Close Combat Mage

Chapter 82: Righteousness of friend

In the next few days, Soga concentrated on cultivating the snow and ice contract. Under the protection of blue gloves, Soga practiced longer, and the effect of the practice was better. Although it was only a few days, the practice effect was achieved. , But it could not be reached in the previous week.

Finally, the goddess of war and fire rushed back. Although they looked very tired, their eyes were even brighter. Soga knew that this time, these girls did not eat less snowdrops. Otherwise, Not even so much!

All the girls were directly greeted into the underwater training ground. As soon as they entered the door, one of them said excitedly: "Mr. Soga, we have a great harvest this time!" During the talk, all the girls wrapped their packages behind. Put it down.

Looking at the packages that were much larger than before, Soga couldn't help admiring it secretly. This package was almost twice as large as before! Of course, the contents are almost twice as much as before. It seems that ... in order to make more money, these girls are really fighting!

Between thoughts, the girl continued: "In order to get back to more shipping points, we increased the weight of the package to 50 pounds. This time, we are really rich, haha ​​..."

Looking at the girls with a tired look, but the spirit was very exciting, Soga regretted: "You guys, really, why do you work so hard? Although you have to cultivate, you can't go overboard."

"Hey ..." After hearing Soga's words, the girls smiled awkwardly and explained: "We didn't plan to get so many back, but there were too many snowdrops there. If we were not careful, Picking too much, and reluctant to throw, so ... "

Seeing a group of girls smirking, Soga shook her head helplessly. How could the snowdrops be so many, mainly because the snowdrops are too valuable, and the collection is not too strenuous, so these girls greedy so much .

In fact, the collection of snowdrop fruit is not difficult. The key is that the place where it grows is more dangerous, and there is a guardian of Warcraft. If you can overcome these difficulties, you can spend as much time as you want.

While thinking about Suga, the girl said excitedly: "Mr. Suga, this time, we collected a total of 1,800 pounds, which can certainly sell a lot of money!"

"This ..." Hesitantly looked at the group of girls in front of him. Soga knew that in the past two months, except for two weeks back and forth, they had collected a whole month and a half. Can such hard-earned things be worthless? ?

It ’s just that these girls are too extravagant. They even shipped back nearly one ton of snowdrops. This is so **** an exaggeration. They sell two snowdrops, but they are good, and they are almost tons. !!

In the face of so many snowdrops, Soga is in trouble, and things are scarcely expensive. This time I get so many back, how can this be sold! Helplessly, Soga had to send someone to bring her elder sister to see if she could do anything.

Soon, the elder sister rushed over and saw the thirty-six large bales of snowdrops. The elder sister laughed bitterly. This thing is not like litchi. Everyone can eat as fruit. Everything is worth 10,000 gold coins, and it has a price but no market. This is almost a ton. How do you sell it?

After frowning and thinking for a while, the older sister shook her head and said, "No, although things are good, but if you rely on a white house, you can't digest so much. We must think of another way."

After thinking about it for a while, the elder sister suddenly opened her eyes and excitedly said, "Master, I don't like this. Let's tear down the wall next to the street and open a top-grade shop?"

"Well?" Frowsed puzzledly, Sorga said puzzledly: "I don't quite understand what you said, but you are more specific."

"Well ..." After thinking for a while, the elder sister said with confidence: "Let's open a professional store that specializes in selling some food or medicinal materials that are helpful for cultivation. In this way, you don't need reception and you can sell quickly. Take out what these girls brought back, and do both! "

Speaking of this, the elder sister continued with a smile: "The location of our white building is so good. There are so many places on the side of the street. It is a pity not to develop and use it. This is the most prosperous part of Shengguang City. No matter what shop you open, you're always making money. "

"Yes, yes, but what about these snowdrops? They can't wait until the day when the store is built!" Suga frowned after listening to the elder sister's words.

After hearing Soga's words, the elder sister frowned again. These snowdrops can only be stored for a week at most, but even within a week, even if the shop is built, there is no time to publicize it.

If Bailou digests it, it is impossible. Even if it sells catty, it is 1800 catties. Even if the guests are extravagant and can eat, if one person eats a catty, it will require 1,800 guests. This is simply not Possible.

After thinking about it for a while, the eldest sister said helplessly; "I can't think of a very good way. For this way, if you don't want these snowdrops to be lost for nothing, you can only go to Emma to see, only her There may be a way. "

With a headache and scratching his head, Suga said bitterly: "Oh my God, I don't want to ask for her, I have to owe people's favor, I want to pay back!"

