Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 215: Taking Precautions

"Mr. Stacy." Su Heng greeted Sheriff Stacy, and looked at Tony with a smirk on his face.

"Well, you know that Pepper has always liked that little girl Gwen." Tony spread his hands towards Su Heng.

"Although I'm a little sorry for you, as I said just now, if it's for Gwen's future, Stark Industries is indeed much better than your small dessert shop."

"You don't need to say that." Su Heng turned his head and looked at Gwen who was chatting and laughing with Ms. Helen and Pepper at the counter.

"But as Mr. Stacy said." Su Heng said quietly: "She should have the opportunity to choose herself, instead of taking the path arranged for her by you adults."

"Besides, I don't think Gwen can adapt to Pepper's high-intensity overtime work style." Su Heng teased Tony.

"That's true." Tony sighed helplessly: "Otherwise I wouldn't have dragged Pepper out for a walk today."

"Okay, you guys continue chatting." Sheriff Stacy looked at the watch on her wrist: "I came here with Helen today just to see Gwen."

"Seeing that girl can be so hardworking, I feel relieved." Sheriff Stacy patted Su Heng on the shoulder: "Helen and I will leave first. If you are free in the evening, you can come and have dinner together."

"Won't you stay a little longer?" Su Heng asked.

"No, it's a rare day off today, let Helen and I spend the rest of the time alone."

Sheriff Stacy smiled and waved to Ms. Helen. Ms. Helen, who was chatting at the counter, turned around, apologized to Pepper, touched Gwen's head, and after telling her something, she came to the door and took Sheriff Stacy's arm.

The two smiled and waved to the people in the store, and then left the dessert shop.

After seeing Sheriff Stacy and Ms. Helen leave, Gwen's expression finally relaxed.

"You came to my shop not just to accompany Pepper to relax, right?" Su Heng leaned back on the chair and asked Tony.

"As expected of my best friend, you guessed it right away." Tony nodded with a smile.

"But it's not a big deal. It's just that my current experiment has entered a bottleneck period, so I need you to help me find someone." Tony's face straightened.

"Find someone?" Su Heng looked at Tony with some confusion.

"You are Tony Stark, how could you need me to help you find someone?"

"If it's an ordinary person, of course I don't need it." Tony said with a serious face: "But this person, among the people I know, you should be the only one who can contact him."

"So who are you talking about?" Hearing Tony say this, Su Heng also became interested.

After all, according to Tony, there are not many people who can only be contacted by himself.

"Well, if I remember correctly." Tony pondered for a moment.

"That guy should be called, Supreme Sorcerer Strange?"

"Strange? You're looking for him? And it's related to your experiment?" Su Heng looked strange.

He couldn't think of how a Supreme Sorcerer on the magic side could help Tony, who was on the technology side.

"Because I want to borrow something from him."

"Borrow something?"

"Yeah." Tony nodded, recalling the word that the artificial intelligence Tony said to him.

"What I want to borrow is the Eye of Agamotto, or the Time Stone inside."

"Time Stone? Are you serious?" Su Heng never thought that Tony would want to borrow the Time Stone.

"And why do you want to borrow that thing?"

"It's related to something I'm currently studying." Tony touched his chin: "As for what it is, please let me keep it a secret."

"So about this matter, I need to trouble you to tell that Mr. Supreme Sorcerer."

Su Heng pondered for a moment.

"I can pass on the message, but I can't guarantee that he will lend you the Time Stone. After all, the container containing the Time Stone is a very symbolic artifact for their Supreme Sorcerer."

"It's okay. As long as you can let me meet him, I'll take care of the rest." Tony shrugged, looking very confident, not worried at all that Strange would not lend him the Time Stone.

"Okay, I'll contact Strange when I'm free." Su Heng nodded.

That night, in the building of Stark Industries, Tony was using a mechanical arm to debug a set of armor in the isolation room.

It is worth noting that there are six holes of different sizes on the back of one hand of this armor.

This is not a design flaw, but Tony left it intentionally, as if waiting for something to be loaded.

"I heard you were looking for me?" Behind Tony, a transmission halo appeared, causing Tony to stop what he was doing.

Tony took off his goggles, turned around, looked at Strange who came out of the teleportation ring, and whistled softly.

"Su Heng's face really works. I didn't expect you to come so soon."

"Would you like a drink?" Tony took out two wine glasses and asked Strange, "I have good wine from all over the world."

"Why not try our Kamar-Taj wine?" Strange clapped his hands gently, and Tony's two glasses were filled with wine.

"Is this magic?" Tony looked at the scene in front of him and raised his eyebrows: "It looks really convenient."

"Yeah." Strange took a glass from Tony's hand, took a sip of the wine from Kamar-Taj, and continued to ask Tony.

"So Mr. Su Heng said that you are very sure that I will lend you the Time Stone?"

"Of course." Tony drank two-thirds of the wine in the glass, and while shaking the remaining one-third of the wine in the glass, he said to Strange casually: "Because, what I need is just a piece of data, and it will not cause any damage to the Eye of Agamotto you are wearing."

"But." Strange frowned.

"Don't you know the meaning of the Time Stone?"

"If you want to use the Time Stone to build a machine that can travel through time and then save some difficulties, then your idea is completely wrong." Strange shouted at Tony unceremoniously.

