Close Combat Mage

Chapter 276: Kill the Ring

In front of the Devil's Castle, Soga and others silently lurked on the branches of a giant tree, watching the enemies patrolling in the square far away, scratching his head in confusion, Roger whispered: "What's going on? Why are there so many fewer enemies? I remember when I came last time, there were hundreds of people here. Why are there only 50 or 60 people left? "

Hearing Roger's words, Soga and others nodded in confusion. Only Mia smiled slightly and didn't open her mouth to explain. As a woman, she was kind of subtle, and if she was too assertive, she would make her colleagues disgusted.

"Wow ..." A detailed map was gently drawn, Soga said solemnly: "Okay, now is not the time to study these, let's take a closer look, and I will talk about this battle plan again. "

After hearing Soga's words, everyone gathered around and carefully listened to Soga's explanation. For a long time, Soga put away the map and said categorically: "Everyone remember, don't make mistakes, destroy the enemy as soon as possible, Don't keep your hands! "

Nodded deeply, Xiang Yun, Roger, Mia, and Nicole all dispersed in the distance, preparing to ambush according to the plan laid out by Soga, and the war broke out.

Judging the time, it is estimated that everyone has been hidden, Soga gently pulled out the trident of the sea god, and between a little, on the square in front of the devil's castle, six blue magic arrays suddenly flashed.

"Wow ... wow ... wow ..." In the sound of one after another, six elements of water elements stood up from the ground, raised their hands, ice arrows, and crossed a graceful arc, Shot at the enemy on the square.

Seeing this scene, the enemies in the square rushed over again, bows, arrows, magic, and samurai, launched the strongest attack, attacked the six water elements.

In the face of the enemy's attack, the six water elements did not have any intention of evading. Under the remote control of Soga, the six water elements kept throwing an ice arrow in their hands to focus on the same person, although they were not immediately attacked. Destroyed, but it also left him busy.

Although the water element is powerful, the attack is really limited. It is just a simple ice arrow. It has no ability to instantly break the opponent's life guard. It can only be slowly polished. It can be used to contain it, but it is powerful to destroy the enemy. Waiting.

The volume of the water element is determined by the magic power of the releaser. The attack of the water element is the same as the releaser itself, except that ... Soga has a trident of sea god. Both the magic power and the attack are multiplied, but Even so, it is still difficult and difficult to destroy the enemy by the arrow of Xuanbing.

As the first magic of the ice system, although it is the strongest attack of the single ice system, it seems that the first-order magic of any series of magic cannot hurt the real master, at least it is difficult to kill.

If you change to an ordinary opponent, you can use these six water elements as one hundred, and six water elements can definitely block a thousand enemies, but the masters in the field are all eliminated by Mia The remaining part after the high level of strength, and so six months ago and so on and others are not much worse, even stronger.

Moreover, the six water elements attacked all the samurai who were close to each other. The samurai's defense was very high, and it was even more difficult to break their defense.

Of course, summoning the water element is just the sign of the magician. If you rise to the realm of the great wizard, these water elements will evolve into water elves. At that time, the water elves are called. The water elves have the characteristics of the water element. At the same time, you can also release a small range of magic-Ice Roar!

Above the Magister, there is also the Holy Magister. When reaching the realm of the Holy Magister, the water elves will evolve into the Holy Spirit of the ice. While possessing the characteristics of the water elves, they can also release mid-range magic-ice rain !! That is hail!

On top of the Holy Magister, there is also the magic god. When the realm of the magic **** is reached, the Holy Spirit of Ice will evolve into the Ice God. While possessing all the characteristics of the Holy Spirit of Ice, it can also release a wide range of magic--Ice. Feng Yuezhen!

If light is magic, there may be nothing to praise. The biggest point is that these summoned elemental creatures are pure elemental bodies. The manipulation of water element is incomparable to God. It is the maximum value, and ... … Their magic power can be restored infinitely and endlessly. This is exactly the horror of wizards above the wizard.

It can be said that a sage wizard can stick to a fortress with the power of one person, unless there are enemies with him, otherwise, no matter how many enemies there is, never think of taking a step. The endless magical attack is not manpower. Contending.

Looking at the six water elements on the square, Soga sighed. His strength was still too low. He could only summon water elements. As for the water elves, the Holy Spirit of Ice, and the demon of Ice, all were out of reach, though Soga is confident to reach the realm of the Dharma God, but it is not known how many years later.

Thinking about it, the enemies on the square had surrounded six water elements, the samurai's sword and arrows, and the magician's various magics, as well as the archer's long-range shooting, and the six water elements were vented in a storm.

