Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 224 Awakening from a Dream

Tony left the dessert shop in his luxury supercar after informing Su Heng and others not to let him go.

At this time, the dessert shop is also approaching closing time.

Gwen and Gan finished cleaning up the inside and outside of the shop respectively, and then left with Su Heng and closed the door of the dessert shop.

Next, Ganpai held a dessert box in his hand, which contained several freshly made desserts, while Gwen put on her backpack and walked forward happily.

For Gwen's safety, Mr. Stacey would ask her to go to Chinatown to learn martial arts for an hour or two every day after the dessert shop closed.

As for Su Heng and Gan, they were accompanying people. As they went back and forth, they also became familiar with the owner of the martial arts gym.

The owner of the martial arts hall, named "Dou", although he seems to be taciturn and cold-faced, but as long as they have too much contact, everyone has already discovered that Dou is actually the kind of person with a cold face and a kind heart.

In the martial arts gym, in addition to Dou, there is also a nominal deputy head, who is said to be Dou's distant cousin, named "Li".

Deputy Gym Leader Li looks small, exquisite, and very well-behaved. He doesn't seem to know much about martial arts, but he is very strong.

Someone once went to the martial arts gym to kick him while Dou was not there, but he was punched one by one and sent flying out of the martial arts gym.

That was also the first time Su Heng and the others saw Li Pai in action, and only then did they realize that the deputy gym leader could be so strong.

The three of them walked together on the streets of New York. It was peaceful and peaceful along the way. They walked three streets and didn't encounter any crime.

Su Heng shook his head and got rid of this strange idea.

This is New York, a city with simple folk customs. How could there be any crime?

Su Heng looked at Peter Parker, who was helping an old woman cross the road not far away, with a strange expression on his face.

"Isn't this the school's Peter Parker?" Gwen noticed Su Heng's gaze and explained to Su Heng.

"This guy loves nothing more than helping others."

"Yes." Su Heng got rid of the inexplicable feeling of disobedience in his heart and continued walking towards Chinatown with Gwen and Gan.

Chinatown was still bustling. Gwen walked into the martial arts gym excitedly and said hello loudly to Dou who was resting with his eyes closed in the gym.

"Master Dou, I'm here."

Dou slowly opened his eyes and nodded lightly towards Gwen, Su Heng and Gan behind her.

"You two, sit down wherever you like, I'll take Gwen to train."

"Master Dou, are you still strong?" Gan raised the dessert box in his hand towards Dou.

"I brought some desserts."

"Are you strong?" Dou looked at the dessert in Gan's hand and frowned slightly. For a strict self-discipline like her, desserts were still a bit unacceptable.

Thumb thump thump——

Accompanied by the crisp sound of footsteps like small steps, Li Pai sprang out of the inner courtyard.

Lipai trotted all the way to Gan, looking eagerly at the dessert box held in Gan's hand.

"Alas." Dou sighed helplessly, and said to Su Heng and Ganpai:

"The power will be left to you."

"I hope she doesn't eat too many sweets, lest she develops cavities."

"Just leave it to us."

Su Heng watched Doupai take Gwen to the practice room, and couldn't help but smile to himself.

How can you get tooth decay?

But suddenly, Su Heng seemed to be confused by his words.

Why don't you get cavities?

Su Heng's eyes were on Li. At this time, Li and Gan were sitting on the coffee table nearby, talking and laughing, eating desserts.

Although Li seems to be very powerful, she is still an ordinary person after all. As long as an ordinary person eats too many desserts, she will definitely gain weight and get cavities.

Su Heng unconsciously moved closer to Li and Gan and listened to the conversation between the two.

"A few days ago, I was competing with Sister Dou and accidentally hurt her."

"If I hadn't happened to know Strange's top surgeon, maybe the martial arts gym would have been closed these days."


Su Heng's head became more and more painful.

Obviously he should not know the Doctor Strange that Li was talking about, but for some reason, the appearance of the so-called doctor always appeared in his mind.

