Close Combat Mage

Chapter 218: Front foot back foot

In the evening, the top and most luxurious restaurant, Soga, Xiang Yun, Roger, and Nicole sat calmly at the table. Although the table was full of food, no one moved.

Sweeping slightly, Soga Shen whispered, "Have you all taken your words? How did they all react?"

After hearing Soga's words, Xiang Yun said the first: "The words I brought, those guys didn't bird me yet, but ... when I opened a knife more than ten meters long on the ground, it was a bottomless knife After the marks, these guys' mouths have widened! "

As soon as Xiang Yun's words fell, Roger laughed and said, "Me too, but I smashed the bluestone statue more than three meters high by their door with one foot, so that they closed their mouths."

"Hee hee ..." Roger's voice just came down, and Nicole laughed: "I also encountered the same situation, they ignored me at all, but this didn't bother me, I sneaked into their boss's bedroom, in A dagger carved the agreed time and place on the wall of their old bedroom. "

"Eh ..." Nodded with satisfaction, Soga knew that after showing such a hand, those guys would not be able to come, even if they were confident that they could defeat Soga's team, but there could not be no casualties. Most The important thing is that after being so provoked, they will definitely come back for remembrance. If they don't come, wouldn't it mean they are afraid of him?

In the middle of thinking, there was a sudden clutter of footsteps outside the room. Judging from the footsteps, at least fifty people were coming here, smiling and leaning on the back of the chair. Soga knew that the three teams might be united. It was together, but Soga was not worried.

"Bang!" In the fierce roar, two carved wooden doors flew up, flew into the sky in the air, and flew towards Soga and others.

Facing this scene, Suga's eyes suddenly slammed. Between her right foot, a row of diamond-shaped ice-creams pushed out neatly, pushing all the wood fragments back.

Seeing the Taoist scene, the people outside the door couldn't help but be shocked and let it open. Suddenly ... the wall of the entire room suddenly disappeared completely under the impact of the diamond. For a while, everything in the room was presented. In front of all enemies.

A slight glance towards the outside, as realized by the judgment, the three teams, under the leadership of the three heads, blocked the door position firmly, the total number reached about 50 people.

Originally, according to the meaning of the three major teams, they must have rushed in directly and won these brave guys. In their opinion, no matter how powerful they are, they are just four people, ten to one. Isn't that right?

However, Soga only showed a little hand, and everyone suddenly realized that things did n’t seem so simple. With the strength shown by Soga, except for a few head-level characters, the others were simply giving, Know ... As a magician, you will never be afraid of many people. If a range of magic continues, as long as the strength is not enough, you must go to **** to play!

Watching the crowd at the door, Sogayan whispered: "Since the three heads have arrived, why not come in and sit down? Isn't there a group of men around you, you dare not do anything? ? "

As soon as Soga's words fell, the three commanders could not help taking a sigh of air-conditioning. Soga added a sentence and forced them to death. If at this time they sent their men to take down these guys, would they? Does n’t it mean they agree with Soga, have n’t they just become dependent on their men?

Between thoughts, the three heads looked at each other. Then, with a big laugh, they walked together and went into the room where the wall was missing. They said nothing and sat directly in the remaining three seats. on.

Looking at the three heads with a smile, Soga picked up the hip flask, filled the three heads with wine, and then said enthusiastically: "The three may be a bit misunderstood. The reason why I invited everyone today is just a little bit I want to discuss it with you, but I do not mean to be against you. "

Upon hearing Soga's words, one of the heads of the regiment exclaimed angrily, "Are you asking for this? You dare to demonstrate at our door, are you deceiving no one in our regiment!"

Looking at the three heads calmly, Soga said lightly: "If I don't do this, how can you come to see me, if you don't come to see me, then my face is damaged, wouldn't I want to talk to you? Kill me, you live? Speaking ... I just want less friction. "

After hearing Soga's words, the three heads of the group could not help but be silent. If it wasn't for Soga's first exposure, they wouldn't be afraid, but after seeing that one, everyone was very clear. Adding one person can cause them hard-to-heal wounds. Even if they go to the second level, I am afraid they will do nothing.

Between thoughts, one of the heads said: "Let's talk nonsense, the past things have passed, you say, what are you asking us for?"

Taking a slow sip of wine, Soga said flatly: "In fact, it's nothing, I'm just more interested in your navigation rights. I want to see which of your teams is willing to give us the navigation rights!"

