-to-single world, he can't use one person to stop the army of 10,000 people. Even if someone is standing there and you can't cut it casually, it won't wait for you to finish it. Physical and mental energy is also exhausted, which is basically an impossible task.

The collective must rely on the collective to counteract. It is not something that can be played by one person. When I think of it here, Soga dare not continue to be able to continue. The manly husband should be able to stretch and stretch.

Between thoughts, Suga took a deep breath and was about to retreat at full speed. The next moment ... the windows burst at the same time. At the most critical moment, the angels of the Six Winged Phoenix finally came to the rescue.

Before entering, the six-winged phoenix angels had accumulated their energy. As soon as they entered the room, thirty-six golden and red lights flashed. The samurai in the room were also hit at the same time, and they hurriedly used weapons. Thousands of feathers drove wildly. Under the huge impulse of thousands of feathers, more than thirty warriors were blasted away far away.

"Huh ..." Seeing this, Soga could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Since they are here, then there is no problem. These six-winged phoenix angels, under the protection of the six-winged phoenix, are completely ignored. With the threat of bows and arrows, they are only afraid of the impact of blunt weapons and close-range weapons. For weapons like bows and arrows, they never try to resist and dodge. For them, arrow rain and heavy rain in nature, It doesn't seem to make a difference.

Seeing Qian Yu's failure to kill the enemy in seconds, the angels of Six Wing Phoenix are not surprised. After all ... there are still many masters. Since Qian Yu is useless, then close combat is good. No matter when it is, Six Wing Phoenix The strongest angel is still close combat!

"Huhhhhh ..." In the fierce roar, all the six-winged phoenix angels lifted their cloaks, rushed out at full speed, and hurried towards more than thirty warriors in the house. The melee kicked off immediately.

Gently flicking the non-existent dust on the body, Soga inspected the Aegis of the Water, feeling the rapid automatic replenishment of the energy of the Aegis, Soga smiled and walked towards the obese fat man on the opposite side. It's time to stop his footsteps. This dead fat man must get his due revenge for offending him!

Seeing that all the samurai were entangled, and fell into the wind of passive beatings, the obese fat man finally panicked, especially when he saw Soga, who was just so powerful, just came over with a stunned look, fear It has reached its limit!

Suddenly, he reached out his big hand, and the fat man pointed at Soga: "The archer obeys, concentrates his firepower, shoots this guy into a hedgehog!"

With the order of the fat man, the dark grid around the wall suddenly shot a rain of arrows, but in number, it was much less. The archers in front of the windows had been killed when the six-winged phoenix angel came in. So, only about 50 archers hiding in the dark grid are still shooting arrows.

Although there are only 50 archers left, 50 arrows volley, and the destructive power is still not small, but ... after all, the six-winged phoenix angels have already arrived, without the need of Soga's order, they automatically move their bodies and will The arrow rain fell, and then left with a flick of his left hand, he threw the amethyst shuttle full of energy in his hand toward the dark grid, and the archers hiding in the dark grid in the dull roar, were all blown out. Everyone with arms and legs lost his belly, and he saw that he was dead.

From the beginning to the end, Soga didn't squint completely. He believed in the Angel of the Six-winged Phoenix and his partner, as long as they were there, Soga was absolutely not in danger. They would help him resist all attacks. Soga believed this. The Six Wing Phoenix Angel did not let him down.

Finally, under the horrified gaze of the obese fat man, Soga stopped ten meters in front of him, looked at the fat coldly, and Soga said deeply: "You shouldn't offend me, this is stupid."

Seeing this scene, the obese fat man was finally stupid. You know, he is just an ordinary person. He does n’t know how to martial arts. He is just an official who is imprisoned by the empire. Once he ca n’t protect him, I ’m afraid an ordinary person. He can also beat him fat, let alone a strong man like Soga.

Behind Soga, the 36 War Goddess of War took only ten seconds to kill all the enemies in the room, leaving none of them thick and bloody.

In fact, if pulled out to fight alone, these killed guys are not so bad, at least they can also play ten to twenty, but the cooperation and tacit understanding between the six-winged phoenix angels, but they ca n’t By comparison, although the numbers in the two areas are similar, everyone in the other party feels like one to six, and in fact it is exactly the same.

Imagine how thirty-six people are thirty-six people. This is the importance of teamwork and tacit understanding. These tacit understandings have been cultivated by these girls since they were five or six years old. Today, it has been fifteen or sixty years. There is no need for dialogue and even eyes. No need, subconsciously know what teammates are going to do.

Obviously they are fighting each other, but the six-winged phoenix angels are always detached from their enemies and attack the enemy with all their strength, and at this moment, there are five other companions doing the same thing as her. Therefore, a six-to-one situation was achieved. After killing them in one fell swoop, they would use their own speed to go back, continue to stand up to their enemies, and wait for the next opportunity.

