Close Combat Mage

Chapter 235: Finally pass

Under everyone's attention, Roger's throat, heart, and lower abdomen had bursts of blood, but at the same time, Soga's three feet, first one blows out the green of the sadistic man. Hard armor, and then smashed the opponent's sword with a kick. On the last kick, Roger blasted at the opponent's undefended chest crazy!

Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but open their mouths. Isn't that ... the tyrannical man is going to be killed? But not right! I don't know why, an unpredictable hunch came from everyone's heart!

"Om!" Seeing that Roger's foot was about to kill the madman, the next moment ... in a fierce buzz, Roger's foot suddenly stopped about ten centimeters in front of the tyrant's chest!

"It's a silk trap!" Seeing this scene, Roger thought of the other party's weird abilities!

Looking at Roger's face mockingly, in the sadistic gaze, the familiar, compassionate look was revealed again, and his right hand was swiped towards his waist, and a green dagger was pulled out instantly ...

In the state of the two at this moment, Roger is absolutely unable to escape this attack. From the color of the opponent's dagger, the top must be coated with highly toxic substances. Once stabbed, even if Soga is moisturized, it cannot be recovered. It's up!

Seeing this scene, everyone habitually thought that Roger would inevitably die and kill the madman. After all ... there are too many similar examples, and there are thousands more! Everyone is used to it.

However, looking at the long-lost pity in the sadistic gaze, Roger grinned, and with a slight smile, Roger's expression suddenly snapped, and then he yelled madly!

Along with Roger's roar, he intercepted the thread of Roger's right leg, and suddenly made a series of dense sounds. Seeing this scene, the torturer laughed mockingly and stabbed the dagger at Roger while scorning: " It ’s impossible to break my thread. Do n’t waste any effort! ”

Looking at the dagger stabbed at him, Roger grinned, his eyes flashed suddenly, his right foot suddenly swelled, the next moment ... at the moment when the dagger was about to stab himself, Roger's right foot, suddenly Biao out of a wolf-shaped fighting spirit!

"What!" Seeing this scene, the slayman couldn't help roaring, and then ... the golden wolf head exploded in the chest of the slayman ...

"Bang! Bang! Bang ... Boom!" Under the huge impact, the body of the slayman smashed three giant trees with arms in a row, and then smashed into a gram of the tree. surface.

"Well ..." A sudden spit of blood spurted out, and the sadistic madman looked at Roger, who was more than thirty meters away, with an incredible look in his eyes!

Proudly straightened his body, Roger suddenly turned his side, reached out with his left hand, and pointed his index finger at the sadistic man: "The sword you gave me last time, use this foot to return it! This trick is specifically for To deal with you, it took half a year to train hard! "

Climbing hard, waving his hands for a while, dismembering a dozen adventurers trying to siege. At the same time, the brutal man wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and said lowly, "This is a good trick. first name?"

Looking at the killer arrogantly, Roger said categorically: "Since this trick was created specifically to deal with you, his name is naturally related to you. His full name is-Golden Wolf Destroyed!"

"Golden Wolf's killing?" Muttered the name, and the sadistic madman couldn't help but laughed loudly, "Good Golden Wolf's killing, but ... just this way, it is not enough to kill me Let ’s take a look, who will be the last one to laugh! ”Before talking, the sadistic man suddenly pierced his right hand before the crowd around him. After all long-range attacks, they disappeared between the leaves of the trees.

Standing proudly, Roger said fearlessly: "I Roger is standing here today. If you have the skills, you can come and take my life. I will let my golden wolf kill me. I will use your life to sacrifice soul for my new recruit! "

"Hum ..." As soon as Roger's voice fell, the voice of the **** rang out in the forest: "Roger is it? Don't be too arrogant, I just care about you, and I'm with you I am good at fighting in the range, and now I have treated you as my opponent. Next ... I will not give you another chance! "

"Cut ..." He shrugged his lips in disdain, and Roger proudly said, "I'm standing here waiting for you. Let me know if I can!"

"Come here!" Roger's voice had just fallen, and the savage madman shouted clearly, his body suddenly appeared on the left side of Roger, his hands twiddled something, and his body swinged towards Roger in a swing. Looking at the body from the volley, Roger suddenly turned around and made an attacking gesture.

"Dark teeth!" Seeing that the distance between them was getting closer and closer, the next moment ... the mid-air murderer yelled suddenly, accompanied by the cry of the murderer, a black light rushed from behind Roger in an instant After coming over, Roger was thrown to the ground just for a moment, and then ... the black line didn't stay for a moment, and several lightning-like turns disappeared instantly in everyone's sight.

"That! What's that?" Everyone couldn't help yelling at the scene!

On the other side, he was suddenly knocked to the ground. Roger had no time to look up, watching the savage stabbing at himself like lightning, but couldn't react at all!

