Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1002: Chu Zhongtang's decision!

In fact.

When Lin Youmiao finished asking, she regretted it.

Her task is to bring the sign. Personally hand it over to Chu Zhongtang's hands.

She shouldn't ask about other things, nor should she say more.

Because she can't change anything.

She did not have any right to speak in front of Chu Zhongtang.

Perhaps even father didn't dare to hand over the sign to Chu Zhongtang. Ask yourself that stupid question just now.

This has greatly exceeded her authority.

"Do you want to know. Or does Lin Wanli want to know?" Chu Zhongtang's majestic face was devoid of emotion. It's as plain as a piece of ice.

Just briefly glanced at Chu Zhongtang.

Lin Youmiao's heart seemed to be severely pinched by a hand. Suffocating her pale. The hands and feet were even colder.

She may not be so nervous about getting along with each other.

But tonight, the question she asked was very likely to offend Chu Zhongtang. Even challenged his majesty.

Lin Youmiao's inner tension is not the same.

"It's me—" Lin Youmiao took a deep breath. The expression was cautious. "Of course, you don't have to answer me. This is not part of the task category."

Chu Zhongtang raised his finger to the teapot on the desk: "Drink a cup to moisturize your throat."

After Chu Shaohuai killed two-thirds, Chu Zhongtang soaked another pot.

His tea making skills are brilliant.

It is not too much to say that it is a top tea maker.

Facing Lin Youmiao who was tense and cramped. He did not put pressure on it.

Just talk to him in a very peaceful manner.

But because of his own strength and Lin Youmiao's caution in this matter. The whole atmosphere seemed extremely depressing and disturbing.

Lin Youmiao drank a cup of tea.

Run profit throat.

The mood seemed to ease a lot.

But the look in her eyes towards Chu Zhongtang was still full of jealousy and anxiety.

The man sitting in front of her was a man who was so cautious that even his father did not dare to offend easily.

He is a powerful man who plays a special role even in the meeting of the gods.

Including the father, it seems that it is not clear. Why can Chu Zhongtang be so unscrupulous in the meeting of the gods. No one looked at it.

All in all, perhaps only Chu Zhongtang himself knows.

Even a spokesperson like his father has not been able to grasp the inside story.

"Do you want me to execute it?" Chu Zhongtang said without warning.

The big problem of this day was transferred to Lin Youmiao's head.

Lin Youmiao almost cried when she heard this.

She is a woman who can endure loneliness and darkness.

Her psychological quality is very powerful.

But at this moment. Lin Youmiao was stunned.

Even a little wronged.

This kind of problem. How can I give an answer?

Even if it's my own idea, I can't say it!

The highest order of the Council of Gods. Who dares to defy?

Even the father must be obedient. Otherwise, I can't imagine how tragic the end will be.

"What are you thinking about?" Chu Zhongtang asked. "What are you taboo? Don't be nervous. No matter how you answer. I can understand. I won't blame you."

"You want to hear the truth?" Lin Youmiao asked tentatively.

"Just say it." Chu Zhongtang said flatly. "I can hear which one of your words is true and which one is lie."

Lin Youmiao was stunned.

This is the truth.

With the wisdom and vision of Chu Zhongtang.

If he couldn't even tell whether Lin Youmiao was telling the truth or not. Then it is impossible for him to reach such a high status. Achieve one party's hegemony.

"The highest order of the Conference of the Gods. You understand. Anyone who dares to disobey will not end well." Lin Youmiao let out a muddy breath. "From an objective point of view. I don't recommend that you defy."

"In other words. Do you want me to execute?" Chu Zhongtang asked.

When Lin Youmiao heard this, she shook her head resolutely and said: "But this mission is very important. It will even affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries. It will create a terrifying international public opinion. This is not good for Tokyo City. It is also very negative for China. of."

"So?" Chu Zhongtang asked.

"I don't want you to execute it." Lin Youmiao said, shaking her head.

"These are the reasons?" Chu Zhongtang asked.

"It's also because. If you execute it, you will stand on the opposite side of Chu Yun." Lin Youmiao said emotionally. "I don't want your uncles and nephews to be enemies."

Heard these words.

The expression on Chu Zhongtang's face only slightly reduced.

He lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and said, "Go back. The sign is delivered, and your task will be completed."

Lin Youmiao saw Old Monster Chu chasing people.

She could have left. But the inner curiosity is still at work.

She gritted her teeth and asked, "Boss Chu. Will you execute it?"

Chu Zhongtang asked back: "Even tasks that you don't think should be performed. What reason do I have to do?"

"But--" Lin Youmiao felt a trace of admiration in her heart.

But at the thought of the punishment for violating the highest instructions of the Council of the Gods. She felt that it was not appropriate.

"If you don't implement it, how will the meeting of the gods give up?" Lin Youmiao asked.

Chu Zhongtang smiled slightly and said, "This is not something you should worry about."

Lin Youmiao exhaled foul air. Nodded and said: "Indeed. I am not qualified to take care of this kind of thing either."

"Go back. I have questions that I don't understand at work in the future. You can come to the Chu family to find me at any time." Chu Zhongtang seemed to show a touch of elder love.

Looking at Lin Youmiao's eyes, she also became kind: "You are a sensible child."

Lin Youmiao was stunned.

The sixth sense of the woman made her smell a touch of complex emotions.

Sensible, child.

Use this vocabulary on yourself.

It is difficult for her not to think of Chu Yun.

But Chu Yun's married status is well known in the world.

I was caught in a storm for a while.

Leaving the Chu family top-heavy.

She didn't gasp until she got in the car. It seems like a world away.



Chu Yun accompanied Her Queen to the room.

After digestion along the way, my mood calmed down a lot.

Especially when he looked at this issue from the perspective of the Chu family he seemed very relaxed.

Her Majesty didn't seem to have expected Chu Yun to escape so quickly.

She glanced at Chu Yun bitterly: "It seems that you are not really concerned about my safety."

When Chu Yun heard the words, he was stunned and said, "Why did your Majesty say this?"

"It's only been a long time before you don't think about my safety at all. You have no worries at all." Her Majesty the Queen blinked, deliberately putting Chu Yun into embarrassment.

Chu Yun shrugged and said, "It's not that I don't think about it. I think that there is no need to continue thinking about it."

"Oh?" Her Majesty the Queen raised her eyebrows slightly. Asked. "Have you made a decision in your heart?"

Chu Yun still shook his head when he heard the words: "I probably knew my second uncle's decision."

"What decision?" Her Majesty the Queen asked curiously.

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