Close Combat Mage

Chapter 196: Parting ways

I thought that when so much money was poured on the ground, there would be bold people coming out and watching, but I never thought about it, after waiting for a long time, no one of the villagers walked out of the house, as if I didn't see the coins on the ground .

With a helpless sigh, Soga knew that these villagers must have encountered something. Otherwise, they would never have been so careful. What made Soga depressed was that the evildoing of others had asked him to bear the consequences. It was really depressing. Already.

Helplessly, Soga pulled out his tent and set up a tent in a small square in the center of the village. At the same time, Roger also took out his ingredients and utensils and started cooking.

In the evening, Soga gathered three partners together, and four people drank the juice squeezed by Roger and sat around in a circle, drinking the juice, looking at the map in front of them, and listening to Soga's explanation.

Looking at the three partners, Soga Shen said: "From tomorrow onwards, we don't need to continue to get together. It's enough for me to run the business alone. Even if you follow, it's useless. Everyone acts separately, so it will be much more efficient. "

"En ..." Nodded in approval, Xiang Yun said, "Yes, this is the way to go. Let us run business with you everywhere. That's really annoying, and because we can't avoid Warcraft, our Action becomes a problem. One step at a time, probably nothing can be done. "

With a smile and nodding, Soga continued: "Now, I have made a map with Nicole. According to everyone's goals, I have marked the relevant locations. As long as you follow the map, there will be no problem! "

Speaking, Xiang Jia looked at Xiang Yun and said, "Xiang Yun, your map is marked with the first level, the area that any team must pass. You just have to walk between these areas. You will find a large number of adventurers who are active in the first level, absolutely let you grab it! "

"Hey ..." With a smile on his face, he closed the map in front of him, Xiang Yun looked at Soga with admiration: "I still know the boss, I know I can't stand it, thank you!"

With a smile and nodding, Soga turned to look at Nicole: "Nicole, on your map, I marked you with the mysterious areas worth exploring in the first stage. You will start early tomorrow to explore those areas. a bit!"

Caper nodded, Nicole didn't say much. From her expression, it was clear that Nizi was looking forward to her future adventure in the future.

Next, Soga turned around and looked at Roger, Shen said: "As for you, I have already painted the village in the first hurdle, which is more vulnerable to harassment. You can rush over, as a mercenary Take up the task and crumble on those who harass the village. "

"Ennen ..." Nodded excitedly, Roger said excitedly: "Thank you, boss, you can rest assured, I will do my best!"

After telling three people, Suga frowned: "Before I set off, I have a few words to tell you, everyone acts alone, so once you start, it is a one-to-one, so there are several principles, I hope Everyone must obey! "

"Boss ... if you have something to explain, let's listen!" As soon as Soga's voice fell, Roger agreed happily.

He nodded slightly, and Soga urged: "First of all, you have to be careful and not to be too aggressive. The three of you are all, not what you can challenge at this time. Do n’t challenge, even if you practice, you must do your best. I don't want to miss any teammates when we gather again! "

After hearing Soga's words, Xiang Yun smiled and said, "You can rest assured, Boss. At this point, we have a few, after all ... we are not children anymore, all three of us have been on the rivers and lakes for a long time. What can and cannot be done! "

"En ..." Nodded in peace, Soga continued: "Second, everyone must improve their strength as soon as possible, and use all means to try to get the magic fruit they want, and strengthen themselves. I hope ... ... three months later, when everyone meets again, everyone's strength will be doubled! "

"Aha!" Soga's voice just came to an end, Roger Haha said with a smile: "Boss, we know this, are we here to improve ourselves? If there is such a good opportunity, we will not waste it Now. "

As soon as Roger's words fell, Nicole said, "What do you know? You know what fruit you should eat? Really, if you don't understand anything, just make a random guarantee."

"This ..." Hearing Nicole's words, Roger couldn't help it. He wanted to refute Nicole, but in fact, he really didn't know what kind of magic fruit to eat.

While thinking about it, Soga said, "Well ... Roger and Xiang Yun, you two mainly eat tough fruits. Although this fruit is common, it is important to you. Defense is always the lifeline of the samurai!"

