Close Combat Mage

Chapter 166: Official departure

The four princes sat on the throne as they wished, and Wen Ya became the queen as they wished. Everything seemed to fall completely into the calculations of the four princes. From then on, they seemed to be able to sit back and relax, but what is the truth?

Although Soga failed to fully grasp the conspiracy of the four princes, after all, Soga was in the Ming, the Four Princes were in the dark, and the Four Princes and Wen Ya joined forces. The power of Soga was not something that Soga could touch.

However, the so-called injurious heart must be indispensable, and the anti-human heart is indispensable. In the face of today's situation, Soga had already been mentally prepared. Otherwise, Soga's mother must have been arrested on the spot.

Soga didn't intend to harm the four princes and Wen Ya, but ... when performing weight-loss surgery for the two, he kept a secret.

If the four princes and Wen Ya have been peacefully cooperating with Soga and sincerely cooperate, then they will have no problems and will be able to live a long life. But now that they have torn their faces, how can they still get Soga? s help?

Half a year after the usurped event, the four princes and Wen Yagang just sat on the emperor, and not long after the throne of the queen, they realized that their bodies seemed a bit wrong, and the situation seemed to be getting worse.

The first change was Wen Ya, a big beauty who was so beautiful that she became fat like a balloon. In just three months, Wen Ya became fat again and there was no sign of stopping. Not big, but in the later period, Wen Ya was so fat that her thighs were not split, and she had to be supported by people even when she sat up.

Basically, Wen Ya was fat and had only her head left. She was lying on the bed, and at a glance, it was a pile of meat. Her body was full of virtual meat, making people feel sick at first glance, and she couldn't even take care of herself.

Faced with a day of fatness and a day of gentleness, the four princes finally became disgusted, and gradually alienated and left out. This is also no way. In the image of Wen Ya at the moment, she was disgusted when she saw it.

Soon, Wen Ya completely lost the glory of the queen, leaving only a few girls to take care of her. The situation became colder, and the four princes never showed up again.

In fact, the reason why the four princes pursued sophistication at first was that they didn't even care about being fat. It was mainly to win the support of the Grand Duke of Windsor. The goal was to lock the throne. Now that the throne is in his hands, how could he really care about it?

It wasn't long before being taken back by Windsor. The four princes abolished Wen Ya's post position on the grounds that it was ugly and lost national style, and then took another top beauty, and Wen Ya completely became a past tense.

Lying on the bed all day, Wen Ya looked at the roof with no eyes, recalling everything in the past, Wen Ya tried several times to find death, but now she is so difficult to commit suicide.

It can be said that Wen Ya is regarded as evil and bad news. Without the support of Soga, she lost everything, including beauty, including figure, including love, glory and status. At this moment, there is no trace of grace in life. Hope, life is better than death.

Wen Ya has indeed suffered a devastating blow, and this blow seems to accompany her for the rest of her life, but after all, she is not the first evil, and this is still the case with Wen Ya, so what about the four princes?

After taking the throne, the four princes were really beautiful for a long time. The sea-elected beauties across the country had to change different women every day. For 365 days a year, he enjoyed more than 400 beautiful virgins. .

Did Soga let him go? In fact, Suga's hands and feet on the four princes are more cautious. Because Suga and the four princes have a rare chance to meet, so the hands and feet must be prolonged. The elegant period is one year, and the four princes It is two years!

Finally, after a year of living as an emperor, the four princes finally felt a bit wrong. The first was the gradual decline of sexual abilities. In just three days, his little boy completely lost his function and looked at the palace. Thousands of beautiful virgins, but the four princes simply couldn't enjoy it.

The most uncomfortable thing was that the four princes had an abnormal desire in their hearts. When they saw the beauties, they were full of blood, but they didn't cooperate at all. There was no response. No matter how urgent he was, the results would not change.

I found a lot of doctors, as well as water-based mages and light-based mages for treatment, but they did not play any role at all. In the end, under the four princes, they began to die. After a week, they completely rotted and fell off. ... the first **** emperor in the west was born.

After losing the man's logo, the four princes had a dead heart. Looking at Qian Jiali in the harem, he could only look at it and not use it. The feeling was beyond description.

At this time, a letter was sent to the hands of the four princes. This letter was sent by Soga from a foreign country. In the letter, Soga told the four princes that this was the first wave of punishment. Anxious ...

Seeing the stationery, the four princes immediately understood that this was basically what Soga had done in his body in advance, and now ... Soga's ambition came!

