The Thunder Card, an elemental card among the Clow Cards, controls the power of thunder, which is manic and full of destructive power.

According to common sense, physical attacks cannot harm the Thunder Card itself that has turned into thunder.

But the Clow Cards are not things that can be viewed with common sense.

Especially some of the Clow Cards that seem ordinary, but actually belong to the conceptual level.

For example, the Sword Card.

The power of the Sword Card does not depend on the sharpness of the Sword Card itself, but on the user's heart.

This kind of heart is not just the so-called "inner firmness" or "heart cognition". In addition to these, there are some unknown things that can influence the power of the Sword Card.

What exactly is it, Su Heng is not clear, but he knows a little bit at this moment.

Su Heng looked up at the sky, and the Thunder Card turned into thunder and rushed towards him, feeling the hair on his body standing up, his heart beating rapidly, and the numbness all over his body.

He held the Sword Card but did not feel any fear, but was filled with an inexplicable emotion.

Thunder may not be impossible to cut off!

Just when the Thunder Card turned into a thunder meteorite and fell towards Su Heng.

Su Heng waved the sword card in his hand.

The sword in Su Heng's hand slashed on the thunder, and a mysterious breath came out from the sword body, cutting the thunder directly into two halves.

The Thunder Card mixed in the thunder seemed to have noticed something at this moment, and it had already jumped out of the thunder and appeared on the other side of Su Heng and turned into a thunder beast.


The Thunder Card, whose body had become somewhat scattered, roared, and its angry eyes looked at the sword card in Su Heng's hand, showing a little fear.

That was its power about the origin, which was actually cut off a little by Su Heng's sword.

If it had not chosen to avoid it, I am afraid that its original power would be cut off more.

Thinking of this, the Thunder Card no longer wanted to continue to retaliate against Su Heng, and its body turned into thunder again, trying to escape into the sky.

"Want to run?" But how could Su Heng let it run away like this?

Su Heng flicked his wrist, and the sword card in his hand flew out, directly stabbing the thunder card that was about to take off.

"Roar--" The thunder card, which should have been in a virtual state, screamed.

The sword card was inserted into the thunder card, and the originally illusory figure became solid at this moment.


As the sword card flashed with bursts of light, the thunder card, which was originally screaming with full energy, became weaker and weaker.

The huge body began to shrink gradually, gradually becoming the size of a puppy.

Su Heng walked to the side of the thunder card and took the sword card back into his hand.

"Ah~" The thunder card turned over and jumped up from the ground. There were some electric sparks flashing in its puppy-like body. It hit Su Heng's body but couldn't even penetrate his trouser leg defense.

Su Heng squatted down, bent his fingers slightly, and flicked the thunder card's head lightly.

"Ah~" The timid Thunder Card was directly bounced away by this head explosion, lying on the ground looking very pitiful.

Su Heng did not forget how this pitiful little guy had dealt with him and the Sword Card just now, so he naturally ignored it.

He felt the information transmitted to him by the Sword Card, and finally understood the current trial.

This is because Su Heng himself did not understand the Clow Cards enough, and the bond between the two sides was not enough, which led to Su Heng himself not being able to fully use all the abilities of the Clow Cards.

In addition, the unknown crisis in the universe may come at any time.

So the Light Card and the Dark Card entrusted Ruby to serve as the trialist this time, and then strengthen Su Heng's understanding of the abilities and bonds of the Clow Cards.

After the Sword Card defeated the Thunder Card and told Su Heng the meaning of this trial itself, the world suddenly began to slowly collapse.

And behind Su Heng, a portal with the same ripples as before appeared in front of him.

Su Heng understood that the world where the Thunder Card and the Sword Card were located was originally temporarily organized in order to seize Su Heng's priority in the trial.

But now, the Thunder Card has been defeated, and the world is about to collapse.

Su Heng was lucky. After this experience, he no longer had to continue the trials of the Thunder Card and the Sword Card.

And what was waiting for him next

Su Heng turned around and looked at the light circle in front of him. He was about to step into it, but the chain on the hilt of the Sword Card was tightly wrapped around Su Heng's hand, as if he didn't want Su Heng to drop it.

