Close Combat Mage

Chapter 260: Enter again

Hugging two handsome girls tightly, Soga trembled excitedly. Although she has not been seen for more than four years, the relationship between Soga and the two girls has not only become rusty because of the passage of time. However, because of their mutual thoughts and concerns, they became more profound.

Feelings are like wine. The longer they are, the more fragrant they are. This is true of Soga and Amy Aila. In their simple and simple lives, apart from cultivation, there is only one another.

"Yeah!" While the two girls were intoxicated and joyful, a scream that didn't resemble a human voice finally awakened them. When they opened their eyes and looked at everything, the two girls opened their mouths in shock.

At this moment ... the four figures are flying down from mid-air. Under the attention of Ai Mi and Aila, the four figures have landed in four positions, loomingly blocking 20,000 spearmen in the middle.

"What do they want to do?" Looking at those four figures, Ai Mi and Ai Lai opened their mouths openly, didn't they ... want to use the power of four to fight 20,000 professional soldiers?

While thinking about the two girls, Soga seemed to feel their surprise, gently squinting their shoulders, and smiling: "These four guys are the partners I found on the great business road. Look carefully, They are strong! "

The battlefield calmed down, and 20,000 unarmed spearmen finally realized that they were wrong. They turned around and looked at the direction behind them. Everything in front of them made them wonder if they were having nightmares!

Four figures were lined up in a half-arc, blocking 20,000 troops in the wall of the city wall. On the left side of the crime was Xiang Yun, who straightened his body proudly, and Xiang Yun dragged a huge battle knife nearly two meters long in his right hand. , Hengdao immediately stood there.

On the right side of Xiang Yun, Roger is beating gently, constantly moving his legs and feet, and twisting his neck and other joints. He is eager to try, the most noticeable thing is that his rhythm is so fast The frequency of hemp's footsteps, and that light movement.

On the right side of Roger, Nicole is standing there silently. Although you can see her clearly, but looking at her figure, her perception is blurred, a weird and incomprehensible weird feeling makes me sad. Want to spit it out.

On the right side of Nicole, there is a woman with a variety of styles and a fierce figure. At the moment ... she is standing there demonly. Although she does not do anything, the endless charming and mature charm is infinite. The effervescent smile, especially that gentle expression on his face, seemed completely harmless!

Looking at Soga in doubt, Ai Mi and Ai Lai really can't imagine. Are these strange guys really so powerful? Can it really fight 20,000 regular soldiers? This is too **** right?

Seeing the suspicious eyes of the two girls, Soga shook her head with emotion. Before she entered the great business road, Soga could not imagine the strength of the people in the business road. Soga didn't know where she was until she entered there. How terrible everything is.

In the outside world, the big magician is already very scary, but on the great commercial road, the big magician is just a rookie. Even if Soga is now a big wizard, he has not left the rookie forest. .

In contrast, the current Soga can rely on one person to defeat thousands of Soga when entering the great business road. This is not only a matter of strength, but also the ability of magic fruit, and a lot of actual combat brings experience of.

In the eyes of Xiang Yun and others at this moment, these soldiers have no threat at all. After losing their long-range strike ability, in the eyes of Xiang Yun and others, these guys are just weeds waiting to be harvested.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the fierce roar, the giant diamond dragon stepped the last archer into a meat sauce, slowly turned around, and walked towards the spearmen in the castle mast. Here, the diamond dragon is invincible. Yes, no one can hurt him, and no one can't hurt him.

Looking at the ten-meter-high, diamond-dyed dragon covered with purple-black plasma, all the soldiers could not help but retreat slowly and crowded on the castle walls.

With a slight smile, Suo Gao said to Xiang Yun below, "Hey! Can you help me and the Diamond Dragon? Or ... come up together, just let the Diamond Dragon yourself."

Xiangyun scratched his head awkwardly, Xiang Yun smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I can't take any interest in such an opponent anyway, the simple meaningless killing is not my favorite."

As soon as the words fell, Roger shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you kill so many people, my body will surely be sticky with blood. I don't like it ..."

Hearing Roger's words, Nicole hesitated for a long time, then said briefly: "I'm not an executioner ..."

After taking a look at Niko, Mia smiled sweetly: "I don't mind, but ... I don't like it."

With a smile and nodding his head, Soga said to the 20,000 soldiers below: "Well, you should have heard it already. We don't want to create more sins. Leave yourself."

