Close Combat Mage

Chapter 175: Diamond Longway

Half a year ago, the Frost Dragon, which was more than two meters tall, was no longer one meter high, and his body was slender. When running around Soga, Sahuan was almost no different from a puppy.

Not only is the body shrinking, the most important thing is that today, half a year later, Frost Xiaolong's body is truly transparent. Through his body, you can clearly see the palm on the other side, and it is very clear. At this moment, the little guy's body seems to be a pile of waves, but there is always a light blue light flowing in his body.

Facing the current Frost Dragon, Soga didn't know whether he had progressed or regressed, his body was so much smaller, he was so much thinner, just wondering what his power was? Looking at Frost Xiaolong with a bitter smile, probably no one in this world can recognize him. Frost Dragon has never been this image.

In the middle of thinking, at the opening of the door, Nicole walked in excitedly. As soon as he entered the door, Nicole categorically said: "Master Soga, I have arranged everything in the house, we can go!"

"What!" After waiting so long, Soga was about to forget her goal. Suddenly, when Nico said that she could go, Soga had a feeling of not wanting to leave.

Suddenly shook his head, Soga knows that a comfortable life is too long, and people are inevitably inert. This is necessary. Once lazy, a person is easily abolished, and it is never possible to reach the so-called highest state. Already.

After leaving a lot of money, Soga and Nicole left the Green City together and began to march toward the great business road. They walked out of the Green City and looked at the green fields in the wild. Soga couldn't help but get excited. This time ... … With Nicole as a guide, I believe it will be able to reach the great business road smoothly!

After rushing for more than a month, Soga and Nicole arrived at the border of the Kaya Empire. The reason why it is a zone is that there is no clear dividing line here. , Just a huge steppe-Plain of Warcraft!

Looking at the waist-high grass in the distance, Soga frowned, and it was easy to fall through the grass. There was a passage in the middle of the grassland. Through this passage, it was Kaya's neighbor, but ...... The Plain of Warcraft is not very flat. You must always accept the beast attacks that have been drilled out of the grass by the roadside. If you do n’t have any skill, it will not be able to get through anyway.

However, since the goal is a great business road, Soga cannot naturally be stumped by the grassland in front of it. Although it is dangerous here, it is not too dangerous. Soga knows that if you ca n’t even cross here, it ’s great. It ’s best not to think about the commercial road. If you ca n’t even cross a gutter, do you still want to cross the river?

Between thoughts, Sorga took a deep breath and took the lead into the prairie passage. Nicole hurriedly took a few steps without hesitation and followed behind Sorga, aiming directly at the great business road.

For the first ten years or so, everything was calm, and the wind was blowing, and the grassland was quiet. How sunny it is to walk on such a beautiful grassland is actually a wonderful thing.

"Well ..." However, the danger of the Plain of Warcraft was not bragging about. It continued to walk for a while, and in a few whistling sounds, a dozen grassland golden lions burst out in the grass by the road. , Fiercely blocked the way.

Perceived the change, Soga didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly prepared for the battle. Looking carefully, the wide and grassland passages at the same time, the figure of the golden lion on the grassland appeared at the same time. Stuck in the middle.

Soga didn't know much about the prairie golden lion, but he knew vaguely that this was a very fierce creature that was not easy to provoke. He was secretly worried, and Nicole's voice sounded dignified: "Soga, This is the Golden Wind Lion, with a total of five males and five mothers, and one Golden Wind Lion King. This time it seems troublesome. After a while, the situation is not good. Let's retreat immediately! "

"Golden Lion King?" Soga couldn't help wondering when he heard Nico's words.

"En ..." He nodded solemnly, and Nicole worried: "Golden Wind Lion is a very powerful wind system of Warcraft, known for its speed. Ordinary Golden Wind Lions belong to Intermediate Warcraft, while Golden Wind Lion King is Advanced. Warcraft is not what we can fight now! "

"This ..." The knife took a breath of air, and Soga was also cautious. In the case of Intermediate Warcraft, Soga didn't care too much, but if it was Advanced Warcraft, even Soga could not win.