She smiled and shook her head. The elder sister advised: "You, don't always be afraid of being unkind. If you don't ask for others, then others won't ask for you. Then the relationship will be rusty. What is a relationship? It ’s not bad to owe people anything, as long as you return it. ”

Having said that, the elder sister paused for a moment and then continued: "Everyone says that friends have more ways to go. If you need help, then you should ask your friends to help. As long as your friends need them, you can also help. That's it. By doing this, everyone can be closer. "

Scratching his scalp in distress, Soga smiled wryly: "I know, you always make sense, I say but you, anyway, these snowdrops have been shipped back, it is impossible to watch them melt away like this, otherwise, It's a shame, not to mention the preciousness of these snowdrops, but everyone risked their lives and came back after a lot of hardships. In any case, just put on my little face and ask for it! "

After listening to Soga's words, the elder sister was nothing. She would only be happy about Soga's growth, but for the wind and fire goddess who knew Soga deeply, the feeling was great.

They know Soga too much, that is, they are afraid that others owe themselves and do not want to be owed. How much effort it took to ask Souga to help them. In fact, if you can choose, Souga will never want to ask others. He didn't want to be asked, but now, for the fruit of their labor won't be lost, he has to ask for help.

All the girls silently moved, the elder sister smiled and said, "Soga, Emma is just in the white building and wants to see you. When you meet later, you just talk to her by the way."

Having said that, the elder sister paused for a moment, and smiled, "You don't have to be a begging expression, in fact, it is not begging. Such a tight cargo is also helpful to their Aijia. Everyone just cooperates. You can talk to her with confidence, even if it does n’t work, it ’s not a big deal. We can deal with it by ourselves, but it ’s definitely a price loss. ”

Standing up silently, Soga took a deep breath. "Well, take these girls to rest. I'll see Emma now. I believe that as long as I open my mouth, she will promise me. "Speaking, Soga resolutely turned and walked towards the gate.

"Brother Soga, Emma is here!" A few minutes later, as soon as Soga entered the white building, Emma's joy sounded.

Looking straight, I saw Emma sitting in a high chair, waving to him with a smile, looking at the innocent and lovely Emma, ​​Soga sorted out her thoughts, and then slowly walked over.

Emma is sitting in the corner of the first floor. On the table in front of it, there is a large plate of fruit. Although Nizi has successfully lost weight, with Soga's reliance, she has not reduced her food at all. As always, she eats special food. When that mouth is not suspicious.

I peeled a grape into my mouth, and my eyes were closed together happily. A pair of small fists were held tightly together. Emma's cute look made people smile. After a while, Emma opened her eyes, and Face to Soga seriously: "I tell you, Emma has gained a lot of weight recently, and you should give Emma a good rest."

This Emma's face changed, even her personality changed. The most important thing is that she even spoke in a tone that made her completely unable to refuse any request from her.

Nodded with a smile, Soga said flatly: "No problem, since I promised you, of course I can help you take a rest at any time, but ... I have something to tell you before I start working."

When she heard something about Soga, Emma stopped her hand that kept holding grapes and said, "You have something to tell me? What is it? Listen to it."

Looking at Emma's cute little face, Suga said, "I recently sent some people to buy a lot of snowdrops. I didn't expect to get a lot of them. The white house can't consume all the light, so I think you can help me to save these extras. Find a channel to sell. "

"Snowdrops!" Emma was surprised when she heard Soga's words. "You have snowdrops! Where ... bring them here, I want to eat ..."

She shook her head with a smile and shook her head. The three words can not be separated from a word of eating, and she is not afraid to change back to the old skin-killer girl, but if he wants to change, even if she wants to change, it is unlikely.

Between thoughts, Soga smiled and said, "You can rest assured that there are some snowdrops that you can't finish anyway. You have to eat them, even if they are good enough, but this snowdrop ..."

Looking at Soga in doubt, Emma said puzzledly: "Snowdrops are so precious. There are only too few people. How can there be too many people? How much do you have? I own it all!"

Emma took a sideways look, and Soga said lightly, "This is what you said, actually there isn't much, it's just 1800 pounds. Do you really want to all-inclusive?"

"Ah!" Emma opened her mouth suddenly when she heard Soga's words, and said unbelievably, "How can there be so many? Could it be that this thing grows in your backyard?"

