Close Combat Mage

Chapter 247: Agate Trading

"Hmm ..." With a particularly loud scream, the last agouti finally fell under a beautiful knife.

After rubbing the sweat on his forehead, Duomei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The work that was expected to be completed in one year was delayed for half a year before it was completed, which greatly exceeded the budget.

It can't be said that the beauty of the Tomei sisters is weak, but everyone has underestimated the breeding ability of the agouti. It is definitely not just killing the agouti itself, but only destroying the entire ecological chain. Will be extinct.

Although a year and a half was wasted here, fortunately, Dome and others enjoy the treatment of the great business roads, the fruit of magic is eaten casually, and ... in the mass slaughter, although no advanced warfare is used Skills, but the basic combat skills, it can be described as hard-working, and all the stunts are not all based on the combination of basic combat skills?

After wiping off the blood on the knife, Dome smoothly inserted the sword back into the sheath and yelled, "Okay sisters, please clean up and prepare to return to the station!"

After hearing Duomei's words, all the girls put away their weapons, their eyes shone with excitement, and they gathered towards Duomei. After so long, they could finally see the master again!

All the way back to the station, Duomei led everyone directly to the Shanglu thing, found the stationmaster, and looked at the wrinkled old stationmaster. Dome said eagerly, "Master, we have eliminated the thorn. Rats, now ... should you honor your promise and send us to the young master? "

"This ..." Hesitantly looked at Dome, the webmaster said bitterly: "I'm sorry, your master, has now entered the third stage, you should know that the third stage is on the vast sea, we There is no way to know exactly where your young master is, so ... unless they pass the third level, otherwise, we will not be able to send you there. "

He frowned tightly, and said, "I don't care if we have troubles or difficulties. That's what your business is doing. Now that we have completed our task, you must fulfill your promise. Otherwise, you Want to break your promise? "

"This ..." Wolverine wiped the sweat on his forehead, and the webmaster smiled bitterly: "We didn't expect it, your master, never stayed on land, and every time I packed the goods, I left immediately. Land, we have no time to contact him, you see ... "

Facing the embarrassed webmaster, Dome took a deep breath: "Well, then, let's say, what shall we do now? Do we just wait like this?"

Wolverily wiped the sweat on his forehead, the webmaster reluctantly said, "I'm afraid I can only wait, it's not that we don't help, it's really helpless!"

"Hum!" Tomi heard a cold hum and said unhappyly: "According to your statement, if the young master is in the third level for a year, we will have to wait another year, if the young master is in the third level, Ten years, so are we waiting for ten years? "

"This ..." Listening to Duomei's words, the webmaster couldn't help sweating, but had to continue to nod.

After seeing this scene, Dome finally got angry, and slammed the table suddenly, Dome said loudly: "The reason we took this task is because you can send us directly to the young master, but now you tell me that the task is Completed, but the task reward cannot be given to us. Is the Shangluo thing a betraying organization? "

Looking at the webmaster coldly, Domei gasped and said, "Now, the young master may be undergoing a huge test. I can feel that he needs our help. I ask you if the young master is because we have not arrived in time. And if you return to the sea, what responsibility should you have for the business road? What should you compensate us for? "

Under the pressure of the United States, the stationmaster rubbed his sweat and said in a daunting manner: "After all, this is an omission in our business roads. We will try our best to compensate, but I want to find your master immediately. This is really Impossible, we are not God, many things cannot be done! "

"Okay ..." Nodded slightly, Domei Shen said: "Now you can say, how do you compensate us?"

"Well ..." After a moment's thought, the webmaster flatly said, "So, from now on, your team will be free from any trials and enter and exit any level freely. What do you think?"

"Oh!" Excitedly looking at the webmaster, Domei was surprised: "So, can our young master pass the level with us?"

"No no no ..." Shaking his head violently, the webmaster categorically said: "You are two teams. Your young master's team has not completed this task and cannot share your team's merits, so this offer is limited to Your team. "

"Cut ..." He scorned and scorned: "You are not compensated at all. Do you know that we will be with the young master, so we gave us such a seemingly good compensation?" Ah? This is exactly the same for us! "

After wiping the sweat on his forehead, the webmaster continued: "And there is, in order to meet you as soon as possible with the young master, we will directly send you to the third checkpoint. As soon as your young master reaches the checkpoint, your first You can see him in a moment, this is already the best and fastest way we can come up with. "

"No!" Shake his head flatly, Shaomei shook his head sharply: "If that's the case, then one year and a half ago, we'll find it by ourselves, I think ... for such a long time, even if we find it ourselves, it's early Did you find the young master? Did n’t you let us go back to the original point? This is tantamount to helping you complete a task, which wastes us a year and a half, but has no benefit. "

Listening to Duomei's words, the webmaster couldn't help but grinning again and again. For one and a half years, these girls did not know how many magic fruits they ate, and how much it was. But Duomei said that this was omitted. It's up!

