Close Combat Mage

Chapter 279: Hidden

"Bang!" Although the muffled sound from the guardian of space did not hurt him in any way, Soga was shocked with cold sweat. Soga couldn't think of how Roger could do it. At that moment, I escaped the arrow that must be hit, but at the same time, it flashed to an angle that made Sorga uncomfortable and kicked over.

It can be said that if there is no space guard, at the speed of Roger, Soga will definitely not be able to prevent this foot. Combined with the smashing boots on Roger's feet, I'm afraid only this one, Soga will To die on the spot.

Allowing cold sweat to roll off his forehead, Soga didn't even have time to wipe. He lifted his right hand again, and a mysterious arrow shot at Roger.

In this way, for three consecutive arrows, Roger avoided the past ghostly. The three ice arrows could only shoot afterimages, but Roger's body instantly reached an angle that made Soga difficult to continuously attack. Fully attacked Soga.

Seeing Roger's mad tiger attack, Soga laughed bitterly. Although Soga's magic and mental strength are unpredictable, after all, there are still three companions to fight. Tired, but my heart is tired!

Soga ran a hand, and at the point of the Trident of the Poseidon, the six blue rays of light instantly lit up around Soga. At the next moment ... the six water elements slowly stood up from the ground.

If it was changed before, the unconscious Roger would inevitably attack the targets that hurt him, but this time is different after all. The presence of the woman in black can naturally change Roger's thoughts at any time, so ... Although the six water elements are in Aside from the harassment, Roger only attacked around Soga.

Six water elements, plus Soga, roared a total of seven ice arrows, but looking at Roger, this guy flashed, even if the arrow net under the cloth of seven ice arrows, still could not hurt him.

Looking at Roger, who was dodging spookily, Soga suddenly found that Roger's strength had only been raised within a lapse of half a year, but he didn't know how much. Such a terrible attack, but he could not help him at all.

In desperation, Soga no longer released the ice arrow, reached out his hands, and aimed at Roger, who was moving like lightning. The ability to control water combined with the ability to control the fruit, under the manipulation of Sogana's abnormal mental power, instantly turned towards Roger's body extended.

Under Soga's control ability, he has always targeted Soga, and Roger, who is only about two meters away from Soga, suddenly paused. Soga's current control ability, although not enough to draw Roger's blood out of the body, But reducing Roger's movement speed is not difficult.

Although it was only a slight meal, but all of this was planned by Soga in advance. At the instant of Roger's body, the six ice arrows just arrived at the target and hit Roger accurately.

Xuanbing's arrow can't hurt the current Roger, but ... who wants to stay safe under the six arrows of water elements, Roger obviously doesn't have this ability, let alone move speed , Immediately doubled!

Roger, who had doubled his speed, apparently didn't adapt well to the current speed. In a blink of an eye, he was continuously hit by a dozen ice arrows. The surface of the body quickly condensed into pieces of mysterious ice until he was frozen and unable to mobile.

"Ice Prison!" Accompanied by a cry of Soga, the ice jade was launched instantly, covering the slow-moving Roger accurately. At the same time, Soga's left-handed look, the dragon whip meandered. Out, connected to the ice prison, frozen Roger more firmly.

In the end, the ice cell was frozen, and Roger had been frozen, except for his brain. Although he was struggling, his body was frozen. He didn't listen to the command at all, and just waited for death.

"Pop! Pap! Pap ..." Seeing this scene, the woman in black slaps excitedly and exclaimed: "It is indeed the leader of a group, and the strength is really strong enough!" During the talk, the woman waved her hand again, Xiang Yun, who has been standing on the side, slowly pulled out the back of the sword, and gradually stepped towards Suga.

Looking helplessly at Xiang Yun, Suo Jia's face was bitter. To be honest, although the strongest member in the team was Mia, the last thing Suo Jia didn't want to face was this cloud.

Others, including Mia, may not know the strength of Xiang Yun, but Suga knows that this guy has too many combat skills. As long as one does not pay attention, he will suffer a lot, and ... just talk about momentum Xiang Yun is the absolute number one in the team. Even Mia is completely unable to resist Xiang Yun on coercion.

Before thinking, Xiang Yun had rushed towards Suga with a sword, without giving Suga any respite. In the face of Xiang Yun's attack, Suga sighed uncontrollably, the time for space guard has arrived. ... it's time to sneak in. Soga's body gradually blurred, and completely disappeared into the air under the horrified gaze of the woman in black.

"Yes! It's the cloak of death!" Seeing this scene, the woman screamed in surprise, her eyes filled with excitement.

Clenching her right fist, the woman smiled and said to the void: "Boy, I advise you to be honest and don't hit my mind, otherwise, I will die, and your companions will not survive."