"The previous Supreme Sorcerer also told me about this matter." Tony scratched his ears and said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, I'm not looking for you to travel through time."

"After all."

Tony gently pressed the button protruding from the table. In the isolation room covered by high-strength tempered glass, the steel armor that was originally being assembled slowly sank, and then a strange-looking machine appeared in front of Tony and Strange.

"What is this?" Strange frowned. He actually sensed the power of time in this machine.

"Let me introduce you to the time shuttle machine, a good thing made by "me" and some other "friends" together."

"With this, we can travel through different times." Tony looked at Strange who suddenly fell silent, and said with a smile: "So you don't have to worry about me using the time gem to do stupid things to travel through time. If possible, maybe I have already done everything I should do before this."

"In that case, what do you need the time gem for?" Strange asked.

"Didn't I say it? It's just for comparison between data." Tony shrugged.

"And it doesn't take you much time. You just need to stand in the isolation room and activate the time gem for a while."

"So what do you want to do?" The more Tony said it so lightly, the more alert Strange was in his heart.

"It's just a means of preventing it before it happens." Tony's face became a little deep.

"." Strange looked at Tony's appearance and was silent for a moment.

"Okay." In the end, for some reason, Strange agreed to Tony.

"Just go in there and activate the Time Stone, right?" Strange pointed to the isolation room.

"Yes." Tony smiled and made a gesture of invitation to Strange.

"Thank you very much for your trust in me."

Strange walked into the isolation room slowly according to Tony's request. After Tony made an OK gesture, Strange placed his hand on the Eye of Agamotto on his chest.

Rather than trusting Tony, it is better to say that Strange is confident in himself.

He could see that no matter how he asked Tony, Tony would probably not reveal the real truth.

In this case, it would be better to fulfill Tony's wish for the time being and activate the power of the Time Stone.

Then go to the future to see what Tony wants to do.

If Tony uses the so-called "data" of the Time Stone to do something in the future that will anger the heavens and the people.

Then don't blame Strange for not giving Su Heng face and correcting this wrong timeline that was originally caused by him!

As Strange slowly activated the Time Stone, the data in Tony's computer began to be gradually counted.

"Sure enough." Tony looked at the data displayed on the computer and murmured in a low voice.

"No matter which world it is, the data of the Infinity Stones will not change much."

"That sounds like good news." The voice of artificial intelligence Tony came from the computer.

"Well, now the data generated by the Cosmic Cube, the Mind Scepter, the Aether Particles that once appeared on the earth, and the Eye of Agamotto today have been compared."

"The energy spectrum data they emit is exactly the same as the energy spectrum data of the Infinity Stones in the world you are in, which means"

There was a little excitement in the voice of artificial intelligence Tony.

"This means that we will be able to carry out the experimental process of artificial Infinity Stones soon!!!"

In the isolation room, Strange did not hear the whispering between Tony and artificial intelligence Tony.

When he regained consciousness and returned to this world, Tony was already standing outside the isolation room, looking at Strange with a smile on his face.

At this time, Strange looked at Tony with a complicated expression.

For some reason, when Strange activated the Eye of Agamotto just now, he could not see the full picture of the future.

But in the fragmented pictures of the future, he saw countless possibilities. In almost 80% of the pictures, the Tony Stark in front of him put on the armor and died in a completely invisible place in order to protect the earth. In the hands of a strong man who clearly sees the figure.

Although Tony's purpose was no longer a problem, the fragmented scenes he saw from the future made Strange feel flustered for a while.

Because, no matter which scene is fragmented, they all end with the defeat of Earth's superheroes and the final collapse of the universe.

"Hey, Mr. Supreme Mage, are you okay?" Tony waved his hand in front of Strange.

Tony looked at the trace of confusion and fear in Strange's eyes, and couldn't help but start to murmur in his heart.

So this guy must have seen me do something bad in the future, right?

But what bad things can I do?

Just when Tony had a rare moment of deep reflection on himself, Strange finally came to his senses.

"Sorry." Strange rubbed his brow.

"Something big might happen in the future. I have to go back to Kama Taj first to see if I can find a solution."

Strange did not wait for Tony to reply. As he waved his right hand, a teleportation circle appeared behind him.

Then Strange hurriedly stepped into the teleportation circle and disappeared in front of Tony.

Tony was left muttering in place.

"A big thing happened? Judging from his appearance, it might be a bit serious?"

"Since he didn't tell us or take action against us, it means that this major event in the future has nothing to do with us." Tony, the artificial intelligence, said casually: "Compared with this, we should continue to study. What should we do? Let’s start with the artificial plan of the Infinity Stones.”

"Yeah, indeed." Tony nodded, walked to the computer and started calculating again.

“I feel that relying solely on energy spectrum data is still missing something.”

"Even if it is an artificial infinite stone, it should still need a carrier."

"But such a carrier must meet the carrying requirements of the infinite stones."

"Carrier?" Artificial intelligence Tony also murmured in a low voice with some distress.

"It might be much more convenient if we have the Reality Stone in our hands."

"But hasn't this thing been given to an alien universe collector by Asgard?"

"Yes." The artificial intelligence sighed helplessly: "It seems that we can only do trial and error bit by bit."

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