Six-winged phoenix angels came behind Soga and looked at the obese fat man in anger. Everyone was guessing how Soga would deal with this fat man. In a silence, Soga raised his hand slightly and said in a low voice: " Go ... now that you have done it, clean it up and kill everyone outside! "

"No!" Facing Soga's order, the fat man finally couldn't support it. His legs were soft, and he knelt down from the chair to the ground. He said eloquently, "Visor Soga, you have a lot of adults. Ah, I surrender everything, I surrender all property, just ask you to spare our family. "

Frowning slightly, Soga hesitated for a long time, and then said categorically: "Well, now go and bind everyone in the mansion to me immediately, and no one will be exposed!"

After hearing Soga's words, thirty-six six-winged phoenix angels flickered in the hall, disappeared quickly in the hall, and touched the surrounding buildings. Soga believed that under their actions, no one could run away. .

As the Angel of the Six Wings left, Soga re-focused on the fat man and said coldly: "Don't say I didn't give you a chance, now ... give me everything you should hand over immediately, otherwise, I guarantee that your family will not see the sun of tomorrow! "

Looking at Soga's fierce expression, the fat man nodded in horror, and said, "I'll give it ... I'll give it ... I'll give it all out!" Between words, the fat man hurriedly turned away from the dark room next to the cabinet. , Took out a large account book and handed it to Soga.

After receiving the account book, Soga carefully looked up, 100,000 tons of grain and grass, 30,000 sets of weapon armor, 140 million gold coins, and a city main house.

Close the book coldly, Soga knows that this is absolutely not everything, it seems ... this fat man still bullied him young and wanted to deceive himself, this is really the time to kill.

Between thoughts, Suga had a somber face and angrily said, "Fat, I find that you always think that I am young and always want to deceive me. Are you really thinking about it? Are you really sure that these are all ? "

"This ... this ... nothing else?" Hearing Soga's words, the fat man was afraid and confused.

"Bang!" Suddenly slammed the table, Soga angered, "Do you still want to deceive me? I ask you, how can there be no gifts from the king's merchants here at the border? Where are these foreign-style treasures? Also Yes ... the location here is so special, how can there be more than 100 million gold coins? "

Speaking of this, Soga resentfully said: "Moreover, you have a lot of soldiers and a group of masters, how can you not go to the robbery of the San Regal Zone? For so many years, how can the accumulated wealth be so small? You really deserve it I'm a kid, you? "

Hearing Soga's words, the fat man's complexion turned pale instantly. In fact, long before he decided to do so, he was ready and expected the current situation, so he prepared a fake account book and tried to use it. To fool Souga, but I didn't expect that the boy was too fine and saw everything at a glance.

While thinking about it, there was a messy sound outside the door. At the next moment ... hundreds of men, women, and children were escorted from the gate by the six-winged phoenix angel.

"Bang!" Throwing the ledger suddenly on the table, Soga glanced at the group of men, women, and children, and at a glance, there were more than thirty beautiful and young women, one eyebrow slightly revealing infinite style Obviously, these are the fat little wives.

At a glance, Soga quickly judged that the total value of the jewellery on the more than thirty little wives alone exceeded 100 million. Obviously, the fat man was still deceiving himself.

Between thoughts, Soka suddenly turned her head to look at the fat man, and said fiercely, "Well, do you have any more to say now? I have made enough concessions. I warn you to cherish the present opportunity. I can Don't care about killing two more people! "

Hearing Soga's words, the fat man's complexion suddenly changed, and the desperate detective got into his arms, took out a golden account book, and put it silently in front of Soga, his expression filled with resentment.

"Huh!" Lengheng whispered, Sogashin picked up the account book, carefully looked up, ten boxes of jewelry, 18 billion gold coins, 10,000 sets of high-level armor!

Looking at the account book in his hand, Suga shook his hands violently and took a deep breath. Suga smashed the account book into the fat man's face and yelled, "You are almost incurable. Then again and again the deception and me, it's fine ... since you don't care so much about the safety of your family, then I can complete you! "

"Come! Pull me out ten and cut it!" Soga commanded furiously in the face of the fat man.

Upon hearing Soga's order, ten six-winged phoenix angels quickly snatched them out, pulling out a woman and child one by one, and the battle blade in their hands quickly ran across their throats, waiting for Soga to give an order.

"Slow!" With a loud sigh, the fat man looked at Soga in horror: "I don't understand. I gave up everything, why would you do that?"

A somber smile, Soga said eeriely: "Are you really handing over everything? Then I ask you, you have been here for thirty or forty years, how can there be no magic equipment?"

After hearing Soga's words, the fat man's complexion was completely pale. He looked at Soga helplessly, and the fat man shook his head; You, if there is still a little hiding, you can kill it. "

"Oh?" The fat man looked up and down in doubt, Soga wouldn't believe it anyway, this guy would really hand over everything honestly, with his insidious cunning, how could it be impossible.

After thinking for a while, Soga whispered: "Okay, magic equipment, you can already explain it, but I now ask you, where are all those high-level generals and generals' clothes? Why am I on the account book? can not see?"

"This ..." looked at Soga bitterly, the fat man said helplessly: "You have seen them, they are in this room, it is you and your men who killed them with their own hands!"

"What!" Soga turned around in horror at the fat man's words, and looked at the corpse lying in the hall. He finally understood it. No wonder those guys are so powerful. It turns out that they are all senior generals here!

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