Shuipai looked at the hands held between the two, a hint of displeasure appeared on his face, and he muttered some brand-new vocabulary that he had just learned from human society (dead lesbian).

(Huh?) It wasn't until the dark card looked at the water card that the water card closed his mouth angrily.

(For my current master, ordinary trials are no longer difficult for him.) Guangpai hummed softly.

(Power that is too easy to obtain will make my Lord too relaxed, especially...) Guangpai looked at the bright starry sky, as if he wanted to look somewhere in the universe.

(Somewhere in this world, there is a force that is absorbing the rules and authority of this world. The meaning of our existence coincides with it. One day, that force will find our Lord for the final struggle for authority.)

(If my lord continues to be so lax, I'm afraid he will be in trouble.)

(So ​​we must increase the difficulty of the trial and let our Lord know the dilemma!)

Shuipai frowned.

(But with our current strength, we may not be able to make him suffer.)

Especially now that Su Heng has frozen cards, fire cards, and other Clow cards that are extremely detrimental to him, it is no wonder that the water cards find it so difficult.

(Of course we can’t, but what if we integrate our power into the Moon Guardian’s final trial?)

(Guardian of the Moon?) After hearing this, Shuimai couldn't help but think of the guy who is now the Guardian of the Moon.

Ruby Moon.

A guy with an extremely bad character!

This is the generally accepted evaluation of Clow cards.

But if it is a teammate, its bad character may have unexpected effects.

(Have you actually found traces of it?)

(Huh, actually, I found it from the beginning)

Under the New York night.

"Hohoho, you mean you want me to start the final trial and then teach that kid a lesson?"

"It's rare that you are interested, so I will reluctantly agree~"

The moonlight shone on the bell tower of Zhongcheng Middle School. A seemingly slim figure stretched slightly and stretched out its hand to the light, dark and water cards that appeared in front of her or it.

The three materialized Clow Cards turned into shimmering light, and then fell into the hands of this figure.

"In that case, let's get ready to start the final trial~"

The figure raised his head slightly and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

"Anyway, the moon is quite round these days~"

The next morning.

Su Heng gradually woke up from his sleep.

He didn't know why, but he felt like he had a nightmare that he couldn't remember clearly.

"Huh..." Su Heng rubbed his head and looked at Spinailu, who was also sleeping on the bedside.

As the Clow Cards were gradually collected, Spineru's originally lacking magic power began to recover again. Although he was still unable to regain his true form, there was still no problem in wandering around in the size of a doll.

"Sibi, get up." Su Heng poked Spineru's round little head.

"Well" Spineru shook his head and sat up from the bed, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and said hello to Su Heng who was looking at him: "Hey, good morning."

"Good morning."

Su Heng lifted Spineru onto his shoulders and took him to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing, go downstairs, clean the dessert shop, watch the morning news of the daily Bugle Daily, and take out the desserts baked at the fixed time.

A day's life begins in such an ordinary way.

Spineru sat on the counter, eating biscuits dipped in hot sauce, and smelling the alluring aroma of the desserts Su Heng placed in the dessert cabinet, a look of intoxication appeared on his face.

But then, Spineru, who realized something was wrong with him, shook his head crazily, scooped up a large handful of hot sauce with the biscuit in his hand, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Spineru is using this method to resist the "negative" impact of the desserts in the store on him.

But what Spineru tasted in his mouth was not the spiciness that burned his lips and tongue, but the taste of sweet chocolate sauce.

And the little biscuit in my hand didn't know when it became as soft as a cake.

"You!" By the time Spineru reacted, Little Chef Gampai had already flown to Su Heng's shoulder, making a face at Spineru.

Eating spicy food on her turf is an unforgivable crime!

"Hiccup~" Before Spineru, who was originally very angry, could get angry, a drunken burp came out of its mouth, and two blushes appeared on its round face at some point.

