Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 174 The show is about to begin

Doom Industries, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, was revived after Doom returned to New York.

The employees who had nothing to do and were waiting for bankruptcy compensation began to get busy again.

Some sensitive employees found that although the backbone of the company had returned, for some reason, the atmosphere in the entire company seemed much more tense than before Doom disappeared.

Although, on the day Doom came back, several directors fell to death from upstairs.

However, after forensic verification, it was found that their behavior was suicidal and had no other relationship with other people.

Moreover, the death of a few directors has nothing to do with their lower-level employees. How could it affect the atmosphere of the entire company?

However, in fact, only some employees close to the middle and senior levels know that the reason why the company's atmosphere is so tense is entirely because of the large-scale radical reforms carried out by Doom after his return.

Such radicalism cannot be said to be a bad thing, but it is definitely not a good thing.

The overly radical action made most employees panic and couldn't guess what their boss wanted to do.

However, in reality, only Doom himself knew what he wanted to do.

Under the influence of Mephisto's soul magic, Doom's thoughts and emotions began to become more and more extreme.

This is also the reason why Doum Industry's internal and external reforms have become so radical after Doom's return.

For Doom, who has an increasingly extreme personality, the decision-making affairs of Doom Industries no longer interest him.

Now, what interests him more and more is Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards, who has been praised repeatedly in newspapers recently.

Sitting in the CEO's office, Doom dropped a chess piece on the chessboard while looking out the window at the grand scene of New York.

"The show is about to begin."

An elusive smile appeared on the corner of Doom's mouth.

In an ordinary residential building in Manhattan, Reed and Susan returned to their love house after a busy day.

"I think I need to take a shower before eating." Reed looked at his gray face in the mirror and said to Susan.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." Susan put the bento she bought from the supermarket into the microwave.

They were so busy during this period that they had no time to buy food and cook. They could only buy cheap lunch boxes from the supermarket to fill their stomachs.

"Reed." Susan said to Reed while boiling water.

"You know what? Doom is back."

"Yeah" Reid, who was taking off his clothes, nodded silently.

"Then do you need to find time to meet him and discuss the matter?" Susan asked Reed.

"If I have time, I will go."

Reed sighed slightly in his heart.

What was supposed to come, came anyway.

Since returning from outer space, Reed owed Doom Industries a large amount of money because the experimental results could not be realized at all.

To be honest, it is not impossible to sell the inventions he created to pay off the debt with Reed's clever mind.

But Reid was too proud in his heart. He didn't even bother to do such a thing, and he was unwilling to sell his hard work to those unscrupulous businessmen.

This also made Reed unable to repay Doom Industries' debt during the period after Doom disappeared and returned.

It was a good thing that Doom disappeared before. The people on the board of directors of Doum Industry were busy fighting for power and carving up the shares of Doum Industry, and they did not have time to take care of Doum.

But now, just two days after Doom's return, Doom Industries, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, has been revived.

Come to think of it, even if Reed doesn't go to Doom, Doom will definitely go to Reed to have a good talk about this debt that has not been repaid in a few days.

It seems that Mr. Fantastic's superhero journey is coming to an end.

By the time Reid finished taking a bath full of thoughts, Susan had taken out the heated lunch box from the microwave and placed it on the dining table.

"Johnny called just now."

On the dining table, Susan said to Reid.

"This guy has recently retaken his courses in college and seems to have found a lot of friends."

"Isn't that good?" Reed said while eating his lunch: "The friends in college are always much better than the friends he met while playing motorcycles."

"I hope so." Although she said this, Susan always felt that Johnny's voice just now was a little strange.


A huge fist hit Johnny in the face, causing Johnny to stumble and fall to the ground.

"Johnny, my dear good fellow!" A man who looked very strong grabbed Johnny's hair.

"I didn't give you the phone just to chat with you."

"Sorry, Sher." Johnny showed a flattering smile to the man with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"My family really doesn't have much money. If possible, I hope you can extend it for two days. After I raise the money, I will pay it back to you as soon as possible!"

"Two days? If I give you more mercy, this will be the second two days!" The strong man Shel said fiercely towards Johnny.

"You need to understand clearly that it was you who crashed my BMW parked on the side of the road the day before yesterday. I didn't give you time to raise money the day before yesterday, but what about you?"

Johnny felt extremely miserable. The day before yesterday, he was just driving his friends out of school as usual. For some reason, his mind suddenly went into a trance, and he sideways bumped into a BMW parked on the roadside.

Repair cost, five thousand dollars.

If it were his original self, maybe Johnny would shamelessly ask his sister Susan for it.

But it was probably due to his experience during this period, plus Johnny also knew the current dilemma between his sister and Reed.

As a result, Johnny couldn't open his mouth at all and asked Susan for money like a rice bug.

In the past two days, Johnny scrapped together, sold his car and other belongings, and only managed to collect more than 3,000 US dollars, which was still more than 1,000 US dollars short of 5,000 US dollars.

This punch can only be said to be a good one.

"Really, give me two more days and I will definitely return the money to you." Johnny begged Sher.

"Hmph, two days?" Sher snorted coldly and clenched his fists.

"No problem. As a delayed payment for these two days, how about you let me punch you a few more times to vent my anger?"

"No question." Johnny opened his mouth, but before he finished speaking, his eyes began to roll.

Immediately, a green flame spread from Johnny's body.