Hearing the woman's words, Soga didn't answer, and waited silently, after the energy of the space guard recovered, appeared again in the original position, and at the same time opened the space guard.

She gave the woman in black a cold look, and then ... Soga turned her head and looked at Xiang Yun, who was attacking the guardian of space, thinking hard about how to defeat Xiang Yun.

In such a space, it is impossible to cast Ice Roar. With the power of Ice Roar, I am afraid that the entire building has collapsed. This castle is so huge that Suga cannot guarantee that his companions will not be killed by rocks. After all ... … They are now lost of mind, unless they are ordered, they will never move halfway.

Soga commanded six water elements and was shooting at Xiangyun at full speed. At the same time, Soga still defeated Roger by obstructing Xiang Yun's movement.

"Bang! Bang! Bang ..." In terms of avoidance, Xiang Yun is not as good as Roger after all. Although he is domineering, he can only smash the ice arrow with a knife.

However, although the ice arrow was broken, the cold air in the ice arrow began to condense around Xiang Yun's body. As time passed, a large amount of frost was gradually condensed on Xiang Yun's armor.

"Ice Prison!" Finally, Soga exhibited the Ice Prison again, freezing Xiang Yun strong. In addition to the brain can also think, the body was completely stiff.

"Huh ..." Sigh of relief, Suo Jia took a strange look at Xiang Yun. What happened to Xiang Yun today? It was so cowardly, it was so simple to be defeated. Although I can't see any flaws, I don't know why. Soga faintly felt that something was wrong!

"Huh!" The woman on the other side hummed coldly as she thought about it, "boy, you are really good, but ... so far, I don't want to continue playing anymore!"

During the talk, the woman in black slowly stood up, her hands raised, the next moment ... the woman's chest suddenly lightened, at the same time, six golden **** filled with mysterious symbols, slowly Floated up.

"Moment forbidden magic!" Suojia screamed suddenly when he saw the three small balls.

He nodded proudly, and the woman in black smiled and said, "Yes, this is the moment when the magic is forbidden. It is a sub-artifact left by the gods and can seal the magical power of any creature below God!"

Having said that, the woman smiled grimly and said lowly: "Hey! Little kid ... as a mage, but the magic is sealed. I would like to know how do you defeat your two remaining companions? Hahahahahaha ... "

Looking at Soga's appalling expression, the woman proudly said, "Boy, let's not tell you that in the past four years, thousands of teams have been destroyed in the Devil's Castle. From these teams, although I have not gained anything To the artifact, but harvested four sub-artifacts, hehe ... I can tell you very responsible, I am invincible! "

Hearing the words of the other side, Soga took a deep breath. If things were really like that woman said, then it was really troublesome. Although the artifact was not as famous as the artifact, it was used well, but Definitely not weaker than artifacts.

As far as Soga's space ring is concerned, how can Soga stay invincible for 20 seconds. How much difference is there between this effect and the artifact? Although the Trident of the Poseidon is powerful, as the saying goes, you are not afraid to fight, but you are afraid to keep it!

Suo Jia just felt a wave around his body, and the space guard collapsed instantly. He tried to apply the disappearance attached to the cloak of death, and it had no effect at all. The six water elements also turned into water droplets and disappeared.

Close your eyes and explore the past, and the next moment ... Soga bitterly discovered that in this space, although the six series of magical elements are still there, they are all imprisoned and cannot be moved at all. I want to be in this situation. Move down the magic element, I am afraid that only God can do it.

"Hey ..." While she was thinking hard about the countermeasures, the woman in black smiled gloomily: "Okay, let's both of you, let me kill this guy directly!"

With the words of the woman in black, Nicole and Mia stepped forward at the same time, forcing Soga to come. Within a few steps, Nicole's body disappeared into the air. At the same time, Mia waved her right hand sideways. Although invisible, Soga knew that there must have been countless spider silks around her body!

Eagerly, Soga tried several magics in succession, but none of them could be released successfully. But helplessly, Soga could only tighten the trident of Poseidon with a wry smile. At the same time, with the left hand in a wave, the dragon whip Instantly appeared around Soga's body, centered around Soga's body, and slowly circled.

"Yeah!" Seeing this, the woman in black couldn't help screaming, her eyes were dazzling, and the woman said with admiration: "I really didn't expect that you have so much talent. Such a talent, unfortunately I can't help So, otherwise, I ’ve been exercising for three years and two years, and even if I went straight to the ninth level, I would have no fear! "

"Hmm ..." While the woman was talking, in a sharp whistling sound, the white light suddenly flashed. The next moment ... Nicole's body appeared strangely about two meters behind Soga, turning his body into a gray shadow, Lightning stabbed at the back of Soga, judging from the attitude, it was the one that would kill and change!

