Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 200: Safety measures that should not have been activated


Actually, you don’t have to.

Zhang Parker downstairs opened his mouth, but still couldn’t say that he didn’t want Dr. Otto to help.

“In that case, add me.” Norman, who put on the Green Goblin armor again, appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, his face was not as ferocious and full of malice as before, but instead had a kind of enlightenment-like sobriety.

Gwen widened her eyes and quietly walked to Parker’s side.

“Why did you give him the armor?” Gwen whispered to Parker: “What if he gets sick and attacks us?”

“The store manager said so.” Parker showed a little smile under his spider mask.

“He told me that Mr. Norman is safe now, and I can rest assured to give him the Green Goblin armor.”

“Damn it.” Gwen gritted her teeth: “Why didn’t the store manager tell me?”

“Maybe you didn’t ask?” Parker smiled softly.

"Hmph." Gwen turned her head away angrily.

Matt and Mr. Negative also rushed over after receiving the message from the middle-aged Parker.

"Then let's go, guys." The middle-aged Parker nodded to the assembled people.

"Oh!" With a shout, everyone boarded the plane prepared by SHIELD for them and headed to the Middle East marked by the location.

In the desert of the Middle East, the super villains in the original culture chamber had already appeared beside Reed.

"Master Creator." Electro said respectfully to Reed in his somewhat rough voice: "This place is not good for me. I need to replenish energy to become stronger."

"I also need to eat fresh flesh and blood!" Venom on the other side seemed particularly restless.

But on the contrary, the abomination that should have been the most frantic, closed his eyes calmly, as if he didn't care about anything.

"Master Creator." Olivia looked at the virtual map displayed on her arm and reported to Reed.

"There is a city a hundred kilometers away. I think we should be able to rest there."

"In that case, let's go." Reed waved his hand slightly. Behind him, the Electro and Venom, who had been unable to hold back, turned into two afterimages and rushed towards the city Olivia mentioned.

As Olivia expected, by the time the people behind them arrived at the city, the city should have become an empty city.

Kingpin was guarding behind Reed with a calm demeanor. His narrowed eyes were observing the remaining super criminals around him. I don't know what he was thinking.

When Spider-Man and Dr. Otto and others arrived at the location, the location was already empty, leaving only a few broken culture chambers.

"I knew that guy wouldn't stay there and wait for us to come." Middle-aged Parker touched the culture chamber that was scorched by the sun and sighed helplessly.

"What should we do now?" Norman frowned slightly: "If they disappear, we may have to spend more energy to find their whereabouts first."

"The dome's base camp has been destroyed, and they should not have any more convenient way to quickly reach New York." The middle-aged Parker analyzed in a low voice.

"So they are very likely not out of the Middle East."

"But if they find an airport in the Middle East, it's hard to say what will happen next."

"." Everyone fell into silence.

"Hey, it sounds like you have encountered some difficulties?"

But at this moment, a very frivolous voice came from everyone's earphones.

People who are familiar with this voice pressed their earphones in surprise.

Among them, the most excited is Spider-Man.

"Mr. Stark?" Spider-Man's body trembled a little. He pressed the earphone and asked the other end of the earphone in disbelief: "Is it really you?"

"It's me, and it's not me." Tony's voice continued to ring in everyone's ears.

"Long time no see, pajamas baby."

"Tony Stark?" Everyone's face became very strange.

If they remembered correctly, the Tony Stark of this universe had already died in the war of the final battle.

But how could he suddenly come back to life now?

"Please don't be nervous, fellow Spider-Mans. You should know that I was much more surprised when I saw you than when you heard my voice."

"First of all, let me introduce myself." Tony's voice continued.

"I am one of the legacies left by Tony Stark on Earth. Before the final battle, he had recorded all his memories and thoughts into a certain security disk of Stark Industries."

"This should be a safety measure that will only be activated when Pepper and Morgan encounter something that threatens their lives."

"Well, some time ago, Stark Industries was attacked by an artificial intelligence program that Tony Stark had set up."

Hearing this, Gwen suddenly widened her eyes, as if she thought of something.

"Yes, it's you, Miss Spider-Woman Gwen." Tony pointed out the culprit.

"Veronica, the artificial intelligence of the spider armor you are wearing, happens to have the safety measures set by Tony Stark from your universe."

"If there is a crisis on Earth, I have disappeared, but Stark Industries has encountered a new artificial intelligence crisis, and Veronica's purge order will be activated."

"Well, I have to say that no matter which universe, I am indeed a genius!"

"Although it seems that I in that universe should have encountered the Ultron crisis not long ago, so I set up this program just in case."

"So Mr. Stark." Middle-aged Parker interrupted Tony's sigh and asked him: "So can your activation help us?"

"Of course, kid!" Tony said to middle-aged Parker: "In the 100 kilometers northwest of your current location, there was a serious circuit failure. In the many surveillance videos before the power outage, I saw Venom is devouring innocent people wantonly on the streets."

"And this happened an hour ago." Tony's voice became a little heavy: "According to the SHIELD database, Venom should have been captured in the S.W.O.R.D. space station that is still under preparation."

"And the S.W.O.R.D. space station has become Reed Richards's dome base."

"Although the dome base has been destroyed by the store manager surnamed Su, if I'm not mistaken, Venom should have fallen into the hands of Reed Richards."