Seeing this scene, Soga frowned, and among the enemies, there were many soil-based mages and soil-based warriors. If they were alone, it would be very difficult to hurt the water element, but there are so many people, even the water element, Also a bit unsustainable.

Moreover, water, fire, and wind, although these three series of attacks are almost immune, but after all, it will also cause loss of water element. If it is one-to-one, it probably does not matter, but one-on-one, then the results come out. , Even the element of water cannot support it!

If it is a one-on-one attack on the four lines of ground, water, fire, and wind, although the energy of water can be consumed, the supply can keep up, but now, with so many enemies, the supply of water cannot keep up with the consumption. Now, so ... the body of the water element is getting smaller and smaller, or it will disappear after a while.

Frowning slightly, Soga knows that this is still too little magic power. If there is more magic power, then the water element condensed into water element will be more and thicker, and the recharge amount per unit time will be more. Large, not so easily consumed.

But now, there is no other way for Soga. Although it is the realm of the Magister, Soga ’s magic has already reached the realm of the Holy Magister, even if the Holy Magister comes in person, the water element called It's just that big.

Looking at the six water elements that were gradually lowering his body, Suga slightly pouted his mouth, and made a secret decision. When he passed this level, he must rush back to the bottom of the sea, practice well and double the magic. Calling the infinite realm, this comes out, and only then will these six water elements be truly invincible!

After thinking, the six water elements were finally wiped out under the stormy attack, but ... they did not waste Soga's effort. At the same time they were destroyed, the six water elements also killed two warriors. Although the results are not ideal, it can already prove that the water element man is powerful.

With a slight sigh, Soga once again pointed out the Trident of the Poseidon in his hand. The next moment ... Six water elements appeared on the square again, smiling at the enemies rushing towards him, Soga couldn't help laughing, as long as he didn't Killing the mage, then no matter how many water elements are eliminated, it is meaningless. If you kill it, you can summon it. It is very simple. With Soga's magic at this moment, this consumption can be ignored.

Of course, this is Soga. It has been replaced by an ordinary ice-based magic teacher. A water element summons, I am afraid that the magic power is empty on the spot, and ... with their magic power, the volume of water element is small and pitiful. Just twenty centimeters, more than ten times worse than Soga.

Although magic and spiritual power cannot improve the rank, the role of magic and spiritual power on magic does not need to be said more. It can be said that the importance of magic and spiritual power is truly reflected after the magic teacher. The so-called magical power means this. Magical power is always the foundation of all magic.

Above the tree, Soga controlled the water element and cut away, slowly leading all the samurai and mages on the square away. Only the ten archers were still stationed on the castle walls on both sides of the gate. Strict alert.

Finally, fifty lost warriors were dragged out of the square by the six water elements, entered the mountain road leading to the square, and fiercely tore away from the square in front of the demon city.

Finally, the shouting and killing sounds gradually disappeared. Once these saints have lost their minds, once they find the enemy, it is an endless situation. They will never hesitate to chase the ends of the earth. The former Mia and Soga were chased like this Too.

"Patter ... Patter ... Patter ..." With the disappearance of the shouting and killing sound, a crisp footstep sounded clearly. Hearing the footsteps, ten archers raised their heads cautiously towards the mountain road. I looked at the direction.

Under the gaze of ten archers, a strong figure walked slowly down the mountain road, as if not seeing the ten archers, and slowly entered the square in front of the castle.

Looking closely, the man had scattered blond hair, a dark blue suit on the upper body, and a scarlet trousers on the lower body. He lowered his head slightly, and stepped towards the Demon Castle step by step.

In the face of the invaders, the ten archers did not hesitate to pull the bow and shoot the arrows, and shot at the erect figure. With the whistling sound, the ten arch arrows whistled out. At the same time, the ten archers again Put a sharp arrow on the bow.

Yes, this upright figure is not someone else. It is the leg king Luo Jie. After hard training for half a year, he took the initiative to deal with these archers. After half a year's practice, although Roger did not create his own stunt, he gained another This gain made him not afraid even if he played against ten archers.

"Om!" At the moment when the bowstring rang, Roger suddenly opened his eyes wide and lowered his head slightly, as if he didn't know that ten sharp arrows were shooting at himself. Roger stood there blankly, as if in Waiting for something.

"His ..." At last, in the sharp whistling sound, the ten arrows arrived in front of Roger in an instant, less than two meters away from Roger. The speed of Eli's arrow, as soon as the moment, will Shot through Roger's body.

"His ..." In the whistling sound, the ten arrows flew through Roger's body, but ... it was just a ghost of Roger. At the moment when the arrow was about to reach the body, Roger was shaking immediately. Already flashed out.

