Close Combat Mage

Chapter 402: Resurgence of war

Sitting cross-kneeed in the secret room, Soga completely closed the six senses, and she sank into the body with all her consciousness. Under the impetus of her spirit, Soga took a trace of energy from golden, danmar compressed by magic. Extracted from it, under the restraint of Soga's vast spiritual power, he entered Soga's soul.

The soul is invisible and invisible. What you can see is just a group of colorful spots of light. It has no substance, but ... the soul is affected by the spirit.

The water element is alive and conscious, but their thinking and consciousness are billions of times simpler than human beings, but ... even the simplest thinking and consciousness has the minimum self-protection consciousness.

What Soga needs to do now is to let these water elements with life and consciousness take the soul of Soga as the core to condense into a new life form, a pure elemental body.

The difficulty of doing this is very large. The water element has life and consciousness, and a very strong sense of self-protection. What Suga needs to do, however, is to retain their life forms, and then combine Suga's consciousness with the water element. The consciousness of water is fused together, and the consciousness of the water element becomes a part of the Soga consciousness. In a certain way, this is a kind of destruction for the water element!

In the face of destruction, the element of water burst out with tenacious vitality and a sense of struggle. Even with Soga's mental power, he felt a little overwhelmed, but Soga knew that success or failure is here. You must insist on it, and you must not give up.

Soga knows very well that from now on, he definitely has the strength to enter the sub-god level. His spiritual power is absolutely sufficient with the help of the poison dragon. Now the reason why the water element can compete is the last resistance of life. To overcome them, Soga must work as hard as they do.

You know, although Soga ’s mental and willpower is very strong, compared to a single water element, it is far from the sky, but in the ray of water extracted, I am afraid that there are nearly a million water element molecules. Soga is in With one to one million, such things are not easy to do.

It seemed as if he was running an endless long-distance run. Soga was exhausted and could not breathe, but he still could not see the end point. Many times, Soga wanted to give up, but Soga knew, Once you give up this time, it will not be possible to succeed next time. Without the spirit to fight, you can't reach the sub-god realm.

I do n’t know how long, finally ... Soga has completely integrated the last element of water into his soul, looking at it, a ray of blue mist lingers in the entire soul area, and his mind is slightly Suddenly, the blue, crystal-blue mist was tumbling.

Feeling the situation in the body, Soga could not help ecstasy, he was very clear that he had used the psychic power of perversion to forcibly merge those water elements with the soul, so that Soga ’s soul became this group of water elements The common soul, Soga's consciousness, has become the common consciousness of this group of water elements, and their original consciousness has not disappeared, but has become a part of Soga's consciousness.

Soga's method is very weird. In fact, to achieve this step, they should rely on the understanding of the water element, let them automatically make sacrifices, sacrifice the water's ego, and fuse themselves into Soga's soul.

At this point, it is still the difference between Wen and Wu. The so-called Wen depends on the understanding of the water element to agitate the water element. They will voluntarily lose their freedom and devote themselves to the soul, willing to be a subject.

Taking the army as an example, the so-called literary form is actually propaganda and agitation. With the understanding of the common people, they use propaganda and encouragement to let everyone join the army. Although they have lost their freedom, as long as these common people are encouraged, they can naturally be organized. Hundreds of millions of troops, this is the so-called army of benevolence.

The Suga method is more overbearing. If you want soldiers, you can catch them directly. If you don't want to, you can't do it. With strong strength, you can catch people when you see them, but you can't run away if you want to run. This is the devil who is old. Army, or overbearing army.

If you rely on understanding to influence and encourage, the speed of practice is very slow. In the East, it is called the right way, or the royal way. Although it is slow, but because the soldiers are willing to join, it will not riot and it is not easy. Get into the magic.

But those who rely on overbearing and cruel methods to catch Zhuang Ding, the practice speed is very fast. If Emperor Rende can build a million army in ten years, then the cruel overlord only needs one year to quickly gather the same. An army of size and quantity.

However, the army that is forced by violence is very prone to mutiny, rebellion, and even riots. It is easy to get into trouble. One bad thing is that it will end in ruins.

It can be said that once Soga's mental strength has been depleted, he can be in danger. Once all the water elements join the riots and lose the mental power, the wild energy will instantly evaporate Soga directly to the world.

Of course, if there are advantages, there will be disadvantages, and there are also disadvantages. Of course, compared with the army of benevolence, the devil army is even more horrible. Due to the long-term forced suppression, the water element will be very violent in Soga's hands. Once an attack is launched, it will be like a sky-scrapping, all water elements will vent the resentment hidden in the deepest heart, venting frantically.

Therefore, Soga's attack and defense will be twice as powerful as Rende's, but the effects of recovery spells will be doubled accordingly. Where does Soga's army have mercy and mercy?