"By the way, the cause of the circuit failure in that city, if I'm not mistaken, should be the work of Electro who was captured with Venom in the S.W.O.R.D. space station."

"In addition to these two people, there are also Abomination, the mutant Pyro, and..."

After listening to Tony's description, the expressions on everyone's faces became more and more solemn.

It seems that this crusade war is not easy to fight.

"My armor is on the way here. If you want, you can wait until my armor arrives and then launch an attack together."

"No!" Everyone rejected Tony's idea in unison.

"There should be innocent people surviving in that city now." Benjamin Parker frowned and said.

"If we delay any longer, these innocent lives may suffer misfortune."

"That's right." The other Spider-Men nodded.

"Although we failed to stop Venom's previous atrocities, we must not let him continue!" Middle-aged Parker said to Tony in a deep voice.

"So I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, we may not be able to wait for your kindness."

"Ha, hahahaha!" Tony couldn't help laughing after listening to the decisive speeches of many Spider-Men.

"Spider-Man, is this Spider-Man?" Tony laughed and said, "Since you all said so, then you go first."

In the sky above New York, the thrusters behind the dozens of iron armors that were originally speeding suddenly exploded again, causing the flying speed of the iron armor to surge a lot more than before.

Although Tony at this time is the backup data of the deceased Tony Stark, it does not mean that he does not have the character of Tony Stark.

Since Spider-Man can have this awareness, why can't Tony have it?

Even if it will consume the core energy and usage rate of the armor, if you can rush over in time to fight side by side with Spider-Man, even if the armor is damaged, it doesn't matter.

Stark Industries, the last thing it lacks is armor!

At this time in the city, Reed Richards was sitting on the top floor of a building, watching the sunrise slowly setting on the edge of the desert.

"What a beautiful scene!" Reed Richards whispered.

"Master Creator." Olivia came to Reed's side and reported to him.

"Electro's energy is full."

"Really?" Reed tapped his hand on the desk.

"Sure enough, after adding the genetic sequence of the Child of Tomorrow, their abilities will be greatly improved."

"Yes." Olivia said respectfully: "According to the previous system of Electro, in order to store the energy in his body, at least a whole day's power supply of the city must be accumulated."

"Today's Electro has a stronger absorption ability."

"What about the others?" Reed asked Olivia.

"Kingpin's physical strength has become stronger."

"Abomination can now suppress his anger, but this accumulation will make his power stronger and stronger."

"Pyro can now spontaneously ignite and control fire without relying on fire sources."

"As for Venom." Olivia said helplessly: "His appetite seems to be getting better and better."

"There are other super criminals"

Olivia introduced the changes that the remaining super criminals had undergone after the genetic sequence of the Child of Tomorrow was implanted.

But Reed didn't want to listen anymore, he waved to Olivia.

Olivia nodded slightly and left the office.

"Is it just to enhance my own abilities?" Reed supported his chin with his hand, continued to look at the sunrise outside the window, and couldn't help but sigh.

"But compared to the orthodox Child of Tomorrow, it's still a little worse."

If that damned cloaked man hadn't intervened and destroyed the space station, the purest child of tomorrow should have been hatched long ago.

But in the end, it was still my own carelessness.

Reed continued to sigh.

It was wrong to think that using the space station as a base camp would be worry-free.

As the sunset completely fell into the desert, the night had already enveloped the entire city layer by layer.

The power supply in the city had been absorbed by the electric man, and most of the innocent city residents had already entered the mouth of Venom.

This made the city, which should have been brightly lit and bustling, dark and silent.

Only the bright moon in the sky was slightly reflected in some corners of the city.

But for the only survivors in the city, this was not necessarily a gift, but the last beautiful view before approaching death.

Venom walked through the silent city, listening to the faint breathing sounds coming from not far ahead, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

As an alien, it already understands the thrill of hunting!

Watching the prey fall into despair bit by bit, and then being devoured by itself.

This is actually a different feeling.

Venom stopped and looked at the collapsed ruins in front of it. It had heard the rapid and weak breathing, which was only a wall away from it.

"Now." The man possessed by Venom showed a hint of a grim smile on his face.

"It's hunting time!"

As Venom growled, the black mucus in its hand turned into a sharp blade.

The black cold light passed over the wall in front of it, and the wall collapsed, revealing several trembling children.

They trembled, looking at the inhuman monster in front of them, their faces full of fear.

"I can have a full meal again!" Venom showed its two rows of sharp teeth and licked its lips with its broad tongue, but it still couldn't stop the saliva from flowing down.

Venom walked slowly towards the children.

"Relax." Venom comforted the children: "You are all small, I can kill them one by one, I won't let you suffer too much!"

"Then I have to thank you on their behalf!"

But just as Venom approached the children, an angry voice sounded from its side.

Then, Venom was kicked away fiercely by a figure.

The Spider-Men who had just arrived angrily surrounded Venom.

"This guy can't stand the high-frequency volume!" Parker pulled out a piece of steel from the surrounding ruins and said to everyone in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone pulled out the same steel from the ruins.

Before Venom could recover, the steel had already bound him in it like a cage.

Venom looked at this familiar scene and the familiar person around him, and couldn't help but shouting in hatred.

"Peter Parker!!!"

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