But the dress is not the white coat of a doctor, but the gorgeous clothes of a medieval magician.

Moreover, although Peter Parker is still so enthusiastic, in Su Heng's mind, he should be wearing a red spider suit.

Although it is obvious that the research results of scientists such as Dr. Otto, Professor Connors and others have been successful from the news.

Su Heng, who had never met them before, should have shown respect to the scientists.

But for some reason, a picture that shouldn't appear appeared in Su Heng's mind.

Tony, whose parents died young, was attacked in the Middle East and his chest was forced to be buried in a miniature Ark reactor;

Dr. Otto's experiment failed and he was controlled by four mechanical tentacles and went on a rampage;

Professor Connors transformed into a lizard man due to his own human experiments;

Dr. Banner turned into the Hulk due to a gamma ray experiment gone wrong;

Although Reed Richards led his teammates back to Earth, he was affected by the cosmic storm, and all the team members, including him, had undergone changes.

Strange, whose hands were disabled due to a car accident, went to Kamar-Taj and took over the responsibility of the Ancient One and became the Supreme Sorcerer.

There are also Gan, Dou, Li, and the members of the opera troupe mentioned by Tony.

Mirror, song, voice, flower, double, jump, drive, and fly.

Two different memories alternated in Su Heng's mind.

"Do you really want to go back to that real but unfortunate world?"

A familiar voice emerged in Su Heng's mind.

"In this world, there is no danger, no crime, and everyone lives the life they want."

"Not only that, but the Clow Cards can also find what they like, become living people or animals, and live freely in this world."

"Don't you think this should be the perfect ending for the Clow Cards?"

"Do you want to watch them being sealed into the cards again, and then sealed into the magic book, just like the bird in the cage, never escaping the cage."

"Are you really that kind of selfish person?"

Su Heng's face became paler and paler with each sentence of accountability.

Gan Heli, who was chatting on the side, did not notice the changes in Su Heng.

Or, in Su Heng's sight, Gan Heli's figure has begun to become more and more ethereal, and then the entire martial arts hall, the whole of New York, and even the whole world.

In the end, what appeared in front of Su Heng was a Western-style house that looked a little dim.

Inside the house, a man in a cloak was sitting at the table drinking the black tea in his hand.

"Since you have come here, does it mean that you still have doubts about that world?" The cloaked man sighed, gently put down the black tea cup in his hand, and looked at Su Heng with a deep gaze.

"So, have you decided on your previous idea?" The cloaked man asked Su Heng.

"Are you willing to go back or stay there?"

"You don't have to worry about the truth or falsehood of that world, nor do you have to worry about what that world will become after you leave."

"Because as long as you want, the outside world will become exactly the same as the world you saw just now after you wake up again."

"You should know that you, or we, have this ability."

The cloaked man took off his wide hood, revealing a face exactly like Su Heng.

The only difference is that there is a shallow emblem mark on the forehead of the cloaked Su Heng.

"Who are you?" Su Heng looked at the cloaked Su Heng in front of him, and a certain memory that had become very shallow emerged in his mind.

That was the me from another universe who had reminded me in my dream to take back the Clow Cards as soon as possible.

"It seems that you should remember who I am." Cloak Su Heng smiled.

"Long time no see, me in this world."

"So, what happened to you?" Su Heng looked at the emblem on the forehead of Cloak Su Heng. In the perception of this emblem, Su Heng sensed an evil and profound power.

"This?" Cloak Su Heng gently touched the emblem between his eyebrows, and a sneer appeared on his face: "It's just some self-righteous guys who think they can control my means with this kind of thing."

"After a while, this thing will disappear along with its owner." Cloak Su Heng said to Su Heng: "But thank you for your concern."

"So you come here this time, are you going to give me another warning?"

Probably because he was the one opposite, Su Heng sat opposite Cloak Su Heng with unusual relaxation and asked him.

