In the first training session, the four new players met their teammates.

Jiang Xin, who was very popular in the freshman match, was indeed very humble and honest, which surprised Wei Le.

The pink water bottle that Fu Tengfei took out when drinking water also aroused the curiosity of the team members.

Han Yang, who was funny by nature, joked, "Brother, do you have this hobby?"

"My girlfriend gave it to me. If you want it, go find your own girlfriend." Fu Tengfei treated the water bottle as a treasure and didn't even let others touch it.

But this sentence hurt the hearts of many singles, especially Han Yang, who tried to break through Fu Tengfei in training.

He fought with real swords and guns in physical confrontation, but his height was a little thin when he met Fu Tengfei, so he fought again and again. This fighting spirit made Wei Le shake his head.

Speaking of others, Jiang Xin's desperate saves made goalkeeper Bian Wenxing amazed, and Fu Tengfei's accurate long passes made Zhang Tie envious.

Although Zhou Chang has not yet produced any convincing performance, Wei Le is not in a hurry. It's just the first training, which doesn't mean anything.

But what disappointed Wei Le was that Yang Qi, who he was most looking forward to, seemed to always be away from the team and did not perform well in training.

It may be because Yang Qi thought that basic training was unnecessary for him, and he was even perfunctory in basic training, which took up most of the team's time.

What made Wei Le even more dissatisfied was that Yang Qi seemed to be unwilling to communicate with his teammates. Not only did he refuse to introduce himself before the training, but he seemed to be unable to communicate with his teammates during the entire training process.

Except for calling his teammates loudly to give him the ball, he basically did not communicate with his teammates.

This is what Wei Le least wants to see. A player on the court can never have a 360-degree panoramic view, nor can he take care of every detail.

So the reminder of teammates is the third eye of the player. For example, when the opponent's player approaches him from behind, the reminder of his teammates can make him prepare early.

Some technical instructions such as "pass to the right" and "pass to the forward" can help players see the gaps that they may not have seen, thus creating offensive opportunities.

What Wei Le values ​​more is the encouragement between teammates. In his opinion, shouting a few more "good shots" on the court is enough to bring the team together. I believe that everyone who has played football will have a sense of this.

Under Wei Le's previous request, the players also understood the role of shouting more on the court and gradually developed a habit. So not only Wei Le, but other players were also unhappy with Yang Qi's "coldness".


In the final confrontation match of the training, Yang Qi became energetic.

He tried to reproduce the performance in the freshman match, using fancy passing and rhythm changes to end the game. But unfortunately, this time he met Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie, who has a "steal" level of 20, naturally didn't talk nonsense with Yang Qi. After being caught off guard by Yang Qi's creativity at first, he quickly got back to his state.

Under the clear order of Wei Le to prohibit shovels, Zhang Tie fully utilized his physical advantages and ability to chase back, and blocked Yang Qi's shot every time he was about to shoot.

Facing Yang Qi's increasingly impatient one-on-one challenge, Zhang Tie seemed to be at ease, which made Yang Qi very dissatisfied.

In his opinion, he should have faced defensive pressure similar to that of the players of Wenchuan College, and observing the general completion of the players in the basic training arranged by Wei Le for most players, he also despised this team more and more.

But Zhang Tie made him feel like training in a professional team.

So Yang Qi, who was getting more and more impatient, shouted more and more excitedly to his teammates, which made Liu Zihang, who had been passing the ball to him, not very happy.

"I passed you so many balls, have you passed it back once?" After Yang Qi received the ball again and tried to turn around and shoot but was blocked out of bounds, Liu Zihang said to Yang Qi in Cantonese Mandarin with dissatisfaction.

"How can this level of competition be useful to you?" Yang Qi was unhappy when he was intercepted, and Liu Zihang's questioning added fuel to the fire, "Speak your Mandarin clearly before you teach me."

The ridicule about "Mandarin" made Liu Zihang blush, and his brother Liu Ziyu had already started speaking Cantonese to Yang Qi.

The conflict caused by the quarrel was stopped by Wei Le's whistle.

After Wei Le entered the court, the atmosphere suddenly became cold, and everyone froze on the court. Liu Zihang and Liu Ziyu also did not make any radical moves under the obstruction of their teammates.

And Wei Le looked at Yang Qi coldly. Yang Qi was not afraid, he glared back, but said nothing.

At a certain moment, he thought he was facing the strict coach during the youth training, which made him very uncomfortable.Wei Le was not in a hurry to judge who was right or wrong, but just waved his hand and announced that the training was over early. Yang Qi turned and left when Wei Le announced the end of the training.

He picked up his bag and walked out of the stadium quickly, while Wei Le and the players including the 15th freshmen just looked at his back, and no one stopped him.

Wei Le did not say anything to the other players. He patted Liu Zihang and Liu Ziyu on the shoulders, asked everyone to stretch, and then announced the disbandment.

Team captain Zhang Tie seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it in the end. Han Yang looked at Wei Le with a worried look on his face, and after Wei Le packed up and left, he quickly followed.


"Hey, don't worry, don't worry." Han Yang held Wei Le.

Wei Le saw that it was Han Yang who held him, and he no longer had the cold eyes just now, but just smiled bitterly.

"I'm not in a hurry. I'm just a little disappointed." Wei Le sighed and said.

Han Yang nodded, "I can see that."

Wei Le pointed in the direction of the dormitory building, "Let's go back and talk about it."

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