However, the webmaster can't refute the statement of Domei. No matter how much the magic fruit is worth, people have decided that this is not what they want, and no one can do it, let alone, a year and a half ago, when taking this task, many The United States has already stated this, and it is not a threat.

Looking at the thoughtful expression of the webmaster, Domei smiled: "So, since you didn't find the young master, then you must make compensation for the time we waste. According to the principle of three times the compensation for risky union breach of contract, since we are for you After working for a year and a half, then in the next five years, you must supply our thirty-six sister magic fruits for free! "

"Ah!" Opening his mouth in horror, the webmaster shook his head violently: "This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible. There has never been such a precedent, and it is impossible to approve it, and it will provide you with three years of magic fruits. That's it, no matter how long ... "

"Okay! Three years, three years, let's say so!" After the webmaster finished speaking, Duomei said flatly.

"Ah!" Hearing Duomei's words, the webmaster realized that he was talking, but now when he wants to change it, where is the time to say it, and he said it all, how can Duomei allow him to change his mouth?

In a stun, Tomi smiled and said, "Well, let's do this. In the future ... we don't need any trials, we can pass any level freely, and ... in a week, you have to send us to third Off! "

"Flop ..." Sitting on the chair with a buttocks, the stationmaster pursed his mouth, but could not say a word. In fact, the conditions prescribed by Tomi are the limits given above, beyond this requirement, then There is no need to talk about it, even if it loses its reputation, it will not be hesitated. After all ... the fruit of magic for three years, but the amount of money for astronomical figures, you can buy more than three helmets.

In the early morning of the next day, the 36 sisters of Tomei and his team boarded a goblin airship and hurried towards the third level. At the same time, Soga finally arrived at Kitano Island, which is rich in agate!

Kitano Island, strictly speaking, is actually just a peninsula. The inner side is connected to the mainland, but ... Going further, it is a deserted desert. The reason why the port was established here is actually because it produces high-end luxury goods. --agate!

However, although Kitano Port produces agate, there are not many caravans that can reach here. Even pirates rarely come here. This is just a cargo port. There is no shipyard and it is impossible to maintain and repair ships. .

Generally speaking, pirate ships are gathered in those high-priced ports of agate. When merchant ships transport agates and approach these ports where they can sell agate at high prices, pirate ships will gather and siege merchant ships. If you open the robber, the warehouse of the pirate ship will not take much agate at all, and the poor income is poor.

However, returning less to less is not without it. On the sea not far from the port, Soga found several teams of pirate ships. Soga was worried that these pirate ships belonged to the same pirate group.

However, since he has come here, Soga has no retreat. If he is afraid to make a deal because he is afraid of pirates, it would be meaningless to come here so far.

Standing at the pier square, Sogas thought for a while, then suddenly turned his head, facing Xiang Yundao: "I'm always at ease. I don't care if you grab or buy, immediately get two small sailing boats, and then start off with Roger To investigate those pirates, I don't want any accidents in this sale, you know, we can't afford to fail! "

Nodded flatly. For this transaction, Soga was very clear to everyone. Although the price of agate is not high in the place of origin, but this is also relative to the selling price. To complete the transaction, Soga will Spend all the net worth, and can only be completed with an overdraft merchant card. Once they are robbed, they will not only lose their blood, but will also be disqualified from continuing to venture on the great business road because they cannot repay the overdraft money!

Between thoughts, Xiang Yun and Roger walked towards the dock together. In any case, all factors that tried to be detrimental to the fleet must be ruled out in advance. Xiang Yun would never allow anyone to disrupt this transaction.

After entering Kitano Castle, Soga whispered to Nicole who was with him: "You go to the tavern now to listen to the news of the thieves outside. The more detailed the better, the sale must not be in any accident!"

Hearing Soga's words, Niko gave Mia a slight glance, and then resolutely turned away. With Soga's melee ability and strong perverted mental perception ability, she really didn't need to stay with her, not to mention, now Suo Jia already has Mia by his side. Although he has not played against him, but by the instinct of the warrior, Niko can determine that this Mia is definitely not easy!

