Close Combat Mage

Chapter 307: Break through six levels

Entering Soga City Industrial Zone, Soga could not help but be shocked. Previously ... just dozens of dilapidated factories, but now, rows of tall bluestone buildings are neatly and grandly arranged in front of Soga. Looking at it, there is a huge film, and the end is completely invisible.

In the large chimney on the huge bluestone building, the black smoke was constantly blowing, looking upwards. The entire sky seemed to be shrouded in black smoke, and the smell of scorching smell was emitted in the air.

With a sigh, Soga knew that in order to develop armaments, many things must be sacrificed, such as the blue sea and blue sky, such as the crisp trees and flowers.

In the sigh, Suga couldn't bear to look more, and went directly into the production warehouse. As soon as she entered the warehouse, as seen, there were rows of tall, bright black magic armors neatly arranged, and only one warehouse was placed. Thousands of magic armors.

After a little inquiry, Soga quickly found a large number of flying magic armored warehouses, opened the warehouse door, and the next moment ... Soga's carefully designed magic armors were displayed in the warehouse one by one.

The flying magic armor is relatively large, more than three meters tall, and extremely stout. The body is a human shape. With a magic moving gun in its hand, compared with the ground magic armor, there is more behind the flying magic armor. Two huge mechanical wings, this pair of mechanical wings have a cylindrical shape, and are covered with spray holes in various directions to adjust the forward direction of the flying magic armor.

"Master!" While watching, a beautiful voice behind him rushed in with excitement, and flung into Soga's arms.

Gently patting on the beautiful back, Soga smiled and said, "How's it going? Okay?"

"Um ..." Nodded, Tomi slowly left Soga's chest, and said, "It's okay, everything is planned."

Nodded in excitement, Suga asked: "How are these flying armors produced? How are they used?"

After hearing Soga's words, Domi looked at Soga with admiration: "This design is really great. As for the specific effect, I think it's better for you to see it for yourself."

"Oh?" Nodded, Soga appreciated. "That's right, let's go to the training ground right away!"

Upon hearing Soga's words, Tomi didn't say much, and took Soga directly to the Soga City Air Force Base. Far away, before the two arrived at the Air Force Base, Soga clearly saw a plane. The huge magic armor was busy taking off and landing.

Seeing the curtain, Suo Jia could not help speeding up his pace. Soon ... Soga and Tome arrived at the air base. At the same time, Tome pulled the alarm of the emergency assembly.

Looking at the mosquito-like soldiers coming from around, Soga couldn't help but look at how beautiful, uncertainly said: "I said ... It's only been a year, how can there be so many magic armors? ! "

She smiled proudly, saying: "Of course, I deliberately arranged it. After I got the design you gave me, I realized the importance of this kind of flying empty armor, so I set up ten pipelines at full speed. So far, we have seen a 10,000-strong magic armored air force! "

Nodded in admiration, at the same time, tens of thousands of magic armored armored fighters have landed, neatly arranged on the huge air base.

He gestured towards Souga, and then ... Domey gave an order. Suddenly ... With a roar, the cylindrical sprayer behind the empty armour of the magic weapon burst out a golden flame.

Under Soga's gaze, one by one, the magic armored empty armors, driven by the propellers, rushed forward on the runway while gradually rising.

Seeing this scene, Soga nodded in admiration. He knew that the reason for this effect was because these guys used the propeller to push the gravity one by one.

Ten thousand magically armored armors were divided into ten rows. Under the watchfulness of Soga and Duomei, ten armored armors rushed forward, then quickly raised, and gradually went away. At the same time, the second batch of ten armors Taiwan Aircraft started at the same time neatly. After taxiing all the way, it drove up sharply and rushed towards the sky.

"Woo! Woo! Woo ..." In the fierce whistling, the flying demon armor rubbed the air, and the birds flew one after another, whistling into the sky.

I don't know how long, finally ... the last row of flying magic armors rose from the ground, at this moment ... the entire sky is covered with black spots, and those black spots are nothing else, just the flying magic armors!

Staring blankly, Soga didn't know what to say. The tens of thousands of troops were divided into 10 layers, densely packed, but staggered and condensed in the air. Soga knew that the arrangement must be long. According to time research, once an attack order was issued, the 10,000 flying demon armors will fire at the same time. Due to the arrangement, everyone's shooting route will never be blocked by their own companions.

Shaking his head in admiration, Soga couldn't help but marvel, even if his strength was so high, I'm afraid he couldn't resist the collective shooting of this 10,000 flying magic warriors.