Looking at the helpless Roger lying on the ground, in the eyes of the sadistic madman, a look of mercy appeared again, but the next moment, the sadistic suddenly felt wrong, and under his attention, Roger was a little flustered. Look like! At this moment ... he was lying there leisurely, with his chin on his right hand, and he looked like a good show!

"Not good!" I had just flashed such a thought, and the next moment ... a breath of hell-like fear suddenly fell down from the giant tree behind Roger!

Reluctantly raised his head, looked upwards, and as he saw it, a tall and erect figure, holding a large knife, with a magnificent momentum, slashed down with a mad knife.

Basically, the killer ’s and the swordsman ’s movement route are each a parabola. When the killer ’s man reaches the oblique front of Roger, he will just run into the swordsman, so ... the killer ’s man has no chance to win the shot. Chance!

Because there is only a dagger in the hand, and the sword in the other hand is nearly two meters long, and ... the professional comparison of the two is even more disproportionate. Once they fight, the brutality will be seriously injured!

Fortunately, the killer is not so simple to be killed. He gritted his teeth and dragged his left hand slightly. Suddenly ... The body that had been rushing forward, the lightning-like grass bounced back, and followed the way it came Move back!

Looking at the savage madman who was gone in an instant, the swordsman did not chase after him, and he darted into the sheath in the air, a leisurely kind of battle that had ended.

A slight glance at the swordsman, for the first time in the mind of the torturous madman, the feeling of failure was raised. At the moment, when the opponent's sword covered himself, if there was no silk thread, I am afraid that even if I move the body, Extremely difficult!

"Hey ... I've been waiting for you for a long time!" A terrible voice came from the opposite side of the tortured madman secretly. When he turned around and looked around in horror, a sharp light flashed into the tortured madman's eyes. !!

"Oh!" In a hurry, by virtue of his instinct, the sadistic man waved his dagger. In the fierce impact, the sadistic man's body slammed onto the ground. At this moment, a cold voice seemed to be from hell. The wind was blowing, and it sounded quietly-ice prison!

With the cold voice, without waiting for the **** to get up, a solid layer of ice quickly covered the surface of the sadist's body. The next moment ... a stream of ice like a snake, from a giant tree Winding up and down, instantly connected to the ice cell.

On the giant tree, Soga slightly probed out with his right hand. The sea soul in his hand gently touched the ice stream. The frozen touch and the contract of the snow elves were launched in series. With the effect of the ice jail spell, under the increase of the artifact Even if the strength of the peso is doubled, don't want to break free!

Seeing that the slayer was finally caught, the adventurers around him rushed over, waving the weapons in their hands, screaming to crush the slayer into thousands!

"Stop it!" Just as someone tried to turn the clamor into action, the next moment ... a low roar, the ice stream leading to the ice cell suddenly rolled up, and under everyone's attention, The thick ice flow, like a spirit snake, held Soga down from the giant tree.

Standing on top of the ice stream, Soga looked down at the sadistic man trapped in the ice jail. Although ... Soga also wanted to kill him directly, but Soga knew what he was doing, and he could not go down. Go for it!

Soga is not a benevolent person, which cannot be questioned, but he clearly remembers that when he came here last time, the killer had spared his life, and now how can he kill the other party?

Between thoughts, Soga turned her head slightly and said in a low voice: "Now, the passage to the third level has been opened, what to do and what to do with the madman's disposal should not be my responsibility!"

Hearing Soga's words, there was a silence first, and then everyone shouted angrily: "Why did you leave it to you? Do you know how many companions this guy killed us? No one has the right to deal with him privately, he Everything must be left to the decision of all adventurers throughout the second level! "

"Hmm ..." A disdainful smirk, Soga said coldly, "I don't seem to need to ask anyone for what Soga is going to do!"

Hearing Soga's words, the adventurers became even more angry, and a majestic voice was even more righteous: "Mr. Soga, we will remember your merit, and I advise you to surrender the madmen, Otherwise, would you like to be the enemy of all the adventurers in the second level? "

Hearing such disgusting, so-called righteous speech, Sogal even avoided answering, lifted up the sea soul in his hand, and suddenly ... the sky suddenly darkened, and the hail technique was about to start!

Seeing this scene, obviously everyone still didn't believe that Soga really dared to take action, but very quickly, when the arrow rain fell, they finally believed it, but it's time to believe it. ?

In a scream, more than 3,000 people around, only less than 2,000 people on the edge escaped successfully. The other more than 1,000 people were completely destroyed on the spot, and they saw the devil standing on the ice snake. Soga, then all the adventurers realized that this guy, I am afraid, is more terrifying than madmen!

Looking at the adventurer watching from a distance, and looking at the strange deaths around him, Sogarsen said coldly, "I'm not afraid to be against anyone, but anyone who tries to be against me will die!"