Hearing the instigation of Soga and others, the following 20,000 army could not help but commotion. At this moment, the red-faced general suddenly drank in the battle: "Don't listen to them, no matter how powerful they are. After all, there are only such a few people, and they cannot be our opponents. Everyone listen to my orders ... "

"Hmm ..." After waiting for the red-faced general to finish his speech, Xiang Yun, who had been standing lazily, suddenly moved, suddenly dragged the Pope's Holy Cross in his hand, clenched the knife handle in his hands, and suddenly recorded a wild split. An invisible knife gas whistled out of the knife and exploded towards the red-faced general who was tens of meters away.

Although the knife gas is invisible, under the fiery knife gas, the ground was cut by a deep gap, and the dust was flying in the air, which contained the knife energy of the chopping force, and instantly entered the enemy array.

"Uhh ..." There was a fierce, crisp sound, and the sword screamed past. Wherever he went, all the heavily armed soldiers were instantly separated from the middle. After dozens of soldiers were chopped off in a row. , The knife finally reached the face of General Red Face.

Faced with an attack, General Redface suddenly inserted the broad sword in his hand into the ground, shoved the handle with both hands, and used a wide blade to resist Xiang Yun's sword gas cutting!

"Dang!" In the stern snoring, General Redface shivered, looked up in shock, looked at Xiang Yun with disbelief, and couldn't say a word between his lips.

"Crack ... creak ... what a puppet!" At last, under the gaze of 20,000 soldiers, the wide and wide sword in General Redface's hands broke apart from the middle in a creak, the next moment ... Redface The general's chest and abdomen suddenly burst into bright red blood, and his body suddenly fell backwards.

Looking at the path of flesh and blood that opened by the sword, and then looking at the red-faced general who fell to the ground, the next moment ... all the soldiers were completely confused, and they could no longer care about others, and fled madly around. And go.

On the high tower, Ai Mi and Aila looked at the chaotic scene below in shock. The scene just now is really beyond their cognitive scope. How is this possible? After dozens of meters, even dozens of people did not even say that after cutting the broad sword, they could divide the opponent behind the broad sword into corpses. This is simply a godsend!

Looking at the horrified expressions of the two girls, Soga could not help but smile slightly. If they saw Xiang Yun on the sea, a hundred meters apart, they could use a knife to split the huge sailing ship like a castle, and they did n’t know what the reaction would be. How about it?

Shaking his head slightly, Soga looked at Ai Mi and Ai La said: "Okay, the outside things are over, now ... you take me to see my mother, I haven't seen you for more than four years, I really Miss her. "

After hearing Soga's words, Ai Mi and Aila nodded slightly, greeted Xiang Yun and others outside the contract, and hurried towards the castle, the mother's bedroom ...

After four years of separation, seeing Mom again, of course, Soga was very excited, but unfortunately, the captain soon told Soga that the time was over, if not immediately, then the airship would return to greatness. The commercial road, as for Soga and others, run from scratch.

In view of this, Soga naturally dare not neglect. These guys strictly abide by the rules and regulations, but they are not immoral. If they go back late, they will be severely punished.

Too late to say, order mom, Ai Mi and Ai La to pack a few important items, and then ... the group returned to the airship again and hurried back to the great business road.

I do n’t need to say more about things along the way. I have n’t seen each other for a long time. Soga and her mother, and Ai Mi and Aila have endless words. Soga did n’t feel the time passing until the airship landed. How fast!

After coming and going, it took a month directly. Soga didn't dare to waste any more. Back to the inn, Soga convened a meeting. From today, the team disbanded again, and gathered here five months later. , And then officially set off and passed the fourth level.

For Xiang Yun and others, this arrangement has been used for a long time, only Mia, because it is a newly joined relationship, so I do not understand it. She wanted to come, since Soga is a businessman, naturally let everyone guard him to run It's a business, so it doesn't make sense to be scattered like this?

But he did n’t understand, he did n’t understand. After Soga gave the order, he left the inn directly, took his mother, Ai Mi, Aila to the dock, took out the Soga speedboat, and hurried back towards the third level.

It took three days for the three people to return to the main city of Soga and arrange their mothers here. They also arranged work for Ai Mi and Ai Lai. In addition to practicing, they must bear the finances and construction. Work, and Duomei was liberated. It is enough to be responsible for the security of Soga City. After all ... Duomei's energy is limited. Such a large city can't be played by her alone.

After realizing the value of black iron, Soga did not directly sell black iron. As the former city owner did, black iron as a reserve has advantages that cannot be matched by gold, especially the rareness of black iron. It also made Suga unwilling to sell it. In the later stages, the magic armor is likely to use black iron. If it is sold now, then there will be no place to buy it.

After arranging for the positions of the two girls, Soga rushed to the top slave barracks, but now they have been renamed the Demon Legion, which belongs to Soga and is responsible for the defense of Soga.