Looking at Soga's amazed expression, she said with pride: "Although the flying height of these magic armors can only reach 200 meters, it is enough. After a long period of training and research, we can deploy several three-dimensional offensive and defensive weapons. As long as you say a word, we can capture any ground city within minutes! "

"Enn ..." Nodded in excitement, Soga said: "Yes, it's really good, but I don't know, in actual use, have you found any flaws or loopholes? If so, try to advance Tell me, I can improve. "

She shook her head with a smile and praised Domei with admiration: "There are no regrets and loopholes. Although it is far from perfect, it is most suitable for mass production. If you improve it too much, it will be too troublesome to produce, but not It fits. "

"Well ..." He nodded thoughtfully. Soga knew that this flying magic armor was just the original product, and there were still many flaws, but ... this was enough, even for such a unit, it is basically already Invincible, no matter how many designs, it seems to be meaningless.

Thinking about it, Soga Chao looked at the past and continued: "Well, I'll leave it to you in this regard, I won't ask too much, but you have to remember, if there is any difficulty, Be sure to tell me in time. "

Nodded, Tomi looked at Soga with a smile, but did not say anything, and did not speak about rewards. For Tomi, any reward is meaningless. Tomi's only wish is to During the year, the task assigned by Soga will be completed. By that time ... once the task is completed, Domei will naturally propose the conditions in that dream.

Next, Soga and Tomi returned to the city's mansion together. In the following days, Soga did nothing. She stayed with her mother every day. Until a week later, Soga re-entered the retreat. This time the retreat, Soga's purpose is only one, that is to upgrade and improve Soga airship.

First of all, Soga installed two thrusters parallel to the airship's body on both sides of the airship. The thrusters are cylindrical and can be pushed forward strongly and backward.

The cylinder is two meters long and is as thick as a human body. A huge blast of wind is laid on it. Its pushing effect is ten times that of a normal small blast of wind. The reason why it was not installed before is because the parts are too large, but now I want to come. Speed ​​is everything, and it's not ugly.

However, Soga was surprised that when this pair of huge cylindrical thrusters were installed on both sides of the Soga airship, instead of destroying the overall beauty, the Soga airship gave birth to a kind of coolness. The majestic taste is full of the atmosphere of Yang Gang and the breath of terror!

With the addition of a pair of large, oblate propellers, the speed of the cable booster boat has been doubled in an instant. Although it has not been tried yet, Suga believes that the effect on the thruster is definitely stronger than those of the eighteen small thrusters. Device.

You know, a single oblate thruster is enough to push ten small propulsion arrays. Now two cylindrical thrusters have been added, and at least 20 small thrusters can be lifted. Speed ​​is more than double that simple?

After installing two propellers, Soga modified the installation part again. After all ... Suddenly installing two oblong iron cans seems a bit abrupt, but ... if it is on the outer bread layer The iron shell makes the shape smoother, and if it is excessively more moderate, it will not only make the airship less ugly, but will more than double the visual effect.

After modification, the Soga airship no longer looks like a sports car, but more like a space shuttle. The flat body has a pair of oblong thrusters extending to the sides and rear. In the middle of the propeller that extends rearward, there are eighteen small ejectors. From the back, the tail of the entire Soga speedboat is covered with jet holes of black holes, eighteen small and two, which is extremely cool!

After dealing with the propeller, Soga's next thing to do is of course the transformation and retrofitting of the weapon. First of all, a sharp one-meter-long collision angle was added to the front tip of the airship, and the entire collision angle was like It's like a shark's mouth, widening backwards and forwards, perfectly connected to the body of the airship.

The tip of the impact angle is made of black iron, which is extremely solid. Even if it is a mountain, Soga is confident to knock out a hole. After all ... the sharpness of the weapon created by black iron is unparalleled.

In the middle of the shark's nose-like collision angle, which is the position of the shark's nostrils, a pair of black holes with black arms and thick arms are exposed. These two holes are actually the main weapon of the Soga speedboat. Next, one can shoot out a steel bullet with the thickness of the forearm, and even a steel plate must be punched out.

On both sides of the Soga speedboat, six large magic action guns are installed, and people sitting on the second and third sides can use these two large magic action guns to strike the target, regardless of the sky. Repression can be carried out on the ground.

As for the middle position, two stands were also arranged. The person in the middle of the second row can use a large magic gun to shoot the front target, and the person in the middle of the third row can shoot backward to suppress the target in the rear.