After pondering for a while, Soga categorically said: "Nico, you immediately enter the stealth state, ready to perform a one-shot kill at any time. As long as we can kill the Golden Wind Lion King, we win!"

"Ah!" Nico said in a horror when he heard Soga's words: "You're crazy! We can't defeat the King of the Wind Lion. His speed is too fast, and he is also proficient in the group's wind spells. This is not us. It can be dealt with, I see ... we still retreat ... "

"Huh!" Soga Leng hummed before Nicole said, "I know he's great, but if he can't beat him, do you think we need to go to great business roads?"

"This ..." In the face of Soga's problem, Nicole was helpless. Although she knew that Soga was right, she still did not support Soga's suicidal adventure.

Hesitating for a little while, Nicole gritted his teeth and said flatly: "Well, now that you saved my brother and sister, my life will be sold to you. Now that you have decided, I will cooperate with you in any case. You! "Nicole's body flashed for a moment, and disappeared strangely in place.

Looking at the place where Nicole disappeared, Soga gave a little stupefaction, and then loudly said, "Nicole, you can rest assured, I'm not a fool. If I can't hold it, I won't be silly to die, but ... It's absolutely impossible for me to flee without a fight. Come on, we will win! "

Speaking, Soga turned his head and looked at the little guy and said, "Well, the battle is about to begin, you should hurry back to the Space Ring. These enemies are too powerful, and you cannot defeat them!"

In the face of Soga's order, the little guy flashed in his eyes, and even rejected Soga's order. At this moment ... Frost Xiaolong already has the intelligence of a seven or eight-year-old child. In his opinion, Soga is the world He is the best person, and is also his most important master. If Suo Jia has an accident, who will give him such delicious food in the future!

Turning his head in anger, Frost Xiaolong looked at the Golden Lion King with hatred. With his instinct, he knew that the enemy was the most powerful lion. This group of lions was brought by this Lion King.

"Hmm ..." Slightly leaning down, Frosty Dragon's throat gave a deterrent roar, and he wanted to hurt his master, so he had to pass his level first, although he was not sure to overcome this big one. The lion, but the entanglement must also entangle him. The master's strength is very clear. Although he is not the opponent of this big lion, other little lions, the master can still fight.

Between thoughts, Frost Dragon's body suddenly tensed, heading up to the sky, issued a series of melodious whistling sounds, at the same time, crystal ice, layer after layer on the body of Frost Dragon.

"I depend!" Seeing this, Soga could not help screaming. Under Soga's gaze, Frost Dragon was only a puppy-sized body, and was quickly covered by a large amount of black ice. Inflated.

For a split second, a four-meter-high and extremely stout ice dragon stood proudly in front of Soga, not only firmly protecting Soga behind his body, but also completely blocking the entire grassland passageway. solid!

The dumb-eyed chicken looks up at a giant ice dragon up to four meters in height. Soga's brain is short-circuited. What's going on? This ... This looks like a dragon built from diamonds, right ... Except for the difference in size, this is clearly a shrinking diamond dragon!

Looking at the diamond dragon's chest, Soga knew that the little guy was hiding there at the moment, but this little guy was already transparent, and with such thick ice armor, it was impossible to find him. Come.

While he was thinking about it, the Diamond Dragon finally started to move, striding vigorously, shaking his huge body, facing the Golden Wind Lion King on the opposite side, and other six-finger Golden Wind Lions.

Seeing this, Soga suddenly sobered up. Now is not the time for cyanosis. If you can't take advantage of the diamond dragon blocking the other side of the Golden Wind Lion King, and the other five Golden Wind Lions, you will be behind Once the five Golden Wind Lions were eliminated, once they were allowed to rendezvous, Sorga would definitely flee.

