Coaching legend

Chapter 216 You are not Zidane's substitute

"Boss, John is not in a good mood." After making Sagnol the captain, the boy was very happy and excited.

Sagnol seems to be a prick, but he is very smart. I know I don't have enough authority in the locker room. To be the captain of a team, it is best to have the following situations.

Just like the captain of some teams is the most senior person in the team, for example, Kevin Gallagher's second captain is because he is currently the most senior person in Blackburn. Although George was quickly reduced to a substitute position after taking over, he became the second captain precisely because he was the oldest.

In fact, to put this another way, many players are either the club's own players, or they came to the club very young. Only in this way can they be qualified as captains.

Another situation is that he has enough prestige in the locker room and is a meritorious player of the club. And that's exactly what happened with Hendry, as a member of Blackburn Rovers' Premier League champions. He was Blackburn's main central defender that year, and he had a great influence at Blackburn. This is true whether among the fans, among the clubs, or even among the old players. So no one can object to him being the captain.

The last situation is that this person is the biggest player on the entire team. Just like Alan Shearer, when he arrived at Newcastle, there were many players with more seniority than him. But he became Newcastle's captain.

Of course, there is another situation where this player is very popular with the head coach.

And now Sagnol has nothing to do with it. Speaking of qualifications, Hendry, Kevin Gallagher, Henning Berg and other meritorious veterans of the club. Even if they are all substitutes, Duff, who is among the main players, is still a youth training player despite his young age.

As for prestige, Sagnol is no longer a strongman at that age, so there is no prestige at all. Of course, the biggest name is not up to Sagnol.

The head coach's love has nothing to do with Sagnol. George's favorite is obviously Klose, and everyone knows this. Moreover, Miku and Pires are more favored by George than Sagnol.

So Sagnol is very self-aware.

I know that I am at a lot of disadvantages compared to other captains. So he never dictates in the locker room, but is like a lubricant. All the players like Sagnol and support his work.

Sagnol knew what to say when and to whom.

"I see."

In fact, George discovered it as soon as he started training today. Miku was in a trance and made some inexplicable mistakes during training.

George shook his head and understood immediately. Miku is too thoughtful and not the extrovert type. Miku was replaced in the first half of the last game, which may have made Miku a little confused.

Makelele was also substituted in the first half last season, and even became a substitute in subsequent games. But Makelele does not have this problem, although he is not an extrovert. But he is tenacious and able to figure it out on his own.

But it seems Miku is not this type.

After the training, George analyzed some of the problems in the training with them, and then disbanded.

When it was time to break up, George stopped Miku. "John, come with me."

Miku was stunned for a moment. Since Miku came to Blackburn, George has valued Miku very much. And when the media criticized Miku, they stood up and supported Miku without hesitation. But he rarely chats with Miku alone, let alone in the office.

In the past, the most I could do was catch Miku and talk to him about something on the training ground.

"Are you dissatisfied with John's performance today?" Pires looked at Miku's back and asked Sagnol next to him in French.

Sagnol shook his head. "What I'm looking for is to explain the substitutions made the day before yesterday, right?" It is indeed not common to change players in the first half. Especially since Miku is still the core of Blackburn, George, as the coach, should give him an explanation.

"John, sit down." George smiled and pointed to the chair in front of him.

"I feel a little resentful because I substituted you in the last game."

After hearing George's words, Miku blushed and shook his head repeatedly. "No, head. Not really. I just felt like I failed to help the team."

Miku has never complained about George. Miku is very grateful to George. During a very difficult time last season, it was George's encouragement and support that allowed Miku to get through it.

"Don't be like this, sit down quickly." Miku is not young anymore, and his career has been many years. But when it comes to interpersonal communication, there are many problems.

"John, I hope you won't misunderstand what I'm going to say next." George asked Miku to sit down. "In my eyes, you are as good and outstanding as Zidane. But you were born at the wrong time, and Zidane became famous earlier than you. And the two headers in the French World Cup final completely established Zidane's reputation. His place in the national team.”