When the Soga airship is fully fired, there will be six large magic guns and two heavy artillery fire at the same time. Although its power is not super strong, it should not be a problem when dealing with ordinary Warcraft.

It's just that ... due to the limited size of the airship, ... the only things that can be provided are the six fixed brackets. For large magic action guns, everyone has to carry them in the space ring. The same is true for bullets. The two main guns at the front of the Soga airship, as for the shells, must also be carried by Soga, otherwise the weight would be too great, affecting the performance of Soga's flight.

To this day, Soga has fewer and fewer items to carry with him. Most of the books and sundries have been locked into Soga's warehouse by Soga. It is no longer necessary to carry it with him.

So ... Soga's belongings are just a second-generation empty ring, and the remaining rings, nearly two hundred cubic meters of space, can be used to hold items.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the power of the so-called magic action gun is not fixed. If the user is strong enough, he can infuse his energy into the bullet and burst out after the bullet hits the target. , Causing great damage.

Not only energy, but also the power of magic fruit. Basically, this magic gun is actually a weapon, but ... the magic gun gives the user the ability to attack from a distance.

After everything was built, Soga looked at the larger Soga with satisfaction, remembering the happy scene with Niko, Mia, and Renee in the speedboat, Soga was busy again.

Covered the walls of the warehouse with the softest ornate animal skin, and then ... Soga added a lot of small objects. In order to make the three girls happy, he even inlaid a lot of jewelry in the warehouse. A legal array.

Under the effect of the French array, the temperature inside the warehouse is always warm as spring, and it will always exude a pleasant fragrance. When Soga finishes all the work, the entire space in the warehouse has greatly changed.

Although the volume has not changed, the comfort has been greatly improved. If you are sitting on such an airship for sightseeing, it must be one of the greatest pleasures in the world.

However, if this is the case, the Soga airship is still not perfect. Looking at the shape of the airship, Soga hesitated, and then used a special dye to paint on the airship.

In the description of Soga, the Soga airship has become an extremely fierce shark, a sharp nose, a dark nostril, and a sharp mouthful of teeth, and then the unique gills of the shark on both sides of the airship! The whole airship looks fierce and tyrannical, and this appearance is enough to scare away a bunch of Warcraft.

Nodded in satisfaction, after checking the airship as a whole, Soga put the airship into the space ring, and then ... Soga returned to her mother, talking and chatting with her, until the partners rushed back. Soga set off again, heading for the sixth level!

After more than a year, everyone ’s strength has improved a lot. Although not so perverted as Soga, such gains have made everyone very satisfied. After all ... it is not realistic to want to eat a fat man.

Do n’t look at Soga as if he became fat, but know how much Soga has done in the past ten years, this top epic suit, and the rare legendary jewelry on his body, plus Shanghai The trident of God, everything, has made Soga so crazy to increase speed.

But looking at other people, everyone ’s practice is not the same. The only thing that is close to Soga is Renee. She is the direct blood of the Elven King. The equipment on her body is also the suit of the Elven King hundreds of millions of years ago. It is still unable to compare with Soga ’s equipment. From this, we can see that Soga's crazy promotion is definitely not a fluke.

Under the gaze of the partners, Soga pulled out the Soga airship and looked at the huge shark-shaped body. All the companions screamed inexorably. Without waiting for Soga to rush, they jumped into the Soga speedboat. .

Soga jumped to the driver's seat last time, and gently pressed his hands on the two control crystal balls. The next moment ... Gravity magic was unsealed, the law group was launched, and the Soga airship was watching by tens of thousands of city residents. Then, staggered smoothly.

Soon ... The Soga airship reached a height of one thousand meters and took a deep breath. Since it was known that there were no high mountains on the road, Souda boldly began to accelerate.

A few minutes later, the eighteen blasts of the Soga airship all started. The Soga airship seemed to have reached its maximum speed. At least, Xiang Yun and others thought so. They didn't know that the new installation Yes, the huge original cylinders on both sides of the airship are not good-looking.

Turning his head, Soga Shen whispered: "Be careful, I'm going to start speeding up. There may be unexpected things, so ..."

Hearing Soga's words, everyone dare not neglect. Everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible to make Soga so cautious. Soga never jokes. If he said danger, it would be extremely dangerous. !!

Seeing that the partners had fastened their seat belts, Suojia took a deep breath and held the control spar tightly with both hands. The next moment ... Suojia gritted his teeth and instantly started two huge thrusters!

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