Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 207 Authority

Nolin Rider, an astronomer on the planet Zenn-La in the outer Milky Way, felt as if he had a very long dream.

In the dream, the legendary Devourer of Planets descended on his home planet.

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He informed the residents of this planet that this planet had been chosen as his food, hoping that everyone would not make unnecessary resistance and accept their fate with peace of mind.

The Devourer of Planets did not care about the struggles of the people on that planet.

After all, it was a notification, not a warning.

Just as the Devourer of Planets was about to absorb this planet, Nolin stood up and begged the Devourer of Planets to spare his mother.

He was willing to be the servant of the Devourer of Planets and choose a planet suitable for him as food.

For some reason, the hungry Devourer of Planets actually agreed to Nolin's conditions and gave Nolin the power to sail alone in the universe.

But the moment Norin came into contact with this power, a layer of silver shell immediately grew all over his body, and his name, memory, good and evil, conscience, and moral values ​​all disappeared.

Since then, Norin, who lost his name, became the dreaded Silver Surfer in the universe, and began to constantly select planets in the universe that were suitable as food for his master, Galactus.

The Silver Surfer himself didn't know how long this behavior lasted, ten years? A hundred years? A thousand years? Or maybe longer?

He also didn't know how many planets rich in vitality in the universe he had sent into the mouth of his master, Galactus.

Although during this time, the Silver Surfer had long lost everything including his conscience, he still avoided sending planets with other life to Galactus as a meal.

But the facts are always so unexpected.

The Silver Surfer on this trip still chose a blue planet called Earth, but just as he set an anchor point on the Earth, waiting for his master to have a full meal.

The humans on this planet actually chose to rebel against him.

Why rebel?

It would be better to just wait for death.

Silver Surfer looked at Tony and Johnny who were resisting, and thought so without any emotion in his heart.

But he felt unusually excited.

As if he was happy to see this situation.

In the end, he was caught by the humans of this planet.

Silver Surfer was about to continue to tell the people who caught him that even if he was caught, the master would still eat all the way according to the anchor point.

But at that time, the master took back his power and the power he used to navigate in the universe.

And the last scene in the memory.

Norin gradually woke up from his coma.

He looked at the strange ceiling in front of him, felt his body was bound, and sighed with some frustration.

"So, those were not dreams."

As an astronomer, Norin's hobby is naturally related to astronomy.

But in such a long time, Norin actually acted as an executioner, not only destroying many planets, but also killing many residents living on those planets invisibly.

"Are you awake?" Tony's voice sounded in Norin's ears.

Nolin tilted his head slightly in the direction of the voice and saw a sloppy figure.

"So, now we can interrogate this guy, right?" Tony turned his head and said to Rogers who was looking at the scenery outside the balcony.

"That's right." Rogers, who finally returned from the tedious task, took two deep breaths of fresh air from nature and turned to walk into the ward.

"Hello, Mr. Silver Surfer." Rogers looked at Nolin with a serious face.

"I don't want the bureau to torture you, so please answer our questions honestly, okay?"

"Uh, cough." Nolin opened his mouth hoarsely. After finally getting familiar with his voice, he nodded to Rogers and whispered, "Okay."

During the conversation between Rogers and Nolin, Nolin gradually told Nolin all the information he knew.

"So, Mr. Nolin." After Rogers learned about Nolin's basic information, he continued to ask him with a serious face.

"Since you have left the so-called anchor point on this planet, how long will it take for the Devourer to come to this Earth?"

"If it is based on the previous time, after marking, Master, no, it should be said that the Devourer will come to this planet in the time it takes for your Earth to orbit once."

Nolin recalled the scene he saw when he took back his power through the Devourer before he fell into a coma, and his face became a little hesitant.

"But if it is now."

"The Devourer must have encountered some big trouble, so he used the space transmission ability to take back the power he once gave me."

"Big trouble?" Rogers approached Norlin and asked him: "Can you tell me more about this?"

"Sorry, I only remember the last picture I felt in my mind." Norlin shook his head and continued to talk to Rogers.

"What Galactus faces is an interstellar army that can surround the entire galaxy, and the Titan that I heard about even when I was the Silver Surfer - Thanos."

In the distant universe.

The interstellar army that Nolin said could surround the entire galaxy has long since disappeared. What is left in this desolate universe are only countless "cosmic garbage" and the huge figure that has fainted in space. .

If Nolin were present, he would have discovered that the huge figure was his former master - Planet Devourer!

Next to Galactus, although Thanos' body looked scarred, the awe-inspiring aura coming from his body was still strong.

"Contain it." Thanos wiped the blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, and calmly ordered towards the still living men behind him.

"Okay, sir!" The men retracted their respectful gazes when looking at Thanos, and began to accommodate the planet devourer into a starship aircraft carrier that sailed in from the aftermath of the battle.

Thanos, suspended in space, no longer paid attention to the containment work of his men, but looked long and hard into the endless space.

"It's clear that everyone has gathered, but the rules and authority are lacking."

"Is it because these Infinity Stones do not come from this universe?"

"Or is it that someone is competing with me for the authority to rule?"

Thanos raised his hand and looked at the Infinity Gauntlet on his hand.

On top of the Infinity Gauntlet, six gems of different sizes and colors are shining with extraordinary brilliance.


Turn your gaze back to the earth.

Su Heng, who was drinking tea in S.H.I.E.L.D., felt the unconvinced gaze from behind and turned around helplessly.

"I'm talking about Quicksilver." Su Heng asked Quicksilver, "Are you still resenting me for arresting you and Wanda back to SHIELD?"

