"Professor Charles, this is really rare." Su Heng looked at Professor X who was slowly driving into the store in an electric wheelchair.

"If I remember correctly, the last time I saw you was when Qin got into trouble, right?" Su Heng teased, "I hope you don't have anything else to do this time."

"I'm really sorry." Professor X sighed, "Although I also want to simply find you to relax and drink tea, there is no way, every time it goes against my wishes."

"What about this time?" Su Heng handed a glass of milk to Professor X.

"So what big thing happened again?"

"It's about one of my students." Professor X said with some sorrow.

"You should have seen her before, Ororo Monroe."

"Oh, I have some impression." Su Heng tapped his head: "If I remember correctly, she seems to be a special consultant of SHIELD now? Then what? What happened to her? Was she taken away by a mutant similar to Apocalypse again?"

"That's not the case, but for her, the situation may be worse than that." Professor X stared at Su Heng quietly and said softly: "She was attacked while carrying out a mission with SHIELD two days ago, resulting in her mutant ability being taken away."

"The ability disappeared? That does sound bad, but" Su Heng felt a little uncomfortable feeling Professor X's strange gaze staring at him: "So why are you staring at me like this? What does this have to do with me?"

"Because I don't know why, my perception tells me that this matter has a lot to do with you, Mr. Su Heng." Professor X rubbed his brows.

"Stop it, why would I take away Ms. Ororo's mutant ability when I'm full." Su Heng waved his hand.

"Wait, what is the ability of Ms. Ororo?" But suddenly, Su Heng seemed to think of something.

If he remembered correctly, Ororo's nickname seemed to be "Storm Girl"?

"Just like her nickname." Professor X seemed to know what Su Heng was thinking: "A woman who can control the storm."

"Hiss——" Hearing this, Su Heng couldn't help but take a breath.

If it was before, Su Heng might not really know what was going on.

But after being popularized by Spineru recently, he finally understood why the Clow Cards were so obsessed with pursuing power similar to theirs.

This is about the struggle between the authority of rules.

According to Spineru, for the struggle for the authority of rules, if it is led by Gan Card, the more gentle Clow Cards will generally strengthen their own authority by constantly exercising their own abilities.

As for the more aggressive Clow Cards such as Dou Card and Li Card, they will gain higher experience to strengthen their own authority by fighting or competing with others.

But in addition to these two situations, there is another situation.

That is, the more extreme Clow Cards will enhance their own authority by robbing others of similar abilities.

Ororo's mutant ability is to control the storm, and among the Clow Cards that Su Heng has not yet recovered, there is indeed a little guy with similar abilities.

Storm Card.

Has the magic of controlling the storm.

Although these two abilities seem to be different, they actually have the same purpose.

Coupled with Professor X's so-called intuition, Su Heng thinks that maybe it is really that little guy who did it.

"Can I go see this lady Ororo?" Su Heng asked Professor X.

"If it is really related to me, I should be able to detect something in her."

"Of course." Professor X heard what Su Heng said, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

After Ororo came out of the SHIELD sanatorium, she has been locking herself in the room.

In the academy, Jean, who had the best relationship with Ororo, went to visit her in the room these days, but no matter how Jean comforted Ororo, Ororo was still very depressed.

After all, for Ororo, the day she gained mutant power was the biggest turning point in her life.

Since then, a gangster on the streets of New York disappeared, and in his place appeared the X-Men in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and the special consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But just when Ororo was enjoying and cherishing this hard-earned life.

The disappearance of her power dealt her a heavy blow.

Ororo had begun to panic.

After losing her power, would she be kicked out of the academy by the professor? Would she be revoked of her special consultant status by S.H.I.E.L.D. because she lost her power?

Would she become the gangster wandering on the street again?

Thinking of this, Ororo, who was curled up at the foot of the bed with her head in her arms, became more and more panicked.

"Ororo?" Qin knocked on the door gently: "I'm coming in."

As Qin's voice sounded, she gradually opened Ororo's door.

Qin looked at Ororo, who was curled up at the foot of the bed again, and the lunch on the table that had not been touched. She walked to Ororo's side with some heartache and hugged her gently.

"Don't worry, we are all by your side." Qin said softly to Ororo.

"And the professor has gone to New York to find Mr. Su Heng. If he and the professor are together, they can definitely help you get your ability back."

"Hmm" Ororo buried himself in Qin's arms and responded in a muffled voice.

Under Qin's comfort, Ororo's heart regained some peace.

At this time, Su Heng and Professor X were standing on the lawn in the college, quietly watching Ororo who was sleeping in the dormitory not far away under Qin's comfort.

"Don't you want to go in and take a look?" Professor X asked Su Heng.

"Standing here is enough." Su Heng put his hands behind his back and felt the breath on Ororo's body.

Although it was very weak, it was indeed the smell of Clow Cards.

"This is really." Su Heng sighed.

"So Mr. Su Heng, are you sure?"

"I'm sure, so I'm really sorry, Professor Charles." Su Heng said to Professor X apologetically.

"The disappearance of Ms. Ororo's ability is indeed related to me."

"I will solve this matter as soon as possible." Su Heng looked at Ororo who was carried to the bed by Qin in the dormitory again: "Please tell Ms. Ororo to be patient and wait for a while."

Having said that, with such a weak aura of the Storm Card, it is really like looking for a needle in a haystack to find her in a place as big as the Earth.

Thinking of this, Su Heng felt a little overwhelmed.

"I will tell Ororo this." Professor X nodded, looked at Su Heng's distressed look, and smiled slightly.

"But from the look of you, maybe you need my help?"

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