In the country of Xiang Yun, practitioners like Soga are called magic. The advantage is that the practice speed is fast and the attack power is great. It can be a master in ten years. The disadvantage is that it is easy to go into the magic, and it is very harmful. The so-called injury One thousand enemies, eighty self-damaged, all the demon-style exercises are damaging to themselves.

As for the normal cultivation method, it is called Tao in the East. The advantage is that it is not easy to get into the magic, and the energy is upright, strong and solid. The more you cultivate, the more beneficial you are. It is not a myth to cultivate to the limit.

However, there are disadvantages to the correct way of cultivation, that is, slow speed, low attack power, and no master time, it is difficult to achieve a master.

Opening his eyes slowly, Soga only felt that everything around him was different. With the complete fusion of the soul and the water element, Soga's understanding of the water element was no longer comparable.

At this moment, the perception of the water element in the soul of Soga has been combined with Soga. Their consciousness has become a part of Soga's consciousness, so ... the perception of the water element becomes To Soga's perception.

Looking around, the entire space has become a crystal blue color. Soga can even feel that the dense water element around the body slips on the surface of his body, and slowly raises his hands. Soga has a kind of The feeling of being in the water, the dense element of water, flowing like water in his hands, shuttles ...

Touched and closed his eyes, Soga knew that although he was far away from the sub-god level, he had a long way to go, but there was no doubt that he had already stepped on the threshold. As long as he was given a period of time, he It is bound to reach that realm.

About judging, if you want to condense into the body of the soul that Xiang Yun said, completely condensed by elements, the amount of water element required is simply incalculable. According to today's speed, about 100 years, so Jia can really enter the temple of the sub-gods, and ... that means that Soga can practice 24 hours a day without interruption.

Now that Soga has stored enough material, that is, magic power, what he has to do now is to make the material into a commodity, that is, to fuse magic power into a spiritual body. This process is extremely slow, but it can't be anxious.

Of course, although Soga has not yet reached the sub-level of God, but strictly speaking, he is no longer a master of the level of heaven, but the middle part of the world and the master of the level, and the master of the sub-level of God, by virtue of and The water element that the soul fuses together, Soga can do many things that even a master can't die.

Although I really want to continue to cultivate, Soga knows that although strength is important, but ... if you want to be good at work, you must first sharpen it. If you can have more powerful mental power, then you will get more done with less effort. When all poisonous dragons are upgraded to the eighth level, the training speed of Nassoga will increase eight times, shortening the time from one hundred years to ten years.

Therefore, in the face of such a decision, I am afraid that the fool knows how to do it, either he has been in retreat and practiced for hundreds of years to reach the sub-God level, or it takes several years to upgrade the poisonous dragon to the eighth level, and then he only needs to cultivate In about ten years, you can reach the sub-god level. I am afraid that everyone knows how to decide.

Alone, he drove the Soga airship towards the front line of the Arthur dynasty. Before Soga set out, Xiang Yun and others had already left, and even Nicole had already left. No one wasted time, even if it was Not at all ...

When Soga returned to the forefront of the Arthur dynasty, King Arthur and the Duke of Windsor were not yet finished. Soga didn't want to help, but he really didn't understand the things inside, so he only entered the retreat and cultivated his own. Spirit body.

Before entering the retreat, Soga ordered the King Arthur. Once the preparation was completed, he immediately threw a letter into the secret room. Otherwise, Soga would practice one after another without knowing how long the time had passed.

Not to mention how King Arthur and the Duke of Windsor formed an army and selected the elites. On this side, Soga once again entered the state of cultivation, once again extracting a stream of elements from the Jin Dan compressed by magic in his body, and sent it into the soul space. , Began to condense.

I don't know how many times it has been repeated. The half-year period has passed unconsciously. In the half-year period, Suga has gained something. Although it is still far from the real sub-god stage, but once you enter the soul world, look at it. Go, the soul is no longer transparent, but a crystal blue mist is permeating. At this point, Soga finally lays the foundation of the sub-god stage, completely out of the realm of the sky master, and truly will finally One foot also entered the threshold of the sub-god stage.

Just when Soga wanted to continue to practice, a letter thrown in from the crack of the door forced Soga to temporarily suspend the practice. The letterhead clearly stated that the army was ready and it was ready to go to war!

After receiving the letter, Soga left the secret chamber and informed King Arthur and the Duke of Windsor that they would immediately begin sending troops. Within the next two and a half years, the entire continent must be unified under the control of King Arthur.

In the following year and a half, with the help of Soga secretly, King Arthur swept half of the western continent with the most elite army of millions. The war involved hundreds of countries, nearly one billion people, and the number of casualties in the war reached More than 16 million.

