Close Combat Mage

Chapter 49: So bad

Back at home, Soga directly called her elder sister to the bedroom, and told her in detail what happened today. When the girl heard that Soga had become the eighth-ranked lord, she couldn't close her mouth.

However, the surprises brought by Soga are more than that. Keep listening, the girl is getting calmer, and too many surprises pile up, but she is numb, or sluggish.

The eighth-ranked lord, the right to recruit hundreds of followers, and the right to grant the title of one hundred town knights, this is simply an exaggeration. Even the Grand Duke of Windsor, this is not the case. For the first time, girls can clearly feel that The splendor of Canada is already irresistible.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, those three authorizations are very valuable, but the girl who has received training from urinary knows that it is just a superficial thing. The most precious harvest of Soga ’s visit today is the feeling and trust of the four princes. Even with the four princes' respect, this is the most valuable gift Soga has ever received.

Although Soga got on the ship of the four princes, as long as the four princes did not fall, Soga would do everything well, and by the name of the four princes, he would have it in the noble circle. Identity and status, in the future once the four princes take the throne, Soga can be said to be a smooth step, expensive.

Of course, high profits are always accompanied by high risks. Once the four princes fall, Soga shouldn't even want to run away. It can be said that it is a glory and a glory, a loss and a loss. What Suga needs to do now is to Before the throne battle between the princes, make yourself stronger as soon as possible, have a stronger power, and then go all out to put the four princes on the stage.

Biting her lips tightly, in a flash, the girl had already thought about what happened more than a decade later, and was thinking about going into the gods. Soga laughed and said, "Sister, our troubles are all solved now, that 100 villages The title of the taxi, and the 100 accompanying places, are given to the girls, so their parents will definitely not refuse. "

"You!" Soga pulled the girl out of her thoughts. After hearing Soga's words, the girl opened her eyes, and for a long time, the girl smiled bitterly: "I'm starting to doubt a little now, the four princes value you so much , Most likely a wrong decision! "

"Ah!" Soga heard her mouth wide open. What did you say?

Looking at Soga's sorrowful expression, the girl exclaimed: "You are too luxurious, do you think the township title is cheap? Do you know that if a businessman wants to win the township title, he must donate 100 Only ten thousand gold coins were made, and the value of these 100 titles is more than one hundred million gold coins. How can there be such a gift! "

Having said that, the girl took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, and then continued, "Then there are the 100 accompanying places, what do you think of them? Do you know? As long as it is a civilian, you can Mandatoryly order them to be your accomplices, no matter who he is, how powerful he must be, or he must resist his destiny and destroy the nine! "

After listening to the elder sister, Suojia opened her mouth wide and opened her mouth dry. Suojia smiled bitterly: "So, what should we do to get the parents of those girls to agree?"

After hearing Soga's words, the girl said without hesitation: "You can now write to them in the name of the Four Princes, and call their children to do business with you. In terms of wages, we have also decided Numbers, and then you write in the letter that people who do a good job and have outstanding results, and you will personally give them the title of town prince, that's enough. "

"Ah! It's that simple! Can this be done?" After listening to the elder sister, Soga was doubtful.

With a cold hum, the girl said angrily: "Master, why don't you understand, first of all, this is a letter written in the name of the four princes. Secondly, our salary is not low, and the treatment is good, no matter what they want. We can all satisfy him, and finally ... granting the title to others is a royal right, and you now have this right. For ordinary people, you already represent the royal family, do they dare to disobey? "

After a pause, the girl said helplessly: "In fact, such a good opportunity is still unavailable. Even without the Four Princes, even if you do not have the ability to grant a title, I still have the confidence to let them agree, not to mention With so many benefits, no one can refuse. "

He smiled happily, Soga nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it, but ... when writing to the letter, be sure to explain that parents should keep me from their children. I don't want to be special among my classmates. I ’m very satisfied with my current existence, and I do n’t want my classmates to change their attitude towards me. ”

After thinking about it for a while, the girl nodded and said, "It's okay, only in this state can you cultivate the most true feelings. If you are involved in fame and fortune, no matter what kind of feeling, it will become false."

"Well ..." Nodded joyfully, Soga categorically said: "Okay, I'll leave it to you for the next thing. Hurry up and I'll fix it." Canada stood up and walked towards the door.

Pulling the door open, Suga stopped abruptly and looked back at the elder sister and said, "Yes, elder sister, if you want, I can grant you the title of villager!"

"What!" Upon hearing Soga's words, the girl stood up sharply and looked at Soga unbelievably. She couldn't believe everything she heard.

Looking at the elder sister's surprised look, Soga repeated with a smile: "I mean, if you want, I can grant you the title of squire."

Finally, the words of the young master were determined. The girl's eyes were quickly covered by tears. This was something she never dreamed of. As a maid, she had no identity, no status, and no freedom. How could she expect a title? In fact, they are inferior to civilians.

Looking at Soga's sincere eyes, the girl wanted to nod and promise, but the young master was so good to her, and why did she need a title? Although it seems that the young master has 100 authorized places, but each of these places, for the young master They are all very important. With one more place, the young master can recruit one more talent. How can he waste it here?

After a difficult decision for a long time, the girl finally said awkwardly: "Still not, Master. Although the slaves really want this title, they are too precious and important. As long as the master remembers the slaves well, and respects the slaves more, then Then ask for nothing. "

Looking at Soga with a blindfold, the girl said with open arms: "Master, you must remember that these 100 close places and the 100 titles are definitely not given easily, that is your greatest capital, even if it is The four princes will not be able to grant you this right again. "

Taking a deep look at Soga, the girl then said respectfully; "Okay, sir, you should go to practice, and slaves must arrange these things as soon as possible. When time is tight, slaves will not be with you."

After bidding farewell to her elder sister, Soga went straight to the underwater training ground. She didn't go to class today, but Soga didn't want to waste this leisure time. He had to work harder.

At the underground training ground, Soga did not start training directly, but carefully looked around. In the past week, with the efforts of a large number of workers, the appearance has completely changed.

The wooden shelves scattered around have been lifted away. In the huge space, except for the thick pillars, it is empty. Even those thick pillars that have been held together are painted bright purple. Pastel, looks rich and elegant.

In the space of thousands of flats, only a large row of magic targets are placed on the wall opposite the gate. The top of the space, on the pillars, and the surrounding walls are full of magic lights. The entire underground training ground is bright. .

Looking at the brand new training ground, Soga couldn't help but get excited, stretched his arms, and moved his hands and feet. Soga was ready to start practicing.

He did n’t start meditation directly. This kind of effect is not good. Before meditation, Soga needs to practice his magic, moisturization, quagmire, ice hockey, and so on. When the magic and spirit run out, he will meditate. You can also restore your mental and magic power so you do n’t waste time.

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