Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 171 Misunderstanding

In the forest, Gwen jumped to a big tree with the help of spider silk. She squatted on the branch and shouted in a panic at the uncle below who had a cold light coming out of his hands.

"You really got the wrong person!"

"." Logan's eyes were red, and the steel claws in his hands suddenly swung towards the big tree where Gwen was standing.

With a few flashes of cold light, the big tree collapsed. Gwen, who was standing on the branch, quickly raised her wrist again and shot out spider silk to hide away.

Gwen felt that her luck was really bad.

When she first arrived in the forest, she was treated as an enemy by this lunatic uncle, who attacked her crazily.


Just when Gwen secretly sighed how unlucky she was, the sound of howling through the air behind her made her hair stand up.

She turned around, and saw the fierce-looking Logan flexibly jumping up and down other big trees, and appeared behind Gwen in just a few breaths.

Gwen raised the device on her wrist. Four mechanical claws extended from the back of the white spider suit, and she attacked Logan with all her teeth and claws.

In mid-air, Logan's eyes flashed fiercely, and the steel claws on the back of his hands swung directly towards the four mechanical claws.

Gwen felt a chill on her back, and her four mechanical claws were cut into pieces by Logan's steel claws in an instant.

The steel claws in Logan's hand were already close to Gwen's neck.

"Where the hell is Keira?!"

"I don't even know who Keira you are talking about!" Gwen turned around and kicked Logan in the abdomen. After flipping several times in the air, she finally landed smoothly on the ground.


Logan, who was kicked to the ground, stood up from the ground. He looked at Gwen's white ghost-like spider suit and roared in a low voice.

"Don't try to lie to me, you were the one who froze me that day!"

Amidst the low roar, Logan continued to rush towards Gwen.

"This uncle is so annoying." At this moment, Gwen had no interest in explaining. She glanced left and right, and had already constructed several escape routes in her mind.

Instead of continuing to struggle with this uncle, it is better to find the store manager and Mr. Stark quickly.

Gwen looked at Logan, who was rushing towards her like a bad wolf. The spider silk launcher in his hand sprayed out, and his figure was pulled by the spider silk to a big tree.

"Goodbye, uncle." Gwen waved her hand towards Logan on the ground, and followed the shooting of spider silk, and then floated among the big trees.

But at this time, the sudden heavy snow in the sky was like a white waterfall, directly burying Gwen in the air into the ground.

Logan, who originally thought he was about to lose his target, was stunned and quickly ran towards the snowdrift where Gwen was buried.

"Pfft -" Gwen's head struggled out of the snowdrift, and before she could take a breath, she felt the coldness of Logan's steel claws on her neck again.

Gwen shuddered and looked at Logan with a bitter look on his face: "I really don't know who you are talking about, uncle."

"Gwen? And Mr. Stall Owner?"

Just when Logan was thinking about whether he needed to be tortured to extract a confession, Su Heng's voice came from above the two of them.

Logan and Gwen quickly looked up.

“Store manager!!!”

While Gwen was smiling, Logan was also stunned when he saw who was coming.

"You are the gentleman who bought maple syrup." Logan looked at Su Heng who was gradually falling from the sky in confusion, and asked him: "Why are you here?"

"Well, it's a long story." Su Heng shrugged, and landed next to Logan with Tony behind him, pointing towards Gwen in the snowdrift.

"Although I don't know what happened to you, can you let that little girl go? If she makes you angry in any way, I can apologize to you on her behalf."

"No, store manager." Gwen's voice sounded particularly aggrieved: "I just came to this forest to find you, but I just met this uncle, and he kept asking me like he was crazy, where is Kayla?"

"I don't even know who Keira is."

"Uh, so Mr. stall owner, can you explain it?" Su Heng looked at Logan.

"." Under the looks from Su Heng and Tony, Logan gradually fell into self-doubt.

"But, yesterday, it was a white woman who froze me and took me to the mountain."

"Yesterday? I was at the hotel yesterday!" Gwen pulled herself out of the snowdrift.

"A white woman?" The expression on Su Heng's face also became a little strange.

"Are you sure it was a white woman who froze you?" Su Heng asked Logan, "and not a white fish?"

"Fish?" Logan frowned and recalled carefully, and murmured in a low voice: "If I remember correctly, there is indeed a shadow of a fish behind the white woman, but this has nothing to do with me being frozen. what is the relationship?"

"Tsk, how can I explain it to you better?" Su Heng scratched his head and explained to Logan: "If I remember correctly, that white woman should be the cause of heavy snowfall in this forest and mountains. But if you were frozen into ice, it was probably because of the fish."

"Fish" Logan looked at Su Heng suspiciously.

"Ahem." Su Heng coughed twice in embarrassment: "Sorry, what happened in this area may have something to do with me, but don't worry, I will resolve this matter as soon as possible."

"Wow." Next to Su Heng, Tony's armor mask opened, and he looked at the mechanical claw behind Gwen that had been cut to only one-third of its length, and let out a sound of exclamation.

"What was used to cut this?" Tony's hand touched the smooth scar of the mechanical claw, and he admired in a low voice: "It can be cut so neatly."

"It's the claws on that uncle's hand." Gwen pointed to Tony at the steel claws on the back of Logan's hand.

"That's true." Tony raised his eyebrows, walked up to Logan, squatted down, and watched as Logan gradually retracted his steel claws into his flesh.

"So you're a mutant?" Tony looked up and asked Logan.

"." Logan fell silent.

"But the metal structure of the claw just now doesn't look like your so-called X gene. Instead, it looks like some kind of scientific product."

"Tony!" Su Heng called out to Tony, who was extremely curious about knowledge, and gently shook his head.

