Close Combat Mage

Chapter 145: Secret thief

"Miscellaneous?" Soga was puzzled when he heard Roger's words.

With a mysterious smile, Roger whispered: "The so-called miscellaneous is the so-called stealth of chickens and dogs, use drugs and engage in terrorist activities, but ... although these are all little tricks, but here are all people Fine, little tricks can be played with art! "

Having said that, Roger exclaimed: "On the battlefield, we are a plate of dishes, but if you let us integrate into the crowd, then it will be completely different. Our ability will be of horror level, although only A team of 100 people, but the damage caused is not less than 100,000 troops! "

"Oh! It's so powerful!" Soga's interest was hooked upon hearing Roger's words.

"Um ..." Nodded, Roger smiled and said, "Others dare not say, if you want to find out information, assassinate someone, or kidnap and extortion, terrorist activities, poisoning, these people are experts ! "

Listening to Roger's words, Soga's eyes are getting brighter. What he has been lacking for a long time is the forces in this area. He has no idea about the development of the surrounding things. It can be said that the news is blocked. We must be careful in our actions and make adjustments at any time in accordance with changes in the situation.

However, if you really have such a force, it would be great. No matter what you do, it is much more convenient, and there are many more ways to solve one thing.

Between thoughts, Suga slammed the table and said flatly, "Very well, you will immediately give me the list of these elites, and I will arrange for you tomorrow morning!"

Hearing Soga's words, Roger smiled and took out a form from his arms, and threw it on the table with his hand in hand: "Already ready, huh ... a total of 87 people, all here."

While talking, Roger stood up, threw away the kernel in his hand, and said easily: "Well, Baron Soga, it's getting late, and I won't bother you much."

The letter holder put away the form, Soga stood up and said, "Well, it's really late, you should go and take a good rest."

Speaking, Soga opened the ring of space, took out a bottle of rum, and threw it at Roger, smiling at the same time; "Give you a good bottle of wine, hehe ... but this successfully passed through the great business Fine wine of the road! "

He caught the bottle and looked at the label on the bottle. Roger couldn't help licking his lips excitedly, "Oh, I don't remember how many years I haven't drunk, let alone such a good wine, Well ... Thank you! "Roger put the bottle in his arms and waved at Soga before turning and leaving the room.

There was no speech overnight. In the early morning the alarm bells, all the soldiers and slaves gathered again on the square. Soga also appeared on the guard station again. However, unlike yesterday, except for Soga, the station General Howe, General Jason, and General Roger also appeared on the ground, and behind the guard stand, a dozen soldiers were displayed.

In a silence, Suga Lang said: "Well, after a night of finishing, I now announce the establishment of the Green Angel Knights, the leader of which will be me, the deputy leader will be General Howe, and ... The general is also the general of the Green Angel Knights! "

During the conversation, Soga took out the form, and read out the letters of appointment of five captains, and fifty squadron captains, and 500 small captains. Of course, it is impossible to read the names one by one. It is sufficient to distribute the power of attorney to General Howe. It is more reasonable for him to distribute it in person.

In the cheers of the soldiers, General Howe took the appointment letter with excitement. With the support of more than a dozen entourages, he left the battlefield, but he did not leave, and the conference was not over yet.

After giving encouraging glances to General Howe, Soga took out a form again and read aloud: "Next, the Spears Regiment is merged into the Blood Angel Mercenary Regiment, and the leader is still me. The deputy commander is General Jason, and ... General Jason is also a general of the Blood Angel Mercenary Corps! "

During the reading period, Suo Jia's power of attorney was handed to Jason. After a military salute, Jason received the power of surprise. What surprised him was not the identity of the general, but the deputy head of the blood angel. This is no longer part of the military!

With a smile and watching Jason leave, Soga took out the last form, and after a slight glance, Soga smiled and put away the form, and said at the same time: "In addition, Roger and his subordinates, elite soldiers, Will be merged into the Dark Angel Thieves, I will be the leader of the Dark Angel Thieves, Roger will be the negative leader, and ... Roger will also be the general of the Dark Angel Thieves! "

Having said that, Roger paused for a moment, and said sincerely: "I would like to read the names of the members of the Dark Angel Rogue Group here, but everyone knows that as a thief, you must keep mysterious, for future tasks It went smoothly, I had to change my original intention, and I will not read it here! "

Having said that, Soga paused for a moment, and then said seriously: "We have 110,000 people in Dawn City, of which 100,000 are slave soldiers. In fact, we are a slave city here!"

Everyone lowered their heads when they heard Soga's words. They knew that Soga was telling the truth, but nonetheless no one wanted to hear it.