"Of course not!" Kuaiyin held a burger in one hand and a Coke in the other, but still stared at Su Heng fiercely.

"I'm just not convinced!"

Kuaiyin protested loudly towards Su Heng while eating his burger.

"Obviously since I was caught by you, I have gone through hard training in SHIELD and the mission. I thought I would be able to shine in this mission!"

"But one word from damn Tony Stark! I gave you my mission!"

"But I have gradually become a spectator!" Kuaiyin said sadly and angrily: "I am really unwilling to accept such an ending!"

"So?" Su Heng touched his chin: "How about I release the Silver Surfer, and then you compete with him again? See if you can catch him."

"Come on, I still have a sense of proportion." At this time, Quicksilver had already wiped out all the burgers in his hand.

He wiped his mouth, stood up, and said to Su Heng.

"But, I still want to compete with you again!"

"Compared to what?" Su Heng looked at Kuaiyin, who suddenly burst out with fighting spirit, in confusion.

"It's just a matter of who is the fastest between the two of us!"


Within Su Heng's body, Qupai was about to move and wanted to reveal his body, but was pushed back by Su Heng.

"I'm sorry about this"

"Promise him!"

But just when Su Heng wanted to refuse Kuaiyin's invitation to fight, Spineru's voice sounded in Su Heng's mind.


After Su Heng heard Spineru's voice, he pretended to be sleepy and rubbed his head.

Then Su Heng's consciousness slipped into his subconscious.

"Sibi, what are you doing?" In Su Heng's subconscious mind, Su Heng asked Spineru.

"I have nothing to do but compete with him. Isn't this a waste of time?"

"This is not a moment of leisure." Spineru crossed his arms and said towards Su Heng.

"This is to enhance the rule authority of the driver!"

"Rule authority?" This was the second time Su Heng heard this word from Spineru's mouth. The last time was when Chuangpai and Ether Particles were wrestling.

"That's right." Spineru nodded.

"In addition to competing for authority with the same power of rules in this world, the Clow Cards have another way to enhance their own authority."

“That’s the ability to exercise your own authority.”

"Take the expulsion card as an example." Spineru's fluffy hand transformed into the appearance of the expulsion card.

"The driving card represents fast movement, which is the rule authority related to speed."

"If you want to increase your authority in terms of your own abilities, you need to constantly race against others."

"This is why Qupai and Xiangpai teamed up to fight with fighter jets outside."

"And by racing against faster people or things, the more authority and power the card can gain."

"This is why I asked you to agree to a match between you and Quicksilver."

Spineru said to Su Heng with a solemn expression.

"During this period, I don't know if it's an illusion, but I have felt that certain rules and authorities in this world are constantly converging towards a certain place."

"Just in case, in addition to quickly conquering the Clow Cards, you also need to start exercising the rules and authority of the Clow Cards."

"Nothing." Spineru waved his hand, and Clow's Magic Book appeared in front of it.

It looked at the Clow Cards in the magic book quietly, and then sighed slightly.

"I didn't expect that among the Clow Cards you have captured, the one with the highest authority in rules is the Gan Card."

Unexpected, but reasonable.

After all, since Su Heng traveled to this world, he really used the Gan Card the most.

In SHIELD, in the surprised sight of Quicksilver, Su Heng slowly opened his eyes.

"Why, you don't want to tell me that you are not feeling well and then refuse our duel?" Quicksilver clenched his fists angrily.

"If that's the case, I will never believe it. Even if you are stronger than me, this reason is too far-fetched!"

"Don't worry, I don't plan to find a reason to refuse." Su Heng rubbed his eyebrows and said to Quicksilver.

"Time, place."

"Huh? What?" Quicksilver was stunned.

"Didn't you say you wanted to compete with me to see who is faster?" Su Heng asked Quicksilver.

"You have to find a time and place, otherwise how can you compete."

"You mean, you agreed?" Quicksilver looked at Su Heng with great joy.

"Of course." Su Heng looked at the driving card that only he could see on his shoulder and nodded slightly.

"Anyway, I'm idle now, so I might as well find something more to do."

After all, when Spineru said that someone was collecting the authority of rules, Su Heng also had some bad premonitions in his heart.

At the same time, in Asgard, which had been closed for a long time.

Accompanied by a hammer smashing through the silk thread connecting Asgard and the world tree.

The so-called "gods" who were hungry and looking forward to the arrival of the "Ragnarok" food in the shadows let out a wailing sound.

Their original source had long been tampered with by Loki, who was promoted to the "God of Stories".

And now, the "Ragnarok" dinner plate used to restore their remaining power was smashed by Thor, who had lost his eyes.

Having lost everything, they could only wail in the shadows and gradually die.

"The Ragnarok is finally over." Thor took back the hammer in his hand.

Having lost his eyes, he felt the broken Asgard with his perception.

This is the last reincarnation.

When Asgard recovers again, everything will end.

Everything will be back on track.

After Thor did all this, the powerful power in his body began to slowly fade away.

This is the power that Thor temporarily gained after losing his eyes and experiencing a long ordeal.

It is also with this power that Thor was able to successfully destroy the cycle of "Ragnarok".

"Maybe, I need to take a good rest."

Just when Thor was exhausted, a thunderbolt broke through the original blockade of Asgard and swept across Thor's body.

In Thor's unbelievable eyes, the thunderbolt turned into his own appearance and raised the Thor's hammer, which was also transformed from thunderbolt, towards him.

This is a declaration of war!

Declaration of war against Thor, the god of thunder!

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