Su Heng hesitated for a moment, and with a try-it attitude, he held the Sword Card tightly and walked towards the teleportation light circle.

But before Su Heng walked into the teleportation light circle, a flame appeared in the teleportation light circle.

The Fire Card appeared in front of Su Heng, blocking his way with a solemn face.


The Sword Card in Su Heng's hand made a sound of sword ringing, and Su Heng's heart also heard the voice of the Sword Card.

It was telling Su Heng to use it to cut off the fire card in front of him.

Cut off this trial land!

Cut off that damned trialer!

Anyway, with it in his hand, no matter what kind of danger there is in the future, the sword card is confident that it can cut them all off.

Su Heng listened to the "cut, cut, cut" words that the sword card conveyed to his mind, and whispered to the sword card to comfort him.

"Calm down, the fire card is not an enemy."

Under Su Heng's comfort, the Sword Card gradually became quiet.

This made Su Heng secretly relieved, and then he looked at the Fire Card.

(According to the requirements of the trial, you cannot take the sword away.)

The Fire Card crossed his arms and said to Su Heng.


The Sword Card, which had been comforted by Su Heng, became restless again after hearing these words.

Although according to the rules, the Fire Card can control the authority of the Sword Card, the Sword Card originally belonged to the first batch of Clow Cards that followed Su Heng.

The power of authority is much higher than that of the Fire Card.

It is like a new company leader who can ask an old employee who has been in the company for ten years to do something, but whether the old employee does it or not depends on the old employee's own mood.

If the Fire Card wants to use the upper authority to point fingers at the Sword Card, I am afraid that the Sword Card will only angrily slash at the Fire Card.

Especially now that the Sword Card is in Su Heng's hands, the combined power of the two is such that even the Fire Card may not be able to gain any benefit.

The Fire Card looked at the waves of dissatisfaction coming from the Sword Card, sighed, and slightly turned his body.

Behind him, a faint light gradually emerged in the teleportation aperture.

The teleportation aperture is not a vehicle, but a carrier for revealing a body.

The soft light sprinkled in this space that was about to break.

The Light Card looked at Su Heng and the Sword Card in Su Heng's hand with gentle eyes.

(There should be a limit to fooling around~)

Although the voice was gentle, it still made the Sword Card's body tremble slightly, and the chain that was originally tightly bound to Su Heng's arm retracted into the hilt.

(The Sword Card told you the reason for this trial, which is already a violation.)

(In our expectation, you should gradually understand this matter through the understanding of the Clow Cards, so that the effect can be maximized.)

(But since the Sword Card and you have already defeated the Thunder Card, then this is a reward for you and it.)

(However, we can't ignore other violations.)

(For example, take the Sword Card to other trial spaces)

Light Card said this to Su Heng in a soft voice.

Su Heng nodded in understanding, held the Sword Card horizontally in his hand, and handed it to Light Card.

"In that case, please take care of the Sword Card for me."

(This is our job, please rest assured.) Light Card took the Sword Card from Su Heng with both hands and bowed slightly to him.

Su Heng nodded, looked at the Sword Card, which was obedient in the Light Card's hand, and the Fire Card, which was slightly respectful behind the Light Card, and then stepped into the teleportation circle again, and disappeared in this world.

(So.) After Su Heng left, the Light Card gently tapped the Sword Card's blade.

(Give it back the power of the Thunder Card.)

The Sword Card's body swayed twice, and it was obviously a little reluctant.

(Be obedient~ Otherwise, I will do it~)

But under the Light Card's gentle warning, the Sword Card finally flew out of the Light Card's hand.

In a bush in this world, the Thunder Card, which had turned into a little puppy, looked at the gradually collapsing world around him, and collapsed on the ground helplessly, looking particularly decadent.

Obviously, the disappearance of power was a great blow to the Thunder Card.

But before Lei Pai could continue to sigh, Jian Pai "whoosh" stabbed in front of him, making Lei Pai's hair like lightning explode in fear.

