Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 65 Social Death

Wow. The door to the room was opened. Jane held the wine bottle and looked at Thor, who was holding his head in the corner of the room and sobbing like a child. She couldn't help but smile and joked: I heard the whine upstairs. With the whining sound, I thought it was a mouse entering the room, but I didn't expect it was you crying.

The warriors of Asgard don't cry! Thor casually wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes with his sleeves, pretended to be strong and stood up from the bed, and asked Jane, who was looking at him with a smile: So, are we back now?

That's right. Jane took a sip of wine with some joy and said to Thor enthusiastically: Thanks to you for making such a big noise outside the camp last night, coupled with the impact of the thunderstorm, it was The Spider-Woman was able to successfully transport my experimental equipment and materials to the car.

Spider-Woman? Thor was a little surprised when he heard the name Jane said: So it's a female spider?

No way, you haven't even heard of the name Spider-Woman? Jane looked at Thor as if she were an alien: Although her scope of activity is limited to New York, but on the YouTube The popularity is among the top ten in the United States!

I've never heard of it. Thor shook his head honestly: But from what you said, he should be a very powerful warrior, otherwise he wouldn't be admired by so many people, right?

Probably. Jane covered her face with a headache. She didn't know how to continue explaining to Thor, so she simply changed the subject.

There's a party going on down there, do you want to come and have fun?


That's right. Jane said with a smile: A party prepared to celebrate getting the experimental equipment and experimental data back, as well as to welcome the new interns in our institute.

But let's talk first, we don't have too many cups for you to throw away. Jane said jokingly towards Thor.

When Jane took Thor downstairs, the party was in full swing.

Daisy was grilling the barbecue and swaying her body to the rhythm of the music. Dr. Eric and Gwen were introducing the research direction of their research team. Andy and a Chinese young man whom Jane had never met were bringing the two together. Case of beer set aside.

Daisy, who is this? Jane pointed to the Chinese young man next to Andy who was in high spirits.

He? Daisy raised her head and looked at Su Heng, and introduced to Jane amidst the loud music: This is Gwen's friend. We met Andy on the roadside just now when he was helping us pull beers. Yes, I brought him here along the way.

Although that guy said he was here for a trip. Daisy winked and said to Jane, But I knew at a glance that he was definitely chasing Gwen.

Why don't you go to the Daily Bugle and become a reporter if you love gossip? Jane glanced at Daisy angrily, and took Thor to Dr. Eric and Gwen.

Eric! Jane greeted Dr. Eric.

Jane, you came just in time. I am explaining our research direction to Gwen. Dr. Eric said to Jane with a smile.

Didn't we agree to have a party? Why are you dragging someone else's girl to talk about work? Jane squeezed in between Dr. Eric and Gwen, and said angrily to Dr. Eric: You grown men, please sit aside, this is our lady’s seat!”

Okay, okay. Eric knew he was wrong, and started chatting with Thor with a smile.

It seems that you are not in a good state today. Did something bad happen to you?

Thor shook his head deeply, as if he didn't want to say more.

Hey, gentlemen and ladies, what are you talking about? At this time, Andy and Su Heng came to the middle of the party with beers in their hands and joined in the conversation.

Speaking of which, it seems that something bad happened to those overbearing government agents yesterday. When those guys were shopping in town today, all of them had bruises and swollen faces. It looked really funny.

Andy gloated and shared with everyone what he saw and heard today.

And Andy still wants to buy something in the town after offending me. Are they worthy of it? They can only huddle in the car and eat cold bread.

On a roof not far from Jian's research institute, agents with bruised faces and swollen faces, munching on cold bread, were blowing cold wind and monitoring the movements in the garage of the research institute.

Boss, can I beat that guy up when the mission is over? The agent heard Andy's laughing and taunting voice in the monitor, and his teeth were itching with hatred.

Don't make trouble. Coulson on the side had a sullen face. Although he also wanted to find an opportunity to hit Andy hard, the top priority was to find out what the hammer outside the town was and why it was so obvious. Spider-Woman, who is supposed to be operating in New York, will appear in New Mexico.

Coulson looked at the file about Gwen in his hand and probably had some guesses in his mind.

He has already sent a message to Agent Hill for verification. If nothing unexpected happens, he is expected to receive news from Agent Hill this afternoon.


While Coulson was waiting for Agent Hill's reply with his cell phone, the agents monitoring the situation outside the town made new discoveries.

Boss, I saw a few guys wearing medieval armor outside the town. Is there a Renaissance in the town recently? Or is there any cosplay exhibition?

Coulson took back his cell phone and replied into the intercom: Tell the brothers along the way to keep an eye on them and see what they want to do.

Coulson had a hunch that he was now getting closer to the truth.

I'm sorry for my father, I'm sorry for my mother! In the garage of the research institute, a drunken Thor was beating the ground and crying bitterly: I am a sinner of Asgard!

Oh my god, how much did you drink? Jane asked them with a headache when she saw that Thor, who had been chatting well with Dr. Eric and the others, suddenly became like this.

Well, it's not much, just two boxes of beer. Andy shrugged innocently: Who knew this guy couldn't drink so much?

I don't think he's drunk. Su Heng touched his chin and looked at Thor's howling face: He's just using alcohol to vent his inner emotions, right?

Speaking of which, when I went upstairs just now, he seemed to be crying. Only then did Jane remember the scene in the room upstairs.

It was obviously fine yesterday, why did it become like this overnight. Dr. Eric said he couldn't understand.

Thor?! At this moment, an extremely rough voice came from outside the garage.

Everyone raised their heads and looked over. Four guys wearing medieval classical armor were standing at the door of the garage. They were looking at the crying figure in the garage with some confusion.

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