Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 202 Farewell

Following Tony's voice, Reed's figure appeared on the battlefield as promised.

This made the people who had just breathed a sigh of relief tense up again.

But they didn't notice that Reed's face was not very good at this time.

Although he had expected that after all his subordinates were defeated, he would appear again to turn the tide.

But he should never appear in this way, in this way of being coerced!

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In the ruins, Kingpin, who was knocked to the ground by Gwen, opened his eyes, stood up tremblingly, and blocked Reed with his already scarred body.

He panted and said to the Spider-Man in front of him:

"If you want to hurt the Creator, you must get through me!"

Gwen and others looked at each other, especially the Spider-Man who had fought with Kingpin in their universe.

They never thought that Kingpin, who was so arrogant in their universe, would be so loyal to Reed.

Although Reed knew that this was what he had done in Kingpin's gene sequence, when he saw Kingpin standing in front of him, his originally frozen heart was inevitably touched.

"I'm not weak enough to let a wounded man help me resist the enemy."

Reed waved his hand, protecting Kingpin behind him, and then looked at the Spider-Men around him with his cold eyes.

When he looked at Gwen, a colder gaze stared at Reed from above.

It was as if warning Reed not to play any tricks that shouldn't be played.

"Tsk." Reed looked at the Spider-Men around him and sneered slightly.

"You are so lucky."

The Spider-Men looked at Reed in confusion.

Reed did not explain to them again, but directly opened his hands and used powerful telekinesis to drive the surrounding debris to float up from the ground.

"At least, give yourself a perfect ending." Although Reed was unwilling, he had no choice.

Just when he was about to drive the dense debris in the air to attack Spider-Man.


Reed's helmet, which was extending backwards like an alien, was crushed by a huge force.

As the figure behind Reed tore it hard, the part of the helmet behind Reed's head and the part of his brain stem that grew in line with the helmet were completely torn off by Kingpin.

(The picture is too ugly, so I won't post it.)

"!" The people who were originally vigilant looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Reed felt the severe pain from the back of his head, and his body kept twitching.

He turned his head to look at the object that Kingpin threw away casually, as well as the red and white in his hand.

"Why?" Reed roared at Kingpin in a low voice.

"Don't you understand yet? Lord Creator." At this time, Kingpin's face was pale, but his eyes were full of pleasure.

"This is revenge!"

"You!" Reed looked at Kingpin's hideous face, as if he understood something.

"Yes, all this is thanks to the mysterious man who destroyed the space station!" Jin Bing took out a piece of white silk from his arms, wiped the stickiness on his hands, and said happily.

"I also have to thank you for remembering to transfer me from the incubator when I was in danger."

"This will allow my memory to be transmitted to this new body without reservation." Jin Bing grinned at Reed: "I said, don't think I have no way to deal with you!"

Long ago, Jin Bing had observed that when Reed used telekinesis that did not belong to him, his rubber-like body would become fragile.

But when he was in the space station, Reed attacked Jin Bing too quickly, and he didn't give him a chance to fight back.

But now it seems that there is indeed a will of heaven!

The previous servility and pretense finally made Reed relax his vigilance, and also gave Jin Bing the opportunity to take revenge!

Although the great revenge was avenged, the rejection reaction in Jin Bing's body and memory at this time made his mind close to the trend of explosion.

"Hahaha!" Reed laughed hoarsely with red and white blood flowing behind his head.

"So this is what that guy said about the subjective initiative of each character after losing control?"

"This is really great!" Reed raised his hand again with trembling hands.

In the blur of space, Kingpin, who thought he had avenged his great revenge, was crushed into dust in space and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Spider-Man, don't think you really won." Reed looked at the Spider-Mans on the opposite side breathlessly.

"Your life is actually just a drama that has been arranged long ago!"

Reed looked at Gwen obscurely.

"When a guy completely breaks away from this story, you will find that all your efforts are just in vain!"

"Your life trajectory will not change at all!"

As Reed roared, his body began to twist in space, and finally, like Kingpin, he turned into dust and dissipated in front of everyone.

"So." Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in silence.

"We won now?"

Now everyone's mind is very confused. It seems that after Reed appeared, the seemingly loyal Kingpin sneaked up on Reed.

Then Reed, who seemed to be seriously injured, killed Kingpin after saying a long string of incomprehensible nonsense, and then committed suicide.

For Spider-Man, this victory did come a little inexplicably.

Everyone can be said to have participated in this battle with the determination to die, but they did not expect that the final showdown would be so sloppy.

This made everyone feel as if they had punched the air with all their strength.

But apart from everyone's depressed faces, only Gwen listened to Reed's last words.

The story ends, and everyone's life will not change at all.

This made Gwen recall the book that the strange old man gave her when she entered this world.

Moreover, according to the previous store manager, this world seems to be made up of a Clow Card.

Gwen looked at everyone around who had begun to celebrate again, and for some reason, she always felt unhappy.

"When Reed Richards disappeared, the enemies that Mr. Norman and his team encountered suddenly stopped moving."

"Mr. Norman has tied up all those guys now, and they will be able to join us later." Parker told the good news to everyone who was planning to help Norman.

"This is really smooth." Middle-aged Parker couldn't believe that victory would come so suddenly.

"You know, I almost used my insurance measures in the Ultimate Universe." Middle-aged Parker murmured in a low voice.