With the devouring madness, Soga ’s poisonous dragon finally rose to the eighth level, and his power exploded. At the same time, he gained the mental strength shared by the poisonous dragon. Soga ’s mental strength exploded eightfold. It's a pity ... Soga now has no time to cultivate. With a little negligence, King Arthur's army may collapse.

Moreover, if Soga retreats, then who will lead the drug dragon? Except for Soga, these poisonous dragons never obey any human dispatch. This is the minimum majesty and glory of the ancient dragon, and it must not be violated!

Seeing that most of the time has passed, but the entire continent, but still half have not been captured. For a time, Soga, King Arthur, and Duke of Windsor were anxious, but no matter how urgent, in the coming year, they will not It is possible to achieve the goal. Even if people are standing there waiting for you to accept it, it is unlikely that they will travel all over the continent in a year.

In fact, this problem can be solved. As long as tens of millions of troops are gathered and the army is divided into ten channels, unity will soon be achieved. However, the problem is that Soga will not allow them to do so. When King Arthur and the Duke of Windsor asked why Soga refused to answer.

In fact, Suo Jia also suffers. If the soldiers are so dead, it is really a shame. Soo ’s purpose of starting the war has two, one is to train the poison dragon to a higher level, and the other is to completely control this. The world, the first reason is more important, after all ... strength is everything, everything else is false and unreliable.

Seeing that Soga refused to agree anyway, King Arthur and Windsor could not help but prolong the war, which is definitely not a good idea. The longer the time drags on, the easier it will be to create chaos. It is best to use Thunder. The trend of sweeping caves and unifying the entire continent quickly is the most reasonable plan.

Looking at the anxious appearance of Windsor and Arthur, Suga smiled and said, "I know you are in a hurry, but ... there are still ways, now ... you immediately dispatch troops to the country and let out the wind, saying yes Tens of millions of troops must be assembled to unify the entire continent under the Arthur dynasty within the next six months! "

"Wow! You promised?" King Arthur and the Duke of Windsor shouted excitedly at Soga's words.

With a smile, he shook his head, and Soga said lowly, "You think too simple. If you really mobilize all the troops, then I ask you, with so many troops, what about your cold food supply? And ... once The soldiers are all over, then who is stationed in those countries that you attacked? Are you afraid of a fire in the backyard? "

"Sweat ..." After hearing Soga's words, Arthur and Windsor couldn't help sweating. Actually, it wasn't that they were not intelligent enough. It was just a cause of unification. They were in a hurry. When they calm down, yes Will think of the disadvantages.

Watching Windsor and Arthur gradually calm down, Soga continued: "I just let you release the message and make a gesture, think about it once we release the news and make such a gesture, then What do the emperors of the southern continent think and do? "

"Slap!" With a sudden slap of the Lord, Windsor looked at Arthur in excitement: "King! I'm going to post the news now, and make the illusion of mobilizing the army, you see ..."

"Well ..." Smiling at the Duke of Windsor, King Arthur said with a smile: "Very well, just do what you say. Be careful, be as realistic as possible. If you can't lie to them, it's yours. Negligence! "

After hearing Arthur's words, Soga shook her head and smiled, "Well, Windsor, you should go and do it, even if you know it's fake, they will choose to believe it. After all ... this is already the last hope of the southern continent Now, everyone should understand that if they are not united again, it will be two years in short and three years in length. The entire continent will certainly be yours.

In the following month, the plot of the Arthur dynasty seemed to have wings, and spread quickly to every corner of the continent. Everyone knew that King Arthur would mobilize the elite army of hundreds of countries and form a main force of ten million. Strive to sweep across the continent within a year.

Faced with snow-like information, all the emperors in the south continent finally couldn't sit still. They knew very well that they had to do something to continue as emperors.

Half a year later, the tens of millions of coalition forces in the southern continent divided their troops into ten lanes and rushed towards the checkpoints of the Arthur Empire. This determined the war that the mainland finally belonged to, and finally opened the curtain.

Between the south and north continents, there is a mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles. The name of the mountain range is called Lianyun. At this moment ... The army of the north and south continents is on the prairie, the only gap between the mountains and the mountains.

It is not necessary to say more about the importance of this battle. If Arthur is defeated, then the southern coalition forces will certainly not give up. They must wave their troops into the northern continent and occupy all the sites under Arthur's possession. They can't keep it, they won't give Arthur a chance to stand up again.

On the other side, if the southern coalition lost, then ... the southern part of the country that has lost its most elite main force will no longer have the ability to resist King Arthur's army. Surrender may also be able to fight for leniency. As long as a few cities are slaughtered, I am afraid that even if the emperor does not surrender, the people will rebel and help King Arthur directly open the gates.

For a while, the whole continent was upwind and clouds, and the whole continent's eyes were placed on the prairie outside the mouth of Lianyungun. This battle ... who will win and who will fail?

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