"Do you drink?"

Wei Le shook his head a little stiffly. Mourinho didn't care so much. He poured himself half a glass of wine that Wei Le couldn't name, and then pointed to the various drinks piled on the wall, indicating that Wei Le should help himself.

Wei Le just took a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed it, and clinked glasses with Mourinho.

This made Mourinho laugh, "I have clinked glasses with vodka and whiskey, but this is really the first time I clinked glasses with mineral water. You are really unique."

Drinking after the game is actually a tradition among Premier League head coaches. As long as the game is not too torn, the head coaches of both sides will have a few drinks and chat in a room in the home team's stadium after the game.

As a new generation coach, Wei Le didn't know this tradition at first. After the first game against Stoke City, it was when Stoke City head coach Mark Hughes jokingly asked "Won't you buy me a drink?" that Wei Le realized that the rumors he had seen on the Internet were true.

Then he quickly apologized to the old man and opened a bottle of good wine from the club to entertain him.

But Mourinho did not invite Wei Le after the League Cup match, probably because Wei Le was still in the Championship League instead of the Premier League at that time, and this tradition was not applicable to him.

So when Mourinho came to Wei Le today, Wei Le knew that Mourinho would invite him, but he did not expect that he would tell Wei Le directly in the stadium.

He thought Mourinho would catch him in the locker room or the media conference room.

"It's mainly because I'm afraid that you, a young man, don't know this old tradition." Although Mourinho lost the game, he has seen many storms in his coaching career. A draw is harmless. His mood has been adjusted back, and he laughed and teased Wei Le.

"Of course I know." Wei Le told Mourinho about the neglect of old man Mark Hughes in the first game, and Mourinho laughed.

"Being young is also good." Mourinho sighed.

Wei Le didn't respond, Mourinho probably had something else to say.

"Tell me the truth, young man. Did you want 1 point from the beginning?" Mourinho asked. Wei Le didn't lie, he nodded and admitted it.

"Yes, my plan is not to win here."

Mourinho tutted his lips and took a sip of red wine.

"Very courageous." After a while, Mourinho found a word to evaluate Wei Le. Wei Le smiled and took it as a compliment.

But Mourinho was not joking, he really thought Wei Le was very courageous. Moreover, he was not surprised at all that such courage appeared in Wei Le - he had won two championships as a coach at such a young age, how could he not have such excellent qualities.

The two sides chatted about other things, and finally the topic returned to the football they were familiar with. Mourinho asked curiously, "What are your plans for this season? It's okay if you don't want to tell me."

"Well." Wei Le smiled, "I'll prioritize the Europa League this season. As for the league, I'll just get a mid-table position."

"Just get a mid-table position?" Mourinho repeated with some surprise. He looked at Wei Le with a hint of admiration. The young man is really ambitious.

"However, I suggest you make a good choice. If you want both the Europa League and the league, you may end up with nothing. This is just my suggestion."

Wei Le nodded and thanked Mourinho solemnly. Advice from a world-class head coach is not easy to get. He attaches great importance to the other party's opinion, especially since the other party is the Europa League champion last year.

"You are too young. This is the first time that my office has welcomed such a young guest. Usually, it is those old guys with almost white hair who come here."

"I am still surprised that the head coaches of the Premier League are so young now. Maybe in a few years, the coaching seats of the Premier League will be full of young people, and I will not be surprised at all."

Wei Le agreed with this point, "But the younger age of coaches is inevitable. There are already many head coaches in England who are in their thirties who have been tempered in low-level leagues."

Mourinho rolled his eyes, "But the one in his twenties is the first."

"Okay, then I am a special member." Wei Le shrugged, "You call me 'young man', I don't think it is a derogatory term, being young does have its advantages."

Wei Le was referring to many Premier League coaches including Mourinho. They all gave the head coach of the Wolves a unique name, that is, 'young man'.

Mourinho looked Wei Le up and down, and his eyes were full of admiration - Wei Le was not only not stage fright at this time, but also talked and laughed with him, and startedmade a joke.

"When you are dismissed, I will bring you to my coaching team and make you my assistant coach." Mourinho joked.

"That will take a long time." Wei Le laughed, "Why don't you come to me when you retire and be a translator for the team, which is also a return to your roots."

This is a joke about Mourinho's experience as a translator. Mourinho didn't care and laughed. He said that if Wei Le could lead Wolves to win the Community Shield, FA Cup, League Championship, Community Shield, European Super Cup and Champions League, he would consider it.

This is of course impossible.

Mourinho has no doubt that Wei Le may achieve this achievement in the future, but it will not be in Wolves, but in a wealthy club.

"Now, the era of Manager is over. Few head coaches can really stay in a club for more than ten years." Mourinho said with some emotion.

"In essence, the head coach's position in the team's management system has declined." Wei Le said, "But the head coach should have unique value. Now it seems like a scapegoat."

Mourinho deeply agreed, but was even more surprised, because such a feeling came from a young man who had just become the head coach.

However, if there is a chance, Wei Le did not say that he still hopes to continue working in Wolves.

Finally, the two added contact information, and Mourinho asked Wei Le to pay attention to the information. He would introduce Wei Le to other coaches in the Premier League during this period.

The first detailed conversation with Wei Le left a deep impression on Mourinho. This young man with elegant conversation and orderly speech is really likable, and he has many similar views on some issues, especially football issues.

Mourinho has seen many young people born for football, and they have extraordinary talents in playing football. Today, he met a young man born for the head coach.

"I wish you to go further in the Europa League." Mourinho sincerely wished.

Wei Le thanked him, wished Mourinho could win the league title, and left the small office at Old Trafford.

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