Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 211: The Conquest of Thunder Cards

In the broken Asgard, Thor, who was transformed by lightning, was aimlessly searching for Thor's traces.

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The violent lightning will turn any object that touches it into powder under the power of thunder.

But the long search was fruitless, making it more and more manic.


Accompanied by a thunderous roar, Thor, who was transformed by lightning, finally exploded and finally turned into its original form - a manic thunder beast.

"Roar!" The thunder beast impatiently sent out bursts of howling sounds around, but how could Asgard, which had long been empty, respond at all.

Just as the thunder beast's claws kept rubbing on one of the huge pieces of rubble, its movement suddenly stopped.

In its perception, it has already sensed the return of the man with the same power as it.

A hint of fighting spirit flashed in the eyes of the thunder beast, and the whole body shook up and rushed towards the place where the perception was.

In the sky of Asgard, Thor sat on the ground with his eyes closed, holding Mjolnir in his hand, as if he was performing a prayer ceremony beside him.

As the sound of thunder in the sky got closer and closer, Thor opened his eyes and asked Su Heng who was hiding in the dark.

"Do you really not need my help?" Thor held Mjolnir and said in a deep voice: "Although the power of the rune has faded, there is still a part hidden in my body. If necessary, maybe I can awaken those powers again."

"Don't worry, things are not that bad." Su Heng's voice sounded in Thor's ears.

But around Thor, he could not see his figure at all.

"Man, I have to say that your illusion magic level is really good, even stronger than that guy Loki." Thor praised sincerely.

But when Loki was mentioned, Thor's expression suddenly became a little gloomy.

Although Asgard will be restarted in the near future, the souls of the deceased will return to Asgard.

But for some reason, Thor has never found his father Odin and Loki's soul.

That is, even if Asgard is restarted this time, Odin and Loki will not exist among the resurrected people.

This also made Thor feel very sad.

When he obtained the power of the rune, he sensed that Loki had rewritten the ending of the gods in the shadows before disappearing.

This made Thor successfully end the so-called Ragnarok without much effort.

You must know that Thor sacrificed his eyes and then comprehended the power of the rune for a long time under the world tree.

And the power used by Loki is something Thor cannot understand, as if it is one level higher than the rune, or more levels of power.

But this kind of power cannot be without a price.

Thor began to suspect that he could not find Loki's soul because of the backlash of this price.

"Come back to your senses, Thor." Su Heng, who was hiding himself with the help of the phantom card, looked at the lightning in the sky that was getting closer and closer, and hurriedly reminded Thor, who was suddenly beginning to feel sad.

"That guy is coming."

"Okay!" Thor stood up from the ground, clenched Mjolnir in his hand, and watched the lightning that was getting closer and closer.

"Roar--" After seeing Thor, the thunder beast roared, and then its body shape changed again.

It began to turn into Thor transformed by lightning again.

Thunder Thor raised a hammer that was also transformed by lightning, and rushed towards Thor on the ground at the speed of lightning.

"Hah!" Thor also let out a low roar, and his body was also covered by thunder.

But just when a hint of fighting spirit flashed in Thunder Thor's eyes, Thor, who seemed to be ready to fight, suddenly dodged.

Behind him, a dark hole suddenly appeared.

"!" Thunderbolt Thor couldn't dodge in time and crashed into the big hole.

Before Thunderbolt Thor could even roar, the hole suddenly healed again.

Su Heng floated in the sky at some point, his hands slightly clenched towards the ground, his eyes filled with a strange look.

"A bag of rice!"

"What are you doing?" Thor appeared beside Su Heng, looking at him puzzledly.

"Ahem." Su Heng coughed twice and returned to his normal state, a little embarrassed.

"I just want to try my childhood memories."

In fact, the land that blocked Thunderbolt Thor did not require any gesture control from Su Heng.

Under Su Heng's consciousness transmission, the ground card had already completed what Su Heng wanted in his mind, turning the land that trapped Thunderbolt Thor into a sphere.


In the spherical land, the continuous roaring and muffled sounds, as well as the lightning that continued to flow out of the surface, showed that Su Heng's decision was completely correct.

"We'll continue the conversation later." Su Heng's sword card appeared in his hand, pointed it in the direction of the earth, and said softly.

"Seal it again!" As Su Heng said softly, thunders continued to emerge from the spherical earth and gathered on the tip of Su Heng's sword, forming the shape of a card.

"Done." Su Heng took the Thunder Card back and exhaled gently.

Now, the progress of conquering all the Clow Cards is one step faster.

Although I don't know why the Clow Cards have become so impatient and want to strengthen their own rule authority.

But this also happens to give Su Heng a better opportunity to find them.

"Is it solved?" Thor looked at the spherical land that had returned to peace with curiosity.

"Yes, it's solved." Su Heng nodded, and the land also turned into light at this moment and returned to Su Heng's hands.

"Huh--In this case, I finally have no worries." Thor's originally vigilant body completely relaxed.

"During this time, I will accompany Jane well on Earth. After Asgard restarts, I plan to propose to her formally."

"Wow, congratulations to you." Su Heng looked at Thor who said this in surprise.

If it were the previous Thor, he would always be entangled in maintaining the peace of the Nine Realms and personal feelings.

But Thor has probably experienced too much now, so he is more reluctant to give up the people around him.

This is probably a sign of maturity.

"I plan to invite everyone to drink together at that time, don't refuse!"

"Of course, we will support you at that time." Su Heng smiled and nodded.

Time gradually passed, but for some reason, the Clow Cards that Su Heng thought would continue to be restless were too peaceful during this period.