In the face of this horrible blow, Soga dared not evade the slightest. After losing all defensive measures, Soga dared not evade, otherwise, the spider silk under Miabu would instantly score Soga. corpse!

Soga knows that even if he hasn't lost his magic power, he is not Mia's opponent, not to mention that he has lost his magic power, lost his magical attack methods, and almost all defense methods. Soga and Mia's gap is even greater!

"Cracking ... crunching ..." While in Sassoth's thoughts, Mia's hands, between her hands, did not know when a green short bow, a green sharp arrow, was locked accurately Soca's chest.

"Ah ..." With a helpless sigh, Suo Jia's face was full of bitterness. Until now, he finally felt the strength of his partners.

Although Soga knew that his companions were very powerful before, after all, he had no personal feelings. Until now, Soga suddenly realized that his companions could not be described as powerful anymore. This was a pervert.

Think carefully, if not so perverted, how can so many masters along the way be slaughtered one by one without the ability to fight back, although in energy, everyone is similar, but in combat skills, experience, Too much difference.

Desperate! That's right ... Soga is facing despair at the moment, with Mia's short bow in front, and Nico's one-hit killing and reforming in the back. If you want to avoid it, the Tian Luo Di net under Miabu will make Sorga frightened. Soga's own magic has been sealed, so how to deal with this situation?

Helplessly, Suo Jia's ability to control the express, suddenly, the dragon whip suddenly circled, the dragon's body wrapped around So Jia's body, sealing the attack part of Nicole, at the same time, the dragon of the dragon whip The tail flew towards Niko and swept away.

This is not the end. Soga leaned forward with his right hand, and his trident in the hand stopped in front of him. He accurately took the shot of Mia. As for the dragon whip's head, he opened his mouth and was ready to intercept the sharp arrow.

Although well-prepared, Soga is not a melee profession, and he is so close, so ... Although Soga successfully intercepted Nicole's attack with the Dragon Whip, the dragon tail swept in the air. , Nico's speed was much faster than the speed of the Shenlong whip, the moment he passed with Soga, the dagger in his hand left a deep scar on Soga's left rib.

At the same time, Mia ’s left hand was loose, and a green light crossed the distance of ten meters in an instant. Before Soga blocked, she shot Soga's body instantly. The only thing Soga could do was just sideways. Just the body.

For a time, Soga ’s left ribs and the heart ’s blood burst out. In the case of loss of magic ability, such an attack is not something Soga can resist. For now, Soga does not have melee. Although experience can be reflected mentally, physical response cannot keep up.

Looking at Soga who was bathing in blood, the woman in black laughed and said, "Boy, give you one last chance. If you give up resistance and let me hypnotize, I can guarantee that you and your partner can survive, and I You can be assured that you will enjoy the riches, riches, money, rights, beauties, whatever you want! "

With a smirk, Soga's body crumbled and said, "Come on, after you are hypnotized, your mind is completely lost. What's the point of the whole world even if you get it?"

Faced with Soga's rebuttal, the woman in black smiled: "This is wrong. Every once in a while, I can restore your consciousness. With your partner in hand, I don't worry if you dare to rebel. Would you like to think about it? "

He shrugged his lips, Soga categorically said: "You don't have to work hard anymore, money, rights, beauty, I'm not interested. If I really want it, do you think I won't get it?"

Looking at Soga deeply, the woman in black bit her lip tightly for a long time ... The woman in black said charmingly: "You can really get a lot of women, but you can't get me, what if ... I can be your wife's words, so will you ... "

"Stop!" Suddenly pulled out his right hand, Soga said coldly: "You don't need to say any more, although you are really beautiful, but ... in my eyes, you are no different from ordinary women. It's just that you are more hateful to say something different. "

"Ah ..." A sad look at Soga whispered, the woman in black murmured: "You, you are too stubborn, to be honest, you are my first fancy for so many years Man, but did not expect that the first time he confessed, he was rejected. In that case ... let's go to death! "During the talk, the woman waved again, and Mia next to her opened the short bow in her hand again.

"Cut ..." Painful skeptical, Soga knew that her appearance, strength, and momentum and courage had moved this woman. After all ... as a beauty master, how did Soga know about herself Alas, in appearance, Suga didn't believe that there would be a man above himself.

However, Soga already has a beloved person, he did not want to betray, so ... even if this woman is very charming, but Soga is still unmoved.

Taking a deep breath, Soga lowered his head and looked at his body. The left ribs and left chest were dripping with blood. Because he could not perform magic, Soga could not be treated. He could only let the blood flow. At the moment of the arrow, Soga used the control ability and removed his heart, otherwise, with just this arrow, Soga is finished!

However, even though he had just escaped the disaster, Soga's situation remained the same. Looking at Mia who was coldly aiming at her, thinking about Nicole who was hiding in the dark again, Soga's smile became more and more Bitter.

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