Before the referee blew the whistle to end the first half, some fans of the home team had already started to leave the stands - if they wanted to leave after the first half, it would be crowded.

They dared to solve personal hygiene problems or buy some food and drinks a few minutes before the end of the first half, mainly because the situation on the field was already one-sided.

As of now, after Almiron scored a penalty, Barnsley players were obviously much more cautious, and they dared not kick Almiron easily. Especially Matt Roberts, the central defender who had just been shown a yellow card, now looked at Almiron with a look that was inexplicable.

Now, Wolves have formed a siege against Barnsley, and the football flew back and forth in front of Barnsley's penalty area, one wave after another. But unfortunately, in the remaining 20 minutes, Wolves were unable to expand the score.

"Good shot, good shot." Wei Le high-fived the players one by one, sent them into the locker room, and was the last to enter the room and close the door. During the entire halftime break, Wei Le did not mention any important adjustments. In his opinion, the team is currently in an advantageous position and does not need to make any adjustments.

When the bell rang, the players stood up and clapped each other to encourage each other.

"It's so cold." Jota complained with a grin, "I don't want to play anymore!"

"Then you come down, Erling wants to play." Wei Le punched Jota unhappily. Haaland smiled embarrassedly, looking very creepy.

"Forget it, I haven't played enough!" Jota ran out of the player tunnel with a roar. Wei Le looked at Jota's back and smiled and shook his head.

Almiron put on his socks and walked onto the court side by side with Wei Le. Wei Le said to Almiron, "It seems that you have gradually become familiar with English football."

Almiron was stunned for a moment, then smiled proudly and nodded, "Yes, sir, I am familiar with it!"

"Didn't you agree to call me boss?" Wei Le pretended to be angry.

"Ah, my problem! Sorry, boss!" Almiron apologized quickly.

"I'm fine, you can call me whatever you want. It's just that calling me 'sir' makes me look very old."

"It seems to be true." Almiron scratched his head, "Then 'boss' is better, 'boss' is better."

"Go, they are waiting for you!" Walking out of the player tunnel, Wei Le pushed Almiron to the court. Wei Le really can't hate Almiron, this young man.

Cheerful, sunny, humble, motivated, dedicated, Almiron has almost all the personality traits to become an excellent player. Although it seems a bit "honest", it is not a disadvantage.

Almiron really looks like Santiago in "One Ball to Fame". Since Almiron came to the team, Wei Le has linked him with Santiago. Not only the position on the field, life experience and player characteristics, but also Almiron's appearance are 50% similar to Santiago.

But Santiago was finally spotted by Real Madrid with a wonderful goal. I wonder how Almiron's "superstar luck" is. Will he also "become famous with one ball" in a certain game?

But by then, Wei Le may not be willing to let this guy go!

Almiron can play as a left winger and a right winger on the field, and can play well on both sides. This is mainly because Almiron has almost no weak foot, and the ability to use both legs is relatively balanced. He can easily cut in and shoot or cross from the bottom on both sides.

Almiron's biggest problem now is on the one hand the player's physical problem, and on the other hand, the football consciousness needs to be cultivated.

Although Almiron had completed muscle-building training during his time at Lanus, which allowed him to gain a foothold in the fierce Argentine league, coming to England is a completely different world.

In addition, Almiron's physical fitness is still not enough to last through 90 minutes of high-intensity games. If Almiron is allowed to play at full strength, he may be almost exhausted by the midfield, and may need to be replaced by the 60th minute.

So Joe Mason, who knew that he still had a place in the team, did not show any resistance to Almiron's arrival. Wei Le talked to Joe Mason about this in advance before Almiron arrived.

Wei Le's team has always been whoever is in good shape will play. On the left wing position, Joe Mason, Portuguese winger Joao Teixeira, and Jota are all competing for the position, and no one is the absolute main force.

And after Almiron arrived, it was still the same.

In terms of football awareness, AlmironAlmiron came to England, a completely different tactical style, and to a completely unfamiliar team. It is normal that he is not familiar with it. For now, Almiron's game rhythm is still relatively slow. He prefers to take two steps before passing the ball after receiving it, but many opportunities are in a flash, and they are gone after two steps.

But in the training of one game after another, and Wei Le's "special training", Almiron has been changing his way of handling the ball, trying to keep up with the speed of the main force instead of "half a beat slower".

After the halftime break, Wei Le did not make any adjustments, but Barnsley's head coach Heckingbottom did.

