Close Combat Mage

Chapter 72: Rose Business Group

Shengguangcheng, although it can be regarded as a commercial city and economic city, has a glorious city and the center of the Holy Light Empire, while the Holy Light City is on the side of the Holy Light Empire. In terms of commercial status, the Holy Light City is Incomparable to the city of glory.

There are more than 100,000 caravans in and out of the glory city every day, but there are not even 10,000 in and out of the city of Holy Light every day. This is the biggest difference between the two major cities.

Although the glory city is not as luxurious and majestic as the Holy Light City, due to the special nature of its geographical location, unless you only do close-up business, otherwise businessmen across the country must pass the glory city. Gradually, all merchants regard the glory city as Transit Trading Center.

Whether the merchants of the south go to the north, or the merchants of the north go to the south, or the east goes to the west, or the west goes to the east, they must pass through this glorious city located in the core area of ​​Holy Light. It is because of this special geographical location that makes glory The city has become the most prosperous and lively commodity distribution center of the Holy Light Empire.

The reason why the War Goddess of War is here is mainly because there are so many people here. There are millions of people entering and leaving the city every day. In a city where the flow of people changes so much, the God of War God of War will be best hidden. As long as you don't do anything earth-shattering, no one will recognize them.

The second reason to choose glory as the ground is that this is the largest commercial city in the country. The Fenghuo War Gods come here to build a business. One is to find something for the Fenghuo War Gods. Let them have the ability to support themselves, three to make them a little more successful, and four to earn more money, money is never too much.

Just arrived in the city of glory, the fire goddess of war sent the news to Soga. A few days later, the fire goddess of war received a reply. In the letter, Soga ordered all the fire goddess of war to join the Rose Business Group. !!

The Rose Business Group is a newly-built F-class business group. The owner of the business group is Soga, but this fact is only known to the goddess of war. For the outside world, the owner of the business group is a mysterious person. No Check the name.

The reason for the establishment of this business group, Soga still has his own ideas. One day, he will go to the great business road. In this case, he needs some familiar with running business, familiar with adventure, and familiar with the thieves. Otherwise, how can he find the person he is looking for on the great business road that stretches tens of thousands of miles alone?

Reputation, prestige, these things seem to be futile, but they are most useful. Soga knows that if he wants to find his father, then he has to make a name for himself on the great business road, and it is too difficult for an individual to make a name. Now, for great business roads, only the team can keep a name!

The banner of the Rose Business Association is a red banner. On the red banner, a golden rose is painted, which is rich and elegant. This is Soga's own painting, which refers to the 36 goddess of fire and fire. If anyone is watching carefully, the golden roses are obviously golden flames!

The mission of the Rose Business Group is to send a batch of goods from the city of glory to the Holy Light every week. The goods delivered are from the mountains and seas, wines and fine wines from all parts of the Holy Light Empire. If these things are not available every Sunday, If the goods are delivered, then the moisturizing rain of the week will not be enjoyed. After all ... the water masters only have time to come out on Sunday.

The glory city is more than 2,000 kilometers away from the Holy Light Empire. Unless you advance 300 kilometers every day, otherwise, the Goddess of War will be missed, so if you want to arrive on time, you must carry the goods on your back. Running at full speed, it is impossible for any vehicle to travel 300 kilometers a day.

Faced with Soga's requirements, all Fenghuo Ares know that, at this stage, the purpose of Soga is obviously not to make money, but to enhance their strength. While transporting goods, it is quickly improved. Their strength.

Imagine carrying a heavy load every day and rushing more than 300 kilometers, no matter the physical, wind and fire, endurance, mental strength, willpower, are major tests. As long as you can resist, how can the strength not improve !!

It has been more than three weeks, and no moisturizing rain has been accepted. All the girls have red markings on their skins again. They dare not wait any longer. All the goddess of war and fire quickly changed to Soga's regulations. Men's heavy leather armor, quickly purchased the goods, and rushed to the Holy Light City at full speed.

A week later, thirty-six wolverine figures, carrying heavy bags, appeared in front of the white building, shaking one by one, all dusty, but looking at the familiar, elegant white Lou, everyone's eyes shot with excitement. Finally, in the early morning of Sunday, they successfully rushed back to Bailou. This week's rain of rain, they can enjoy.

On the surface, this group of people is just a group of old men, with a square hat on their heads. In order to cover the dust, a curtain of silk is hanging around the square hat, plus a thick leather armor, man can't be man, no one can Think of them as the prestigious goddess of war!

Pulling the bell in front of the door, soon ... The gate of the White House slowly opened, and a group of people quickly entered the door, carrying heavy cargo bags, and quickly entering the underwater training ground under the leadership of the maid.

In the training field, when he heard the clutter of footsteps, Soga stopped his movements. Opposite Soga, the little frost dragon finally got a respite, hiding in fear behind the stone pillar, only He showed a head and looked at Soga cautiously, for fear that he would hit him again with a puck.

After waiting for a while, the door opened, and a line of Fenghuo War Goddess rushed in. Looking at the girls covered with dust, Suga felt a little regret. It was not too cruel to treat them this way, but it is not harsh now. In the future, going to great business roads will only make them die worse. This is not the time to spoil them.

Between thoughts, Soga signaled everyone to unload the goods, and then sat down on the mat, sorted out her thoughts, and Soga said in a deep voice: "First of all, I want to congratulate you, you have successfully been free."

After hearing Soga's words, all the girls opened their eyes in excitement. Many times, freedom is just a feeling in their hearts. Since the death of false death, all girls can clearly feel that the one who holds their destiny The big hand has disappeared. The joy of freedom is beyond the imagination of those who have not lost their freedom.

Looking at the girl with a happy face in front, Soga continued: "I know that everyone will definitely have some opinions on my arrangement. Maybe I think that this arrangement is too torture, but I hope everyone knows, I just want you You can grow up as soon as possible and do something, not torture you sickly. "

As soon as Soga's words came to an end, a goddess of war and fire warned with a smile: "You can rest assured, we are not so naive, but we are all adults around 20 years old, and can understand Lord Soga's hard work."

"Hehe ..." smiled comfortably, Soga continued: "You can understand it would be better. In addition ... One thing I need to explain is that I don't treat you as labor, your work, both I do it for myself, and the money you get from each shipment will be used for you, and every time I return, I will give you the money you deserve according to the goods you transport. "

"Papa ..." During the conversation, Sougat clapped her hands vigorously. In the clear applause, the elder sister came in with a smile on her face. Behind her were two maids holding trays.

Looking at all the War Goddess of War with a smile, Soga calmly said, "This time, you have returned 36 special packages of specialty products. If you follow the rules of the chamber of commerce, I should pay you 10 Gold coins, but ... I'm going to pay you ten times more. "

"Yeah!" All the girls screamed at Soga's words, what a joke, ten times the profit! This is too exaggerated, it is more expensive than the goods they transport!

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