Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 158 He has no reason to fight anymore

In a logging camp in Canada, as the sun sets at the bottom of the mountain, the sky begins to get darker.

After a hard day's work, Logan dragged his heavy steps and opened the door of a tavern outside the lumberyard.

The mixed body odor of various inferior cigarettes hit Logan head-on. The workers in the lumberyard sat in groups in the noisy pub, drinking cold beer and talking loudly and vulgarly. topic of.

Logan walked to the bar counter as usual and said to the bartender who was cleaning the glass.

"a cup of beer!"

The bartender nodded, threw the towel in his hand into the pool behind him, smoothly turned on the switch of the wine barrel faucet on the side, and placed the glass in his hand on the faucet.

"The beer is ready." In just a few seconds, the bartender threw the beer glass filled with beer along the smooth bar towards Logan.


Logan took the beer and started drinking heavily.

"Hey, brother!" At this moment, a big hand patted Logan's shoulder.

"Cough, cough, cough." Logan, who was drinking beer, was startled. He quickly put down his beer glass and coughed repeatedly.

"Oh, you are so careless." The visitor looked at Logan's coughing appearance and sat next to him with an innocent expression. He leisurely picked up the beer glass that Logan had just put down and began to talk. Cold words: "How can you be distracted while drinking, my dear brother."

"Wade, don't make me beat you up!" Logan, who finally recovered, took the beer from his friend's hand angrily. Looking at Wade's innocent look, he continued to drink the beer angrily.

"Isn't this a joke?" Wade smiled and looked at Logan who was drinking.

"So why did you come to me instead of going on your adventure?" Logan drank the beer in one gulp, put the beer glass on the table, and asked Wade.

Wade Winston Wilson, Logan's best friend when he was young, was once a lumberjack in a lumber camp like Logan, and now he is an explorer.

"Because I've had a dream these days." Wade held his chin in one hand and looked at Logan with a smile.

"In my dream, I saw you dead."

"So you're going to come over and see if I'm still alive?" Logan patted the wine stain on his chest and said lightly: "As you can see, I'm still alive and well."

"No, no, no, my brother, I haven't finished speaking yet." Wade looked at Logan with interest and continued to ask with a smile: "Don't you want to know how you died?"

"Sorry, I don't want to know." Logan's expression remained calm: "That was just a dream."

"I should be very happy that you can come back to see me, my old friend, but the premise is that you don't open your mouth and say that you dreamed that I died. This is unlucky."

"Hmm." Wade touched his chin and suddenly started to laugh: "Sure enough, you are like me these days, dreaming about yourself in another world, right?"

"Maybe you should go check your brain, Wade." Logan did not take Wade's words, took out the money and pressed it under the beer glass, then stood up slowly: "If there is nothing else, I’ll go home first.”

"Uh-huh." Wade nodded slightly and sighed in a low voice: "Sure enough, it was Wenrouxiang who hurt you."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Logan dusted himself off: "But if you want to come to my house as a guest, remember to tell me in advance, otherwise Kayla may not prepare your meal."

Logan didn't wait for Wade to respond, and then walked out of the pub.

"Logan." Wade from behind called Logan.

"." Logan turned his head slightly and stared at Wade.

"You will come back eventually." Wade smiled at Logan: "I look forward to fighting side by side with you then."

Logan frowned, looked at Wade's confident look, and still couldn't help but said to him: "Wade, that's just a dream, no matter how real it is, it's just a dream! We are not monsters, We are not superheroes, we are just ordinary workers living outside the logging camp."

"But you should also know that it was not just a dream." The expression on Wade's face looked particularly calm, so calm that he seemed to be a different person.

"." Logan did not reply, but took a deep look at Wade, then turned around and continued walking out of the tavern.

Wade looked at Logan's disappearing figure, shook his head slightly, picked up a knife from his waist, and drew a blood mark on his palm.

He quietly looked at the slow healing of the blood marks on his palms, and couldn't help but continue to laugh softly.

"Yes, it was more than just a dream!"

Logan was walking on the way home, but at some point, his fists were clenched tightly.

Just a few days ago, the United Nations Security Council passed a bill led by Stark Industries - the Superhuman Registration Act.

Superpowers refer to humans who have supernatural abilities and can do things that ordinary people cannot do.

These include mutants who have appeared recently, as well as mutants who have acquired different types of abilities due to various reasons or accidents in the past.

But it is worth noting that the Superpower Registration Act is a mandatory legal treaty.

In this bill, Stark Industries promised that as long as a superhuman goes to the surrounding police station to conduct a superpower test and rating, and signs the bill (in non-crisis moments, he shall not use his own abilities to cause damage to people or things around him), Then Stark Industries will give the signer a compensation every month, and the amount of compensation is related to the rating of the signer.

Not only that, in order to maintain social stability, Stark Industries will also use big data to help signatories find suitable and stable jobs based on their abilities.

This sounds like a harmless thing.

But this is not the case for some mutants who have received memories of another world.

In this world, they have lived peacefully for more than ten or decades.

In that world, some suffered humiliation, some suffered oppression, and some were exhausted all their lives.

For them, the memories and abilities of the mutants in that world cannot bring any magnificent memories to their peaceful lives today. Instead, they are a burden, making them cherish their current lives even more.

And Logan is one of the representatives of this type.

In this world, he has a wife, a stable job, and a peaceful life.