It was as if the only restless ones were the Thunder Card and the Storm Card, two guys who couldn't stand it.

But recently, with the collection of the Storm Card and the Thunder Card, the inexplicable sense of foreboding in Spineru's heart has become closer.

"We still have to hurry up and continue to conquer the remaining Clow Cards." In the dessert shop, Spineru, who rarely came out to look out, said to Su Heng with a serious face.

"I will pay attention to this aspect." Su Heng sighed helplessly: "But if there is no Clow Card, and no clues are left, it will not be easy to find even if I use Professor Charles's perception ability."

"Don't worry, they should not be silent for long." Spineru pointed to his head and said solemnly: "After all, perception cannot deceive people."

"That inexplicable sense of crisis will drive them out to find the guy who also has the power of authority."

"Either it is seizing or competing, no matter which one, it will eventually make a fuss, and then it will be time for us to take action."

"I just hope that the fuss will not be too big at that time." Su Heng rubbed his face and said a little annoyed.

"Otherwise, I will have to find favors to eliminate the impact of this matter."

"That's true." Spineru nodded.


"Manager!" Gwen, who hadn't seen for a long time, pushed open the door of the dessert shop and yawned lazily.

"Please give me a cup of hot milk"

"You look like this." Su Heng thought for a moment, looking at Gwen's sleepy look: "So you are disliked by Ms. Helen again?"

"More or less." Gwen was a little depressed and lay on the counter, mumbling lazily: "I was out fighting criminals at night, and I just wanted to sleep a little longer during the day."

"Who told you not to confess to Ms. Helen?" Su Heng smiled and handed the hot milk to Gwen.

Gwen took the milk and shook her head: "Come on, if her mother knew that her daughter stayed out all night and climbed up and down in New York City to do vigilante work, she would definitely blame me even more."

"After all, her father's job as a police officer has already made her very dissatisfied."

"That's true." Su Heng remembered that Sheriff Stacy had complained to him before.

Obviously, she just wanted to discuss with Ms. Helen whether Gwen should apply for the police academy in college, but she was suddenly driven out of the room by Ms. Helen, and slept on the sofa for a whole week.

This is the case for police positions that work hard overtime, not to mention the superhero industry where day and night are almost reversed.

If Ms. Helen really discovered Gwen's identity as Spider-Woman, although she would be proud of her, Gwen would definitely be forced by Ms. Helen to quit the superhero industry next.

After all, this job that is not guaranteed to last a day and does not have any salary is indeed too dangerous.

"Alas." Gwen, who was sighing, suddenly noticed Spineru sitting on the counter.

"Manager, is this doll you intend to give me?" Gwen curiously poked Spineru's head.

"No." Su Heng directly refused: "I put this in the store and intend to use it as a tool for a lucky cat."

"Lucky cat? But shouldn't a lucky cat be like this?" Gwen made a funny gesture of waving.

"It's just for good luck." Su Heng pretended to take the Spineru back from Gwen's hand casually, and then changed the subject.

"Since Ms. Helen doesn't let you rest at home, why don't you take a good rest upstairs after you go out during the day?"

"Huh?" Gwen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "This is a good idea!"

"Anyway, my father and mother trust you more, at worst, it's the same as before, I'll tell them that the store happens to be doing good business recently, so I'll come to the store to help."

"If you, the store manager, help me cover up, even if they come to the store, I can just say that I took a nap upstairs because I was too busy."

"But the premise is that if I'm really busy, you must really come to help." Su Heng reminded Gwen.

"Don't think you can be lazy just like that!"

"I know, I know." Gwen waved her hand, drank the milk in the cup in one gulp, and then ran upstairs impatiently.

"The guest room should be reserved for me, right? Then I'll go upstairs and have a good sleep first. Remember to call me when you have lunch later, store manager."

"Also." Gwen, who had already walked to the end of the corridor, poked her head and looked at Su Heng.

"Manager, about my father and mother, please help me lie later~"

After that, Gwen ran upstairs excitedly.

"Hu——" Spineru looked at Gwen who had left, and his originally stiff body lay limply on the counter again.

"Fortunately, the little girl under your command is not naughty. I don't want to be tested to see if I am a rag doll filled with cotton."

"It should be said that Gwen is no longer old enough to play with rag dolls." Su Heng smiled and shrugged.

"However." Spineru felt the breath that Gwen had just exuded, but always felt an inexplicable familiarity.

It shook its head and retracted its doubts.

After all, the little girl always stayed with Su Heng, and it was inevitable that she would be infected with Su Heng's breath.

Sure enough, I was still suspicious.

In a distant interstellar, Star-Lord took advantage of the moment when the guards of this planet were changing guards and quietly slipped into the prison used by Thanos to imprison the enemy.

"Damn purple sweet potato head, if you have the guts, let your uncle Rocket out, let's fight again with real swords and guns, you XXX, XXX."

Before approaching the prison, Star-Lord had already heard the full-throated scolding of Rocket Raccoon, one of his fleet partners.

"Come on, Rocket, you only dare to curse Thanos when those guys are changing guards." At the other end of the prison, Drax the Destroyer said in a silly voice.

"If you have time to curse Thanos, you might as well think about how we should escape."

"Escape? Just us?" Rocket Raccoon muttered, "Even if we escape, what's the use? It's better to hope that Quill will invite the rumored Super Saiyan."

"No, even if it's a Super Saiyan, or that evil emperor Frieza, they may not be able to beat the current Thanos."

"After all." Rocket Raccoon sighed and looked at the other prisons.

"After all, even the legendary Captain Marvel who is chivalrous on various planets in the universe and the legendary Galactus have been defeated by that guy."

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