In the abandoned airport in Wakanda, Rogers shook his head and said helplessly to Hill on the other side of the video.

"I really don't know how to write today's report."

"After all, we dispatched so many people, but in the end we only eliminated two knights under Apocalypse."

"The other battles were all done by the professor's student and Su Heng."

"I'm thinking that if we really continue to report like this, I'm afraid that the people in Congress and the White House will have some evil thoughts again."

"Then leave it to me to write the report this time." Hill on the other end of the video rubbed his head.

Regarding Rogers' concerns, Hill has naturally considered them, just as Rogers was worried.

If they really knew the abilities of Su Heng, Professor X and Qin, they would use various methods to win them over or even destroy them.

After all, the upper-level parliamentarians have long been accustomed to flattery and are habitually self-centered.

No matter which one of those high-ranking guys is allowed to come into contact with them, no matter which one they are, they will definitely be offended. By then, I'm afraid there will be a greater crisis in New York.

"I will try to narrow down Apocalypse's own capabilities in the report, and then change it to your joint group operations."

"Before getting off the plane, I will send the report to you. Then, captain, you can communicate with them and briefly explain the reasons."

"Thank you, Hill." Hearing Hill say this, Rogers finally felt relieved.

When Rogers hung up the phone, boarded the plane and flew back to New York with everyone else, Congress had also received the report from Hill.

In the report, Hill informed the congressmen that the evil element Apocalypse who occupied Wakanda and the four mutant knights under his command had been killed by S.H.I.E.L.D. Now that Wakanda is leaderless and full of waste, it needs the help of Congress. Discuss a charter as soon as possible to stabilize Wakanda's endangered regime.

After receiving the report from Agent Hill, Congress first doubted the authenticity of Hill's report. Later, members of Congress mobilized surveillance satellites and discovered that Wakanda was indeed what Hill said. Only then fell into a state of ecstasy.

The congressmen had no idea that S.H.I.E.L.D. would be so efficient. In addition, the round trip time only took a few days to defeat Apocalypse and others who had destroyed two aircraft carriers and more than a hundred fighter jets. .

Congress immediately once again dispatched an aircraft carrier, several warships, and mining equipment on several cargo ships, striving to help Wakanda restore political order in the shortest possible time.

As for the mining of vibranium, it's just about helping each other.

But what Congress and the White House did not expect was that when their troops and equipment arrived in Wakanda, Wakanda was completely deserted.

The most terrible thing is that the vibranium that was originally hidden deep under the ground in Wakanda has now completely disappeared.

Within Wakanda, not even a milligram of vibranium can be detected.

This time, the Congress mobilized so much manpower and material resources, but what they waited for was all in vain.

And just in the coastal area of ​​Africa, a seaside steel bridge spreads above the sea level, spreading towards the islands in the distant sea.

Magneto stood on the island, looking at the Wakanda refugees who were led into the island by Mystique Raven, as well as the mutants who originally went to Apocalypse.

"Eric." Mystique walked up to Magneto and called him by the alias he once used.

"The refugees and mutants have been accepted, what should we do next?"

"As for the refugees from Wakanda, wait until those greedy soldiers leave Wakanda and then put them back."

"As for those mutants," Magneto frowned: "Those who can go to Apocalypse, their inner character should not be much better."

"Just stay on the island and renovate it."

"Peace in this world is hard-won now, and I don't want it to be ruined because of their rat shit."

"Yes." Mystique looked at Magneto's long gaze looking at the sea, with a little reverence in his eyes.


Several steel armors equipped with rocket thrusters galloped back and forth above the sea level, as if they were in a racing competition.

Two figures emerged from the bottom of the sea. Looking at the figures passing in front of him, Qipai's eyes flashed with a strong fighting spirit.

Its feet lightly stepped on the back of the Xiangpai, and Xiangpai nodded heavily. Under the rapid blessing of the Xiangpai, the two figures turned into flowing light and flew towards the steel armors. .

"Sure enough, it's here." On a private yacht not far away, Tony, wearing a floral shirt, looked at the image coming from the armor and said with a smile to Su Heng.

"Those two little guys are indeed still here."

"It's time to take revenge again." Tony stretched his fingers and ordered Jarvis on the yacht.

"Jarvis, turn on racing mode."

"Racing mode is on."

Under Tony's control, the propellers under the armor's feet exploded and continued to speed forward.

When Qupai and Xiangpai who were following them saw this, their eyes became even sharper.

The figures of the bird and the cat accelerated again and continued to chase the armors.

The armors in front of Xiang Pai and Qi Pai did not choose to fly forward. Instead, they flew back to the sky after flying for a period of time.

Xiang Pai and Qi Pai continued to follow behind them.

These galloping figures sometimes broke through the clouds and sometimes cut through the sky. While flying inverted, they also quietly approached the range of Tony's cruise ship.

Just when Xiangpai and Qupai were only a few meters away from those armors, Xiangpai's eyes flashed with fighting intent, his body glowed with light, and he wanted to surpass those armors at this moment.

The ability of expelling the cards once again acted on Xiangpai, and Xiangpai waved his wings slightly, and his figure had already arrived behind the steel armors.

Just when Xiangpai and Qipai were about to overtake the armors in one go, the armors suddenly changed their direction and dived under the sea.

Xiangpai and Qipai, who were originally planning to overtake these battle armors in a straight line, were stunned, and decisively followed the traces of those battle armors and dived together under the sea.

And what was floating on the sea where they were swooping down was the private yacht that Tony and the others were riding on.