In the first half of the game, Barnsley's striker Watkins basically couldn't receive the ball. Watkins is not a very fast player, so he is not so useful in the defensive counterattack tactics.

So in the second half of the game, 20-year-old striker Adam Armstrong stood on the court.

The young player from Newcastle United's youth training joined Barnsley on loan this year. He basically took the starting position in Barnsley, and he had already scored a goal before that, and his performance was remarkable.

Adam Armstrong showed his flexibility, which Wei Le had reminded the two defenders before the game. Adam Armstrong is the kind of counterattack striker who can receive the ball in the most suitable position, sprint to the opponent's penalty area and then briefly resist the opponent's defensive players to complete the goal.

Substituting Adam Armstrong also made it clear that Barnsley still wanted to take the opportunity to score one or two goals.

But Heckingbottom's attempt failed, because he found that at the beginning of the second half, Wolves were still pressing his team, and Barnsley could only defend but not fight back, and even a hasty clearance became a luxury.

"Damn, why are they so fast?"

Fast is how the English coach felt about Wolves' performance in the game.

Barnsley players had no time to handle the ball. After each player got the ball, the pressing against him would start immediately. Under this high pressure, the players could not even think normally and would naturally make wrong decisions.

So the Wolves, who got the ball in the midfield, started to attack!

In the 57th minute, Edwards stretched his legs to intercept the ball from the feet of the Barnsley players, and Rodri took the ball and passed it directly to Almiron in front!

Almiron ran forward two steps, caught the ball before the opponent, and shook his body to the outside, seemingly turning outward, but in fact he pushed the ball to the inside, bypassing the opponent's right forward pressing.

Almiron started to cut inside! He rushed straight to the penalty area at an angle of almost 45 degrees, and the defensive players who knew his playing characteristics certainly did not dare to kick casually, and they could not give the Wolves a goal for free like Matt Roberts!

However, when Almiron almost rushed into the penalty area, the Barnsley players knew that this could not be done! So the defensive midfielder Mowat rushed up and surrounded Almiron with Matt Roberts.

But Almiron pushed the ball to the right with his right foot. He saw the position of Matt Roberts, but he couldn't see the position of Mowat! He felt a sharp pain when his right foot touched the ground, and he flew out!

"Hey! Hey!"

The referee ran to the scene, and Mowat realized what he had done.

He kicked Almiron's ankle hard, preventing Almiron from having a very likely chance to score! But fortunately, this was not a penalty. Almiron fell to the ground and couldn't get up, and Jota rushed over with a red face.

He saw the ball clearly, and Mowat couldn't touch the ball at all, so he made a reckless defensive move, which was basically aimed at people! Jota pushed Mowat away, "Are you going to destroy him? What are you doing?"

Mowat was a little panicked at this time. He knew that the hasty kick just now was just a decision he made in a hurry. He actually knew that it was really difficult to touch the ball, but he didn't dare to let Almiron rush into the penalty area!

Kent, the right forward, who had just been shaken clean by Almiron, rushed in. He couldn't stand Jota bullying his teammates, so he pushed Jota. Jota staggered a few steps and was about to fight back, but was pulled out of the crowd by Edwards.

The tall Rodri stood in front of Kent, and Kent didn't dare to make a fuss. Everyone gathered together and the scene was very chaotic. The referee blew the whistle continuously and called Jota and Mowat out.

He took out the red and yellow cards and showed Mowat a red one. Mowat covered his face bitterly.

Then, he also showed Jota a yellow one, "Please stay calm."

Jota nodded in agreement, AlMyron had already gotten up. It was nothing serious for him. In this case, Jota was not so angry. He turned his head and glanced at Mowat, who had already walked to the sidelines.

57 minutes, red card! No way to play now!



Thank you for reading this.

I saw a comment today. A book friend raised questions many times in the book review area, including the end-of-chapter comment area. The main reason was that Wei Le became the head coach of the English Championship League at the age of 22, which seemed a bit out of place. In addition, the previous article basically did not mention the details of Wei Le's coaching certificate. It is not true that he was promoted from an amateur head coach to a head coach qualified to coach the English Championship League within a year.

His comment does make sense, and I personally feel that as an author, I have few opportunities to communicate with readers. I think it is necessary to write a paragraph here to explain my intention of writing a book and my own thoughts.

Why did I write this novel?

In fact, it is mainly to make up for the reality that my own dream cannot be realized. I am a football fan. In reality, I am a law student like Wei Le. I am not good at playing football, so becoming a football coach is an ideal in my mind.