Regarding Logan's story, he also knew something about it in the original world. Although he didn't know what kind of Logan he was in this world, it was a bit strange to find out what others didn't want to say after they just met. polite.

"Uh, sorry." Tony also realized that his current behavior was a bit inappropriate, and quickly stood up and shrugged towards Logan.

Logan didn't pay attention to Tony's words. He fixed his eyes closely on Su Heng and asked him with some urgency.

"So what you just meant was, can you help me find Keira?"

"Okay, okay." Su Heng nodded.

"But the premise is that Mr. stall owner, you have to tell me what happened to you yesterday."

"Well" Logan's eyes fell into confusion for a while.

"When I returned from closing my stall yesterday, I originally planned to prepare the maple syrup you needed, sir. But when I returned to the village gate, my pickup truck was stuck in place by the sudden heavy snow."

"Then when I returned to the village, I found that both the people in the tavern and my wife at home were all frozen into ice cubes for no apparent reason."

"Just when I was about to find someone for help, the woman with the white figure mentioned earlier suddenly appeared in front of me."

"By the way, it was also at this time that behind the white figure, there was a beautiful-looking fish."

"When I woke up again, I was already halfway up the mountain range, and then I met this little girl when I went down the mountain."

Logan glanced at Su Heng and shook his head gently: "You should all know what happens next."

"So you really got the wrong person, right?" Gwen said angrily towards Logan.

After another recollection, Logan finally remembered the appearance of the white figure clearly. Unlike Gwen, who was wearing a spider suit, the figure should be wearing traditional clothes from the Republic of China.

He looked at Gwen who looked aggrieved, and Logan lowered his head in embarrassment: "I'm sorry."

"Humph." Gwen Jiao snorted and looked away.

But just such a glance allowed Gwen to see the woman in snow-white kimono hiding half of her body in the trunk of the tree.

"Uncle, it couldn't be her that you're talking about." Gwen pointed towards Logan in the direction she saw.

"!" Logan looked over and saw the familiar figure in the direction Gwen pointed.

"Hey!" Logan quickly chased after the kimono woman floating in the air.

And Logan's move seemed to frighten the kimono woman, causing her to fly away quickly.

Tony, Su Heng and Gwen who stayed behind all looked at each other.

"She seems to be guiding us where to go?" Gwen asked Su Heng and Tony.

"That's right." Tony closed his steel mask again and said angrily, "I have to say, the expression on his face is really fake."

"Then are we going to follow?" Gwen looked at Su Heng.

"Go, why don't you go." Su Heng's figure began to float.

At this time, Gwen noticed the pair of almost translucent wings behind Su Heng.

"Store manager, what are you doing?" Gwen looked at Su Heng doubtfully.

"Now this dark night magician can fly." The propellers on Tony's hands and feet burst into flames, and he teased Gwen: "If you also want to experience flying, I can let you shop when you have time. It’s okay for your teacher to teach you.”

"Let's go." Su Heng grabbed Gwen's back collar, holding her up and trying to fly in the direction where Logan and Xue Pai left.

"Store manager, can't you change your position?" Gwen, who was pulled by the collar, was shaking from side to side in mid-air with an uncomfortable look on her face.

"Tsk, women are really troublesome." Su Heng held Gwen in his arms with a little force on his hands, lowered his head and asked Gwen who was close at hand.

"Is this okay?"

Gwen felt the heat brought by Su Heng's words and tilted her head unnaturally.

"This, this is pretty much it!"

"Huhu, that's interesting." Tony on the side looked at the coy appearance of the two people and smiled softly.

"I'll leave first."

Following Tony's voice, the steel suit flashed a red light in mid-air, chasing after Logan and Snow Brand.

"Let's go too." Su Heng felt the warmth in his arms, spread his wings slightly behind him, and hurried forward quickly.

The closer you get to the mountains, the greater the impact of the snowstorm.

Logan, who was running on the ground, had his entire lower body stuck in the snow. Tony, who was in mid-air, had turned on the heating function of the armor to the maximum in order to keep the armor from being affected by ice and snow.

Only Su Heng and Gwen were not affected by the cold in the shield.

However, heavy snow continued to block the shield, seriously hindering Su Heng's view of moving forward.

"Mr. stall owner." Su Heng landed next to Logan and asked him.

"Did you see where that guy ran just now?"

Logan wiped the frost that had formed on his face, pointed in the direction to the right, and said loudly to Su Heng.

"I just saw her disappear to the right."

"But now that the snow is so heavy, it may affect our judgment."

"This is not a big problem." Su Heng covered Tony and Logan within the scope of the shield. Looking at the blizzard around him, he decisively threw out the fire card in his hand.

As Huopai's figure emerged with his arms folded, Logan felt as if the coldness around him had been dispelled.

Huopai nodded towards Su Heng. With the magic power transmitted by Su Heng through the air, Huopai's aura became stronger and stronger.

Under the surge of momentum, the fire card turned into a flame tornado, covering all the surrounding blizzard in flames.

The snow melted into water, and the water was evaporated by the flames. In just a few minutes, the fire brand opened up a completely snow-free ground around Su Heng.

The figure of Snow Brand was also clearly exposed not far away. She glanced at the Fire Brand in mid-air with fear, and quickly fled towards the deepest part of the mountain range.

"There!" Everyone also discovered Xuepai's traces and quickly continued to chase her.

Huopai took the lead and rushed towards the place where Snow Pai was.

A moment later, Su Heng and others saw the fire token floating outside a cave, and the expressions on their faces looked very unwilling.

"What's wrong?" Su Heng landed on the ground and asked towards the fire card.

Huopai snorted unwillingly and pointed to the scene in the cave.

"This is."

In the sight of everyone.

Inside the cave, there are human-shaped ice sculptures scattered all over.

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