"John, no matter how you perform in the future, you will never be able to compete with Zidane in the national team. Unless Zidane is injured, but as long as he recovers, he will immediately get the main position of the national team. A World Cup final can be said to be completely blocked. All France’s current attacking midfielders have a way to get ahead in the national team.”

When George said this, he looked at Miku. Sure enough, Miku's face became more and more gloomy, and Miku himself knew this. The two headers in the final directly established France's position as the World Cup champion.

And it was in the local World Cup that France won the first World Cup championship.

This championship allowed Zidane to leave his most glorious footprint in the history of French football. With this championship, Zidane began to be compared with the legendary French superstar Platini. Who can replace such a Zidane?

Zidane is now in his prime. Which French coach dares to abolish Zidane and let others take over.

After Jacquet, which coach of the French national team has this courage? Absolutely not.

Miku knew that his national team career would always be accompanied by Zidane's shadow. It's just that I didn't want to think so before. When I thought of this problem, I always avoided it. But today George said it directly.

Miku realized that his previous avoidance was useless, but it was just self-deception.

"John, this is not your fault. It's just your bad luck. But are you willing to accept this result?"

Miku sat there, gritting his teeth. "No, head."

"Yes, why should we accept our fate. Your strength is no worse than Zidane's, but you must know that you can never prove your strength in the national team. But you still have a chance to compete with Zidane. That is the club's results. When we Blackburn go to Europe to play in the future, we will have a chance to meet Zidane's team."

"Tell everyone at that time that you are not Zidane's substitute. You are the best French midfielder of the same generation as Zidane. Since you can't prove yourself in the national team, prove your strength in the club's results. You failed to defeat Zidane in the national team, not because of strength, but luck."

"John, do you want to be a loser? Do you want to be called Zidane's substitute?"

George's tone was very calm all the time, but when he asked Miku at the end, he emphasized his tone.

Miku raised his head and shook his head with a serious expression.

"No, boss. I'm not Zidane's substitute. I'm as good as him." Miku answered George firmly.

Looking at Miku with a determined face, George smiled. Miku's strength is indeed not weaker than Zidane, but there is one thing that Miku lags behind Zidane. That is self-confidence.

Later, after the development of the Internet, there were many cases of black players. There are also many people who question Zidane. They think Zidane is not as good as the media boasts. There are also a lot of data listed, but even none of them can deny one thing. That is, the more important the game, the better Zidane's performance will be.

Let alone the 1998 World Cup final, look at the 2002 Champions League final. In the 2006 World Cup, France eliminated Brazil and Spain all the way, and the old Zidane's performance was completely god-level.

This is the performance of Zidane's strong self-confidence. It is also Zidane's domineering. If Miku wants to achieve good results, he must have Zidane's domineering. It's just that Miku is too introverted and a little shy. So George had to keep praising him and tell him that he was strong. Let Miku's confidence continue to grow.

"John, you have to know that with the development of modern football, defense will become more and more important."

Miku nodded.

"I know that you technical players are unwilling to defend. You listen to me first." George saw Miku was about to speak and waved his hand. "I don't expect you to defend like a defensive midfielder, but when the offense and defense switch, at least you have to help Anderson and Claude."

"I advocate all-out attack and defense. When attacking, we need a three-dimensional attack. The two wingers and full-backs must also participate in the offense. And you and Anderson must also join in from behind. Similarly, when defending, we must start from the front striker and block layer by layer."

"If you only participate in the offense and stay outside the defense, then you will destroy the team's overall tactics."

Now in Blackburn midfield, Makelele's defense has not reached its peak. And Deco is also developing, so Blackburn midfield seems to be the strongest but also the weakest point. Robson saw this accurately.

George can't make Makelele the best defensive midfielder in the world in an instant, nor can he make Deco become the Deco in Barcelona later. So he needs more help from Miku.

"John, are you willing to share more for the team?"

Miku stood up quickly after hearing what George said. He nodded seriously. "Boss, don't worry. I know what you mean."

"Okay, John. Let's create a brilliant achievement together. Let everyone see that you are as good as Zidane, or even better than him."

Thanks to Luban of the Ministry of Industry for the monthly ticket.

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