Coaching legend

Chapter 230 Unpolished Jade?

After playing in the cold Moscow, George returned to England without stopping.

Because Blackburn will play against Aston Villa away in two days. Villa is not weak, and its performance in the past few seasons has always been among the top seven in the Premier League. George did not underestimate Villa at all, and all the main players played in this game.

But it may be that the schedule during this period is too dense.

In the 14th round of the Premier League, they lost to Villa away. It is very rare to lose to Villa 0-2. Leeds United, which has always been ranked third in the Premier League, has more points than Blackburn.

After the start of this season, Arsenal has fallen and the results are not very good. On the contrary, Leeds United and Blackburn are extremely strong. The two teams took turns to attack Manchester United, and now they have almost the same points as Manchester United.

After this game, there will be more than half a month of free time.

"Coach Levi, what do you think of this house? This house is not only in a good location, but also the cheapest among this group of houses." George has already thought about the issue of marrying Miranda. Although George didn't know how long he could stay in Blackburn, he knew that he could stay in Blackburn for at least three or four years.

George still had two years left on his contract with Blackburn, and he couldn't leave immediately after the contract ended. Even if Jack Walker passed away, Williams would not fire George immediately even if he was not satisfied with him.

So it was certain that there were still three or four years left. So it was not impossible to buy a house in Blackburn.

George liked this place very much. This was indeed the best location in Blackburn and the most upscale residential area. With George's current wealth, he could still afford such a house.

"Well, Mr. Smith. I like this house very much, so I bought it."

With a house, it would be easier to get married.

After looking at the house, George drove back. Blackburn is not a very big city. If it were in China, it could only be compared with some towns. However, the overall living standards of people are much better than those in Burnley.

But George is not the kind of person who likes to wander around, so although Blackburn is small, George has not walked all of it. So George looked around while driving, looking at Blackburn where he was.


George found a few children in their teens playing football nearby. Judging from their height and faces, they were only about 12 or 13 years old. More importantly, they were basically all yellow people, with only two black people.

Speaking of which, there are very few black people in Blackburn, or there are very few descendants of black people. The most common people in Blackburn are Asians, and there are many descendants of Asians gathered here. Among the descendants of Asians here, the largest number of people are Indian descendants.

This is related to the history of Lancashire.

Lancashire is the birthplace of the British Industrial Revolution. From the 16th to the 18th century, the flax, wool, and cotton textile industries developed rapidly and became the largest textile industrial area in the country. Coal mining emerged in the late 19th century. After World War II, chemical, electrical, automotive, and aircraft industries were developed.

When the textile industry in Lancashire was developing, India happened to be a British colony. So many Indians moved to Blackburn at that time.

In addition to Indians, the largest number of Asians are Chinese. George could understand that there were so many descendants of India living here, but he was not very clear about why there were so many Chinese people here. However, there are Chinese people in every corner of the world. So it is not surprising.

George stopped the car and watched them play football. There was no special reason for this. You can see a group of children playing football on any street in England. Football has become an indispensable sport for the English.

What George was puzzled about was that although Blackburn was not a wealthy city, there were still many places to play football in Blackburn. But these children were playing football in the bumpy vegetable fields.

When George passed by just now, there was a stadium only about 300 meters away from here. George also saw many people playing football there, and there seemed to be vacancies there. Although the stadium was a little shabby, it was much better than the vegetable fields where they were playing football now.

Professional players would never play football in such vegetable fields because it was very easy to get injured.

Children playing football had no tactics and no much cooperation. Although they were having fun, in the eyes of George, the football coach, they were just a bunch of kids playing around. George smiled and prepared to leave.

"Huh?" Before he started, George saw a dazzling move.

There was a kid who was very fast, and he could run so fast in this vegetable field. However, speed alone would not amaze George, the football coach. George had seen so many speed players.

What George admired was that this kid actually played a beautiful Marseille turn while running fast, facing the opponent's defensive players.

Marseille turn, this is Zidane's famous move. Although many people have played this move later, no one has done it as beautifully and usefully as Zidane. But looking at the kid just now, he was obviously only twelve or thirteen years old, but he could play Marseille turn so skillfully in this vegetable field.