Between thoughts, Soga quickly turned around, and between raising his hand, the Xuanbing arrow shot instantly, and the lion heading straight behind him shot, and the blue light flashed, the war finally kicked off.

In the face of Soga's attack, the Golden Wind Lion on the other side just flickered a little, and successfully escaped the arrow of Xuanbing. After all ... The Golden Wind Lion was originally a wind-based Warcraft, and it was obvious that they wanted to defeat them by speed. The shortness of oneself and the strength of attacking the enemy, even if they can win, are extremely stupid.

Between thoughts, Suga volleyed up, hovering in mid-air under the steps of the waves, with a slight wave of the right hand, the ice roar instantly issued, and numerous ice blades galloping across the road, among the five lions on the opposite side Outbreak.

The so-called ice roar is actually a point as the center, the sharp ice blade swirling around crazy around, the effective attack range, and the number of ice blades that appear, the cutting strength of the ice blade, all depend on the magic power of the caster and Increased mental strength.

In the fierce whistling, hundreds of ice blades whistled and spun away. The denseness of it, even the Golden Wind Lion, famous for its speed, could not be avoided, not to say how accurate Soga was, it was just a simple mess. Just shoot the birds, you can run into random things.

However, with only one ice roar, it is obviously impossible to kill these golden wind lions easily. If they are so easy to solve, it may not have such a great reputation. Ice roars are everywhere, although all five golden wind lions appear on their bodies. After countless bloodstains, none of the Golden Wind Lions had been fatally attacked.

As we all know, the injured beast is the most terrifying. Under the stimulation of blood, five golden wind lions ran wildly, their four feet were struggling on the ground, and they were lifted from the ground, facing the air. Soga in the attack.

As we all know, the lion is the most strategic and tactical animal. When they hunt, they pay attention to the formation and the running position. Once the attack is launched, it is absolutely impossible for the list to escape.

Looking at the five Golden Wind Lions rising from the sky, Soga could not help but secretly admire them. The five Golden Wind Lions rushed from five directions, looming a large net, no matter how he hid, it was impossible. Completely escape, no matter how to suffer the attack of at least two golden wind lions.

Of course, Soga can also be pulled up, but now it's obviously too late. While the five golden wind lions fly, while the big mouths, five rotating wind blades seal the space that Soga avoids. , Especially over the sky, it is absolutely impossible to go.

It ’s a change of other people. When encountering such a scene, it must be helpless, but Soga is different. In the face of the golden wind lion that is coming, Soga can't avoid it. With a slight step on his right foot, the diamond impacts instantly. break out.

Although the charge was fierce, after all, the five Golden Wind Lions were in mid air and had nowhere to borrow. Under the impetus of the diamond impact, they fell violently from the air, and the first wave of attacks failed.

Looking at the Golden Wind Lion falling towards the ground, Soga could not help but secretly scream. Fortunately, if these guys were on the ground, Soga ’s diamond impact might not be able to force them all back. It is precisely because of this, so Jia came to midair cautiously, and only here was his diamond shock truly invincible.

Between thoughts, Suga didn't dare to neglect. Between the left hand slightly showing, a nine-meter-long ice whip meandered in Suga's hand, and the left hand waved slightly. Suddenly ... the long ice whip clip was fiery. The whistling sound of the five Golden Wind Lions just got up from the ground.

After half a year of refined magic pharmacy, Soga ’s ability to control the water element has reached a state of horror. The long ice whip is turning like a living creature, driven by strong control and strong mental force. , Each stroke of the ice stream whip is extremely sharp, and a whip is drawn on the ground, and a deep trace will be drawn immediately.

Although the speed of the Golden Wind Lion is very fast, it is just a straight line. If it is a turning point, the wind system will always be compared with the water system, just like a bird can never be more flexible than a fish.