"What!" After hearing Soga's words, the three commanders suddenly jumped up and said, "Boy! Although you have a little strength, but you are too arrogant. Today we are going to lose money, and we are going to lose your lives. Stay here! "

After hearing the words of the three heads, Xiang Yun, Roger, and Niko jumped up suddenly, posing aggressively, and carefully watching the head of the opposite Sa, while secretly crying, Soga was simply In the mess, no matter how strong the four of them are, they are not rivals of fifty people!

At this moment, the room was still calm. Only Soga was holding the wine glass in his hand. Soga blandly said, "I'm not intimidating everyone. I'm just buying. I buy a million merchants and buy navigation rights!"

"Cut ..." He scorned, and a head of teased mockedly, "Go to your one million merchants, I tell you, it is naive to want to use money to buy navigation rights!"

In the face of the head's bitter words, Soga said with the same expression: "Isn't a million a million? That two million is good."

"Oh!" Soga's words just came, and the other head scorned: "Come on, you said, we don't care about money!"

"Three million merchants!" Soga calmly faced the words of the leader.

Looking helplessly at Soga, one of the heads said helplessly: "Why don't you understand? This is not a matter of money!"

"Four million merchants!" Soga's voice was completely without a trace of fluctuation.

After hearing Soga's words, the three heads finally discolored and looked at each other for a few moments. The three still said categorically: "Although you pay so much money, but ..."

"Five million dealers!" Soga's voice was flat as if chatting.

"You ... you're simply overwhelming with money!" One of the heads of the group yelled, obviously, so much money has shaken him!

"Six million merchants!" Soga carelessly played with the wine glass in his hand, not even looking at the three heads on the opposite side.

"Deal!" Soga's voice just came to an end, and one of the heads seemed to be afraid of Soga's remorse, and quickly said.

Slightly raised his head, Soga's face showed a triumphant smile, and said calmly, "Finally, I met a wise man. In fact, you should know that you can't pass the barrier. This is not important. Strengthening strength is the king. Wan, I believe ... it's enough to increase the strength of your entire team by several steps! "

Hearing Soga's words, the other two heads took a moment's notice, then suddenly came to their senses, yeah ... the great business road speaks by strength, but what's the difference if you pass it? Do n’t put so much money, just to pass the customs a few months in advance, this is simply stupid. With these six million, how much the team's strength will improve, the fruits of various abilities, isn't it how much? Miscalculation, really miscalculation!

A few days later, the four of Soga finally set foot on the flight to the second hurdle. Bai Fan was driven by the small wind and sailed towards the depths of the sea under the sea breeze. It took more than half a year. The Canadians finally cleared the customs.

At the same time as the four of Soga left the first pass, outside the great commercial road, a group of bright red figures appeared on the edge of the Tagan Desert, crossing the Tagan Desert filled with endless yellow sand. The six-winged phoenix angels Finally successfully embarked on a great business road.

Looking through the ugly mountain, the six-winged phoenix angels saw the sea-like squirrel, but ... For the six-winged phoenix angel, such an attack would not be put in their eyes. The sixteen figures, like a boat breaking a sea wolf, directly entered the sea of ​​the squirrels, approving the waves and cutting waves. It took only one day to reach the post.

Anxiously found the station's webmaster, Domei said excitedly: "Mr. Old, I want to find out, did any business group pass here more than half a year ago?"

Looking at Dome with a smile, the postmaster nodded with a smile and said, "You should be the head of Soga, huh ... They did come here more than half a year ago, why ... do you know? "

Looking at the webmaster with excitement, Domei said with tears in his eyes: "Know, of course, we are all his most loyal subordinates. Can chess not even know his master?"

After hearing the words of the United States, the station master shook his head in admiration and said, "Since the entrance was blocked by the agouti, the only people who can successfully reach here are Soga and your team. I didn't expect that you were the masters. A servant, he was nothing to the agouti! "

During the conversation, the postmaster slightly gave Duomei and others a glance, and then tentatively said, "Yes, can you find out, how did you break through the blockade of the mole rat group?"

"Eh?" He looked at the webmaster in confusion, and said in a puzzled way: "Just kill it like this! Why ... are the agouti terrible? Why didn't we feel it?"

When hearing the words, the webmaster couldn't help but look at Dami and looked at it carefully for a while. The webmaster said suddenly: "This is the case. I understand this time. Your armor must be completely closed. Destroyed suit, only then can you completely ignore these gophers! "

Nodded sadly, Tomi nodded: "Yeah, our warframes are all made by our young masters and cost us a lot of money. They are tailor-made for us. They are semi-epic suits that completely ignore the attack of the agouti!"

After hearing the beautiful explanation, the chief's eyes suddenly lighted up, and he said excitedly, "That's great. Since you have such excellent equipment, then I have a mission here. I don't know if you want to accept it?"