Of course, Emma is just joking, frowning and thinking while talking, for a long time, Emma flatly said: "I ca n’t eat so many snowdrops, or else you can see them like this. If you put it in the store owned by my dad, I will give it to you for as much money as you want. "

"Well ..." After a deep groan, Soga categorically said: "It's okay, but ... we're only selling for you, so it should be done in the shop. You can take it."

"Oh, what's our relationship, can you sell something in our house, can we still draw your success!" Emma shook her hand vigorously and quickly.

Looking at Emma's cute look, Soga smiled and said, "Because of the familiarity, it is even more important to figure out that the so-called gentleman's friendship is as thin as water, and the so-called brothers are clear accounts. What's going on, You can help me sell these things, I'm already grateful. As for the success, I must get it, otherwise I would rather find someone to help me. "

"Okay!" After listening to Suga, Emma categorically said: "Since some people think that there is too much money, we must pump it. If you do n’t pump it, you do n’t pump it for nothing, but do n’t worry, I ’ll let my father propagate it and fight for it. Sell ​​snowdrops at a high price, everyone with money has it! "

While talking, Emma threw the last few grapes into her mouth at the same time, and her mouth was vague: "Since this, then I will go back and do this now, you can send all the snowdrops to our Ai Fu Now, what's next, I will help you! "

Seeing Emma's gleeful departure, Soga could not help but exhale, thinking that it would be difficult and embarrassing to ask for someone, but I did not expect that whether it was asking for someone or being asked, there was nothing embarrassing at all. As the eldest sister said, friends have to help each other if something happens.

Between thoughts, Soga hurriedly ordered to go and send the 36 packets of snowdrops to Aifu. Soga rushed back to the underground training ground. It was time to give the rings to the girls.

There are two reasons for giving such valuable items to them. One is that with these space rings, they can ship a lot of goods each time, and the second is for their safety. With these rings, every time Three girls have three life-saving straws, which can help them a lot in the crisis.

After thinking, Soga entered the underwater training ground, and looking around, all the girls were sitting there silently, apparently meditating, but ... Soga was not a samurai, and they didn't know what they were practicing, How to cultivate.

After a short while, all the girls opened their eyes and saw Soga coming. All the girls hurriedly gathered around and asked about the disposal methods of the snowdrops until Soga explained that the snowdrops had found a way out. The girls were relieved.

These snowdrops took them two months and exhausted all their hardships, and then they were transported back to Shengguang. If they could not be sold for a good price, the hardships of the past two months would be completely meaningless.

Pulling out the pocket containing the ring from his arms, Soga dropped the ring in the bag on the carpet in front of her. All girls were puzzled when they saw Soga's behavior. They didn't understand when Soga liked to ring. Now, even so many carry.

Looking at the doubts of all the girls, Soga picked up a ring, took it on his left hand, and then said to one of them: "Cut out your sword, and split my sword with all your strength!"

"Ah!" All the girls screamed at Soga's words. It seemed to them that at such a close distance, a mage and an ordinary person did not seem to be much different. Still not finished on the spot?

Seeing the other party refused to do anything, Soga said depressed: "What? In your eyes, am I so weak? I ask you to hack you and hack, so much consideration, hurry up, you don't hack How do you know the benefits of this ring? "

When she heard Soga's words, the **** the other side gritted her teeth quickly, and quickly pulled out the big sword behind her, whistling and chopped at Soga, but ... although it looked harsh, in fact, she had counted in her heart The moment she hurt Soga, she could stop the sword!

"When!" With a loud noise, before the girl began to control the deceleration, Soga lightly lifted her left hand. As if the girl was shocked, the sword in her hand seemed to be chopped on steel, and it bounced!

Looking at Soga in shock, in the eyes of all the girls, Soga's flesh palm directly bounced the big sword coming from the opponent, and when looking at the attacking girl, the hand holding the sword , Constantly trembling, rampant blood, constantly flowing from the tiger's mouth.

Looking at Soga suddenly, in the eyes of all the girls, Soga was suddenly covered with a mysterious veil. What kind of effort is this? Raising his hand arbitrarily will bounce back such a sharp blow. Is this still a mage?

Looking at the horrified expressions of all the girls, Soga smiled and took off the ring and said, "Come and come, everyone has the same ring, one for each!"

It took a long time to receive the rings handed over by Soga. It took a long time for everyone to suddenly wake up. They looked at the ring in their hands and looked at Soga in disbelief. A girl shouted in surprise: "Oh! Mr. Soga, don't tell me, the scene just now is caused by this little ring! "

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