Close Combat Mage

Chapter 70: Perpetual state

Gently holding out the crown of Atlantis, Soga's heart was agitated. According to the rule, the role of the magic crown is to strengthen the meditation effect, and ... can help the mage to concentrate when he casts the spell Spirit, reducing the probability of casting failure.

Taking a deep breath, Soga gently brought the crown of Atlantis to his head, and suddenly ... a cool, clear stream like a stream of water, running along the crown of Atlantis, Flowed into Soga's brain.

For a time, Soga only felt bright, the brain was unprecedentedly clear, and the spirit was unprecedentedly concentrated. When looking around, all the grass and trees appeared vivid. What surprised Soga most was that he was now straightforward It is a joy to appreciate treasures, but his spirit and his state of mind have entered a state of meditation.

Curious observations groped all night, Soga finally knew the mystery of the crown of Atlantis in horror. This crown of Atlantis can be worn and kept in the realm of meditation forever! This is simply terrifying.

As we all know, meditation needs to enter the realm of no one, no one, and heaven and man, but even if you enter the realm of selflessness, that me does not really disappear, but you are temporarily forgotten.

The magic of Atlantis' crown is that he can separate that me. While this "I" is thinking and acting, he keeps the body, the spirit, the magic, and stays in the realm of meditation. !!

In the magic world, there is a kind of magic called perpetual magic. The so-called perpetuity does not mean infinite continuity, but only for a long time, but once brought the crown of Atlantis, then Soga You have truly entered into a permanent meditation, unless you take off the crown, otherwise, this state of meditation will continue forever.

Surprisingly staying in place, Soga really couldn't understand how this crown of Atlantis separated the subconscious mind from the subconscious mind. While the subconscious mind went into a meditation state, it also allowed Soga It's amazing to stay awake and not affect Soga's speech and activities!

It is indeed the crown of Emperor Atlantis. The crown on his head is stroked with admiration. Soga ’s admiration is beyond addition. This means that for twenty-four hours a day, Soga will always maintain the state of meditation. The increase in magical power and spiritual power will always continue at the speed of meditation.

The effect of meditation is determined according to the level of meditation. As far as the current state of Soga, the speed of magic and mental power increase in the state of meditation is about twice as fast as the state of non-meditation, that is, bring With this crown of Atlantis, Soga's growth rate will double on the basis of the spirit of the elves!

In fact, if sold for auction, the characteristics of Atlantis ’crown will be sustainable state magic — meditation, sustainable spiritual magic — and at the same time, as a symbol of wisdom, Atlantis The crown of Sri Lanka has the effect of stimulating the spirit and increasing the growth rate of spiritual power by 100%.

A legendary magic necklace and an epic crown make Soga's speed up four times faster than before, although even with these two pieces of magic equipment, Soga's strength is temporarily There is no change in the slightest, but from the perspective of development, these two pieces of magic equipment are worthless.

I looked at the rage of Vulcan who was standing in front of me. Although this staff can immediately increase the user's power by 100%, that's it. It is compared with the spirit of the elves and the crown of Atlantis. Arise, he was nothing.

Of course, this is only for Soga. For those who are already very strong and old, the spirit of the elves and the crown of Atlantis are not so important. On the contrary, yes For those who are very old and strong, Vulcan's wrath is more important. It can immediately increase its power by 100%. This is called priceless!

In fact, this is not only true for the old and strong people. In fact, for most people, the rage of Vulcan is more attractive than the spirit of the elves and the crown of Atlantis. There are many, and it is precisely because of this, that this staff has sold for 120 million yuan, which is higher than the starting price of the best legendary magical item, the spirit of the elven soul. It can be said that if it is not for the day There are too few rich people in the auction, even if this Fury's Wrath sells the same two hundred million as the spirit of the elves, it is not surprising.

Although Soga can't use it, and doesn't want to use it for the time being, the preciousness of this fury's wrath is only this time in the best legendary magic equipment, which is far more valuable than most legendary middle-inferior magic items.

Maybe some people do n’t understand the reason. In fact, the reason is very simple. Things are rare and expensive. Among the four systems, the fire department has the most mages and the greatest power, so the price of fire magic items is extremely high, even in terms of performance. , Far worse than the spirit of the elves, but still can be sold for high prices.

In fact, for Soga, the spirit of the elves and the crown of Atlantis are definitely comparable to artifacts. What he brought to Soga, although it was not an explosion of power, but As time goes by, Soga is constantly merging a rod of Vulcan into his body. The improvement of his strength is the most important. This is why the lecturer has repeatedly warned Soga that magic equipment cannot be relied on. Where.

Magic equipment, after all, is dead, and its own strength really belongs to itself. Although you ca n’t see the power now, you have to wait for a while to increase the cultivation time and the benefits of these two magic equipment. How can you just increase the magic power of 100? No one can estimate its huge impact.

After rejoicing, Soga was at a loss. Due to the characteristics of Atlantis' crown, Soga no longer had to deliberately meditate. Soga remained in a state of meditation at all times. In this case, So what does he have to do with the time saved?

After thinking for a long time, finally ... Soga's eyes brightened, and he pulled out the little guy who was asleep in his arms. First, he woken him with a moisturizing technique, and then the little guy flew helplessly.

Faced with the bat-sized little guy in the sky, Soga smiled badly, and then raised his hand, hockey started instantly, and, unguarded, the little guy who just woke up was suddenly hit by hockey. The body flew out more than ten meters with the ice hockey, and then hit the pillar.

In this collision, although the strength is not much, the little guy's body is still too tender after all, and he can't get up for a long time. He looked at Soga poorly, hoping to win the pity of his master.

Of course, Soga will not die. He will heal the little one in a few moments, and the next moment ... When the little man is ready to lie on the ground, he will start the mud operation again. Suddenly ... the little guy's small body, stuck to the mud, and couldn't fly, no matter how he struggled.

Seeing the little boy's panic movement, Soga refused to let him go. An ice bomb emitting cold air gradually appeared on Soga's right hand. Seeing this scene, the little man screamed sharply, While looking at the ice hockey in Soga's palm, he fluttered his wings with all his strength, trying to escape the shackles of the mud before the ice hockey flew forward.

Unfortunately, under Soga's new magic launch mode, ice hockey was quickly released. The little guy had only one scream before he was hit by the ice hockey again. Although he was successfully released from the shackles of the mud, the little guy He was seriously injured again.

It seems to be specifically for the abuse of the little guy. After the little Frost Dragon was hit by the ice hockey on the pillar again, Soga once again performed the moisturizing technique and instantly treated the body of the Frost Dragon. This time, the little Frost Dragon learned to be good and the injury was just right Just flapping his wings and flying, but even so, his movement was a bit slow, a pair of thick legs, bound by the mud, failed to fly.

In this way, Suojia's Little Frost Dragon is the goal, and he is constantly performing moisturizing, ice hockey, and mud magic. Although it is less than half a year before the game, Suojia knows that if he ca n’t start targeted training from now on, Then, when the game is over, he can't beat the powerful opponent.

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