Close Combat Mage

Chapter 43: To give everything

Hearing the words of the red cape, Soga frowned in disgust: "They are them, I am me, not to mention whether I have the ability to convince them, even if I have this ability, but why should I do this for you Why should I owe hundreds of people for your sake! "

Speaking of this, Soga became even more angry, gloomily watching the fire goddess of war opposite, Soga said unceremoniously: "You sacrificed your looks, in exchange for the world's strongest fighting power, but we sacrificed What can I get for money, for time, for happiness? "

At this point, Soga seemed to find herself too excited, took a deep breath, Soga tried to calm herself, and said lowly, "I don't owe you anything, my classmates don't owe you anything, if Me alone, I may help you, but I ca n’t represent the one hundred girls. They are not my own, they are just my classmates. I have no right to order them. "

Seeing Soga being so excited, the red capes were silent. Before coming, they were just surprised with their second life, and finally ignited a glimmer of hope, but they never thought that others had no obligation to help them.

Looking at the silent girl, Suga smiled disdainfully: "If you want me to talk to them, you should know that my white building is about to open. The cost of a moisturizer is one hundred gold coins. If you can pay those girls at this price, I'm responsible for persuading you, but if not, don't come to me. "

"Suck!" Listening to Suga's words, all the girls suddenly stopped. Every one of them had at least a thousand cracks. Each crack needed a moisturizing technique, not to mention maintenance, even if it was To fix all their current cracks, it will take 3.6 million gold coins. Even if they are sold to bones, it is not worth so much!

Until this time, all the red capes suddenly came to their senses. If the other party helped them, how much it would be to pay, the other party did not owe them anything, there was no obligation to pay such a huge price, give and receive for their beauty, The gap is too big.

As Soga said, they paid their looks, but in exchange for the strongest force in the world, but looking at each other, what can they get after giving everything? Get nothing!

However, although they know this, but in the face of this last hope, how can they reluctant to give up? Everyone knows that if they miss this opportunity, their lives can certainly make a huge difference, but otherwise Other than that, they get nothing, and they will have a tragedy like all the goddess of war.

Looking at the 36 trembling red cloaks in front of him, Soga reluctantly said, "Although I feel sorry for you, most of all, I can perform a moisturizing procedure for each of you once a day. This is already my limit. In addition, think about it yourself, what else can I help you? "

Looking at Soga blankly, all the red cloaks knew that Soga was able to do this, it was already kind, but even though she had come to her senses, but all the girls still refused to leave, it was already them. Finally, the last hope, as long as they leave the hospital, their lives will be buried there.

"Is there really no way?" With a final expectation, a red cloak, sadly said to Soga.

Helplessly looking at the red cape speaking, Soga said frankly; "Let's say it another way, if I ask your door, I will spend a lot of time every day and take time and effort to help others for a lifetime, but there will be no reward, you Will you agree? "

Listening to Soga, all the girls are completely desperate. When things change their perspective and put on them, they understand deeply how ignorant their requirements are. People do n’t practice magic for them. Services.

Finally, looking at the red cape in front of him, Soga groaned: "Although I really want to help you, please forgive me for being incapable of helping. I still have something at home, so I won't give you away." Soga turned and spoke. , Striding towards the white building.

Seeing Soga far away, all the girls cried. For them, it was not only Soga who left, but their hope, their second life!

Seeing that Soga was about to disappear into everyone's sight, finally ... A stern sound rang out from the red cloak group: "If we are willing to pay the same price, would you consider helping us? "

Suddenly stopped, Soga was silent for a long time, then said without looking back: "I can't think of anything you can do, or in other words, can you remind me?"

"This ..." After hesitating for a while, the voice rang again: "If they are willing to make precious time every day to help us, then in return, we are also willing to make time every day to help them!"

"Oh ..." After listening to this voice, Soga chuckled and laughed: "First of all, we don't need any help from you, and secondly ... the time of your 36 people is not worth the time of our 100 people, your time, No more precious than ours. "

As soon as Soga's words fell, a red figure suddenly emerged from the crowd and fell to his knees: "Mr. Soga, please, we have nothing else, as long as you are willing to help us , We are willing to accept it at any cost! "

Hearing this voice, the other red cloaks were shocked, and they were obviously surprised by this statement, but soon everyone understood it. Without hesitation, they took a few steps and knelt into a piece. Although they did not speak, but The meaning is clear, everyone is willing to pay the necessary price for everything they get.

Looking at the red cloak kneeling on the ground, Soga turned around with a bitter smile, and said helplessly: "Aren't you embarrassing me? Although your sincerity moved me, but I really can't think of it, you can help What am I! "

"Oh!" Suddenly looked up, two sharp rays of light shot out of the dark cloak, and at the same time, the goddess of war said confidently: "Maybe, we are really useless now, but you don't forget, we are always The strongest warrior in the world, the Goddess of Fire and Fire! When we get stronger, we will be able to help you siege the city, how could it be useless! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ..." Suga laughed loudly when she heard the words of the **** of war. For a long time, Suga said, "Your statement is really moving, but I didn't attack the city. The desire to sweep the ground, so we cannot use this usefulness. "

After hearing Soga's words, all the girls were in a hurry. They had given everything they could but still couldn't get their only hope. Isn't their fate doomed to change?

After being silent for a while, finally ... A red cape stubbornly looked up and looked at Soga deeply: "As long as you are willing to help us, we swear that once it is useful to us, no matter what we do, we All will be yours, this is all we can give! "

Looking at the talking girl with admiration, she was really too smart. She knew very well that the only way to get hundreds of girls to cooperate was through Soga. Only Soga had the ability to organize all the girls forever. Help them, no one else.

It is because of this that the promise of the girl is the obedience of Visoga, not the obedience of the one hundred girls. After all ... they cannot obey the dispatch of hundreds of girls at any time. If so If they are too busy, I am afraid they are too busy.

Thirty-six wind and fire goddess of war cannot exchange equivalently with hundreds of girls. Only through Soga, all this can be achieved. Of course, it is only possible. The most important thing is that It depends on whether Soga can persuade those girls, and whether they can always gather them around, otherwise, once they graduate, everyone will go their separate ways.

Thirty-six pairs of fiery eyes locked tightly on Soga's body. After thinking for a long time, Soga finally laughed and murmured: "Maybe you really will be of some use. In any case, I will help you. Try it, but success or failure, you can only ask God to bless it! "

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