///I went to the hospital today and checked my old stomach problem. Fortunately, there is no problem. ///

///I was shocked to see the reading volume today. It dropped down. Today, it was 50% off. I don’t know what happened. It may be because my update is not stable enough. Everyone should save it for later. ///

///Then I really need to update as stably as possible during this period, and try to start the new season before I start school! ///

///Also, I suddenly remembered that I had military training from the end of August to the beginning of September...///

///I don’t want to do military training, sob——///

Florian Thauvin just watched the ball fly over his head again, and then was pushed out of the sideline by the Wolves’ full-back. He suddenly felt a little confused.

The Marseille players’ fierce attack has lasted for 40 minutes.

But the result is that Marseille did not score a single goal.

He still remembered that the head coach Rudi Garcia specifically explained at the pre-match preparation meeting the day before that the Wolves lacked experience and might be complacent after taking the lead in the first game.

At that time, it would be the opportunity for the Marseille players to fight back.

This made sense, at least the Marseille players had experienced that feeling, that is, after the first "goal" at home, the ecstasy in their hearts was really hard to hide, which affected their performance.

At least Rudi Garcia believed that the so-called "Jedi reversal" of the Wolves in the last game was ultimately caused by the lack of fighting spirit of the Marseille players.

At first, they were happy because of the sudden goal, which led to complacency, and then they lost their fighting spirit because of the successive blows, which gave the Wolves a victory.

"Are Wolves really that strong? Why don't I think so?" Rudi Garcia said as a matter of course in the conference room, "They have just secured a place in the Europa League for the second year, and it's hard to say whether they can keep it."

"We are going to play in the Champions League!"

"The league rankings show that Wolves are certainly not invincible. On the contrary, Wolves actually have many weaknesses!"

"The full-backs lack rotation, the left side often advances, the midfield lacks flexibility, and there is no frontcourt offensive organizer..."

"Their players are just like that. You just underestimated the enemy in the last game, which led to the final defeat." Rudi Garcia kept instilling this concept, as if if the Marseille players "exploded the will to fight", then the game would be won.

Is this really the case?

If Florian Thauvin was still a little skeptical at the time, now Thauvin doesn't want to believe the head coach's nonsense at all.

In order to restore the team's confidence, the coaching staff of Marseille did not even arrange a unified replay session for the players after the last game, but only explained some clips.

After all, Thauvin scored a goal with a handball. Thauvin knew better than anyone whether it was a handball or not. This also made him not want to recall the details of that game at all.

But when they saw the Wolves players wearing yellow shirts today, Florian Thauvin found that the "fighting will" was nonsense. The Wolves were clearly a team with strong strength!

The opponent of Thauvin was Tierney, but he rarely got a one-on-one breakthrough opportunity, which made him think that his delicate dribbling was difficult to play a role, because the midfielder with a very large coverage would definitely rush over the first second he got the ball!

Or Dendoncker, or Rodri, or even Gonçalves!

In short, they would not give Thauvin a chance to break through one-on-one.

Payet in the middle is not easy either. He is now the core of Marseille's frontcourt organization, and Marseille needs him to take the lead.

Between the two rounds of the Europa League, Marseille played a league game. Marseille, with a slight rotation, tied Angers 1-1 in that game, and Payet played the whole game.

In this game, he felt that his physical condition was not at its best.

In addition, when he got the ball, he was either in the middle of the strong central defenders or next to Dendoncker and Rodri. That Van der Beck was not easy to deal with either. He was very physically fit and often retreated to participate in defense.

What about the center forward?

Marseille's center forward in this game was Germain. The Frenchman was only 180cm tall and could not serve as a fulcrum in the frontcourt, let alone control the ball.

In the first half of the game, he was basically hidden in the middle of the Wolves' tall back line, and the ball could not be touched at all.

Marseille players tried their best to break through the opponent's defense, but basically ended up with fruitless crosses.

Florian Thoven couldn't help but ask, such dense and reasonableThe defensive arrangement of the "incompetent players" could have been made? ! Did I believe Rudi Garcia's nonsense when my brain was out? ! !

It seems that the head coach has no choice. After all, their team is two goals behind, and the opponent's three goals are all away goals, which means that Marseille must score at least three goals here if they want to win.

But as the first half was about to enter injury time, Marseille had not scored yet!

Payet looked at Florian Thauvin with difficulty, and Thauvin's face was not good either. They all found one thing, a fatal problem, that is, in the first half of the offense, the Wolves' physical consumption was far lower than that of the Marseille players!

Payet was not sure how long he could last in the second half.

The confusion of the frontcourt organizing core made Marseille's frontcourt offense chaotic. The Wolves gradually regained the ball in the opponent's midfield and even the backcourt, and then launched a counterattack.

Every counterattack was getting closer and closer to the goal!

The referee's whistle saved the Marseille players. Amid the cheers of the Molineux Stadium, the Marseille players did not stay on the field for a moment and hurried back to the locker room.

When they got there, everyone looked at head coach Rudi Garcia with different eyes.

Compared with Wolves, Marseille's tactics were basically not adjusted. This was Rudi Garcia's decision.

The idea that Marseille players have always believed in is that as long as Marseille attacks, the proud and complacent Wolves will throw away their armor and surrender; this is what Rudi Garcia meant.

But now halftime has passed, and the Marseille players have been exhausted for half a game, but they found that the situation is completely different from what the head coach said!

Rudi Garcia, who walked into the locker room, met the players' eyes and immediately read the strange elements in their eyes.

His heart tightened. He knew what this meant-as a head coach, he had temporarily lost the trust of the players in the locker room.

He must do something to change all this!

But what can be done?

Rudy Garcia did not enter the locker room, but paced nervously outside the locker room.

On the other side of the corridor, Celars looked at Rudy Garcia's embarrassment coldly, chuckled, opened the door and walked into the coach's office, and told Wei Le this information.

Wei Le laughed after hearing this.

"So, the players' support for the coach is never unconditional."

"You see, our players believe in us because we have won all the way from the Championship together, and they are all witnesses. But if I make stupid moves in the future, hurt the players, and the team's performance is not good, then we will lose support."

"It's mutual."

Sellars said sincerely, "Wei, you are really born to be a coach."

"I didn't know how to be a coach. You arranged the training courses, and I don't have much tactical thinking." Wei Le shook his head, "But I think my advantage is that I can fully understand the players."

"I know what they are thinking at a glance."

"Just put yourself in their shoes. We are good to them, and they are good to us."

"It's a very simple truth."

A very simple truth... huh? Sellars frowned uncertainly. At least he has been a coach for so many years, and he never thought that this was a "simple truth". "Put yourself in their shoes" is simple to say, but it is difficult to do it.

When he and Wei Le walked out of the office door, they could no longer see Rudy Garcia. He must have gone to the locker room to give a lecture.

"At least, they panicked, which is a good thing for us."

Cellars turned his head and met Wei Le's sly smile.

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