"No, this is not a warning." Cloak Su Heng shook his head slowly and looked straight at Su Heng.

"I just want to ask you if you are interested in changing to a more peaceful life."

"A more peaceful life?" Su Heng frowned.

"Are you talking about the life in the dream just now?"

Su Heng, who had already arrived at this place, naturally understood that what he had just experienced was all the dream world created by the dream card.

But at this time, Su Heng had more questions.

"Shouldn't I be experiencing the trials of the Clow Cards now? Why are you here?"

"Are you the trial shown by the dream card, or the real me in another world?"

"Answering a question with a question is extremely impolite." Cloak Su Heng sighed.

"But since we are all family, I'll explain it to you."

"You are now in the trial of the Dream Card and the Sleep Card."

"Or the reason why we can meet here is because you are now in the trial of the Dream Card and the Sleep Card."

"?" Su Heng looked at the Cloak Su Heng in confusion, feeling that this guy seemed to have said a bunch of nonsense.

Cloak Su Heng reminded Su Heng.

"Do you remember how I appeared in your dream?"

"You mean, the Dream Card?" Su Heng seemed to have thought of something.

"Yes, when I secretly came to this world, I swapped the Dream Cards between us."

A butterfly-like shadow appeared in the cloaked Su Heng's hand.

"With the commonality and specificity between the two, you and I can communicate through dreams now that Master Gu Yi is no longer involved in worldly affairs."

"But if I use this method to communicate with you during normal times, I will be discovered by Ruby Moon and Spinel."

"And now, due to some special reasons, I can never be discovered by these two guardians."

"Only during the trial period of the Clow Cards, the ability of the Dream Card will be brought into full play. No matter what happens in the world of the Dream Card, it will be ignored by Ruby Moon and Spinel, so I can at this time Meet you."

"So why did you hide it from Ruby and Sibi?" Su Heng asked the cloaked Su Heng with some confusion.

"These are some special reasons, so special that I can't tell you at least right now." Cloak Su Heng shook his head.

"Then it's your turn to answer my question."

"Do you want the outside world to be like the one in your previous dream?"

Su Heng frowned, the expression on his face seemed hesitant.

"Or do you want a more perfect world?" Cloak Su Heng continued to ask.

"No, the world in the dream already looks perfect."

Even so, Su Heng's brows remained furrowed.

"Then why are you hesitating?"

"I'm hesitant, why would you say such a thing." Su Heng looked at Su Heng in the cloak.

"Although I don't know what you are thinking, if I say the words to change the world directly, it means that there is definitely a big problem with my mentality at this time."

"The problem is so big that I want to change the world, or destroy the original world, and then change the world!"

Su Heng stared at the cloak Su Heng.

There is a saying that always makes sense.

After all, the only one who knows you best is yourself.

Since Cloak Su Heng would ask himself if he wanted to live in that dream.

Judging from Su Heng's own psychological state, there is definitely something wrong with his world, so he wants to find a way to make up for it, or to restart it.

But what exactly will be the consequences of doing so?

Sibi and Ruby obviously came from the same world as him. They could be said to be fellow villagers or comrades who lived and died together.

Why would Cloak Su Heng avoid them both?

"..." Cloak Su Heng fell into silence completely, and while he was silent, the crest on his forehead gradually began to shake.


Cloak Su Heng opened his mouth, but before he finished speaking, the space began to gradually become ethereal.

The cloaked Su Heng suddenly raised his head, his eyes seemed to be looking outside the world, and he was struggling to wake up Su Heng's sleep card.

Amidst Mianpai's call, Su Heng's figure disappeared without knowing when.

"Ha." Cloak Su Heng couldn't help but chuckled in the hut where he was about to disappear.

"What a pity. Judging from his attitude, he still couldn't agree to me?"

"But it doesn't matter." Cloak Su Heng looked at the seat where Su Heng was sitting previously.

"Sooner or later we will meet again. When we meet again, I will not give such a simple greeting."

"Me in another world..."

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