Looking at everyone's somber expression, Soga suddenly raised his voice and said loudly, "I can't let you restore your status as civilians, but I can assure you that in Shuguang City, under my jurisdiction, you will not be taken as being Slaves, you will no longer be used as cannon fodder, to die on the battlefield, you are the people of Dawn City, in Dawn City, there are no slaves! "

"His ..." After hearing Soga's words, all the slave soldiers couldn't help taking a sigh of breath. Everyone knew that it was impossible for them to get rid of their slave status, let alone Soga, even the emperor did it. No, after all ... this is 100,000 people.

However, regardless of his status, Soga stated that it would be great not to treat them as slaves. As a slave, he could enjoy the treatment of civilians. This is simply unthinkable. Not making them cannon fodder is enough to make everyone ecstatic.

Looking at the surprised slave soldiers, Soga continued: "I can't guarantee anything if you leave Dawn City, but as long as you are still in Dawn City, then I can guarantee that from now on, everyone will be a Dawn citizen and enjoy all human rights ! "

"Wow ..." Soga's words just came down, all the slave soldiers raised their hands in unison, tide-like applause, straight into the sky, for slaves, the most desired thing is human rights!

Looking at the excited slave soldiers, Soga stretched out her hand with a smile, pressed down, motioned everyone to calm down, and after the applause subsided a little, Soga continued: "As a citizen, I will no longer support anyone If you want to get it, you have to go to work, work, and fight. If you have made a merit and made achievements, here I guarantee that everyone will be promoted and rewarded like civilians, and you can even have Dawn City's own The knighthood becomes a noble of dawn, enjoying all the rights and status that the nobles have! "

"Wow!" All slave soldiers screamed at Soga's words. Although everything Soga promised was within the limits of Dawn City, but it was already ecstatic for everyone, as long as he didn't leave. Dawn, then all is not a problem. In Dawn City, they are no longer slaves, but civilians! This is enough.

With so much cheering, Soga smiled and said, "Soon, I will set up contests and set up spear corps, archery corps, and knight corps. If you are interested, you can go to register, after training, everyone can also become The best regular soldiers enjoy the same monthly salary and allowances as all soldiers! "

Looking at the crowd in satisfaction, Suga said: "Even if you can't be a soldier, it doesn't matter. You can use labor to get everything, including money, reputation, status, and even title. In short ... what everyone does With every effort and every sweat we give, we will remember that we will never forget that as long as we give, there will be a reward! "

Soga's arrangement greatly mobilized the initiative and enthusiasm of slave soldiers. In just a few days, 10,000 knights, 10,000 sword shields, and 10,000 spears were selected from the 100,000 army. Soldiers, ten thousand bow soldiers.

After selecting the arms with various talents, the remaining 60,000 soldiers were unified by Suga into a longbow archer. This thing does not require accuracy. It only needs arm strength, as long as it can open the bow. Join.

Although the accuracy of the 60,000 long archers was very poor, when 60,000 people were shooting together, it was like rain. There was nothing to hide. There was no need for accuracy. The only thing needed was arm strength, and arm strength. As long as you mine, transport, and yard stones, you can exercise.

Therefore, in addition to the selected 40,000 soldiers, the other 60,000 slave soldiers train for one hour each morning, middle, and night, and work at other times. The reason why such a long training is arranged is because although Accuracy is not needed, but the more accurate this thing is, the better, it won't work.

With the establishment of the arms, Soga began to purchase arms arrogantly. The money was spent like flowing water, but fortunately, Nefarian's father has really not been exploited in recent years. He used it to buy arms. Absolutely enough.

First, the latest armor and weapons were replaced for the Knights of Montmarn and the Spears Corps. This does not require any money. It can be replaced with old ones. If you buy them, then you will lose money. This is just 10,000 yuan. A set of battle armors is invaluable.

In addition to the regular army, Soga also purchased 60,000 sets of weapons and armors. The selected regular slaves were worn in a warehouse and accumulated over the years. The numbered armors and weapons were still the same. !! Good quality!

What really made Suga spend money was the 60,000 irregular slave soldiers. For them alone, Suga purchased 100,000 sets of hard leather armor and 100,000 sets of longbow. The reason why I bought more was because of war loss. It can be replaced in time, after all ... no one can change it.

In order to reduce consumption, Soga did n’t buy wooden and bamboo arrows. That thing was damaged once it was shot. Although cheap, it was not cost-effective. Soga bought metal arrows, although it ca n’t be said to be permanent. Sexual, but it can be used hundreds of times repeatedly.