On the stationery, Soga told the four princes that he could have done something to get the four princes to hang up, but Soga did not do it because it was too cheap for him. Since he dared to betray Soga, the four princes You must live in remorse forever. Otherwise, how can you relax your heart?

Soga repeatedly counseled the four princes to take care of their bodies. That thing would be gone without affecting the life. It is advised that the four princes should look at it, but do n’t hang up, otherwise, who should he look for when Soga returns to revenge in the future? ?

After reading Soga's letter, the four princes spurted three liters of blood on the spot, but there was nothing they could do. What scared the four princes most was that the stationery also said that this was only the first wave of punishment, and the second wave!

Not long after receiving the letter, the second prince of the four princes came. In fact, it was nothing. It was a headache. It hurts every three hours and four times a day.

No one knows how much it hurts. In short, once the pain hurts, the four princes will hit the wall with their heads, and the blood will not stop. Otherwise, he won't be able to endure such pain.

The pain comes out every three hours, and only one hour at a time, so ... the four princes have four hours of pain every day. If there is not a water and light mage around at any time, he can treat the four princes in time, he may be early He died, but ... Compared to such pain, he died happily, maybe happier.

Basically, although the four princes took the throne, they only enjoyed the fun of the emperor for one year. In the following time, the four princes did not have time to enjoy everything, let alone enjoy it. Even the sleep did not collapse. Every hour will be painful for an hour, and before he falls asleep, the next wave of pain begins again.

Just when the four princes were ecstatic and dying, the dwarves urged the people to arrive, and various things of the Holy Light Empire emerged one by one. At this moment, the four princes finally began to regret it. ? He actually filled himself in. If he could choose, he would rather be a civilian in his life, and he would never be the emperor.

His head fell, but the bowl was a big scar, but Soga's punishment was from morning to night. It was endless. As long as the four princes didn't breathe for a day, this punishment would not stop for a day.

Since then, the four princes can no longer enjoy the beauty of power, and even the court administration has no intention to answer. Every day, apart from accepting Soga's painful punishment, he sits there remorse, but unfortunately, everything is too late, even if he Pleading Soga, Soga will not return, Soga will never trust him again.

At this point, the wound of betrayal finally came to an end. No one was the winner. Everyone failed, and one defeat was worse than the other. There was no room for recovery.

As for Soga, he has left the Holy Light Empire and embarked on his own journey. After so many experiences, Soga finally realizes that others are unreliable, the raptors ride like this, and the six-winged phoenix angel. Only you can rely on!


Creak ... creak ... creak ...

The crisp sound of stepping on the snow seemed so clear in the open fields, and Soga's mood was not as bad as he thought.

After leaving the City of Light, Soga caught up with Ai Mi and Ella and her mother, and then escorted the three and returned to their hometown, Baicang Town. Although the four princes obtained the white building and received the dawn, Soga There was still some money. After buying the largest and most luxurious castle in Baicang City, 10 billion gold coins were left, and Soga left alone.

Before leaving, Soga ordered Ai Mi and Ai La to be resolutely trained in the next three years, while taking care of her mother. She was not allowed to go out, and the food, clothing, and housing were all served by specially hired servants.

Although the Empire of Light is not large, Soga is not worried that the three mothers will be found. The eyes of the four princes are always on Soga. As long as he appears elsewhere, he will draw all the attention, and Mom , Ai Mi, Ai Lai did not leave home, in this world, it is impossible to find.

Originally, Soga didn't need to fall into this field, as long as he promised the four princes to become his subordinates, everything would be maintained in the original state, even better. Soga had the ability and ability to worry about the four princes. Increased use, but Soga resolutely refused.

The four princes took a wrong stand from the beginning. At the beginning, he was calculating Soga, and the worst thing was that his calculations were also seen by Soga. Although he did not understand the specific conspiracy of the four princes, Soga was very clear. The four princes have been calculating him, and it is precisely because of this that Soganinken would help His Majesty the unknown, and he is unwilling to trust the four princes.

In fact, the four princes also made a big mistake. He should not let Soga know that the Angel of the Six Wings is his subordinate. Soga really values ​​the girls. In them, he is not only committed to It was money, too many feelings, and hope. Suddenly betrayed, how could Soga turn to the person who caused the betrayal?

It can be said that when the four princes proudly told Soga that the six-winged phoenix angel was actually his subordinate, after Soga was always being designed, Soga was no longer able to take refuge in him. From then on, the four princes Has become Soga's biggest enemy!

Now, Soga lost the white building, the dawn, the elaborate Six-winged Phoenix Angel, and almost lost everything, but Soga was not sad, but instead worked hard, the four princes took everything that belonged to him, Then one day, he will come back and take everything from the Four Princes.