And it was a Marseille turn while running at high speed.

This made George, who was about to leave, stop and continue to look. At this glance, George discovered that this kid's skills at his feet were absolutely amazing. All kinds of actions can be done at your fingertips, and the speed is very fast.

There are very few skilled players in England, and every time a skilled player appears, the English media will hype them up. Joe Cole, currently at West Ham United, has been called a rare talent by the English media since he was a teenager.


It's because of Joe Cole's excellent skills at his feet.

George looks at the kid opposite him now, and his skills are no worse than those of Joe Cole later. Even in terms of speed, it is far from inferior to Joe Cole.

George shook his head, why was such a player not discovered by the powerful England scouts. For such a good player, as long as he goes to some clubs for trial training, there is no reason why he cannot pass.

George forgot about the passage of time and kept watching them play.

They didn't finish playing football until it got dark. George then opened the door and walked over.

"Hello, little one." George looked at him. He was of Asian descent. It looks more like Chinese, but I'm not sure.

Different from the majestic appearance just now, he was a little scared at this time and shrank back. George touched his face helplessly. Could it be that he looked very fierce. "Are you Chinese?"

The kid nodded.

"you speak Chinese?"

He nodded again.

"What's your name?" George asked him in Chinese this time.

Maybe there was a white man speaking in Chinese in the UK, which surprised him. He raised his head and looked at George, and then said slowly: "Yang Feng."

"Good name." George collected it. In fact, George didn't know whether the name was good or not. George just saw that the little guy was too nervous and wanted to relieve his tension. "You played well just now. Why not play in the stadium over there? There is a good stadium there."

Yang Feng did not reply immediately, but hesitated. "They don't like me, they..." George didn't hear the next words clearly.

But George understood immediately. Although the British football world shouts against racism and racial discrimination every day. But this discrimination is evident in every aspect of England. Although Yang Feng didn't say it clearly, George understood that the white children there definitely didn't like Yang Feng.

Maybe he had bullied Yang Feng, otherwise Yang Feng wouldn't have this expression.

George looked at the clothes Yang Feng was wearing and understood that Yang Feng's family probably wasn't very wealthy. It's already November and the weather is getting colder. But Yang Feng was wearing very thin clothes, and it looked like they were just inferior clothes bought from some street stalls.

"Do you usually play football here?"

"No, I only play football when I have time on Sundays. My mother doesn't let me play football." Yang Feng replied in a low voice.

George stepped on the vegetable patch with his feet. It was full of potholes. How could he play football in this place? And now Yang Feng and the others are still so young, what should they do if they get injured? And from what Yang Feng said, even if he doesn't play football often, he only comes here to play football occasionally.

George looked at Yang Feng and understood why such a talented player was unknown in history.

I only play football occasionally, and it's still in a venue like this. No matter how talented he is, he only needs to waste a few years without receiving formal training. It will be completely abolished by then.

"Yang Feng, do you know me?"

George has been at Blackburn for more than a year, and his reputation among Blackburn fans is currently at its peak. Anyone who is a Blackburn fan knows George.

Yang Feng looked at George, then nodded. "You're Coach Levy."

I saw myself and knew my name. Why did he look frightened when he saw himself just now?

"By the way. Yang Feng, you are great at playing football. Have you ever..." Before George could finish speaking, someone called Yang Feng's name from behind.

George turned around and found that the person was a middle-aged woman. Yang Feng saw the man and waved his hand to George. "Coach Levi, I'm going home. Goodbye."

"Hey..." George wanted to stop him, but Yang Feng disappeared in a flash. George shook his head, this is a good idea. It's fast and has good technology, although I don't know how it is in other aspects. But this kid is only twelve or thirteen years old now, and he still has great potential for development.

Looking at Yang Feng who had gone away, George smiled. He plays football here and his home should be around here. This is the slums of Blackburn, so it should be easy to inquire.

But he turned around and looked at the sky, then looked at his watch. George slapped his forehead. "It's over, it's so late."

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