"So that guy has been solved. When can we return to our own world?" Benjamin Parker asked everyone.

"After all, I still have to find my Mary Jane."

Everyone looked at the middle-aged Parker.

"This?" Middle-aged Parker smiled bitterly with some helplessness.

In fact, he also wanted to know this question. After all, in that universe, his wife and two children are still waiting for him.

"Everyone should be able to leave smoothly tomorrow."

Just when everyone was worried about whether they could go back, Su Heng appeared in front of everyone.

"Before that, please say goodbye."

The Spider-Mans who finished the battle, with the help of Tony, finally returned to New York again on Stark Industries' private plane.

When they opened the door of the Sanctuary of the Most Holy, the Sanctuary of the Most Holy was already full of banquets.

"Welcome back, everyone." Strange, with a tired face, squeezed a smile to everyone.

"Thank you for protecting New York during this period."

During this period, Strange and the wizards of Kamar-Taj were looking for superheroes or super villains from other parallel universes day and night.

While the Spider-Mans were fighting Reed, Kamar-Taj led by Strange and the agents of SHIELD finally completed the containment work.

According to the Supreme Sorcerer "King", this world has now approached a stable state, and people from other parallel universes will no longer appear in this universe.

Strange calculated the time, and it was almost after today that all the parallel world lives stranded in this universe would return to their respective universes.

But since it was a farewell, how could he leave so casually?

So Strange, who returned to the Sanctum Sanctorum, forced himself to cheer up, and arranged the Sanctum Sanctorum as the venue for the farewell ceremony with Aunt May.

At the farewell ceremony, everyone kept talking.

Iron Parker was teaching Spider-Man what to do now that his true identity was exposed.

Super Parker and Spider-Gwen were chatting and laughing together.

Middle-aged Parker, Benjamin Parker and Parker were discussing the treatment of genetic diseases with Norman.

Zhang Parker stayed with Dr. Otto and continued to discuss research matters.

During the whole farewell ceremony, only Gwen was unhappy.

"Did you listen to Reed's last words?" Su Heng saw that Gwen was absent-minded.

Su Heng walked up to Gwen and handed her a cake.

Gwen subconsciously took the cake, but did not eat it, but looked at Su Heng.

"Manager." Gwen asked Su Heng in a low voice: "Is this world real?"

"Well." Su Heng shrugged: "It depends on how you define truth and falsehood."

"Just like the cake in front of you." Su Heng said to Gwen: "You can see, touch, and eat it. Do you think this cake is real or false?"

Listening to Su Heng's words, Gwen picked up the fork and gently forked out a small piece of cake and put it into her mouth.

The sweetness of the cream cake melted in her mouth.

"There is a saying, called I think therefore I am." Su Heng gently touched Gwen's hair: "Then can you deny your experience during this period of time because of what that guy said?"

Gwen shook her head thoughtfully.

"So whether it is real or false, isn't there an answer in your heart?"

With Su Heng's enlightenment, Gwen, who was originally depressed, finally regained her spirits and walked towards the comrades who had fought together recently.

"So are we really in the story?" Strange, who was eavesdropping on the side, came to Su Heng and asked him.

"Since you appeared, I have inexplicably felt the restraint coming from my body. It vaguely made me avoid some things that I could do."

On Strange's forehead, the third eye loomed.

"What do you think?" Su Heng picked up the cake that Gwen had not finished eating just now and asked Strange back.

Strange shook his head.

"Everything that exists must be reasonable, and everything that is fictional must have a carrier."

"Whether I really exist or not, there must be a carrier or entity related to me in the universe."

"Even if I am a character in the script, the inspiration generated by the hand that recorded this script is definitely inseparable from me and this world."

"Don't you know it clearly?" Su Heng smiled softly and stuffed all the remaining cake into his mouth.

"Well, it's sweet, but it's still not as good as the little guy in my house." Su Heng sighed.

While everyone was talking happily, except for the people in this universe, people in other universes, including Su Heng and Gwen, gradually emitted a faint light.

"It seems that the time has finally come." Benjamin Parker breathed a sigh of relief and waved to everyone.

"If there is a chance, when I find Mary Jane, I will definitely find a way to find your parallel universe, and then we can get together again!"


"It's a good experience opportunity."

"Mr. Norman, if you can still remember what I said to Mr. Parker after you go back, please follow the treatment course, not only you, but also Harry." Parker urged Norman.

"Hey, I hope we can meet again in the future." Spider Gwen also greeted Super Parker.

"Although I don't know what happened to Peter in that world, since you have become him, please keep up the good work." Dr. Otto said sincerely to Zhang Parker.

"." Zhang Parker fell silent.

"When did you find it?" In the end, Zhang Parker couldn't help his curiosity and asked Dr. Otto.

"Of course it was when you gave me the design of the mechanical tentacle you designed." Dr. Otto smiled.

"Even if it's Peter, no matter how smart he is, I don't think he has the same thinking as me. In addition, now even such absurd things as parallel universes have appeared. Peter Parker is actually Otto Gunther Octavius, which is not unacceptable, right?"

"Ha." Zhang Parker chuckled and sighed in a low voice.

"So it should be said that it is worthy of myself?"

In the final farewell of everyone, the brilliance gradually dissipated.

All the lives from the parallel world turned into brilliance at this time and dissipated completely.

This also made the universe finally return to peace again.

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