"What's this!"

Sher looked at Johnny with blue flames coming out of his body in horror, and quickly backed away.

But Johnny, with his eyes white, was floating in the air, and with a wave of his hands, the flames engulfed Shel.

Immediately, the flames on Johnny's body disappeared, and he walked out of the factory as if he had returned to an ordinary person.

But Johnny didn't seem to notice that in the corner of the factory, there was a camera that clearly recorded his behavior.

And on the top floor of the factory building.

A mysterious man put away the puppet strings and puppets in his hands and bowed to the person in front of him.

"This is a good script, sir." the mysterious man said, "I am looking forward to the next story more and more."

The next day, Reed came to Doom Industries wearing a suit.

"Old man, it's been a long time no see." In the office, Doom and Reed hugged each other.

"So you came here today to pay off your debt?" Doom asked Reed half-jokingly.

"Sorry." Reid was silent for a moment and then slowly shook his head.

"Regarding the debt issue, I would like to ask you to give me some more time."

"A period of time?" Doom took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, uncorked it, and said casually.

"So how long do you need this time?"

"In other words, how long do you plan to delay?"

"Dum, me." Reed looked at Doom.

"During the time when I was missing, you seemed to be relieved, right?" Doom poured the wine into the glass, picked up the glass and looked at the amber liquid in the glass.

"Did you think that the debt would end with my disappearance?"

"I've never thought of it this way!" Reed said quickly towards Doom.

"It's just that the new research project is still in the trial stage. I plan to wait until the research project is successful before paying back the money I owe you?"

"Trial stage?" Doom looked at Reed in confusion: "Where did you get the money?"

If Doom remembers correctly, Reed should be a pauper now. Where will he get the money to continue his research?

Reed's body trembled, and he whispered in a trembling voice: "Susan sold her house, and then Ben lent me part of it."

"Susan, Ben." Doom's hand that was shaking the wine glass began to pause. He looked at Reed's pale face and couldn't help but sigh.

"You really have a good girlfriend and friend."

"So if you can, please give me a little more time." Reed pleaded towards Doom: "When the experiment is successful, we can promote it to the market. I will definitely pay you back the money I owe you. of."

"Since you said so." Doom drank all the wine in the glass and said calmly: "Then I'll give you some more time."

"If there is nothing else, then you should leave first."

Doom placed the empty wine glass on the table and began to see off the guests.

Seeing Doom agreeing so readily, Reed's face was filled with joy. After nodding slightly, he walked towards the door.

"Huh..." While waiting for the elevator in the elevator, Reed loosened the knot of his tie and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, it was just in time for lunch, and other employees of Doom Industries also began to walk towards the elevator.

In Doom Industries, some new employees cast curious glances at Reed.

For a moment, whispers sounded in the elevator room.

"who is this?"

"Why do you feel like I haven't seen you before?"

"But why does it look familiar?"

"This is Reed Richards, a famous genius scientist and the most famous superhero in New York these days, Mr. Fantastic."


After hearing the praise from the employees behind him, Reid involuntarily straightened up his back.

"But at the same time, he is also a debtor who owes us hundreds of millions in Dumu Industries."

Hearing this, Reed's originally excited face froze.

"Ah, this? I think I've heard of it."

"I heard that during the period when the boss disappeared, he never thought of coming to the company to pay back the money owed to our company."

"And, if I remember correctly, the time when he became a superhero happened to be around the time when the boss disappeared."


Amidst the bursts of talk, Reed, who had straightened his back, finally couldn't stand the rumors and chose to go downstairs with a blushing face.

Reed sighed as he walked up the stairs.

He should have thought of it earlier. Maybe to others, Mr. Fantastic is indeed a good sign, but to the employees of Doom Industries, his behavior is indeed a bit arrogant.

Reed walked out of the Doom Industrial building dejectedly. He looked at the busy world outside and comforted himself in a low voice.

"It's okay Reid, everything will be fine again when the new research results are released."


Reed's self-comfort time was interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone.

Reed looked at Susan's name displayed on the phone, rubbed his somewhat depressed face, and pretended to be nonchalant after answering the call.

"Hey honey, what's up?"


But on the other end of the phone, Susan's mood was not as stable as Reid pretended to be, and her voice was full of urgency.

"Johnny, Johnny was taken away by the police!"

"What?" Reid was stunned, and couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

In his opinion, it was probably because his brother-in-law had committed some trivial matter and was arrested by the police again.

I originally thought that Johnny would be able to restrain himself a little after losing his superpower, but he didn't expect that just how long had passed before this guy returned to his original nature.


"Okay, honey." Reed sighed and comforted Susan.

"Don't worry, I'll fish him out."

"So what did he commit again this time? Speeding while riding a bicycle? Or was he another brawl outside school?"

"No, it's not." Susan's voice seemed a little trembling.

"The police just told me that Johnny killed someone last night."

"Kill someone?" Reid's footsteps stopped in place, listening to the news in disbelief.

"How dare he?"

"Johnny told me that he didn't kill anyone." Susan's voice sounded as if she was about to cry: "But the New York police have checked the surveillance at the time and said that the surveillance has confirmed that it was indeed the person Johnny killed. ”

"Don't worry, honey." Reed listened to Susan's cry and licked his dry lips.

"I'm going to the police station now to find out more about it. Maybe the police have misunderstood?"

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