After leaving for more than a month, 300 sets of magic armor have been produced. When Soga arrived at the barracks, 300 magic armors were undergoing intense training on the huge training ground.

"The anti-gravity device is activated!" With the instructor's order, in a roar, the surface of the body of 300 magic armor suddenly exploded a green light. Soga knew that this was the effect of turning on the weightless magic, but ...... These guys who use magic armor don't understand the principle, and thought that there was any device in the armor.

"The magic power unit is activated!" With the command of the instructor, there was another roar, and a group of golden light burst from the 300 magic armors, which was the effect of the rapid magic of the wind system.

Subsequently, under the command of the instructor, 300 magic armored troops began to perform special training in magic armor, such as moving, firing, and healing. Until it was confirmed that all the magic armor operation links were familiar with the master, the instructor only signaled 300 drivers to follow Leaving in armor.

Because there are only 300 magic armors, and the number of troops is more than 10,000, so ... we can only train in batches. This batch of 300 people has just finished training, and the next batch of 300 people enter the magic armor again. Get trained.

Looking at the soldiers constantly training under the guidance of the instructor, Soga nodded with satisfaction and waited for the yield of the magic armor. Ah Soga no longer has to worry about the pirate coalition. Even Soga, Dare to confront these guys directly.

After a satisfactory inspection of the mining, production, and living support facilities in the city, Soga left the Soga city with a Soga speedboat and returned to the fourth level. After all ... they entered the great business as merchants. If you want to pass the road, you must get the letter of trust from the ten villages and towns in the pass.

However, for the fourth level, Soga did not have any challenges at all. After trading ten hemi-copper ore of the second generation capacity, ten trust books were exchanged. With the help of Diamond Dragon, Soga It only took a month for him to make a lap in the fourth pass, and the clearance conditions were completed. It was incredible that everything went smoothly.

Since Soga City has been occupied, Soga is very clear that the way to earn money by selling goods is no longer suitable for him. The daily profit brought by Soga City is an astronomical figure. To be sure, As long as the city of Soga is kept, Soga rarely needs to go to work for money.

After obtaining ten books of trust, there are still more than three months until the agreed time, so nothing is left. Soga rushes back to Soga city, practice behind closed doors, and the free time for cultivation is used to make the ice **** dragon scales, and Continue researching magic armor.

Although a set of magic armor has been successfully researched, this is only the generation of magic armor. Soga knows that this is a never-ending discipline. If you continue to study, you will continue to achieve results.

In the following period, Soga could be described as leisurely, but after only one week of such a life, Soga was called away by a letter from Nicole. For no reason, Nicole found a seemingly Ancient ruins that have not yet been explored!

It ’s someone else who may not be interested in this kind of thing, but Soga is different. Since learning the true mystery of the Great Shanglu in the Temple of Poseidon, Soga has understood that in every level, there will be a master god. The temple, sealed in the temple, is the artifact used by the main god!

Although Soga is not sure if the ancient ruins found by Niko are temples, anyway, after all, it is possible. For Soga now, what attracts him may be the artifact, except Outside of artifacts, even epic-level equipment could not arouse his interest.

After learning the news, Soga drove Soca speedboat out of Soga city, rushed past the fourth barrier of the Great Commercial Road, and sought to meet with Nicole as soon as possible to explore the ancient ruins together.

Although it is necessary to cross the Death Triangle from Soga City to the fourth hurdle, in Soga's view, this so-called Death Triangle is just a thrilling playground, and it does not pose any threat to Soga!

However, I have to admit that Soga still underestimated the horror of the sea. After a day of departure, a thick fog suddenly appeared on the sea. At the same time, Soga suddenly found that he was lost!

Although Soga was carrying a marine-specific guide, he didn't know why, the instrument seemed to be broken, the pointer was spinning madly, and he would not stop when he died, let alone point out the direction.

In the vast sea, the importance of direction is the most important. After losing the direction, Soga didn't know where to go at all, and Soga was worried to find that at the speed of Soga speedboat, he hurried for a week. Road, but still have not driven out of this misty area!

Fortunately, Soga brought a space ring with her. Soga, who no longer ran a business, prepared a lot of resources such as food and fresh water. After all, this time, no one knew how long to stay in the wild, not much. It can be troublesome to prepare.

Moreover, as a water system mage, Soga is actually hungry. Although it is at sea, fresh water is easy to obtain. Any water control technique can make fresh water out of nothing. As for food, the fish in the sea can make Soga Full.

I don't know how long it has been drifting, and finally ... Some of the hazy gold-colored light clusters are revealed in the fog. When seeing this scene, Soga can't help but get nervous. This doesn't look like light.

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