"What bad thing did you do again?" Su Heng, who was putting donuts in the dessert cabinet, hadn't noticed what was happening behind him. He looked at Gan Pai's proud look and nodded gently. Her little head.

"Did you turn something into dessert again? That's not okay. Get that thing back quickly. Did you hear me?"

Gan Pai dodged Su Heng's fingers playfully, but while playing with Su Heng, Gan Pai noticed Spinailu who was already flying unsteadily into the air.

"It smells so good~" Spineru's drunken voice also reached Su Heng's ears.

"Huh?" Su Heng turned around and looked over, but only saw a black afterimage passing in front of his eyes.

Su Heng looked at the end of the afterimage and saw Spinailu sitting in the dessert cabinet, holding a donut in his left hand and a tiramisu in his right hand.

While doing this, Spinailu slowly consumed the desserts in the dessert cabinet one by one.

"You didn't turn Spi's breakfast into dessert, did you?" Su Heng turned his head and looked at Ganpai.

You know, Spinailu will get drunk after eating dessert.

"Bing!" Ganpai raised her chin with a guilty and stubborn look.

This is her territory, and she is absolutely not allowed to see anything other than dessert in the dessert shop!

"You, you." Su Heng shook his head and opened the dessert cabinet, intending to appease Spinailu first, and then teach Ganpai a lesson.

"Hmm?" Spinailu, who was eating happily, felt that his neck was lifted up by Su Heng, and struggled madly in Su Heng's hand.

"Let me go, you bastard~"

"I'm not full yet~"

Su Heng looked at the drunk Spineru and sighed helplessly.

But the drunk Spineru would not care about Su Heng's emotions. A ray of black light began to condense in its mouth.

"!" Su Heng felt something was wrong. He tilted his head slightly, and the "tailed beast jade" spewed out of Spineru's mouth, directly shooting through the dessert shop and the house upstairs, and disappeared into the sky.

Su Heng inadvertently loosened his hand slightly, allowing Spineru to escape.

"Hahahaha!" Spineru, who was standing on the dessert counter, laughed wildly.

"What Clow Reed, what Clow Card magician! Trash! Trash!"

Spinaru spit out black energy cannons like crazy, as if it didn't cost money. If Su Heng hadn't used a shield in advance to surround Spineru, I'm afraid the surrounding buildings would have been in trouble.

Spiner looked around at the translucent round shield that had surrounded him, and his figure suddenly flashed, and then he appeared outside the shield's encirclement.

"I am the guardian of the Clow Cards~" Spiner waved his hand, and all the desserts in the dessert cabinet broke out of the cabinet and circled around him.

"Hiccup~ You want to catch me with just this guy~ You're still a long way off!" Spiner hummed twice, and then his figure flashed again, and he appeared outside the dessert shop.

"It's bad!" Su Heng looked at Spiner who had left the dessert shop, his expression began to become a little nervous, and his figure even chased after Spiner.

If the drunk Spiner was allowed to wander around the street, it would definitely cause some big trouble.

This guy must be caught back as soon as possible and made to sober up again.

"Illusion!" Su Heng shouted, first using the illusion card to cover his and Spineru's figures, and then his palm grabbed Spineru's body.

"Want to catch me? How can it be so easy! Hiccup~" Spineru took a bite of the donut, and slapped the donut on Su Heng's face. At the same time, the two small wings behind him swayed, and the small body suddenly expanded and flew into the sky.

Su Heng spread his wings behind him and followed Spineru closely.

"Drive!" Su Heng activated the drive card, and his body expanded rapidly, trying to use the speed of the drive card to directly catch Spineru.

But although Spineru was drunk, his body became extremely flexible. After it sensed the strong wind coming from behind, it dodged left and right, and flew around flexibly in the streets.

Su Heng watched Spineru grab a piece of dessert from time to time, take a bite, and then throw it away. He knew that if he didn't catch it quickly, the desserts floating around it would only make it lose its mind.