The armors swooped down, and just as they were about to approach the deck of the yacht, the propellers sprayed flames again, causing them to sweep a trace on the deck, and then continued to fly towards the distance of the sea.

Xiang Pai and Qi Pai also noticed their operations.

In the eyes of these two innocent little guys, this is just a test of their precise skills.

After long experience as partners, the two little guys decided to follow suit and swooped towards the deck.

But just as they swooped down from the high altitude, the Xiangpai under Qupai's feet suddenly disappeared, and the Xiangpai feathers that were originally firmly grasped by Qupai's paws completely turned into an empty wine bottle.

"Me!!!" Qupai looked at the force that was falling faster and faster under the influence of his own acceleration, and he hurriedly pawed in the air, as if he wanted to find something that could stop his fall.

But the howling wind kept blowing in its ears, causing Qupai's heart to fall into despair.

Just when the driving card was about to fall to the deck, a reactionary floating force resisted the falling force of the driving card.

But before Qipai had time to be happy, he already felt someone picking up the back of his neck.

"Finally I caught you." Su Heng held the Xiang Pai that was flapping its wings in one hand, and the Qi Pai that seemed to have not recovered from falling from a high altitude in the other hand.

"Do you two little guys have anything else to say now?" Su Heng turned the two little guys' heads toward him and asked them both with a smile on his face.


At this time, the steel armors that were still racing returned to the deck.

"Huh-huh-" Tony pulled off the sensor device in his hand, picked up a glass of champagne next to the table, and raised his eyebrows at Su Heng thankfully.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise these two little guys might have run away again."

Xiang Pai and Qi Pai glanced at the steel armor that stood motionless on the spot, lowered their heads helplessly, and then transformed into two Clow Cards in a burst of light.

Su Heng looked at the two Clow cards in his hand and finally felt relieved.

"Finally we got these two little guys back."

"At least these two little guys didn't cause any big trouble." Tony sat on the sofa and shrugged towards Su Heng: "Normally, it's just a high speed with airplanes or fighter jets, etc. It didn’t cause any major casualties, right?”

"If it causes any major accident, it's okay." Su Heng smiled self-deprecatingly: "I'm not Superman, but I can't save an entire plane of passengers."

"Hey, come to think of it." Tony touched his chin: "Can fly, has great strength, and is driven by steel."

"Maybe you can actually make a cameo as Superman."

"I don't have laser eyes, and I'm not an alien." Su Heng waved his hand.

"But in real comparison, your methods are much better than Superman's." Tony joked with a smile: "Maybe the future of the earth will really depend on you alone."

"It's better to kill me." Su Heng picked up a glass of red wine: "For me, taking back all these troublemakers is my biggest dream. The future of the earth is something like this. , let’s leave it to SHIELD.”

"Those SHIELD guys" Tony shook his head.

Although Tony can also see that the performance of the SHIELD guys during this period is indeed very impressive, but if they are really required to protect the future of the earth, I am afraid they are still missing by more than one and a half stars.

"Rather than protecting the world, I still like to stay in the store and sell desserts when I have nothing to do."

"You stay in the dessert shop all day, don't you feel visual fatigue?" Tony looked at Su Heng's lazy look and complained helplessly.

"It's okay." Su Heng said indifferently: "After all, I'm used to it."

"So you don't have any idea of ​​seeing different scenery?" Tony asked Su Heng.

"Hmm." Su Heng thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head.

"I really haven't thought about this problem."

"The main thing is that I don't know where to go."

"Where are you going?" Tony seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked Su Heng: "Speaking of which, in a while, I will go to Canada with Pepper to discuss a project, and take a trip by the way. You and Ge Is that little girl Wen interested in joining us?"

"Canada, talk about projects? You?" Su Heng looked at Tony with a suspicious look on his face.

"When it comes to discussing projects, it's obvious that Pepper alone is enough. What were you doing there? Are you holding us back?"

"What do you know?" Tony rolled his eyes at Su Heng: "This is a new energy project. Although Pepper is a good manager, only I, the chief engineer, can explain new energy issues. It’s better to be clearer.”

"Then you guys are talking about business, and that girl Gwen and I are going to join in the fun."

"Uh-huh." Tony shrugged: "I'm just asking you by the way. Pepper seems to have invited Gwen before, and Gwen has already agreed to Pepper's invitation."

"So, whether you go or not, that girl Gwen is going with us."

"Gwen? Why is she suddenly so interested?" Su Heng was puzzled.

"Isn't that thanks to Ms. Pepper?" Tony shrugged: "Now your little girl's goal seems to have changed again. I don't know what thoughts Pepper instilled in her. She said she wanted to worship Pepper. Become a teacher and become a strong woman like Pepper.”

"So Pepper plans to take this opportunity of going to Canada to train that girl Gwen."

"If that's the case, then Gwen will definitely regret it."

Su Heng knew Gwen's character very well.

That girl must be envious of Pepper's resolute appearance, so she wants to look like Pepper.

But Gwen’s character

Su Heng didn't think that a lazy cat-like guy could change his lazy appearance for more than ten years and become a self-disciplined person like Pepper.

"If that's the case, I'm suddenly interested." Su Heng said with interest.

"I'm curious how many days she can study with Pepper."

"So are you planning to go?" Tony asked Su Heng with a smile.

"Of course." Su Heng smiled and nodded: "I don't believe the reason why you went to Canada. I didn't want to see her make a joke."

"With all conscience, I don't have this idea." Tony screamed strangely.

"I just want to know if Pepper's strict teacher appearance can bring out a master disciple like Gwen."

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