Hearing Sogson's cold words, watching Sogana's cloak under the cloak of death, for a time, everyone thought it was a death from Hell, almost immediately, everyone flinched, and continued to stay What if he is treated as an enemy by that guy? People have even captured abusive madmen. How can they have such strength?

Watching the fading crowd, Soga snorted coldly, controlled the ice flow, and dropped back to the ground. Then ... Soga's right hand was slightly waved, and the ice jade operation collapsed instantly.

Suddenly acted almost frozen hands and feet, the torturous madman looked at Soga and others in doubt, and said inexplicably, "How did you unlock the ice? You are not afraid ..."

Suddenly raising his hand, Soga interrupted the other person's words, and said in a deep voice: "Last time, I owed you a life, so this time, I will kill you without face, let's go ..."

His body trembled fiercely, and the slayman glared at Soga in surprise, and then tentatively turned around and walked away, while walking, while guarding secretly, he was really not sure if Soga was playing with him.

But he kept walking a long way, but Soga and others didn't do any more action. They looked at Soga with a complex look, and the madman burst out suddenly, and his body disappeared instantly in the jungle.

Until the killer completely disappeared, Xiang Yun, Roger, and Nicole gathered around and looked at Soga in wonder: "Boss, why did you let him go?"

Shaking his head slightly, Soga didn't make any explanation, but just said lightly: "This matter is my personal matter, I don't want to say, I hope you can understand!"

After hearing Soga's words, the three could not help but glance at each other, and then ... Xiang Yun haha ​​laughed: "Since it's a private matter, then don't ask, everyone has a secret. Let's go ... quickly Go! "

Nodded slightly, Soga took the lead and hurried towards the third pass. Xiang Yun, Roger, and Nicole followed closely behind, and the four of them soon disappeared into the jungle.

With the departure of Soga and others, the silence was restored again in the jungle, for a while ... A green figure quickly jumped down from the tree, looking at the direction in which Soga and others disappeared with a complex look. The green figure I could not help but sighed and murmured: "I did spare you not to kill, but what you gave me was not only life, but also the humiliation and torture that can be expected. You do n’t owe me, I How can I owe you? "

After hesitating for a long time, the green figure suddenly bent the **** and thumb, and in a whistle, a dark shadow came from the jungle like a lightning and stopped in front of the green figure.

If you look closely, it is an extremely agile black cheetah with black fur like black satin, gently rubbing the black panther's fur, and the green figure murmurs: "Dark teeth! It seems ... we are leaving here , I owe people's favor, so I have to return it. After I have returned to the relationship, we will return immediately, what do you think? "

Hearing the green figure, the black cheetah suddenly opened his mouth wide and yelled. Seeing this scene, the green figure smiled and jumped over to ride on the black cheetah. The next moment ... the black cheetah started at full speed, The body moved in the jungle like a phantom, and soon disappeared into the depths of the jungle. Looking closely, it was the direction in which Soga and others disappeared!

On the other side, Soga and others shuttled all the way and finally walked out of the Green Forest Grand Canyon. As soon as they walked out of the forest, a fresh and humid air rushed forward. Looking away, the distance is already the edge of Bali. The endless sea is magnificently displayed in front of everyone.

"Yeah!" Cheers, Nicole opened his arms and flew towards the sea. In the direction of the sea, a beautiful small village is standing there, and a group of seagulls are hovering over the village, watching the seat. The beautiful small village, Soga knows, that is the destination of this trip-the station!

After clearing up the mood, Soga called Nicole back and hurried towards the village. Finally ... Ten minutes later, Soga and his party entered the small village. After a little inquiries, it turned out to be the third pass. Station!

After successfully finding the post office, Soga signed up for the visit. After verifying Soga's customs clearance, the station manager told Soga very happily that the next morning, she could leave Bali by boat and enter the third pass!

I heard that until the day after tomorrow, Soga and others just left the house and looked at the beautiful and peaceful village. Soga suddenly exclaimed: "Okay, tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, everyone remembers to gather and we will go to the beach to cook together ,how is it?"

Hearing Soga's words, Roger said suddenly, "Boss, haven't you always valued cultivation most? How did you put forward such an opinion this time?"

With a slight smile, Soga peacefully said: "Everything must be done with a degree of restraint. For the past six months, everyone must have worked hard. During these two days, everyone can relax and take a look. Once you enter the first Sanguan, waiting for us, will be a more severe challenge! "

Hearing Soga ’s words, Xiang Yun, Roger, and Nicole nodded loudly and agreed, and at the same time, Soga laughed and said, “And, it ’s just to play during the day, who will tell you? I do n’t have to practice at night? And ... while playing, we can also train! "

"Thump up ..." Soga's words just came, and Xiang Yun, Roger, and Nicole, who were all jumping for joy, suddenly fell to the ground ...

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