But I have nothing to do with football in this life. My university major has basically determined my future life trajectory, which is probably the same as Wei Le's classmates. I will pass the bar exam, the postgraduate entrance exam, and then work as a secretary in a law firm for a few years, and strive to become a lawyer as soon as possible.

My struggle with reality can only be to plan to take an E-level coaching certificate that is not recognized by the Asian Football Confederation in my spare time.

But I have the right to dream.

So I was thinking, if I can't be a head coach, why can't I let the characters in my book do it for me? So, Wei Le, who is in his twenties, was born. He is very young, ridiculously young, very close to my age, and he has a football manager system in his head. He can fulfill this dream for me.

This football novel itself is based on this. Simply put, I hope to let a "me" who is about my age become the youngest head coach in the world, and then do things for me that I can never do in reality.

This is why Wei Le is so young, so young that it is a bit counterintuitive.

Some book friends have suggested that Wei Le is too young, which makes him a bit out of place. This statement is correct, which also reflects that many of my book friends are fans who have a very deep understanding of football. I welcome your suggestions.

Including this book friend who proposed that my country's coaching certificate system is not exactly as described in the book. It stands to reason that it takes several years to go from the lowest level to the highest level, and it is even more difficult for a coach who started out as a pure amateur football enthusiast to really stand on the sidelines and command a top team.

This statement is also reasonable, including how to take the coaching certificates of the Asian Football Confederation and the European Football Confederation, and what qualifications a coach should have.

But this is a football novel.

It is a football novel based on a fictional reality and fabricated. This also means that it will definitely not be completely in line with reality. In reality, there will be no "Wei Le", "Yang Qi", "Han Yang" and others, and there will be no magical football manager system. It stands to reason that if a person finds a small arrow on someone's head, he will only doubt whether he has a mental problem, rather than just accepting this unknown system to live in his mind.

It stands to reason that Wolves cannot let an intern take over because of an interview, and Guo Guangchang himself is even less likely to interview Wei Le in person. Rodri and Van der Beck will not be persuaded by Wei Le to join Wolves according to historical trends, not to mention Haaland. The players who appear in the book, such as Martin, are they really as naughty as I wrote in the book? For example, is Celars really that old-fashioned? Does Kenny Jackett really like to pull Wei Le to drink?

There are many unreasonable places in this novel, and there are many places that do not match reality, not just the problem that Wei Le is not qualified enough and upgraded too quickly.

But I want to say that it is precisely because this is a novel, not a documentary, that I have room to play, to dream, and to express myself; it is also because of this that the novel is so inconsistent with reality. It is indeed difficult to pursue rationality in a novel in the full sense.

As for Wei Le's qualifications, yes, it stands to reason that Wei Le passed the exams one level at a time, spent more than ten years fighting monsters and upgrading, and finally stood on the professional stage. This story is good, but it is not the story in my heart. I want to write about a university student.The story of a man who "stepped up to heaven" and landed in England to become a head coach who dared not even think about it.

It is precisely because of this that I want to skip the verification and upgrade process and let Wei Le enter the professional arena as soon as possible.

From another perspective, I posted the book on Tomato for the readers. I am not sure that I can grasp the plot line that may be boring day after day for ten years. From the perspective of attracting readers, the transition to the domestic stage as soon as possible and arriving in England may be relatively more in line with the plot rhythm expected by readers.

But at the same time, I also know that a novel needs a sense of substitution, and a novel without a sense of substitution is difficult to read.

While I am free to play, I always try to make the content of the novel more immersive. For example, I spent a lot of time checking which staff members of the Wolves at that stage, what their responsibilities were, and what their names were; for example, all the games and some goals have real prototypes. I spent a lot of effort to study the lineup of the opponents in each game in reality, what lineup they might send against the Wolves in the book, etc.

As for "skipping quickly", I had two choices. Between "directly distributing the coaching certificate by the system" and "simply mentioning that Wei Le passed the coaching certificate", I chose the latter.

This is my mental journey on coaching certificates and qualifications. I hope that readers can understand my thoughts or make suggestions.

Finally, I want to say that since this is a novel, we must allow the novel to be inconsistent with reality; since it is a dream, then we might as well dream bigger.

If you really can't accept the unreasonableness in various books, then I actually have a way. Everyone noticed that Wei Le's nationality in the book is "Huaguo", so everyone thinks that this is a parallel universe where China is called "Huaguo". In this universe, it doesn't take that long to get a coaching certificate.

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