The combination of Xiang card and Qu card led to a fierce chase between Su Heng and Spineru.

The homeless people lying on the streets looked at the desserts falling from the sky from time to time, thinking that it was a gift from God, and hurriedly stuffed these desserts with some tooth marks into their mouths, tasting this hard-earned delicacy.

In the end, under the power of the wheel card and the puzzle card, Spineru was still blocked in a corner.

At this time, there were few desserts wrapped around it.

"Big bad guy! Hiccup~" Spineru looked at Su Heng with tears in his eyes, and the "virtual dog cannon" in his mouth condensed and shot out again.

Su Heng summoned a shield to block Spineru's energy cannon.

Spiner took this opportunity and disappeared in front of Su Heng again.

"Ah, this is really." Su Heng felt Spiner's breath and hurriedly continued to chase him.

At this time, Spiner and Su Heng had already circled New York and returned to the vicinity of Midtown Middle School.

And the place where Spiner appeared again was in the school of Midtown Middle School.

In the final chase, Su Heng looked at the dessert that was finally used up beside Spiner, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Spiner didn't have the support of dessert, as long as Su Heng consumed it a little more, it would wake up again.

This was finally a good thing for Su Heng.

"Damn~" Spiner touched the surroundings and found his predicament. He flew unwillingly towards the top of Midtown Middle School.

Su Heng followed closely, fearing that Spiner would make some trouble at this last critical moment.

Just as Spineru was paying attention to Su Heng who was approaching from behind, it did not notice a figure appearing on the bell tower.

"Ah!" With Gwen's cry of pain, Spineru hit Gwen's head as she just jumped out of the clock tower.

"What is this?" Gwen touched his head and looked at the small stuffed doll that appeared in front of him.

"I always feel like I've seen it somewhere before?"

"Gwen, hold this guy tight!" Su Heng's voice immediately appeared in Gwen's ears.

Gwen almost reflexively grabbed the stuffed doll in his hand, causing Spineru, who originally wanted to escape, to be restrained and unable to escape.

"Finally caught it." Su Heng's figure then appeared on the clock tower. He looked at Spineru, who was quietly held in Gwen's hand, and felt relieved.

"Next, just wait for Spineru to wake up."

"Manager, what's going on?" Gwen looked at Spineru, who was struggling in his hand, and Su Heng, who seemed to be much more relaxed, with a puzzled look on his face.

"So this little guy is also your Clow Card?"

"No." Su Heng wanted to take Spiner from Gwen, but Spiner resisted fiercely.

"So what's going on?" Gwen felt that this scene was very interesting, and touched Spiner's head with a smile.

"It seems that this little guy is very hostile to you."

"Well, it's a long story." Su Heng sighed: "You can think that this guy is drunk."

"He is drunk now."

"You are drunk!" Spiner shouted in dissatisfaction: "I am the guardian of the Clow Cards, how could I be drunk! Hiccup~"

Although he said so, Spiner's actions proved that he was indeed not sober at this time.

"Guardian? So your Clow Cards are also protected by this little guy?" Gwen rubbed Spiner's chin.

"Hmm." Su Heng looked at Spineru who was staying obediently in Gwen's hands, and sighed: "Since this little guy can stay in your hands, let him go first, but you have to remember to wait until he wakes up before letting him go."

"I know, I know." Gwen waved her hand nonchalantly and continued to tease Spineru.

"But then again, why are you here?" Su Heng looked at Gwen who was not wearing a spider costume, and asked her with some confusion.

"This? I don't know much about it." Gwen shrugged indifferently: "I seem to have found a place to take a nap last night, and when I woke up, I found that I had come to the clock tower."

"Hmm" But at this moment, Spineru, who was still a little drunk, gradually woke up, and looked around strangely.

"Why am I here?" Spineru sniffed.

"And why do I feel like I smell the scent of Ruby here."

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