Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 28 Boss, we were caught

The light dust in the sky gradually spread throughout the circus. The two Gwens looked at the people and animals enveloped in the light dust and fell into a deep sleep. They turned over and jumped to Su Heng's side.

Why are you the only one? ×2 Two Gwens asked Su Heng at the same time.

Su Heng No. 2 slowly fell from the sky, took back the illusion on Gwen No. 2, glanced at Agent Hill who was sleeping in the audience, and said lightly: Of course it's to deceive others.

The two Gwens looked at Agent Hill along with Su Heng No. 2's gaze, and understood what Su Heng meant.

Gwen No. 2 curled her lips and complained: But this guy seems to have some problems. She has been following us since we left the temporary sales point.

Ignore her for now. Su Heng nodded and focused his attention on Shuangpai again: After all, our most important goal now is to subdue these two little guys.

Need help? The Gwens looked at Su Heng with interest, the spider silk launchers in their hands already ready to go.

No need for the moment. The two Su Hengs flicked the forehead of Gwen behind them at the same time, and walked towards Shuangpai who was sitting back on the tiger's head next to the cage.

Are you having fun? The two Su Hengs squatted in front of Shuangpai and asked Shuangpai with a smile.

Hey! The two double cards swung their legs with smiles and raised their hands high, as if they were telling them about their happiness today.

Then can you come back? Su Heng stretched out his hand towards Shuangpai: I think you must be very tired now because you have made such a big noise, right?

Hey. Shuangpai looked at each other and looked at the surrounding scene with a somewhat reluctant expression on his face.

In this way, I promise you. Su Heng naturally guessed Shuangpai's idea, and he gently touched Shuangpai's head with his hand: If there is a chance later, I will let you come out to play. How about it?

Hey! Shuangpai heard Su Heng's promise, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he nodded quickly.

Very good, this is a good boy. Su Heng touched Shuangpai's head, stood up and took two steps back, and the rapier began to emerge in his hand.

Su Heng No. 2, who did not have a staff, retreated to the two Gwens and quietly watched the scene in front of him.

Return to your original appearance, Clow Card! Su Heng's thin sword gently tapped between the two double cards. Under waves of ripples, the shape of a card slowly appeared on the tip of the sword. place.

The double cards did not make any struggle, and were obediently absorbed into the cards by the ripples.

As Su Heng took back the card, Su Heng No. 2 who originally returned to Gwen's side, Gwen No. 2 next to Gwen, the two tigers not far away, and even outside Zhongcheng Middle School and Zhongcheng Middle School On that street, all the people, animals, or buildings that had received the double card had returned to their original state at this moment.

Is this, is this the end? Gwen felt the disappearance of the other person next to her, and shook her hand with some unconfidence.

Well, it's done. Su Heng looked at the two little guys smiling and closing their eyes on the cards in his hand, and nodded gently.

Is it so easy? Gwen walked to Su Heng's side with a regretful look on his face: I thought you were going to fight.

Well. Su Heng smiled: If they were both energetic, they might actually have a fight, but from last night to today, these two little guys have copied so many things. It is estimated that the magic power consumption has already been exhausted.

Magic consumption? Gwen looked at Su Heng doubtfully.

It is the power that supports their actions. Su Heng explained to Gwen: Except for a few special cards, most cards will consume magic power when they stay in the outside world. Once the magic power is exhausted, , will become a useless card, or simply disappear into this world.

It sounds like it's very serious. Gwen touched her head in confusion.

That's why I have to collect the scattered cards. Su Heng sighed helplessly: It's because I'm worried that these guys will be too messy outside, causing a mess in society, and also destroying their own. If the magic power is used up, then I will have a headache.

But if that's the case, those card elves shouldn't leave you. After all, they should also know that they will lose their own magic power in the outside world. Gwen frowned and analyzed.

I know, I know. Su Heng smiled bitterly and shook his head: But these guys are arrogant. If I can't get their recognition, I think they would rather disappear in the outside world than be beaten by someone who doesn't get recognition. Let this guy be subdued.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Gwen smacked her lips, stood on tiptoes and patted Su Heng's shoulder as comfort.

So having said that, what should we do now? Gwen pointed to the sleeping audience and actors around her.

I will remove the effect of the sleep card later and let them wake up. Su Heng took off his cloak and put it back into the backpack behind him: Anyway, there are enough messy things in New York, I believe Their mental capacity.”

What about us? Gwen blinked.

Of course I lie back. Su Heng once again focused his attention on Agent Hill: Although I don't know what this guy wants to do by spying on us, the best way now is to wait and see what happens. She didn’t know we found out she was spying on us and found out what she wanted.”

Well Gwen pondered for a moment, and finally nodded: Okay.

As Su Heng and Gwen sat back to where Gwen had been before, the effect of the sleep card was also lifted by Su Heng.

Everyone slowly woke up from their dreams, with expressions on their faces still a little confused.

What happened? Why did I sleep here?

Why do I remember that there were two tigers on the stage just now?

Yes, and I seemed to see the Night Magician in the end!

Amidst the bursts of whispers, Agent Hill suddenly woke up from his dream.

! Agent Hill looked towards the stage.

On the stage, there was no trace of the night magician. Instead, the clown and the tiger named Daisy had just woken up, shaking their heads in confusion, not quite understanding what happened just now.

Have you left already?

Agent Hill regretfully turned his attention to Su Heng and Gwen in the front row again. The two of them also looked like they had just woken up and didn't quite understand what was going on around them.

So, am I really guessing wrong? Just when Agent Hill fell into doubt, the frustrated voice of his subordinate suddenly came from the earphones.

Boss, we've been captured.

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