Seeing Nicole's fading figure, Soga thought for a moment, and then entered the exchange with Mia. At this moment ... The huge exchange was empty, and the reason why agate has such a high profit is actually the reason The reason is that few people dare to be lucky. If anyone dares to do so, the price will not be so high.

The so-called rare is expensive. Only rare goods are more valuable. For luxury goods like agate, there is only one trading opportunity in a port. Agate is expensive and the consumption is very limited. It takes a long time to digest it. Granted, although the price will be restored again, but the cycle is too long, all are based on years, Soga can not wait until then.

When he came to the counter, Soga didn't talk too much, and said directly: "What price is onyx now? How much inventory is there in the port?"

A quick glance at Suga, the clerk said lukewarmly: "At present, there are 4 million boxes of agate, and there are about 10,000 boxes in Hong Kong, but ... there are a lot of **** and sands, and the prices are reasonable, you see ... ... "

When hearing the clerk's words, Suo Jia frowned tightly. Although 10,000 boxes sounded a lot, but ... Suo Jia has 100 ships, the total capacity can reach 100,000 boxes, and the gap is too large.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if you want to fill a ship with 4 million boxes of agate, isn't it 400 billion? Even if Suo Jia had a small life, he couldn't get so much money. Suo Jia's current funds can only be used for overdrafts of 10 billion. This is already Suo Jia's current credibility.

Looking at Suo Jia's frowning frown, Mia couldn't help anxious for Sosuo, thinking for a moment, Mia took out a business card from her arms and said, "Isn't there enough money? I still have something here."

"Eh?" He looked at Mia in doubt. Soga didn't reject Mia's good intentions, took the merchant card by hand, and looked at it slightly. At the next moment ... Soga could not help but open his mouth in shock.

In Soga's view, a girl like Mia was able to take out millions of quotients, but at a quick glance, the string of numbers on the merchant's card almost flashed Soga's eyes.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand ..." Counting all the way down, Mia's funds have reached an exaggerated 6 billion merchants. Although it still does not help, as a woman, she can get so much money. It can already be said to be a miracle.

She smiled and shook her head. Soga returned the merchant card to Mia Road: "I didn't expect you to be a rich little girl! But ... you will not use your money for the time being, you should put it away first! "

Hearing Soga's words, Mia frowned displeasedly: "What? Are you still a masculinist, and you don't want to use women's money?"

"I'm faint ..." Soga smiled bitterly after hearing Mia's words: "Where do you want to go? The problem is not who the money is. If it can be used, I will definitely not quit, but the problem now is The difference in funds is 400 billion! "

"Ah!" Mia said in a dumbfounding voice, "God! What are you thinking? Even so much money, even if you die, you can't make it. Our goal is to set a low point. , Your idea is too unrealistic, and not one can do it! "

"Cut ..." He shrugged his lips dismissively, and Suga shook the humble gray cloak on her body. "Take a closer look, what am I wearing?"

"Um?" Mia looked puzzledly at Soga's body. "Isn't this just a cloak? It's tens of thousands of quotients in the sky, why ... Could he have any other origin?"

Helplessly looking at Mia, Soga leaned closer to Mia's ear and whispered: "This is the cloak of death! That's right ... is one of the three artifacts hanging at the auction house, worth one trillion yuan. Now, do you understand? 400 billion is just a small number for me, and it's hard for me. "

"Oh my God!" Looking at Soga in shock, Mia was completely speechless. As a person who has been wandering in the great commercial road for nearly ten years, it is impossible not to know the cloak of death, nor to get it. Method of Death Cloak, and the price of Death Cloak!

Looking at Soga complexly, Mia found that the more she contacts Soga, the more she can feel the magic brought by Soga. At this moment, Mia finally understands why Niko is so blind. Worshipped Soga, and finally understood why people like Xiang Yun and Roger were so obedient, why are they willing to obey Soga's arrangement? This man is the creator of miracles!

Looking at Mia with a horrified look, Soga shook her head with a smile, took Mia's arm, and walked out of the exchange. Seeing this scene, Mia looked at Soga in wonder: "What? Shall we not buy agate? "

"Dizzy ..." When Sonia heard Mia's words, she couldn't help smiling and said, "What do you think? You think I'm a fairy and can make money out of it? I just believe that I can come up with a solution and want me Get the money right away, I don't have that ability yet! "

Looking at Soga in doubt, Mia was completely confused. Since there was no way to get money, then where did Soga's strong confidence come from? This is really incomprehensible!

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