"Roar" Lei Pai thought Jian Pai was here to kill him, so he growled at Jian Pai in a baby voice, and then wanted to run into the jungle behind him.

But before Lei Pai could run two steps, his neck was lifted up by someone, and no matter how Lei Pai waved his fangs and claws in the air, he couldn't let go of the person who was holding Fate's neck.

(Really, this is the first time I've seen it.) The voice of Guang Pai rang in Lei Pai's mind, causing Lei Pai's struggling body to stiffen instantly. At this time, he felt the power coming from the hand that was holding his neck.

That was the power of Guang Pai.

Guang Pai chuckled twice and spoke softly to Jian Pai stuck in the ground.

(Okay, let's get started.)

The sword card shook twice on the ground, and a faint light came out from the sword body.

Under the guidance of the light card, the faint light gradually returned to the thunder card.

After absorbing these faint lights, the thunder card's originally stiff body shook, and a little comfort appeared on its puppy-like face.

And as the sword card returned all the power it had previously swallowed to the thunder card, the thunder card's body also changed back to a slightly smaller shape than before.

And the light card let go of the back of the thunder card's neck long before the thunder card's body became bigger.

"Roar--" Although the thunder card did not completely absorb and digest the power transmitted back by the sword card, the feeling of fullness of the power returning still made it unable to help but roar to the sky.


But before the thunder card could show off for too long, the light card gently knocked its head.

(That's about it.)

The Light Card took the Sword Card back and observed the Thunder Card's enlarged appearance, and sighed softly.

(It's cuter when it's smaller.)

The Thunder Card listened to what the Light Card said, and his ferocious face was full of embarrassment.

The Light Card shook his head and turned around with the Sword Card.

(Since the matter between you has been settled, then follow me back.)

The Thunder Card followed the Light Card holding the Sword Card and walked to the location of the teleportation aperture.

At this time, the Fire Card had been waiting here for a long time.

He saw the Light Card and the Thunder Card behind the Light Card, and nodded respectfully to the Light Card.

(Let's go.) The Light Card walked into the teleportation circle first, followed by the Fire Card, and finally the Thunder Card.

After the Clow Cards left this world, the teleportation aperture also completely dissipated at this moment, and this world also completely collapsed at this moment.

In the outside world, Ruby and Spiner looked at the "Thunder" and "Sword" logos lit up under the Light Card-Fire Card, and the expressions on their faces were different.

"Great!" Spiner jumped up happily.

"Tsk." Ruby pouted a little unhappy, obviously the current situation did not meet her expectations.

Now, Su Heng has already lit up four Clow Cards, namely, Thunder Card, Sword Card, Gan Card, and Fighting Card.

Now, the Clow Cards under the Light Card have already conducted four trials.

According to the rules, the next ones to undergo the trial should be the Clow Cards under the Dark Card.

Under the Dark Card.

The Clow Cards under the Wind Card and the Water Card rushed to light up one after another, as if they were competing for Su Heng's priority trial rights like the Thunder Card and the Sword Card before.

In the end, two of the Clow Cards, with their excellent advantages, both successfully reached the top and became the examiners of Su Heng's next trial.

However, these two Clow Cards, unlike the Sword Card and the Thunder Card, did not compete for a trial site, but combined with each other to form a brand new trial site.

"Wow?" Ruby, who was watching this scene, showed some interest on her face.

"It's broken." Spineru was also a little annoyed.

"Why are these two guys joining in the fun!"

At this time, the two Clow Cards, Dark - Wind - "Dream" and "Sleep", topped the list.

The combination of Dream Card and Sleep Card, sometimes it does not mean just having a sweet dream or a nightmare.

If the two are willing, they can make the creatures within their range fall into a permanent sweet dream and sleep, or die of palpitations in a nightmare because of being too frightened.

This is why Spineru is a little annoyed and Ruby is interested.

After all, if Su Heng is not careful in his dreams, he may fall into a long sleep forever.

But Sleep Card and Dream Card are "old employees" of Su Heng.

How will these two guys let Su Heng conduct the trial?

Let's wait and see.

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