"En ..." Nodded in agreement, Nico said, "Before deciding what fruit you mainly eat, it is better to eat tough fruits for the time being. You must remember not to eat too many kinds of magic fruits, magic There is conflict between fruits, many kinds of fruits are incompatible, and once eaten at the same time, they will die instantly! "

"Suck!" After hearing Nico's words, Soga, Roger, and Xiang Yun couldn't help but take a breath, while Nico continued: "Basically, everything except the most common tough fruit. The magic fruits cannot be eaten at the same time, so I hope everyone can understand, unless you have set your own development direction, otherwise, it is better to eat tough fruits alone! "

"En ..." Nodded in agreement, Soga said, "Yeah, Niko is right, not to mention the conflict between the fruits of magic, just that you can only eat one fruit per week. We You should n’t eat too much, otherwise I'm afraid it will become all-round and loose. "

After groaning for a while, Soga categorically said: "I think everyone will do this first. For the time being, they will only eat tough fruits. While strengthening their defense capabilities, learn more about the types and characteristics of magic fruits, and so on. Then decide what kind of fruit you should eat! "

"I see ..." Nodded surely, Xiang Yun said, "You mean, we can only eat one kind of fruit except tough fruits, so the type of this fruit must be chosen carefully!"

"Yes, yes ..." Roger agreed with his head again and again, "The so-called gluttony is not rotten, wait until we really determine what we need most, then make a decision, before that , Everyone still eats tough fruits. "

Seeing everyone's opinions finally reached an agreement, Soga nodded comfortably: "However, there are exceptions. Although the four of us have not yet decided what fruit to eat for the time being, I have already decided. My diamond dragon, just Eat frozen fruits! "

"Oh?" After hearing Soga's words, the three guys looked at Soga in wonder.

Looking at the eyes of the three, Soga categorically stated: "For the diamond dragon, the most important thing is the temperature. The lower the temperature, the higher the defense of the diamond dragon and the stronger the attack, so ... for the diamond dragon, He said that the fruits he needs to eat need not be considered. "

"This ..." After a deep groan, Nicole said uncertainly: "I admit that you do make sense, but I think Master Soga should also eat this kind of frozen fruit, right?"

"Hehe ..." Shaking his head with a bitter smile, Soga said helplessly: "Yeah, I wanted to eat it, but you should know that the fruit of magic is not so easy to meet, if we both eat the same fruit If it does, it is definitely not enough, so I can only change one fruit. "

Hearing Soga's words, Nicole could not help but became curious, and said in doubt: "Well, you are right, it is not easy to get a fruit. If you all eat, then you do n’t know what to give. Who ate it, but as an ice mage, if you do n’t eat frozen fruits, what are you going to eat? ”

Looking at Nicole with a wry smile, Soga shook his head: "I don't know about this, I don't know much about the types and abilities of magic fruits, so ... it will take a while to determine."

After hearing Soga's words, the other three guys couldn't help thinking about it. Actually, not only Soga couldn't decide, they couldn't make the same decision either. In the middle of thinking, the three stood up and returned to their beds, thinking with their eyes closed. .

In the early morning of the next day, after arranging the time and place for the gathering, Nicole, Roger, and Xiang Yun packed their bags and left Qili Village. Only Soga remained in place, waiting for the villagers to appear. .

After waiting for two days, finally ... Although the villagers were unwilling, they also had to go out. Otherwise, normal life would not be maintained, and they would not be able to take care of it any more.

Looking at the gradually lively village, Soga thought for a moment, then smiled thoughtfully, turned back to the tent, Soga took out a blanket, and then pulled out a large amount from the space bag. The strange objects brought in from the commercial road were placed on the blanket.

Sitting quietly behind the blanket, Soga squinted his eyes slightly, tossing his right hand, practicing the contract of the Snow Elves, ignoring the villagers around him, without any intention of selling.

After tempting to go out for a period of time, the courage of the villagers gradually increased, and the flow of people between the villages gradually increased. After a while, everyone was relieved and began to move freely.

Seeing this, Soga couldn't help rejoicing secretly, returned to the tent, and made a golden banner with some big characters written in paint-Soga miscellaneous goods!

He raised the flag with a pole, Soga returned to the carpet outside the tent, inserted the flag in front of the carpet, and then ... Soga began patiently playing with the objects on the carpet.

First, the potion of life was put out, and every three groups were tied with animal muscles. Before the potion of life, a manual was placed. Soga believed that for these hunters, this was definitely a dream.

Of course, it ’s not enough to have a life potion, and the addition of physical potions, magic potions, and spiritual potions has been added. Of course ... Soga ca n’t put those delicate potions. For these villagers, ordinary potions are enough. Already.