"Mission? What mission!" How wonderful and strange to hear the words of the webmaster.

The webmaster eagerly pressed with a smile and said: "You also know that the group of agouti have blocked the entrance to the great business road, so we need a team to help clear up those moles and make them great. Entrance to the commercial road! "

"This ..." Frown tightly, Duomei hesitated for a long time, and then said flatly; "I'm sorry, Master, we are looking for the young master, we are half a year later than the young master, young master's strength We are very clear. If we do not catch up as soon as possible, I am afraid we will be pulled further and further. "

"This ..." Frowning and looking at the beauty, the webmaster himself knew that trying to clear out so many agouti was not something that could be done in a day and a half. The breeding ability of the agouti was not a year. It is impossible to clean up the light.

After thinking for a long time, the webmaster suddenly raised his head and said, "So, now that you are looking for a young master, then I think you should know that the great business roads are complex and rich, and I think ... I want to find your young master, I'm afraid it's not a day and a half thing! "

Frowning sadly, Domei nodded, "We know this, but it is because of this that we are so urgent, we can't waste a minute!"

"Okay!" He sighed aloud, and the webmaster yelled, "Since this is the case, then I think you are better off taking the task. As long as you have completed the task, we will launch the information of each station and help you find Soga directly, What do you think about sending you directly by airboat? "

"This ..." Hesitantly looked at the webmaster. After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head and said, "It's not going to happen. We want to find the young master. We want to help the young master, not just to see him. If we want to help him, we must quickly improve our strength. If we stay here for tasks, we may not be able to improve our strength too quickly. Such a thing, Master will not allow it. "

"Hehe ..." He shook his head with a smile, and the webmaster continued: "You don't have to worry about this, and I don't hide you. The entrance to the commercial road has been closed. This has a great impact on us. The order has been issued above, as long as What a price to pay for opening the channel! "

Having said that, the webmaster paused for a moment, then categorically said: "So, during the mission, we will provide you with all the tenacity fruits, so that your strength will never stagnate because of this!"

After hearing the words of the webmaster, Dumei's eyes flashed wildly, and the role of magic fruit was very clear, and the horrible price, she also fully knew that if a year of magic fruit could be provided ...

While he was hesitating, it seemed that he was afraid that he would refuse again. The station master continued: "You found the young master to help him, and you have an unlimited supply of magic fruits. Your ability to increase your strength is definitely faster than your own actions. Hurry, you know ... the fruit of magic is not so easy to get! If it wasn't for your young master who just prepared you with such a good armor, such a good thing would not be your turn. "

"Para la la ..." While the stationmaster was talking, a large white bird suddenly fell from the air, a pair of iron claws, tight claws on the stationmaster's shoulders.

With a slight frown, the stationmaster opened an iron tube on the big bird's leg, took out a piece of white paper and looked up, and after a while ... the stationmaster burst into a laugh.

The master handed the paper in his hands to Dome, and the webmaster laughed and said, "Look at it for yourself, as far as we speak, your master has passed the checkpoint and moved on to the second level. You want to catch up with the master , You must complete this task. "

Having said that, the webmaster pondered for a moment and then flatly said, "So, as long as you have completed the task, we will immediately use the post's information to help you find the young master, and ... no matter what time your young master is at the stage, We can all take you directly to you, without you having to complete customs clearance tasks. "

Listening to the webmaster's words, Tomi thought for a long time, then flatly said: "Well, in this case, we have taken this task, but ... you promised our conditions, must be fulfilled, magic fruits, must be provided in time!"

"No problem!" Flatly agreed to the conditions of the United States, the webmaster Haha laughed and said, "We will produce tough fruits here, it is not a problem, but ... what are your main fruits of fruit, what are you going to choose?"

After hearing the words of the webmaster, Tomi didn't hesitate to say: "We have made a decision on the issue of fruit. As a warrior with dual attributes, we choose the explosive fruit!"

"What! What!" The webmaster opened his mouth in horror at the words, "How can you choose that kind of fruit! Oh my **** ... this time, the budget can be overrun, you don't know , Blast fruit, but the fruit produced only in the sixth stage, it is too expensive, the transportation cost alone ... "

With a slight smile, without waiting for the webmaster to finish speaking, Dome turned and walked towards the outside of the village, while walking, Dome said, "We have a number of explosive fruits, but we have to solve this difficulty, we are only responsible Solve those agouti! "

During the conversation, Duomei shouted loudly: "Leave the sisters, in order to catch up with the young master as soon as possible, we must kill the **** rats as soon as possible!"

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