Now what Suga has to do is to attract the attention of the four princes, so he must show up. At the same time, Suga needs to quickly improve his strength. Otherwise, he will never owe the four princes to him. Take back.

Although, Soga has always aimed at great business roads, but in fact, Soga has not had the courage to make a trip. A great magician is not qualified to go to great business roads, and his strength is still too weak.

But now, under the new hatred and the pressure of the situation, Soga has to get on the road ahead of time and march toward the great business road. Soga knows that this trip is dangerous, but it is because of this that she is more disciplined. , Whether it is ingenuity or strength, will be quickly improved.

It can be said that those who can successfully cross the great business road will be legendary heroes who are famous in history. If they can dominate the great business road, like Qi Wudian, it will be an epic hero. Only then will he be You can easily fulfill any of your wishes, including snatching the throne of a kingdom!

Creak ... creak ... creak ...

Under the continuous pursuit of followers, Soga has deviated from the route on the map, looking at the vast snowfield around, Soga knows that he has lost his way. After more than a month of pursuit, Soga finally got a respite. Opportunity, because ... while Soga lost his way, the chase seemed to be lost.

As a mage, Soga ’s physical strength is not very good. Under a long journey, if he did not rely on the four-color potion to recover continuously, he would have been tired and laid down. Now ... Although the spirit and physical strength are not a problem, Jia's heart was tired. After more than a month of trekking, he needed a stable, warm place to take a good rest.

During the walk, Suoka stopped abruptly, and kept blowing white gas in his mouth, raised his ears side by side, and listened carefully. After a while, a faint beast roar passed into Suoka's ear. Suoka A surprised smile on his face could not help.

Megalodon is a domesticated World of Warcraft. Although the body is petite, it is extremely fast and has an extremely sensitive smell. It is the nemesis of most small World of Warcraft and the best helper for hunters. What Soga has heard now, It was the roar of the Megalodon, that is, Soga finally met someone.

Between thoughts, Soga speeded up his pace, hurried at full speed in the direction of the beast roar, ran down at full speed, and soon ... the figures of several giant tooth beasts appeared in Soga's sight.

Megalodon, tiger head and lion tail, the most special is the pair of sharp giant teeth at the mouth. Under one sip, even steel will be drugged, and the fighting power of one-on-one may not be strong, but if the giant If the number of tooth beasts reaches five or more, then most of Warcraft must retreat. If the number reaches 100, then except for advanced Warcraft, it is basically invincible.

However, in fact, only giant hunters can keep it, because the strength of the single body is too low, and the highest is only intermediate-level Warcraft, so the real warrior will not keep it.

"Stop!" While he was thinking, there was a warning sound ahead.

For a moment, Soga stopped immediately and looked around. About fifty meters in front, five hunters dressed in animal skins were aiming the bows and arrows at Soga. Obviously, in the unknown Previously, if Soga dared to move forward, the five sharp arrows would come out of the string, and at the same time, the five megatooths would also come over and bite.

With a wry smile and standing still, Soga knows that no matter how great he is, in terms of his current strength, there is no way to defeat the five megatooths and five senior hunters, and it is impossible for him to ask others Annoy the other person.

Looking at the other with a smile, Suo Gao said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm just a lost traveler, not malicious, I just want to ask the way."

"Hmm!" Lengheng said, and a hunter across the road said coldly: "Don't try to fool us, Master we have seen, but their outfit is not the same as you!"

"Eh!" Soga realized that the other person's clothes did not seem to have been seen before. Although she wore animal skin, the shape and cut were obviously different from what Soga had seen before, and Most importantly, their furs turned out to be hair-facing.

The furs worn by hunters in the Holy Light Empire are all facing inward. One is because they are beautiful, and the other is because they are warmer. But the hunters in front of them put the fur outside, which makes Soga very uncomfortable. understanding.

Soon, Soga realized that this place may not be the Holy Light Empire anymore. So he looked at the other side and said cautiously, "Excuse me, is this the realm of the Holy Light Empire?"

Hearing Soga's words, the hunter on the opposite side froze slightly, and then ... a relatively old hunter finally breathed a sigh of relief, put down his bow and arrow, and said with a smile: "It seems that you are really lost, here Not the Holy Light's territory, in fact, this is the territory of Kaya! "

"Ka ... Kaya!" Soga could not help but feel dizzy for a while. He had already reached the neighboring country of the Holy Light without knowing it. No wonder he would get lost, ask ... With a map of the Empire of Light, how could it be possible to find a way in the Kaya Empire?

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