After judging the direction of the Golden Wind Lion, Soga's ice crystal whip struck head-on. In a moment, five Golden Wind Lions were circled in the whip net. Any Golden Wind Lion trying to escape from the whip net will be severely beaten. Pull back fiercely.

Of course, Soga's attack is not just that. While the ice stream whip the Golden Wind Lion, it is accompanied by the frozen touch from time to time. Although it will soon be broken by the Golden Wind Lion, it will continue to The energy of the Golden Wind Lion is consumed. Only by consuming their energy will their speed slow down, and Soga will have the opportunity!

Finally, five minutes later, Suga's right hand was slightly pushed, a blue light flashed, and the sharp black ice arrow shot in from the right eye of a golden wind lion instantly. The sharp arrow tip From the back of the Golden Wind Lion, at the same time, the head of the entire Golden Wind Lion has been completely frozen into ice, and the dead can no longer die.

"Bang!" In the dull sound, the Golden Wind Lion fell to the ground suddenly, without the command of the brain, no creature can continue to move. When the ground fell, the head that had been frozen and solidified suddenly. The smash that fell.

With the fall of the first Golden Wind Lion, the battle situation has been determined. Five Golden Wind Lions are still unable to do so. Now there are only four Golden Wind Lions left. In ten seconds, Sogalen Four arrows were fired, and the remaining four Golden Wind Lions were shot one by one with the arrows.

Mysterious Ice Arrow is the most frequent magic practiced by Soga. At the same time ... this is also the most harmful magic in the ice-based single magic. It is the most reasonable and scientific choice to end the battle with Mysterious Ice Arrow. .

After ending the battle here, Soga didn't rest. He quickly turned around and looked toward the direction behind him. There ... The battle between the Diamond Dragon and the Golden Wind Lion King was entering a white-hot state.

There is no doubt that the current Diamond Dragon is far from being the opponent of the King of the Winds. It can only be passively beaten, but it cannot pose a threat to the King of the Winds, but despite this, the Dragon of Dragons has successfully contained the King of the Winds. Wang, dragged him in place.

Although the Diamond Dragon is not yet the opponent of the Golden Wind Lion King, the Golden Wind Lion King must be very depressed. Although he is far beyond the Diamond Dragon in terms of strength, but in the face of the diamond dragon's powerful defense, he has a little There is no way.

"Roar!" In the earth-shattering roar, the Golden Lion lion opened his mouth, and suddenly ... a wind blade frenzy with the level of ice roar formed instantly, hundreds of wind blades were woven into a web of wind blades, The huge diamond dragon was completely covered.

"嚓嚓 嚓 ......" In the dense and crisp sound, each wind blade shattered the ice cut by the diamond dragon, and made a deep dent on the surface of the diamond dragon's body, but ... … The effect is nothing more. Although it seems to be seriously injured, Soga is very clear that the Diamond Dragon is hiding in the thickest layer of ice armor and has not suffered any damage at all.

Although the water system does not restrain the wind system, everyone knows that the key to the magic of the wind system is fast and strong cutting and penetrating power, but it lacks impact and vibration. It is like a thin blade that cuts you instantly. Like your body, you can hardly feel any impact.

Because of this, although the chopped ice is flying and dancing, in fact, the diamond dragon hidden deep in the ice armor is completely unharmful, and even the trembling is slight.

Under Soga's gaze, the white dragon surging on the surface of the Diamond Dragon body, the deep marks cut off by the wind blade were quickly repaired, as if never attacked, the attack of the Golden Wind Lion King Obviously all in vain.

Watching the Diamond Dragon's awkward attack on the Golden Wind Lion King, completely ignored the attack of the other party, Soga first stunned, and then laughed, this guy is really too powerful, under the protection of such thick ice armor, He didn't seem to consider the attack of the opponent at all. Poorly, with such awkward and slow movement of the Diamond Dragon, it was an impossible task to hurt the Golden Wind Lion King.

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