If that's the case, then why would he leave everything he has now for the memory of another world.

He had no reason to continue fighting.

Just when Logan was about to open the door to his home, the sudden severe pain in his body made Logan stiffen involuntarily.

Logan's wife, Kayla, was beating egg whites by the kitchen window. When she looked up, she saw Logan frozen by the door, motionless.

"Honey?" Kayla put down the whipper in her hand and looked at Logan with worry on her face.

"It's okay." Logan blushed and forced a smile towards his wife: "I think I have leg cramps. I'll be fine if I take it slow."

"Is that so?" Keira couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she heard what Logan said, and said with a smile: "I thought something was wrong with you? Just be fine."

"How about we make butter pie tonight?" Kayla continued to pick up the whisk and asked Logan while beating the egg whites.

"It's okay, you decide for yourself." Enduring the severe pain in his body, Logan slowly opened the door and said to Kayla in a trembling voice: "I feel that I may need to take a good rest now. Call me after you've finished cooking."

"No problem." Keira nodded with a smile.

Logan, on the other hand, walked up to the room on the second floor with heavy steps, locked the door and began to kneel on the ground.

"Ugh!!!" Logan picked up a piece of clothing and bit it in his mouth, suppressing his painful screams, and the veins on his body began to pop out.

Three sharp bone claws stretched out from the skin on the back of his hand. There was a faint metallic sheen on these three bone claws.

And this is exactly why Logan is in so much pain.

Adamantium alloy is replacing the bones in his body.

This process is different from myself in that memory.

The self in that memory was lying in the laboratory, being injected with Adamantium alloy by the enemy.

But now, Adamantium alloy appears in his body in an inexplicable way, replacing his bones bit by bit every day in a step-by-step manner.

This kind of pain has lasted for a whole week. A few days ago, I still felt the pain when I was cutting wood alone in the forest.

But today, it didn't start until I got home.

Under such pain, Logan's eyes were bloodshot, and the clothes in his mouth were completely bitten by his sharp fangs.

After a long time, Logan, who was lying stiffly on the ground, finally relaxed.

He spit out the pieces of clothing in his mouth, turned around and lay on the floor, looking at the bone claws in his hands.

At this time, the metallic luster has covered the lower part of the bone claw. If it is completely covered with Edman metal, it will take at least about a week.

But the attacks began to occur later and later.

Logan was a little worried that he might suddenly have an attack while sleeping one night and accidentally disturb Kayla.


Logan looked at the slightly too sharp semi-metal bone claws on his hands with some concern.

"Dear." Kayla knocked on the door and said to Logan inside the door: "Ready to eat."

"Okay." Logan retracted the bone claw in his hand and climbed up from the ground. Just as he was about to open the door, he found that his clothes were soaked with his own sweat.

"You go down first, Kayla." Logan retracted his hand that was about to open the door, took off his clothes, and said to Kayla outside the door: "I plan to take a shower first and then come down."

"Well, okay, I'll wait for you."

Keira outside the door nodded and walked downstairs.

Not long after, Logan, who had changed his clothes, walked downstairs. He looked at Kayla, who was sitting on the dining table and waiting for him quietly, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Logan hugged Kayla who was sitting in her seat and kissed her cheek gently.

"Hurry up and eat." Kayla rolled her eyes at Logan coquettishly, pushed him away, stood up, walked to the oven, and took out the butter pie placed in the oven.

Logan sat on the seat on the other side, waiting for Kayla to put the butter pie on the plate in front of him.

Logan, who had been working hard all day, was already hungry. Coupled with the changes that had just occurred in his body, Logan felt that he could eat a cow.

Two-thirds of the butter pie was eaten, but Logan didn't feel full at all.

"It feels like your appetite has increased a lot recently." Kayla smiled and looked at Logan's eyes looking directly at the butter pie on his plate, and placed the plate directly in front of Logan.

"Have you seen enough? If not, I will have to make some other dishes."

"That's enough, that's enough." Logan devoured the butter pie on the plate.

"Well, maybe I have to prepare more ingredients for tomorrow." Keira tapped her head with her fingers: "So what should I eat tomorrow?"

"Huh -" After finishing the last butter pie on the plate, Logan lay on the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

He looked at Keira, who was thinking about three meals a day tomorrow, and couldn't help but say.


"Huh?" Kayla came back to her senses and looked at Logan who was hesitant to speak.

Logan opened his mouth, looked at the puzzled Kayla, and finally whispered: "I need to go on a business trip tomorrow."

"On a business trip?" Kayla blinked: "Do lumberjacks also need to go on a business trip?"

"Yeah, right." Logan racked his brains and explained to Kayla with some stumbling: "It's the boss, yes, it's the boss's friend who is short of manpower, so we need to transfer a few people to help temporarily for a few days."

"Oh, is that so?" Keira looked at Logan's stammering look and nodded amusedly: "If that's the case, how long will it take to come back?"

"About a week." Logan thought about it based on the previously estimated time and said to Kayla.

"If you need to go on a business trip, then go ahead." Kayla held up her face and looked at Logan, who couldn't hide his heavy expression.

"But it shouldn't be dangerous, right?"

"Don't worry, it's just an ordinary job, how can it be dangerous?" Logan quickly explained to Kayla.

"Well, you must pay attention to your safety." Kayla walked to Logan and gently hugged his head.

"No matter where you are, you must remember that I am waiting for you at home."


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