If it is a four-color potion, then this stall should be called a drug stall, and this is obviously not what Soga hopes. Fortunately, although just entering the great commercial road, there are strange things in Soga ’s space bag. s things.

First, I brought out a comfortable lounge chair. This is something from outside the Great Commercial Road. It is an absolute luxury. It has no other use. It is just for enjoyment. Soga believes that such a good thing will definitely attract everyone's interest. of.

Travel tables, chairs, tents, daily necessities, various utensils, wine glasses, dishes, Soga took almost everything out for sale.

Do n’t worry that Soga will be useless. In fact, the villagers here also use these things, just because of different cultures, shapes and characteristics. Even if you sell these, Soga can buy another one locally.

These things are used to attract adults, but Soga knows that these adults have rich experience and prudent behavior. It is a bit difficult for them to take the initiative to come around. To open the gap, they must start with children.

Between thoughts, Soga pulled out the alchemy furnace, then took out some obsolete parts from the space bag, and began to make them. Under Soga's skillful hand, toys were quickly born in front of Soga.

You know, Soga is an alchemist who can do even magic couplings. Although Soga's strength in this area is still very limited, so far as alchemy technology is largely lost, Soga is undoubtedly the top alchemist. Already.

Using the method of making magic couplings, Soga made toys very easily. In the morning, Soga made more than a dozen toys. These toys not only made strange noises, but also moved with the press of a button. Making all kinds of cute moves is magical.

Of course, these are all things that are simple at home. To put it bluntly, this is just a toy, but ... Soga applied the magic coupling manufacturing technology to these toys to make them look more magical.

Looking at a dozen excited and dancing while walking and dancing strangely from time to time, Soga could not help but be very excited. Originally ... Soga just wanted to make some toys that attracted children, but I did not expect to make it in the morning Down, after constantly using the magic coupling manufacturing technology and method, Soga's understanding of the magic coupling is leaps and bounds!

The first toy made by Soga can only walk. When the winder is wound, it will automatically walk on the ground. After making the first toy, combined with the magic coupling manufacturing science, Soga suddenly produced a lot of Ideas and inspiration.

Therefore, the second toy can not only walk, but also cooperate with walking to make various sounds. When it reaches the third toy, it can already walk and dance while making various tweets.

It can be said that each time a toy is made, Soga gains a deeper understanding and understanding of Magic Coupling Manufacturing. When Soga's tenth toy is finally formed, Soga can't believe it was done by herself.

One morning passed, Soga stared at the thirteenth and final work. This is a humanoid toy. Holding a toy sword, once the button is pressed, the toy man will whisper. Drink, while waving the toy sword in his hand, exhibiting the typical attacking routine of the samurai-chopping, picking, stabbing, turning, slashing, brutal collision, and finally closing the sword and standing, there is a great master's spirit!

Don't underestimate this set of actions, which reflects the level of Suo Jia's magic coupling manufacturing, the sense of balance of the toy, the smoothness of the movement connection, and the body shape, temperament, and charm, all have reached a level that Suo can't believe height.

"Wow! This little guy is really amazing, I really want one!" As Soga looked at the last toy in amazement, a whisper of Chinese characters rang out from Soga's face.

When he looked up in doubt, when he looked around, he didn't know when the Soga's booth was surrounded by children. About thirty or ten years old children could not leak the water around Soga's booth.

Gently put the toy in the stall on the stall, Soga and Aya said to the children in front of them: "Want a toy?"

"Think!" Faced with Soga's inquiry, all the children cried out in unison.

With a smile and nodding, Soga continued: "Okay, children who want toys, go home immediately and tell their parents that I have toys here, you can buy them with money, or you can exchange them for things!"

After hearing Soga's words, all the children probably haven't seen the businessman, standing there one by one. Seeing this scene, Soga continued: "Everyone move fast. There are only 13 toys here. If the other children change, it will be gone! "

As soon as Soga's words came down, all the children turned around quickly and hurried away in all directions of the village. At that speed, Soga could not help but sweat coldly. These guys, so young, turned out to be Running so fast, it seems ... that all creatures on the Great Commercial Road cannot be judged from the perspective of ordinary people.

After waiting for a little while, the children went and returned, and each child dragged an adult. At this moment, the villagers seemed to put a little snack on, and under the drag of the children, Canada's direction came around.

Looking at the things on Soga's booth, the dozens of villagers dragged by the children did not seem interested. Instead, they were very interested in the toy that Soga finally made. They looked at the villain intently. Want to buy expressions.

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