"Pattern ... patter ... patter ..." Crisp footsteps re-emerged. Facing the ten archers, Roger walked slowly and leisurely, ignoring the ten archers on the other side, wandering leisurely. .

Each arrow of the ten archers can only be shot on Roger's virtual shadow. At the moment of the sharp arrow and body, Roger's other body will instantly appear two meters away and continue to move forward. Those sharp arrows can only be shot in vain on the afterimage, and can not cause any slight damage to Roger.

That's right, this is the result of Roger's cultivation in the past six months-afterimage! No matter how fast the attack, Roger can escape in the moment before his body. Although there are ten archers on the opposite side, it is still too sparse compared to the thousands of wickers. .

The afterimage is a step created by Roger to avoid the enemy ’s melee attack. As for the long-range attack, he can only avoid it when he is close. In the past six months, Roger has initially completed the practice of afterimage. Although it is still ten thousand miles away from Dacheng, there is no doubt that there is another battle technique in this world.

According to Roger's plan, his stunts will be based on the footsteps of this afterimage, dodge forward and backward, dodge while attacking, and attack while dodging, but ... the distance from the completion of this stunt is unknown. For many years, this is the goal that Roger needs to work hard in his life.

Slowly along the way, Roger finally rushed to the demon castle, slightly flashed, Luo Zhuo was now in front of an archer, and looked at the archer coldly within a distance of two meters.

Facing Roger's gaze, the archer who had lost his mind did not know the word fear, and suddenly took out the sword from his waist and stabbed at Roger fiercely.

With a disdainful grin, as a leg warrior of the melee profession, once he gets close to the side of the long-distance profession, how can he allow the other side to spread out? For Roger, killing the archer in front is no more trouble than killing an ordinary person.

Of course, it goes without saying that the ten archers who had been completely sealed off by long-range attacks died successively under Roger's feet, without even the ability to fight back.

Gently rubbing his feet against the body of an archer, trying to wipe off the blood on the shoe surface, at the same time, Roger stared coldly at the black hole in the gate of Devil's Castle, flashing in his eyes. .

After thinking for a while, Roger stepped back to the ground with two feet, no longer care about the sticky plasma, strode towards the door of the demon castle opened by the cave. Since Soga and they have not come, he will not wait, It's time to go ahead and take a look. After just fighting, Roger is full of confidence in himself.


On the other side, Soga dragged fifty warriors and quickly moved on the mountain road. Finally ... under the command of Soga, the six water elements entered the ambush circle prepared in advance.

When the enemy entered the ambush circle, the six water elements finally stopped. At the same time, Xiang Yun, Nicole, and Mia appeared in three directions and attacked the enemy closer to them. .

Seeing the advent of the enemy, the fifty unconscious warriors turned around and fought with Xiang Yun and others. Seeing that they had successfully attracted the attention of the enemy, Xiang Yun and others sneered at each other. They walked, each leading a dozen enemies toward the pre-selected place.

Fifty enemies, led by Xiang Yun, Nicole, and Mia, were led away by thirty-seven. Only 15 warriors close to the water element did not leave, and continued to besiege the water element.

Looking at the remaining fifteen masters, Soga could not help but smile slightly, walked slowly out of the hiding place, and between his right hand slightly raised, the sword of frozen ice was launched instantly, fourteen emptiness, sharp and sharp ice The sword, in one second, hit the same point on the chest of the same enemy 14 times in a row. Under continuous and severe shocks, the poor guy was bombed by the guardian of life and his chest was blown up. Opening a big bowl of holes is obviously dead.

Seeing Soga's appearance, the five enemies rushed at full speed, waving their weapons, screaming and attacking Soga, and smiled slightly. Soga raised his hand again, a blue light surging, and the sword of frozen ice again. At launch, another enemy was smashed into his chest, dead and dead.

Shaking his head in admiration, Soga had to admire that the power of this frozen ice sword is too great. As long as it is hit, even if it is a first-level opponent, it will be instantly killed in seconds. The first strong single magic does not even have a little closer magic.

Of course, as a high-level magic, the magic power consumed by the Ice Sword is very horrible. Basically ... this is a kind of magic that is desperate, and like the summoning of water elemental people, once launched, the magic power is almost empty.

However, Soga is an abnormal human being. The magic is so deep that even metamorphosis is not enough to describe it. Other wizards can only use one-shot magic, but he can be regarded as Chinese cabbage and eat as much as he likes.

There are many effects of magic, but the biggest one is to limit the amount of magic that can be continuously released. Basically, people ca n’t use magic because of insufficient magic. Magic is almost unique.

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