In addition, the metal arrow support has good rigidity and strong penetration. The only drawback is that the weight is slightly heavier. The light bow and angle bow cannot be used. Only the long bow can be used. Although the shooting distance is shortened, However, the destructive power has also been improved because of the metal's disgusting characteristics, which greatly reduces the defensive effect of the fighting spirit and the magic shield. It can be said that even if it is a battle sage, it cannot be rushed against such an attack.

Although the armament has already issued an order, it will take a long time before the armament is transported back. The evolution of the monk beast of the monmar legion has not been completed. It is not yet known how long it will take. The six-winged phoenix angel corps will **** Nai Farian's family, and went to Odom Alchemy Lab to transport the magic couple, did not rush back for a while.

At one time, only 5,000 spearmen could guard the dawn. As for the slave soldiers, in addition to their work, they were silently waiting for the day when the weapons and armor arrived. For a slave soldier, he had armor and weapons. Its survival probability has undoubtedly improved a lot.

That night, Soga secretly summoned nearly a hundred members of the Dark Angels Thieves Group. In the huge city hall hall, there were no seats. Looking at them, guys of all shapes and shapes were sitting on the chairs in a paralyzed state. It is crooked and odd, but Soga knows that these guys who don't look good have special skills.

Raising a glass of wine to Roger with a smile, Soga smiled and said, "Other things can be put on hold for a while. Tomorrow morning, you will lead everyone out, find them as soon as possible, rescue your family, and then come back to help I!"

Hearing Soga's words, Roger's eyes were filled with tears, Soga not only had the grace of knowing him, but also trusted him so much, and reused him. This kind of kindness, he must be Roger To report, just ... As Soga said, he must start as early as possible to rescue his family, otherwise, at night, he may lose one more family.

Between thoughts, Soga pulled out a crystal card from his arms and gently handed it to Roger: "Here is 10 billion gold coins. You can take it first. If you can buy it, don't use force. Although we are not afraid of things, but If it gets too big, it will be bad for your rescue work! "

He took the crystal card with trembling, Roger didn't say anything, and nodded heavily, and said lowly, "You can rest assured Baron Soga, no matter what, I will deal with everything as soon as possible, and then come back to help you . "

With a smile and nodding, Soga stood up and said lightly: "It's getting late, you can continue drinking here, I'm going to deal with public property for a while!"

Facing Soga's resignation, all members of the Dark Angels stood up and watched Soga leave. Although the contact time was not long, Soga's every move had gained everyone's respect!

At the door, Soga suddenly stopped, silent for a moment, Soga chuckled: "You go out, be careful, but remember, as a member of the Dark Angel Thieves Group, we do not take the initiative Trouble, but if anyone messed with us? We don't need to be afraid. In any case, we can't weaken the name of our dark angel thief group! "

"Oh ..." After listening to Soga, Roger smiled grimly: "Relax, Baron Soga, if anyone dares to bully us, it's really old Shouxing who eats arsenic and is tired, you look good, we The masters selected from the millions of criminals are experts in crime. They are not counted on the battlefield. We are the masters of sneak attacks! "

In the early morning of the next day, under the leadership of Roger, the Dark Angel Thieves Group left Dawn City one after another to search and rescue Roger's family. In a short time, I am afraid they will not see them.

Looking at the direction where Roger and others disappeared, Soga shook his head and sighed. At the same time, Nefarian next to him asked questioningly: "Master, why do you look at Roger so high and treat him so well? ? "

Nefa Lilian glanced slightly. For the past few days, she has been following her. She rarely speaks, but every time she speaks, she must be asking questions.

After thinking for a while, Soga calmly said, "The reason I value him so much is because he is affectionate and righteous. From his eyes, I see sincerity, which is the most precious thing to me. "

Having said that, Soga turned her head and looked deeply at Nefarian: "And you, from your eyes, I saw plainness, calmness, and sincerity, otherwise I would not let you Appear at any time? "

With a slight tremor all over, Nefarian nodded his head slightly, seemed to understand something, and continued to ask, "But even if you take him seriously, but I don't understand why you are willing to take such a big risk for him ? Consume so much manpower, material resources, and money? "

"This ..." Zhiwu scratched his head, Soga grinned: "This, I can't say anything because I want to do it, there are not so many reasons to say."

After a slight pause, Soga continued: "This is probably the charm of personality. Roger has this affinity. Strictly speaking, he is more suitable than me for the status of a leader. Don't you think he is handsome, It's cool, is it pulling the wind? "

"This ..." Faced with Soga's inquiry, Nefarian was hesitated for a moment, and then flatly said, "Although he is handsome, he is a bit older, at least 40 years old, right?" And ... the most important thing for a man is not his looks, but his ability! Although handsome and cool, I don't think he has any appeal! "

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